Unit 6, Task 2In this task, I will be comparing two magazines that I read and I’m interested in. I will be looking at them separately, commenting on how appealing they look; how they are written and the style used. This is to discuss Media Products and their Audience.33147002667000-9144002667000OK!EMPIREGENRECelebrity GossipFilm Entertainment Selection of ContentWORDS. Confident, striking and bold.. Over exaggerated title; bringing the audience in.. Not too much to over-load the reader. . Quotations to make it seem genuine and real..Rhetorical question, again bringing the reader.. Informal address of the Celebrity names to, again make it seem personal. . Lots of exclamation marks. . Mostly filled with titles.. One topic, not many; giving space and more attraction for the viewer.. Short headings at the top for information.IMAGES. Big celebrities at the front. (Jennifer Lawrence and Bradley Cooper). Crowded images of other celebrities.. Smaller, making the pictures of the celebrities seems less important.. One big picture of big celebrities to attract the reader. (The Avengers). Appeals to Super-hero fans/fans of Marvel. COLOURS. Clashing colours. Blue/Yellow/White/Pink. Bright. Red making the title stand out.. Darker colours as the background and pictures. . White making the sub-titles stand out.FONTS. Bold capitals. Stylised capitals. . Big text.Construction of ContentNARRATIVES. Scandalous, exclusive information.. Making it out like Bradley?Cooper is the “bad” guy in the image.. Portraying Jennifer Lawrence in a more beautiful manner.. Making Bradley Cooper seemed forced; a forced image of him looking like he’s “in love” with Jennifer Lawrence. . Big epic, attractive. . Very super-hero esque.. Being made to look attractive to the audience.. The stance they hold; all proud.. Stood in an order of favouritism. (Iron Man and Thor being first at the front.)LAYOUT. Over crowded and crammed in. . Nice and spaced out, bold and attractive advertisements.CAPTIONS. Forbidden Romance!. Cougar Confessions!. Divorcing Already!. Quitting Hollywood. He’s 40 she’s 24!. Plus: More secret on-set affairs!. Leaving Hotel March 22nd. . He confessed his love in a steamy text!. Jen “He just makes me happy!”. Chappie, Fifty-Shades of Grey, Ant Man.. More Heroes, More Action, More Robots!. AVENGERS: AGE OF ULTRON. How to top the biggest superhero movie ever made.. Better Call Saul!. 20 Piece Marvel Exclusive!. PLUS: KURT COBAIN, JENNIFER ANNISTON, MICHAEL MANNANCHORAGE. Big celebrity gossip.. Scandal/Negativity. Big movies, newest releases.. Popular movie franchises. . Seeming stronger together.Codes & ConventionsLINGUISTIC. Negative words used: Forbidden, Divorced, Confessions, Quit.. Showing Women in a negative way; either as the Victim, or the Betrayer. . More…. Action. Super Hero movie. VISUAL. Crowded. Claustrophobic. Overloaded . Don’t know where to look first. Spaced. Very in the-face.. Attractive. Confident and bold SYMBOLIC. Celebrity scandal. Putting Women in a bad way. Downgrading women. Negative . Super Heroes: Role-models. Being Avengers; a popular franchise for Marvel. Mode of AddressOK! MagazineLooking through the table that I have conceived, I believe that it would be better to merge some of the tables together, as some are very similar. This will help me explain my points across clearer, and make it easier to read and understand.Words, captions fonts and linguisticOne thing that strikes me first when looking at the cover of this particular magazine, is that the words, captions and fonts are very bold. They are bright, almost making the consumer uncomfortable. This is a theme similar throughout the whole of the cover as this particular front cover seems too over-flow the senses, making the consumer not know where to look first.However, looking deeper into the meaning and the reasoning behind the over-load of text; it is clear that it is trying to bring people in. To catch their eye in the store and to make them pick up the magazine. But also, continuing to look at the words placed on the page it is almost informal, in a way. The magazine addresses the celebrities (Jennifer Lawrence and Bradley Cooper) in an informal way. As at the bottom “Jen” is used. But also the fact that their surnames are not mentioned, either; this also adds an element of personal knowledge to the magazine; as if they, personally have spoken to the celebrities and have gotten he story exclusively for the magazine; which in most cases, are not true, as magazines are known to twist and make up certain things within a story. There are also a lot of exclamation marks. This makes a point, showing how important the story must be. And again, it links to the over load of the senses; as everything is screaming to the consumer to read the magazine. Finally, though small; there is a use a rhetorical question; which again, appeals to the reader in a certain light to make them answer a question in their minds and to read on more. This, similarly links to captions. The captions on this particular magazine are particularly striking. But, what I find the most striking is the fact that the magazine seems to be shaming women. Tags like “forbidden”, “divorced” and “confessions”. This seems to be putting women in a bad light, and tagging them as either the victim or the cause of bad things and relationships; such as divorce and secret affairs. However, relating back to the theme I have spoke about before of the Magazine seeming too familiar with the stars; as they referred to them by their first name only and with abbreviations. For example, a caption on