
SIO Topics & Speakers

This list includes speakers SIO staff has heard speak, recognized experts on a topic, or organizations that can assist with locating a speaker. It is by no means a complete list of speakers on the topics listed. Some speakers may charge a fee and/or travel expenses.

|Topic |Speaker |Contact Information |Comments |

|Automation (surety) |SFAA/NASBP Joint |Joe Orgovan |For committee members go to |

| |Automation Committee |SFAA |automati|

| | |202-778-3630 |on/index.html |

| | |jorgovan@ | |

| | |Sue DeCourcey | |

| | |NASBP | |

| | |202-686-3600 | |

| | |sdecourcey@ | |

|Architecture/ | |William Baum | |

|Engineering | |Allied Groups Director | |

| | |202-626-7345 | |

| | |wbaum@ | |

| | |American Institute of Architects | |

| | |1735 New York Ave NW | |

| | |Washington DC 20006 | |

| | |202-626-7300 | |

| | |infocentral@ | |

| | | | |

| | |Chapter contacts: | |

| | |ponents_map | |

| | |Departmental Contacts | |

| | |AIA Store | |

| | |bookstore@ | |

| | |Fax: 202-626-7519 | |

| | |Government Affairs | |

| | |govaffs@ | |

| | |Continuing Education | |

| | |tlowther@ | |

| | |Economics | |

| | |dsaltes@ | |

| | |Press | |

| | |tboone@ | |

|Claims |John Sier |One Woodward Ave 10th floor |Spoke at COAA Chicago 5/2003 |

| |Attorney |Detroit MI 48226 |“What Owners Need to Know About Bond |

| |Kitch Drutchas Wagner |313-965-2915 |Claims” |

| |DeNardis & Valitutti |fax 313-965-7403 | |

| | |sierj1@ | |

| | | | |

| |Jim Rudnik |1515 DeKalb Pike #203 |Speaks frequently on claims, formerly|

| |Attorney |Blue Bell PA 19422 |with Liberty Bond |

| |Cashion Spinelli Heller |610-270-0333 | |

| |& Ferretti |fax 610-270-0337 | |

| |Marilyn Klinger |801 S Figueroa St 18th Floor |2003 NASBP Regions |

| |Attorney |Los Angeles CA 90017 |“Back to Basics in Claims” 2003-04 |

| |Sedgwick Detert Moran & |213-615-8038 |Chair, Surety & Fidelity Committee |

| |Arnold |fax 213-426-6921 |American Bar Assn |

| | | | |

| | |marilyn.klinger@ | |

|Construction Forecasts/Economy |Robert Murray |24 Hartwell Ave |Gives construction forecast each year|

| |McGraw Hill Construction|Lexington MA 02173 |at Construction Writers Association |

| |Information Group |781-860-6623 |Annual Meeting |

| | |robert_murray@mcgraw- | |

| | |mcgraw- | |

| |Dan Sommer |1540 Fountainhead Pkwy |Surveys contractors & equipment |

| |SVP Marketing & |Tempe AZ 85282 |distributors in US & Canada. Report |

| |Communications |480-379-3447 |at |

| |CIT Equipment Financing |fax 480-370-3450 |main/AboutCIT/2006+Constr|

| | |dan.sommer@ |uction+Forecast.htm |

| |Jerry Jackson |5151 Glenwood Ave #100 |Provides management consulting, |

| |FMI |Raleigh NC 27612 |training, & capital services to the |

| | |919-787-8400 |construction industry |

| | |fax 919-785-9320 |May charge fee |

| | |jjackson@ | |

| |Ken Simonson |2300 Wilson Blvd., Suite 400 | |

| |Chief Economist |Arlington, VA 22201 | |

| |Associated General |703-548-3118 | |

| |Contractors (AGC) |fax 703-548-3119 | |

| | |simonsonk@ | |

| |Mike Davis, Joe Huesman,|4700 Silver Hill Rd. |The Manufacturing and Construction |

