

Dates for your diary:

Wednesday 27th November: Parents’ Forum 2.20pm

Thursday 28th November: Enterprise Event

Wednesday 4th December: Friends of Crynallt Disco

Friday 13th December: Musicmakers’ Concert

Thursday 19th December: Christmas Coffee Morning organised by Year 5

20th December: End of Term

Encouraging Enterprise:

As part of our Curriculum Pioneer work, all the Junior classes are busy running their own ‘enterprise’ projects. These projects are key to developing pupils’ skills in literacy, maths, art, communication and ICT.

As there will be no Christmas Fair this year, we are having an Enterprise Event for all the Junior classes on Thursday 28th November. This event will provide pupils with a chance to sell their items, but also a chance to ‘show off’ their work to parents, friends and local businesses. Parents will not be expected to buy anything but it is a lovely opportunity to see what your child has done in school. During this event the Friends of Crynallt will be serving tea, coffee and cakes and we will run a raffle and tombolas in the junior hall.

• The event will start at 2.30pm and will continue until 4.30pm;

• Junior parents will need to collect their children from classes on this afternoon, even if they are not attending the event.

• There will be a non-uniform day on Monday 25th November when we will ask pupils to bring bottles, toiletries or new items for the children’s tombolas;

The Infant children will not miss out. They will enjoy Christmas craft and other fun activities over the day as well as some treats. Parents will be able to go into class from 2.30pm to have a look at the crafts they are making and take their child to the Juniors if they would like.

The Infants will be making Christmas Cards to sell for their classes and these will be displayed and orders taken separately in the next few weeks.

Christmas Activities:

I would like to inform you that the following activities have been planned for this Christmas.

1) Enterprise Event on 28th November;

2) A Circus Performance and workshops for pupils on the 2nd December;

3) The Friends of Crynallt disco on Wednesday 4th December. More details about this will follow in the next few days;

4) Santa will be visiting in December;

5) Christmas Concerts;

6) Music Makers Concert on the 13th December;

7) Christmas Parties on the 17th December (Foundation Phase) and 18th December (Juniors);

8) Christmas Coffee Morning on the 19th December.

The Friends of Crynallt are hoping to hold a big Spring Fete/Family Day in May-June, if there are enough parents who are able to help.

Global Citizenship Work

Our ECO Committee has been invited to Techniquest for a Plastic Free workshop.

We are the first school in NPT to be awarded the Gold Rights Respecting School Award thanks to the work of all staff and pupils. This was led by Mrs Day, Miss Roberts and the Rights Respecting Committee. We are delighted with this award which is challenging to receive- more information will follow.

We have a Chinese Language Assistant in school again this year, teaching the children about Chinese Culture and some simple Mandarin!

Lockdown Procedures

We are very grateful for the large numbers of messages supporting the school following our recent lockdown. The lockdown was precautionary only and the situation has been resolved completely.

Information about our lockdown procedure can be found under the news section of the school website but, in general, the following applies:

1) All schools have been asked to prepare and practice lockdowns;

2) The type of event that may involve a lockdown procedure being put in place could be: an intruder on site, a local fire or chemical leak, a dangerous dog/animal in the vicinity, adverse weather, a gas leak or a possible threat to a pupil or pupils.

We have been practicing this procedure in school as it is quite complex given the size of the site and the number of doors and windows. We have explained to children that this is an ‘indoor fire alarm’. Instead of practising leaving a building in the case of a fire, we are practising staying in a secure building in case of a different type of emergency.

In a lockdown, children will not be able to leave the school building, even at the end of the school day and nobody will be able to enter the school either. In this event, parents will be informed by text/via the school app that a lockdown is in place, if the lockdown lasts for any length of time. Children will stay in the school building being cared for by staff until we are given the all clear by the emergency services or the possible threat has passed. We have also been asked to explain to parents that the school phone lines would need to be kept clear so that we could liaise effectively with outside professionals. For this reason, if we ever do go into lockdown for any length of time, we would ask you not to ring the school but to wait for updates via text/the app. I know this would be very difficult and worrying but it would ensure that we could deal with any emergency as quickly and safely as possible. It is also very important that we have an up to date number for all parents- some are out of date so could you check this please?


1) Join for free at Easyfundraising. The link is as follows:

2) Every time you want to shop go to Easyfundraising, find the site you want and start shopping

3) When you check out Crynallt Primary School gets a donation for no extra cost!


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