the magazine says “Jen: “He makes me happy!”” Looking deeper into this caption, it proves how informal the magazine aims to be; and it is rather invading. The fact that OK! Is talking about a private issue here shows how invading of the privacy of both celebrities they seem to be. This can also be linked to another topic of the “press” or “paparazzi” as they are known for following celebrities round to the point where it invades their personal space, and this causes a lot of controversy and arguments for that kind of work. Relating to this, the captions “He confessed his love in a steamy text!” and “Plus: more secret on-set affairs!” shows how invasive they have been. Though this can also be related to a issue that I have briefly touched upon before; about how can we trust every new story issued by these types of magazines? Especially magazinesLike OK!, as they claim to get the latest celebrity gossip; when really it has proved to be just twisted lies about a rumour that one reporter may have heard. Again, keeping onto the topic of controversy; a caption “ He’s 40, she’s 24!” brings up a controversial issue of age. This is a theme current throughout a lot of people’s relationship, regardless of their fame. Especially with the younger generation; this is frowned upon; to have someone older than you dating someone a few years younger. But, because they are both celebrities; this somehow makes it okay, and less shocking. Whereas if this was based on normal people’s stories; it would be frowned upon. This is showing the divide we have as a culture between celebrities and normal people; but also our opinion on who we should go out with and at what age.Moving onto Symbolic topics OK! Magazine has, again, a few controversial themes that are shown on this particular front cover. The first theme that is obvious straight away is a negative theme. All the impressions given off by the magazine is negative, from celebrity scandal to downgrading Women. There is no sign of a positive story, however this is what makes OK! Magazine attractive to consumers; the bad things that go on in celebrities’ lives; the gossip and scandals.Yet one thing that strikes me most, is that looking into the cover more; the themes that are showed, it is shocking to see how downgrading the magazine is towards women. On the side of the page; there are little headings about “divorce”, “quitting” and “confessions”. Although I have already touched upon this, in this particular factor; it really shows how downgrading to women this magazine is; it either shows them as the victim. (Like in Jennifer Lawrence’s story) Or tagging them as bad subjects, like in the divorce and quitting Hollywood stories. Again, this links to a negative theme for the magazine. Yet, this also links, again to culture; as it seems to be a trend within the culture, though a lot of people are opposed to this, showing how shameful and downgrading we are to women. This has lasted decades before we believed in equal rights; however, this is still a persistent theme throughout our culture. This can be seen in movies, sometimes new (and especially older) movies. Though this is an issue that is constantly evolving; it is still something to consider and look at. Finally, for symbolism; it links to how we crave as a culture to find the latest gossip of celebrities; and the scandal between two celebrities on this cover makes front page. Though I have already touched upon this; this is still linking to symbolic; as it shows how we are currently as a culture and how we are as a consumer for this type of media. We want to consume negative themes of celebrities; it shows how we want celebrities to experience bad things. As we wish to put them down onto our level, and make them more relatable and real, rather than the “perfect” picture celebrities often create. Moving onto the visual sides of the magazine, I feel as if OK! Magazine has a very crowded image. Especially if you look at the front. I feel as if it’s very claustrophobic, as if they have tried to really assault the readers’ senses as a lot of things are going on the magazine. It makes you feel as if you don’t know what to look at first. As there are a lot of things screaming at you to read them. And in a few moments with looking at the magazine; readers are almost panicked into what to read first. Because of this factor, I find OK! Magazine less appealing than other spaced out magazines. This is factor can also be considered as the layout; as the layout is very crammed together. Again, this is linking back to what I have already discussed; however it is clear that they have advertised a little too much of what’s going to be in the magazine; rather than just keep it to one topic like other magazines. It shows how they advertise as a company. The colours are very similar to the layout, in the fact that they are bold, bright and often clashing. Especially if you look at the main heading; bright yellow and pink clash with the deeper blue background. Again, this is linking to the fact that they want to draw the reader in; and so use bright colours to grab the eye of the consumers, even before they know what the magazine would be about. The fact that they combine famous faces that have a huge following, (especially Jennifer Lawrence, because of The Hunger Games.) it all adds up to readers wanting the magazine before they know what it is actually about. The colours also tie in with the text, fonts and captions used; as they are all big, bright and bold to make a point across and shout at the reader to read the certain story. But most