| |or Linnet Holland |Washington DC 20233-0001 |Division (MCD) publishes detailed |

| |US Census Bureau |c30 |construction statistics by geographic|

| | |301-763-1605 |area on employment, wages, |

| | | |inventories, value added, national |

| | | |and geographic statistics on housing |

| | | |and public and private construction |

| | | |put in place. |

|Construction Fraud |John B. Richardson III, |116 Defense Highway, Suite 301 | |

| |CPA, CFE |Annapolis, MD 21401 | |

| | |410-255-5162 | |

| | |cell 443-386-5329 | |

| | |fax 410-360-6296 | |

| | |jbrcpa3@ | |

|Construction Management |Bruce D’Agostino |7918 Jones Branch Dr. #540 |Construction Management is a |

| |Executive Director |McLean VA 22102 |professional service that applies |

| |Construction Management |703-356-2622 |effective management techniques to |

| |Association of America |fax 703-356-6388 |the planning, design, and |

| | |bdagostino@ |construction of a project from |

| | | |inception to completion for the |

| | | |purpose of controlling time, cost, |

| | | |and quality. |

|Construction Management Projects |James. T. Ruddell, P.E. |2901 Eisenhower Avenue |Woodrow Wilson Bridge Project |

| |Construction Manager, |Alexandria, VA 22314 | |

| |Ptomac Crossing |703-329-0300 | |

| |Consultants |fax 703-329-3741 | |

| | |cell 571-237-2251 | |

| | |ruddellj@ | |

|Construction Materials/ |John Cross PE |One East Wacker Dr. #3100 |Construction Materials Volatility |

|Steel Construction |VP |Chicago IL 60601-2000 |Report |

| |American Institute of |312-670-5406 | |

| |Steel Construction |fax 312-670-5403 | |

| | |cross@ | |

| | | | |

|CPAs/Construction Accounting |John J. Corcoran, CPA |15011 East Twilight View Dr. |Construction Industry CPAs |

| |Executive Director |Fountain Hills AZ 85268 |Consultants Association |

| |CICPAC |480-936-0300 |Network of speakers across the |

| | |fax 480-836-0400 |country |

| | |info@ |analyze financial statements |

| | | |assist with surety claims |

| | | |tax & audit info |

| |Construction Financial |CFMA Headquarters | |

| |Management Association |29 Emmons Dr. #F-50 | |

| |(CFMA) |Princeton NJ 08540 | |

| | |609-452-8000 | |

| | |fax 609-452-0474 | |

| | |info@ | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | |CFMA Chapter List - chap/list.asp | |

| | | | |

| |Grant Thornton Offices |Linda Garvelink |Advisory services & tax consulting |

| |nationwide. Contact |Nat’l Marketing Director |Topics include: |

| |Linda Garvelink or Russ |Grant Thornton |Sarbanes-Oxley, forensic accounting, |

| |Agosta for a speaker |1900 M St NW #300 |tax issues, strategic planning, |

| | |Washington DC 20036 |compensation & benefits planning, |

| | |202-861-4103 |audits, management succession, |

| | |fax 202-521-1599 |construction financing. |

| | |lgarvelink@ | |

| | | |Surveys: |

| | |Russ Agosta |* Surety Credit for Construction |

| | |Const’n Industry Service Group |Contractors: Bond Producer |

| | |Grant Thornton |Perspective |

| | |27777 Franklin Rd. #800 |* US Business Leaders |

| | |Southfield MI 48034 |* Community Banks |

| | |248-262-1950 | |

| | |fax 248-350-3581 | |

| | |Russell.Agosta@ | |

|Continuity/Estate Planning/ |Ben Brahinsky |55 Madison St #410 |Provides management consulting, |

| |FMI |Denver CO 80206 |training, & capital services to the |

| | |303-377-4740 |construction industry |

| | |fax 303-377-3535 |May charge fee |

| | |bbrahinsky@ | |

|(Continuity/Estate Planning) |Offices nationwide. |Linda Garvelink |Advisory services & tax consulting |

