
OCFS-7043 (5.3.2018)NEW YORK STATEOFFICE OF CHILDREN AND FAMILY SERVICESPlan of Study Commitment for Group TeacherSof Preschoolers, InfantS or ToddlersEMPLOYEE NAME (PLEASE PRINT): FORMTEXT ?????NAME OF DAY CARE CENTER (PLEASE PRINT): FORMTEXT ?????Facility ID/CCFS #: FORMTEXT ?????Check the educational level currently held: FORMCHECKBOX ? 1. High School Diploma or GED A waiver must be approved by the OCFS Regional Manager if employee does not have a minimum of nine (9) college credits in accordance with regulation. FORMCHECKBOX 2. Eight (8) or fewer college credits* # credits________ A waiver must be approved by the OCFS Regional Manager if employee does not have a minimum of nine (9) college credits in accordance with regulation. FORMCHECKBOX 3. Nine (9) or more college credits* # credits ________ * Note- Proof of all college credits and current admission mitment Agreement/ Plan of StudyCheck the appropriate box and fill in the blanks: FORMCHECKBOX 1. I will complete the Child Development Associate credential (CDA) or School Age Care credential (SAC).Track (circle one): Infant/toddler Preschool School Age* (waiver required)Name of credentialing institution *: FORMTEXT ?????________________________________________________________Contact name and phone number for institution: FORMTEXT ?????__________________________________________________ FORMCHECKBOX 2. I will earn (circle one) an Associate Degree or Bachelor’s degree in Early Childhood or Related field. I will complete at least six (6) credit hours within a one-year time period (e.g., fall, spring and/or, summer semester) starting on (date): __________ . Name of college/school/learning institution*: _____________________________________________________ (* Must be a NYS accredited institution; proof of admission and enrollment is required)How many credits do you lack toward an Associate’s/Bachelor’s degree? ____________ FORMCHECKBOX 3. I will earn The NYS Early Childhood Certificate Start date: ___________Name of New York State community college: FORMTEXT ?????________________________________________________ (Must be a NYS accredited institution; proof of admission and enrollment is required)Date plan of study will begin: FORMTEXT ?????Date plan of study will Expire and resubmitted for review/approval FORMTEXT ????? (1 year from plan start date)Group teachers who enter into a Plan of Study commitment have a responsibility to:Attach enrollment verification to this form. This Plan of Study will not be approved without proof of enrollment in degree or credential identified. A signed, approved plan and enrollment documentation must be submitted to the Aspire Workforce Registry (Aspire) and to the child day care center director. Report Plan of Study progress to Aspire at least every 12 months. The center director and the Office must be able to monitor continuous progress through Aspire. Changes or disruptions to the plan must be reported to the director immediately and resubmitted to Aspire when approved. Plan must be reviewed for approval annually and resubmitted to Aspire. Maintain copies of all documentation for your own records and on file at the program available for review.Signature of Group teacher:XDate: FORMTEXT ?????Signature of Day Care Center Director: XDate: FORMTEXT ????? ................

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