importantly, this always links back to one factor; advertisement, trying to get the reader to pick up the magazine and buy it. Images are also a key feature, again, as I have explained about drawing the reader in with the images before. Images are a key factor to advertising to the consumer. Especially on this type of magazine as it is all about the celebrity scandals, the image, especially in this front cover, is key to getting people to pick up the magazine. And with Jennifer Lawrence being on the front cover, this appeals to the fans of her; she especially has a large following due to her success with The Hunger Games. This, again, is a good factor to the company issuing OK!, as they have to take target audience into consideration when formulating their magazines. Focusing on the main heading for the narrative, I can easily pick out key narratives that link well to this story. The one that strikes out to me the most is the actual scandal with Jennifer Lawrence and Bradley Cooper. Looking at the front cover, the way that the images are positioned, especially with Bradley Cooper; it makes it look like he is the one that is wrong, in a way, effectively seeming “in love” with her, being the one to instigate the affair. Again, this links to image; as it is clear within the main image that Bradley Cooper is portrayed in a bad way. But this is different to the theme of the topics; as mostly it is aimed at bad things women have done; not men.Linking to this theme, the fact that it is scandalous; affairs, something associated with a negativity is the main narrative in this issue of OK!, again, linking back to what I have discussed before; this is the main attribute that will make people pick up this certain issue of the paper and want to buy it. As where anchorage is concerned, again it links to what I have already discussed before about the theme of the magazine being negative. This is OK!’s anchorage; as it is what sells the magazine; it is known for the negative topics such as affairs and divorce. Ultimately, it links to what we crave as a culture; to see celebrities suffer in a way, so that we see them as more human; and not this “perfect” picture image. But also the fact that they talk about celebrities and not normal people issues is another anchorage that contributes to OK!’s look, as ultimately, people will pick up the magazine due to the celebrity that is being talked about.Empire MagazineNow that I have discussed and broken down OK! Magazine, I will now move onto Empire. What strikes out to me the moment I look at Empire; it is nicely spaced out. Not too hectic and crammed in. You can take your time and clearly see what the intended impression very clearly, rather than get assaulted by bright fonts and titles. However, there seems to be more titles and sub-titles, rather than text. The text is small, and often hard to make out. (Especially in the one mentioned above) However, the text still seems very title-esque, short and sweet. Again, making it much clearer for the reader to know what the main topic is.But I also find that the shorter titles at the top; suggesting other movies like “CHAPPIE”, “FIFTY SHADES OF GREY” and “ANT-MAN”; which suggests diversity for the reader to really sink their teeth into, rather than just have one full magazine on the Avengers. Something, I’m sure is not a bad thing; and would sell as equally as well. However, Empire is known for having many sections on different movies; and a different, bigger movie on the front cover as the focus for that particular issue. But the fact that there are not too many topics displayed upon the front cover is also something to pick up on, as again, it doesn’t over-load the reader with too much in one magazine.Moving onto the captions, they, like I have previously mentioned, are very short and snappy. Single words cleverly used to grab the reader’s attention. “More Heroes, More Action, More Robots!” is a particular one that stands out to me, as it is enticing you not only to see what the magazine is making a point about; but also It is proving a very good way of advertising the movie, which in this case, is the biggest Super-Hero movie of the year. (Avengers: Age Of Ultron) This all links into wanting to grab the reader’s attention, making them want to pick up the magazine and read to find out more. Continuing onto developing the advertisement for this movie, the big caption surrounded by white: “20 piece Marvel Exclusive” is another, smaller, sneakier way of grabbing the reader’s attention. The fact that it is on a white background, not onto the picture its self suggests that it wants to be seen. Avid fans of the movie would be sure to at least pick up the magazine, if not buy it; just for that “exclusive” content. But this links into the fact that is the information one hundred percent reliable? Is it new? Or is it the same information regurgitated into a different form? Celebrities are also a big feature for advertisement when it comes to captions. Especially in magazines such as Empire; that relies on the fame of the movie-stars in their iconic roles to get issues flying off the shelves. In this particular issue, Kurt Cobain, Jennifer Anniston and Michael Mann are mentioned; two celebrities in particular are very well known. The fact that their names are displayed on the bottom, on a red background makes it stand out, again pushing on the advertisement front. Finally, the last caption: “How to top the biggest super-hero movie ever made.” Particularly stands out. “Ever made” is underlined, a subtle way of showing that it is an