| |Contact Linda Garvelink |Nat’l Marketing Director |Topics include: |

| |or Russ Agosta for a |Grant Thornton |Sarbanes-Oxley, forensic accounting, |

| |speaker |1900 M St NW #300 |tax issues, strategic planning, |

| | |Washington DC 20036 |compensation & benefits planning, |

| | |202-861-4103 |audits, management succession, |

| | |fax 202-521-1599 |construction financing. |

| | |lgarvelink@ | |

| | | |Surveys: |

| | |Russ Agosta |* Surety Credit for Construction |

| | |Const’n Industry Service Group |Contractors: Bond Producer |

| | |Grant Thornton |Perspective |

| | |27777 Franklin Rd. #800 |* US Business Leaders |

| | |Southfield MI 48034 |* Community Banks |

| | |248-262-1950 | |

| | |fax 248-350-3581 | |

| | |Russell.Agosta@ | |

|Contract Documents |Brian Perlberg |2300 Wilson Blvd., Suite 400 | |

| |Associated General |Arlington, VA 22201 | |

| |Contractors (AGC) |703-837-5318 | |

| | |bperlberg@ | |

| |Suzanne Harness, AIA, |1735 New York Ave NW | |

| |Esq. |Washington DC 20006-5292 | |

| |American Institute of |202-626-7546 | |

| |Architects (AIA) |fax 202-626-7508 | |

| | |sharness@ | |

| |Construction Owners |Two Paces West #1710 |Releasing series of contract |

| |Association of America |2727 Paces Ferry Rd |documents for owners |

| |(COAA) |Atlanta GA 30339 | |

| |Lisa DeGolyer |770-433-0820 | |

| |334-393-4431 |fax 404-577-3551 | |

| | |coaa@ | |

| |Robin Olsen |PO Box 4163 |Releasing series of contract |

| |Associated Owners & |McLean, Virginia 22103-4163 |documents for owners |

| |Developers |703-734-2397 x411 | |

| | |fax 703-734-2908 | |

| | |aod@ | |

| | | | |

|Contractors |Luther Cochrane |PO Box 32755 |Spoke at SAA 1999 |

| |Chairman |Charlotte NC 28232 |COAA 2003 |

| |Bovis Lend Lease |704-357-1919 | |

| |Ralph Johnson |109 Heritage Pointe |President AGC 2002-03 |

| |Mason Johnson |Williamsburg VA 23188 |Retired from Turner Corp. |

| | |757-345-0806 | |

| | |fax 757-345-2714 | |

| | |rw_johnson@ | |

| |Hoyt Lowder |5301 W Cypress St #201 |Provides management consulting, |

| |FMI |Tampa FL 33607 |training, & capital services to the |

| | |813-636-1364 |construction industry FMI has |

| | |fax 813-636-1364 |extensive database of info on |

| | |hlowder@ |contractors, best practices |

| | | |May charge fee |

| | |Associated General Contractors of America (AGC) | |

| | |2300 Wilson Blvd., Suite 400 | |

| | |Arlington, VA 22201 | |

| | |703-548-3118 | |

| | |www@ | |

| | |Topic area contacts: | |

| | |page.ww?section=Contact+Us&name=Conta| |

| | |ct+Us | |

| | |Chapter contacts: | |

| | |www2.ECRM/scriptcontent/Chapters/Chapters| |

| | |.cfm | |

| | |Associated Builders & Contractors (ABC) | |

| | | | |

| | |Staff Contacts: | |

| | |wmspage.cfm?parm1=1701 | |

| | |Chapter contacts: | |

| | |wmspage.cfm?parm1=2148 | |

|Default Insurance |Christopher J. Weiss |200 South Orange Ave #2600 |NAIS 9/2002 |

| |Holland & Knight LLP |Orlando FL 32801 |NASBP Annual Meeting 4/2003 |

| | |(PO Box 1526 zip 32802) | |

| | |407-425-8500 | |

| | |fax 407-244-5288 | |

| | |cweiss@ | |

| |Edward Gallagher |1101 Connecticut Ave NW #800 | |

| |General Counsel |Washington DC 20036 | |

| |Surety & Fidelity |202-463-0600 | |

| |Association of America |fax 202-463-0606 | |

| |(SAA) |egallagher@ | |

| |Richard Foss |1828 L St NW #720 | |

| |Executive Vice President|Washington DC 20036 | |

| |NASBP |202-686-3700 | |

| | |fax 202-686-3656 | |

| | |dfoss@ | |

|Design Build |Jim Bell |Doug Rothey |2000 S Colorado Blvd |720 S Colorado Blvd |NASBP Region 4-5-7 2002 |

| |St. |HRH |#2-480 |Galleria North Tower PH |“Design-Build: Is It Here to Stay; |

| |Paul/Trave| |Denver CO 80222 |Denver CO 80246 |How Do We Manage It?” |

| |lers | |303-330-9350 |303-765-7511 | |

| | | |fax 303-330-9379 |303-722-0811 | |

| | | |jim.bell@ |Doug.Rothey@ | |

| |Walker Lee Evey |1100 H St NW #500 | |

| |President |Washington DC 20005 | |

| |Design-Build Institute |202-682-0110 | |

| |of America (DBIA) |fax 202-682-5877 | |

| | | | |

| | |levey@ | |

|Employee Retention/Management Practices |Marcus Buckingham |1220 L St NW #850 |Spoke at ASAE Denver 2002 |

| |The Gallup Organization |Washington DC 20005-4070 |Book through Leading Authorities |

| | |202-783-0300 |fee |

| | |fax 202-783-0301 | |

| | | | |

|Equipment Appraisal |Ronald J. Dover |Ronald J. Dover & Assoc. |Can arrange speaker on benefits of |

| |Equipment Appraisers |6080 Wellington Ct. |using a professional equipment |

| |Association of North |Cumming GA 30040 |appraiser to determine actual value |

| |America |678-513-3751 |of contractor’s equipment |

| | |fax 678-513-3903 | |

| | |doverjs@ | |

|Financial Planning |Samantha Rasnake |Suite B-300 |Picked up info at ASAE Denver 2002 |