important topic, and needs to be read. Perhaps this is targeted at the media students that like to read this magazine, or media consumers. Another small way of grabbing the reader’s interest, just by a simple underline. Or perhaps it is, again, advertisement for the movie. right000Moving onto the fonts on this magazine, there is not much to comment on as it is practically the same style: big bold capitals in both big and small. However, they are put on there for a reason. One being that it is the design of Empire to have bold text, as, in other issues, as seen on the side of this text have the similar style. There is no use of normal text; all is in capitals, regardless of the size. This is to do with advertising, to scream out to the consumer to see what the magazine is offering to them, and again, is a subtle way of drawing the reader in. This links into linguistics used easily. Continuing on with the theme of grabbing the reader’s attention: the words “More...” “Action” and “Super-Hero” stand out to me. This suggests that they want the attention, that it is a powerful message; with no real emotion attached to the words, other than “read me.” A very clever way of not pushing the reader to have a certain view on the magazine; it lets them think for themselves. Now moving onto symbolism, there is one key symbol that is on that particular issue of the magazine; super-hero’s. Super-heroes are known throughout the world as an icon; a figure of hope. They are present throughout our childhood as beloved stories, and continue to be so to this very day. There is something, I think integrated into our society about Super-hero’s; the fact that they use their powers to save people, to save the world. There is something gratifying about that; and that is why I believe Super-heroes are a massive hit with people to this day. Super-heroes also symbolise power and strength, again, an icon. Which I feel is present on this particular issues, as the words associated help boost the action-feel.Celebrities are like super-heroes in a way, we view them as almost superior beings to ourselves, and similar to super-heroes they can also be our idols. The celebrities shown on this particular issues are some of the greatest actors known in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (Robert Downey JR.) And this, again is a symbol to fans to see what his movie is about; as the magazine is specialising and advertising them as the front cover. But also this links to the fact that the movie advertise has a big fan base, and so appeals to a very large audience; a fact that would be sure to make this particular issue fly off the shelves.As for anchorage, there are a few within this magazine. One of the biggest ones, I believe is the concept of seeming stronger together, especially linking to the imagery shown. The heroes are standing side by side; seeming like an unstoppable force. Fans of the first movie know that the message of the Avengers is that alone, they can’t do very much but together they create an unstoppable force. This links back to symbolism and hope, as it shows younger viewers that together, by working as a team they can do great things. But the anchoring of this magazine is unity also. Another key factor to anchorage is the magazine its self; Empire is known to specialise on the newest releases. That is what they are known for, and so to have a big super-hero Movie featured; it is continuing their reputation, giving the consumer what they want from the magazine. And finally, the super-heroes themselves, I have already explained in symbolism why they are a key icon to many people; and this applies to anchorage, too.The theme about super-heroes, bold and active emotions, continues into the narrative of the magazine. Again, the super-hero theme is very prominent within the other topics that I have already discussed. But the fact that the magazine screams for consumers to look at it is a key narrative. It has big, bold and attractive fonts and text; linking that with the way the characters are standing, is suggests strength through unity, action-packed, very in the readers face. And this is a key narrative that comes to the readers mind in the first few moments of reading the front cover; the preferred view. But one thing I find interesting, that will link to the imagery of this front cover, is the way the super-heroes are positioned. Though it is very subtle, they stand in order of favouritism; Iron Man, Thor and Captain America, the main super-heroes of the movie and the franchise at the front. This can link to advertising, again. As a lot of people will buy a particular media piece due to the fact that their favourite character is on the front cover, and so the makers have strategically placed the most popular characters at the front to catch the readers eye first; before they spot the lesser, well-liked characters.Finally, the genre. The genre of the front cover is simple; film entertainment. Film Entertainment is a massive industry, a very good way of advertising movies. Compared to TV shows, Films only have a few ways of advertising, and through magazines is a good way of doing so. The genre of Empire ties into its main anchorage; why it sells so well. There is little to no other magazines like Empire that covers films in the way it does and so to specialise in Film Entertainment, means it gives avid fans of movies a magazine of their own. The image on Empire has always been its most striking feature. Unlike most magazines, where they feature more than one; Empire stands to have one picture and one topic, something I feel, personally is a lot better than over-crowding a page. I have already touched on how the imagery on this particular front cover helps continue the message of icons, symbolism and narrative; a lot can be taken apart from one simple picture. I feel as if it was purposely made to advertise the celebrities on the front cover, which, again links into what I have already mentioned about getting people to buy the magazine; the fact that there are popular celebrities playing much-loved characters, appealing to the fans of Marvel movies. Moving onto layout, I feel as if the front cover is not too claustrophobic. It is clearly spaced out; giving room for the image to send a message as well as the text. It is also not too over-powering and is positioned perfectly, with alternating angles to make the whole image of the front cover to seem more appealing and original to the eye. Again, the bold theme continues and there is bright advertisements to catch the reader’s eye. I feel as if the advertisements add to the image; making the whole front cover look cleaner in its appearance. Overall, linking with the imagery; it creates a stunning layout to the eye.Again, the visuals is very similar to the imagery used, and the same points come across the in the overall visual of the magazine; being bold, bright attractive with the imagery and fonts used. It creates a way of advertising front on into the readers face, yet the actual layout provides a means of calm; as to not over-assault the reader’s senses when the look at the front cover, a clever way of advertising what they want, but not in a way to advert the reader. Ultimately, the whole front cover screams confidence and boldness.Finally, moving onto the colours used. Colours have a way of creating a certain effect on the reader; some colours causing unsettlement with bold and clashing colours, others suggesting femininity and masculinity and some even inducing state of calmness. The colours used on this particular front cover follows a theme that compliments the dark tones of the actual image. Red is the main title; it is often used for the Empire title to be red, as it is a bold colour and stands out from the more conventional white and black. The white adds lightness, making the titles pop out to the reader’s eye; and was in fact the first thing that caught my attention when first glancing over the front cover. Like I have previously stated before, they cleverly put advertisements on a lighter background: for example the “20 plus exclusive” on a white background with black and red text, this is meant to be bold and striking for the reader’s eye, and links to advertisement, again. However, there is also clashing colours; I believe is put there on purpose. The black text on the red background advertising other celebrities is a subtle way of making them known, but not over-powering the main objective of this front cover, and although it stands out; it is rather uncomfortable to look at; compared to the nicer contrasting tones of the image. I feel as if the colours as a whole are rather masculine in nature, reds, whites and blacks. This is a reflective of the super-hero theme its self, as not many women are advertised by the media to like heroes, and this fits in, again with our society. We generally associate super-heroes to appeal to young boys in particular, as most of the toys are aimed for boys, and not girls; something I think should actually be addressed. To conclude, I feel as if Empire is trying to say a lot; if you look deeper into the content used on the front cover. But they have done it in a subtle way. The bold tones are used for advertisement, to suggest power through strength and unity; exactly what the Avengers are all about. It is cleverly done, and how they advertise to their audience.2B/C)For this task, I shall construct a Questionnaire, relating back to what I have discussed about Empire magazine. I shall see for myself about the Empire Magazine to a selected ten-member audience.Screenshot of Genders-As stated in the picture above, I have asked ten of my classmates to do this survey. Fortunately, this proves to be an even distribute of genders. Though this does not show so much in terms of an actual outcome, I believe that it shows that Empire is liked by both Genders, and that it is not just associated with men. Like I have stated previously, you would think that a certain genre of film (Action, for example) would appeal to the male gender, however, as I have chosen the Avengers for a particular reason; it shows that perhaps the stereotype we associate action and super-hero movies to be aimed at, is in fact, wrong. I would have liked to have taken this out into the public; as I believe my point would be more accurate. A larger amount of people would have been asked, and there would have been a more diverse range of male-to-female answers. However, this would prove to be very time consuming, especially as in the public; not many people will want to spend time answering a survey.Screenshot of age-Luckily, there is a diverse range of ages within my class. This helps immensely in terms of investigating Empire’s audiences. As you can see, the most dominant age range is the 16-18 section, this, is what I believe Empire is trying to aim for in their Target Audience. Most likely eighteen and upwards, would be where their focus would be. This can be for many reasons, one being that perhaps sixteen and under aren’t really interested on magazines and reading; they would rather just sit down and watch the film. This proves a very interesting point, as, this could easily link to our society today.There has been speculation before about children not being able to read and write as well as the generation before them, it is rare to see a child read a book; as in today’s modern world of technology, the Kindle has replaced the book. This poses a lot of questions, linking back to the society theme I have touched upon briefly within my explanation of Empire; the fact that we are more greedy, we want more constantly; hence why Empire’s titles are so big and bold, as well as advertising, as we are obsessed with celebrities and their lives. 