| |Public Relations Manager|5775 Glenridge Dr. NE |Speakers Bureau topics: |

| |The Financial Planning |Atlanta GA 30328-5364 |401K/retirement accounts |

| |Association |404-845-0011 x7832 |how to choose financial planner |

| | |fax 404-845-3660 |budgeting |

| | |Samantha.rasnake@ | |

| | | | |

| |Guy Baker |1001 Dove ST. #240 |Risk assessment |

| |BMI Consulting |Newport Beach CA 92660 |Retirement planning |

| | |949-260-1930 |Compensation |

| | |fax 949-851-7848 |Tax planning |

| | |bmi@ | |

| |Offices nationwide. |Linda Garvelink |Advisory services & tax consulting |

| |Contact Linda Garvelink |Nat’l Marketing Director |Topics include: |

| |or Russ Agosta for a |Grant Thornton |Sarbanes-Oxley, forensic accounting, |

| |speaker |1900 M St NW #300 |tax issues, strategic planning, |

| | |Washington DC 20036 |compensation & benefits planning, |

| | |202-861-4103 |audits, management succession, |

| | |fax 202-521-1599 |construction financing. |

| | |lgarvelink@ | |

| | | |Surveys: |

| | |Russ Agosta |* Surety Credit for Construction |

| | |Const’n Industry Service Group |Contractors: Bond Producer |

| | |Grant Thornton |Perspective |

| | |27777 Franklin Rd. #800 |* US Business Leaders |

| | |Southfield MI 48034 |* Community Banks |

| | |248-262-1950 | |

| | |fax 248-350-3581 | |

| | |Russell.Agosta@ | |

|Escrow/Funds Disbursement |Don Zalk |1710 N Douglas Dr. #109 | |

| |North American |Golden Valley MN 55422 | |

| |Construction Services |763-546-1784 | |

| | |fax 763-546-1822 | |

| | |dzalk@ | |

|International |Richard Yeazel |3910 Keswick Rd 5th floor | |

| |Zurich North America |PO Box 1227 zip 21203 | |

| | |MD1-05-01 | |

| | |Baltimore MD 21211-2296 | |

| | |400-261-7936 | |

| | |fax 410-261-7955 | |

| | |Richard.yeazel@ | |

| |Dan Mitterhoff |1730 K St NW #1107 |Speaks Chinese |

| |International Fidelity |Washington DC 20006 | |

| |Insurance Co. |202-775-9255 | |

| | |fax 202-775-9257 | |

| | |dmitterhoff@ | |

|International Code Council (ICC) |David Conover |703-931-4533 ext. 244 | |

|(Building Codes) | |dconover@ | |

|Leadership |Chip Andrews |5151 Glenwood Ave #100 |Provides management consulting, |

|Organizational Development |FMI |Raleigh NC 27612 |training, & capital services to the |

| | |919-787-8400 |construction industry |

| | |fax 919-785-9320 |May charge fee |

| | |candrews@ | |

| |George Hedley |3189-B Airway Ave |Spoke at |

| |HardHat Presentations |Costa Mesa CA 92626 |COAA meeting 2002 |

| | |800-851-8553 | |

| | |fax 714-437-1125 |fee |

| | |gh@ | |

| | | | |

|Marketing & Sales |Jerry Jackson |5151 Glenwood Ave #100 |Provides management consulting, |

|(Construction) |Hoyt Lowder |Raleigh NC 27612 |training, & capital services to the |

| |813-636-1364 |919-787-8400 |construction industry |

| |Cynthia Paul |fax 919-785-9320 |May charge fee |

| |303-377-4740 |jjackson@ | |

| |FMI |hlowder@ | |

| | |cpaul@ | |

|Marketing & Sales (General) |Bob Potter |San Marin County, CA |Dynamic speaker – (NAIOP 10/04) |

| |R.A. Potter Advisors |415-459-4888 |Secrets to Selling Porfessional |

| | |bpotter@ |Services in Turbulent Times |

| | | |Book - Selling the Invisible |

| | | |fee |

|Mergers & Acquisitions |Hugh Rice |5151 Glenwood Ave #100 |Provides management consulting, |

| |303-377-4740 |Raleigh NC 27612 |training, & capital services to the |

| |Stuart Phoenix |919-787-8400 |construction industry |

| |FMI |fax 919-785-9320 |May charge fee |

| | |hrice@ | |

| | |sphoenix@ | |

| |Offices nationwide. |Linda Garvelink |Advisory services & tax consulting |

| |Contact Linda Garvelink |Nat’l Marketing Director |Topics include: |

| |or Russ Agosta for a |Grant Thornton |Sarbanes-Oxley, forensic accounting, |

| |speaker |1900 M St NW #300 |tax issues, strategic planning, |

| | |Washington DC 20036 |compensation & benefits planning, |

| | |202-861-4103 |audits, management succession, |

| | |fax 202-521-1599 |construction financing. |

| | |lgarvelink@ | |

| | | |Surveys: |

| | |Russ Agosta |* Surety Credit for Construction |

| | |Const’n Industry Service Group |Contractors: Bond Producer |

| | |Grant Thornton |Perspective |

| | |27777 Franklin Rd. #800 |* US Business Leaders |

| | |Southfield MI 48034 |* Community Banks |

| | |248-262-1950 | |

| | |fax 248-350-3581 | |

| | |Russell.Agosta@ | |

|Mold |Martha Perkins |1050 Connecticut Ave NW #1054 |Formerly with American Insurance |