18-20 Year old’s are not too far behind upon my survey; though this depends on the numbers in my class, it solidifies my point of Empire appealing to the more mature audience. I can believe this to be true, as, people who read Empire are usually involved with Media, one way or another; it is a great example to use if you are studying media in one form or another. But also, the more mature audience would be more interested in the behind the scenes, what is going on in the world of film, and how things are made. I can say from experience that a few years ago, this magazine would not appeal to me at all. But now I am older, I find myself wanting to know more. Finally the 20+ age range is the lowest. This is because there is one person that is over 20, and so this does not really prove much to my point. However, if I took this out to the public, like I explained in the Genders section; I would be able to achieve a more concise and valid evidence supporting Empire magazine and its audience, however, because of time and resources, I could not do so.Screenshot of actual responses to the open question-As you can see, the most prominent answer from the question I asked (What do you think of Empire Magazine?) was “Up to date on the latest news from films.” Fourty percent of the people I asked said this. This links back to the main selling points of Empire that I have discussed previously; the main selling point of the Magazine is the latest film news; as it specialises in Film Entertainment. Again, if I asked this to a wider audience, I believe that this would have been the most popular response. But, even out of ten people asked, this shows how popular the magazine is—and with young people--- across our community.The second most popular answer was in support of the magazine, twenty percent of the people asked said that they would buy it/subscribe to the magazine. Though, this could be because of the issue I picked (The Avengers) this still shows how many people are interested in finding out the latest on film gossip. I am surprised that there are not more magazines like Empire out-there, as it is a rapidly growing interest for many people. But this also shows how popular Empire actually is; to be the only magazine known to specialise in Film Entertainment. This is a subject I have touched on before in discussing Empire. Finally, moving onto the answers that are against/on their own. Ten percent of the people I asked, said that the magazine did not appeal to them. This is interesting in its self, as, out of the majority, only one person didn’t like the magazine. Though they stated that “It wasn’t really their thing” I believe, given the time to go into the public; this response would have come out more. I think the question is a little bias, as they are all Media students. But, like I have previously mentioned, to see this out in the public; I believe the response wouldn’t be that much different. Finally, two comments that didn’t fit any kind of pattern were “It’s very cool.” And “Masculine and very busy”. Two opposing ideas, yet similar in the same way. I shall focus on the second response first. The fact that they said “masculine” links to what I have previously mentioned before about Empire aiming for a specific target audience, both mentioned in this task and task 2A (Above) we generally associate this kind of magazine to the male gender. This proves my point exactly, as if I pushed this out into the public, I feel that a lot of people would respond in the same way. The fact, however, that they commented on it being “very busy” can be interpreted in two different ways; as they did not really explain what aspect of the magazine was busy. This can either be the actual look of the front cover, which, like I have mentioned before;(It’s made to be big and bold for the purpose of the narrative and advertisement.) Or the actual content inside, suggesting that there is a lot of reviews, heavily worded pages; linking back to maybe the reason why the younger generations will not like to read this magazine, as it seems to be over-loaded with words; something people do not usually like to read, unless they are really interested in the certain topic. I can personally relate to this myself, as I will often sift through the lengthy parts of any magazines, unless there is a topic I am interested in, as I don’t particularly like to read lengthy pages on a topic that is not interesting. This is something a lot of people associate magazines like Empire with.To conclude, I believe I have explored why and how Empire appeals to its audience. By doing a simple survey, I have delved briefly into the minds of our society, explored why we associate certain themes with certain people, and linked to our society as a whole today. In this era of technology, it is almost comforting to see that people still like to pick up and read a magazine, over their Kindle or posts on Facebook. ................

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