| |Ernstrom & Dreste |Washington DC 20036 |Association (AIA) |

| | |202-772-1127 | |

| | |fax 202-772-3308 | |

| | |mlp@ | |

| |Susan McGreevy |1200 Main St #1700 |Former NASBP General Counsel |

| |Husch & Eppenberger LLC |Kansas City MO 64105 | |

| | |816-421-4800 | |

| | |816-421-0596 | |

| | |susan.mcgreevy@ | |

|Partnering/Project Intervention |Tom & Marsha Brascher |PO Box 14277 |Authority on partnering, ADR, |

| |TeamTech |Tumwater WA 98511-4277 |construction project turnaround |

| | |360-754-8326 | |

| | |teamtech2@worldnet. | |

| |AGC |Damian Hill |AGC presents Marvin M Black |

| | |Director Building Division |Partnering Awards |

| | |AGC | |

| | |703-548-3118 | |

| | |hilld@ | |

|Procurement |Dean Kashiwagi, PhD, PE |ASU |Informative, entertaining, |

|(Performance Based) |Director, Performance |PBSRG |Best value procurement, |

| |Based Studies Research |PO Box 870204 |sustainability, Performance |

| |Group |Tempe AZ 85287-0204 |Information Procurement System (PIPS)|

| |Arizona State University|480-965-4273 |leads to increased performance, |

| | |fax 480-965-4371 |structure, efficiency. Information |

| | | |Measurement Theory (IMT) measures |

| | | |performance to predict outcomes – |

| | | |value for owner, maximum profit for |

| | |Sylvia Romero, Marketing Specialist |contractor. |

| | |480-965-1252 |Fee/Honorarium |

| | |fax 480-965-4371 | |

| | | | |

|Productivity |Laura Stack |9948 S Cottoncreek Dr |ASAE Denver 2002 |

|(Office & Personal) |Celebration |Highlands Ranch CO 80130 |Subscribe to free e-Newsletter at |

| |Presentations |303-471-7401 |resources_|

| | |fax 303-471-7402 |subscribe.html |

| | |Laura@ |fee |

|Public Owner Issues |Lynda Stanley |2101 Constitution Ave NW |Memberships is a cooperative of 24 |

| |Director |Washington DC 20418 |federal agencies |

| |Federal Facilities |202-334-3378 | |

| |Council |fax 202-334-3370 | |

| | | | |

| |Construction Owners |Two Paces West #1710 |Members are state & local public & |

| |Association of America |2727 Paces Ferry Rd |private owners. |

| |(COAA) |Atlanta GA 30339 | |

| |Lisa DeGolyer |770-433-0820 | |

| |334-393-4431 |fax 404-577-3551 | |

| | |coaa@ | |

| |Robin Olsen |PO Box 4163 |Members are state & local public & |

| |Associated Owners & |McLean, Virginia 22103-4163 |private owners |

| |Developers (AOD) |703-734-2397 x411 | |

| | |fax 703-734-2908 | |

| | |aod@ | |

| | | | |

|Reinsurance |John Bolton |175 King St | |

| |Swiss Re |Armonk NY 10504 | |

| | |203-321-8905 | |

| | |fax 914-828-7567 | |

| | |john_boulton@ | |

| | | | |

| |Laura Shanahan |333 Westchester Ave | |

| |Sr. VP |3rd floor, West Building | |

| |Endurance Reinsurance |White Plains NY 10604 | |

| | |914-468-8531 | |

| | |fax 914-997-0331 | |

| | |lshanahan@ | |

|State of the Surety Industry |Dick Foss |1828 L St NW #720 |Interviews surety execs for annual |

| |Executive Vice President|Washington DC 20036 |state of the industry report. |

| |NASBP |202-686-3700 |Delivered at NASBP Annual & Regional |

| | |fax 202-686-3656 |meeting |

| | |rfoss@ | |

| | | | |

| |Marla McIntyre |1828 L St NW #720 |Understanding Today’s Surety Market |

| |Executive Director |Washington DC 20036 |PowerPoint |

| |SIO |202-686-7463 | |

| | |fax 202-686-3656 | |

| | |mmcintyre@ | |

| | | | |

|Stress Management/Comedy |Tim Gard |4150 Ireland St |Spoke at NASBP Regional 2001 |

| |Comic Vision |Denver CO 80244-8048 |Uses gags & props – very funny |

| | |303-932-4835 |fee |

| | |fax 303-932-0990 | |

| | | | |

| | |comicvisns@ | |

|Subcontractors |Mechanical Contractors |1385 Piccard Dr. | |

| |Association of America |Rockville MD 20850-4340 | |

| |(MCAA) |301-869-5800 | |

| | |fax 301-990-9690 | |

| | | | |

| |David Mendes |1004 Duke St |Retainage |

| |Sr Director, |Alexandria VA 22314-3588 |Payment Bonds |

| |Communications & |703-684-3450 x1335 |Prompt Pay/Pay-if-Paid |

| |Education |fax 703-836-3482 |Bid Shopping |

| |American Subcontractors |dmendes@asa- |Mechanics Liens |

| |Association (ASA) | | |

|Surety Bonds (contract) |SFAA |1101 Connecticut Ave NW#800 | |

| | |Washington DC 20036 | |

| | |202-463-0600 | |

| | |fax 202-463-0606 | |

| | | | |

| |NASBP |1828 L St NW #720 | |

| | |Washington DC 20036 | |

| | |202-686-3700 | |

| | |fax 202-686-3656 | |

| | | | |

| |SIO |1828 L St NW #720 |See SIO presentations chart below |

| | |Washington DC 20036 | |

| | |202-686-7463 | |

| | |fax 202-686-3656 | |

| | | | |

|Technology |FIATECH |Nicole Testa |Consortium focused on development of |

| | |Asst Director Operations & Business Development |technologies to improve how capital |

| | |FIATECH |projects and facilities are designed,|

| | |202-669-3635 |engineered, built and maintained. |

| | |testa@ |Technologies include IT & e-business |

| | | |applications, use of smart-chips on |

| | | |construction sites, Web-accessible |

| | | |databases, wearable computing devices|

| | | |for on-site personnel to communicate |

| | | |with project team. |

| |CERF |Kay Hathaway |Formerly Civil Engineering Research |

| | |Civil Engineering Forum for Innovation/ASCE |Foundation |

| | |1801 Alexander Bell Drive, Suite 630 | |

| | |Reston, Virginia 20191-4400 |Promotes technical innovation in |

| | |703-295-6314 |construction |

| | |fax 703-295-6315 | |

| | |khathaway@ | |

| | | | |

|Transportation |Will Wilkins |1726 M St NW #401 | |

| |The Road Information |Washington DC 20036 | |

| |Program |202-466-6706 | |

| |(TRIP) |fax 202-758-4722 | |

| | |wilkins@ | |

| | | | |

SIO PowerPoint Presentations

All presentations are available on CD or as color overheads or may be downloaded from the SIO Web site.

|Title |Audience |Description |Comments |

|Building a Solid Surety Relationship |Contractors |Covers the importance and benefits of |Includes speaker script |

| |Subcontractors |establishing a stable relationship with the | |

| | |surety bond producer and the surety company’s | |

| | |underwriter. Describes what to expect, what | |

| | |information the surety needs, and the | |

| | |importance of constant communication among all | |

| | |three parties. | |

|Construction & Beyond: Surety Bonds for |Public Owners |Defines and describes bid, performance, and |Available as automated & narrated or|

|Public Works |Legislators |payment bonds. Details the prequalification |manual with speaker’s script |

| | |process as well as the responsibilities of the | |

| | |public owner. Discusses the claims process | |

| | |should problems arise. | |

|Contract Surety Bonds: Understanding |All Audiences |Overview of surety industry |Includes speaker script |

|Today’s Market | | | |

|Design-Build: The Surety’s Perspective |Surety Professionals |Defines design build and its characteristics. |Available as automated & narrated or|

| | |Explains the problems associated with bonding |manual with speaker’s script |

| | |design build projects and how to overcome them.| |

| | |Provides advice for a successful design build | |

| | |project. | |

|Investment Protection for Today’s |Bankers |Defines contract surety and its three types of |Available as automated & narrated or|

|Construction Lender |Lenders |bonds – bid, performance, and payment. |manual with speaker’s script |

| | |Describes how surety bonds are obtained, the | |

| | |benefits surety bonds offer the construction | |

| | |lender, and compares and contrasts surety bonds| |

| | |with bank letters of credit. | |

|Informed Decisions: Surety Bonds or Bank|All Audiences |Compares surety bonds and bank letters of |Includes speaker script |

|Letters of Credit | |credit | |

|Obtaining Surety Credit: An Introduction|Contractors |Describes the process in obtaining a surety |Available as automated & narrated or|

|to the Surety Process |Subcontractors |bond. Indicates what documents the surety |manual with speaker’s script |

| | |company needs and the qualities the surety | |

| | |company looks for before bonding a contractor. | |

|Reducing Subcontractor Financial Risk |Contractors |Educates contractors of the importance of |Includes speaker script. |

| | |establishing a subcontractor bonding policy. | |

| | |Covers basics of bonding, benefits of bonding | |

| | |subs, prequalification and indemnity, | |

| | |qualifying a surety company, and claims | |

| | |handling and subcontractor failure. | |

|Risk & Responsibility: Understanding |Educators |Explains what surety bonds are and why they are|Designed for use in classroom but |

|Contract Surety Bonds |Students |required. Describes the prequalification |good tutorial for anyone that needs |

| | |process and what happens in the event of |to learn about surety bonds |

| | |default. Explains the benefits of surety bonds | |

| | |to both the owner and the contractor. |Available as automated & narrated or|

| | | |manual with speaker’s script |

|Surety Bonds 101: The Basics of Bonding |All Audiences |A basic look at surety bonds. Defines the three|Available as automated & narrated or|

| | |different types of contract surety bonds, |manual with speaker’s script |

| | |describes the prequalification process, and | |

| | |explains the benefits and functions of surety | |

| | |bonds. | |

|Surety Bonds: Managing the Risk of |Architects |Explains contract surety and the types of bonds|Available as automated & narrated or|

|Contractor Default |Engineers |used in construction. Explains the |manual with speaker’s script |

| |Public Owners |prequalification review a surety company | |

| |Private Owners |performs to determine a contractor’s ability to| |

| | |manage the job. Describes the benefits and | |

| | |functions of bonds. A case study explains how | |

| | |surety bonding works. | |

|Surety Bonds: The Sensible Choice for |Architects |Describes bid, performance, and payment bonds. |Available as automated & narrated or|

|Managing Risk |Engineers |Details the prequalification process, the |manual with speaker’s script |

| |Public Owners |claims process, and compares and contrasts | |

| |Private Owners |surety bonds with both traditional insurance | |

| | |and with bank letters of credit. | |

|Understanding the Benefits of Surety |Public Owners |A look at how contract surety bonds benefit |Available as automated & narrated or|

|Bonds |Private Owners |owners, lenders, contractors, or anyone |manual with speaker’s script |

| | |involved in the construction process. Defines | |

| | |what a surety bond is and the different types | |

| | |of bonds. | |

|When You Build…Bond |Public Owners |The importance of bonding with testimonials |Available as automated & narrated or|

| |Private Owners |from an owner, banker, and contractors on why |manual with speaker’s script |

| |Bankers/Lenders |they use bonds. | |

| |Contractors |Explains the prequalification process and | |

| | |protections that surety bonds offer. | |

|Why Do Contractors Fail? |Public Owners |Lists the reasons a contractor may default on a|Available as automated & narrated or|

| |Private Owners |project and the warning signs that a contractor|manual with speaker’s script |

| |CPAs |may be in trouble. Looks at the | |

| |Bankers |prequalification process to verify a | |

| |A/E |contractor’s ability to perform a contract. | |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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