
YES! THE SHOCKING NEWS IS REALLY TRUE AND THERE’S MOREPart II to “Trump Makes Emergency Move to Save America From Invasions” with added information in several arenas. In this article, I want to confirm the shocking news of the December 14th article, #113.0 Mikvah of Present Reality, title above. But there is much more to add. In this article, I will be sharing from several insider reports from Steve Quayle, Steven ben Nun, Mike Adams, and “Mike from around the world” on Paul Begley’s broadcast December 17th. Abba Yahuwah always confirms things to assure us of truth or error. For 20 years I’ve listened to Steve Quayle and those with them. I know his sources are the best. He’s never given false information or drawn a wrong conclusion. His sources are mostly from the Pentagon, but also from people in various sciences. Steven ben Nun’s sources are in the Pentagon, but also in secret ops in Israel, and in Iran. Therefore, what he says is often shocking also, yet it always proves to be correct. These are watchmen of integrity. I’ve had some numbing shocks in the last week as news is getting more and more intense. I wrote the article “Trump Makes Emergency Move…” December 14th/Mikvah of Present Reality. In that article, I told how Steve Quayle said he had a discussion with Steven ben Nun about what President Trump pulled off to save us from an invasion by the Chinese. I did not know those two men even knew each other, but because the both have very high sources in inside security, even in black ops, I was amazed they not only know each other but compare notes at times. Steve Quayle said that ben Nun’s sources were very high because ben Nun was with the C.I.A. for several years. So, after I posted that article, I thought I’d check Israeli News Live YouTube to see if ben Nun had posted anything about it. Yes, he had. He started off his broadcast by saying “I had a long discussion with Steve Quayle…” then proceeded to give the same basic information. So, make sure you’ve read “Trump Makes Emergency Move…” which is a Part I to this one – so that you understand what I say here. If you are watching public news, which says little to nothing worth anything - lying, lying, lying, mind-programming, deceiving, haters of truth - not only are you wasting your time, you’re are actually being mind-programmed to be swept up into the lies. Protect your mind with the Word and the power of Yahuwah within! Make sure that every day you read in the only book of absolute pure Truth in the universe - the Word of Yahuwah - and ask the Spirit of Yahuwah to teach you and show you what He wants you to see and know. Act quickly on what He says to your spirit. Then ask Him to lead you to understand what you are seeing and hearing. Also, check with sites like Mike Adams of Natural News, and , and Israeli News Live YouTube. On Quayle’s site you will see a list of articles daily, with YouTube videos, to check out what’s really happening. You might also want to go to and subscribe to his “Q-Files” for $9.95 a month. But I warn you. If you are not comfortable with pure undiluted truth because of your personal relationship with Yahuwah and Yahushua, you might be too shocked to handle what truth really is saying.QUOTES FROM NOTES OF THE LAST FEW DAYSSteve Quayle December 11, 2020 “Assumption and Presumption – The Dragon is Here.” Quayle: “If President Trump had not dealt with what is on our southern border and our northern border, east and west coast, this last week, we wouldn’t be here this week. The invasion of China was scheduled for last week. We owe Trump for our existence now. No one is figuring the lateness of the hour. Trump took care of things in an ingenious way – without any fanfare.” “China has said that if Biden wins the election, they’d go ahead with their plans here.” What is interesting is that the 30-ton bunker buster bomb dropped from a B52 bomber on a Chinese military underground bunker holding 50,000 Chinese soldiers inside Maine, was dropped on Joe Biden’s property. Yes, Biden owns several of China’s underground bunkers inside the U.S. Trump said that within 24 hours he’d drop bunker buster bombs on at least three more underground facilities. He kept his promise!!! A total news blackout is in effect! Quayle goes on to say: “President Trump deserves our appreciation. Biden’s holding companies own lots of Chinese underground areas where they’d hide out in our midst.” He goes on to say that the Chinese are backed up by over 250 Senators and Congressmen, state governors, and mayors of large cities. The Chinese are paying out millions of dollars each to those in high places to assist in their takeover of America. Some of our senators and congress members hold duel citizenship with America and a foreign country. The Chinese have been infiltrating America for a long time. They want our farmland, our water, our possessions, and anything they can get their hands on. They already own quite a bit of land in America, and in Canada. Canada’s Prime Minister, Trudeau, sold out his people. He invited the Chinese military to train in winter warfare on Chinese soil. The incident a little over a week ago began as China fired on an American F-16 and split in half using a high energy weapon, in Michigan. When Trump heard that, he quickly ordered the destruction of an underground Chinese bunker with the B-52 – to start with – sending a message to China. Also, at least one, perhaps two, Chinese submarines were sunk as a result of Trump’s retaliation. Trump called for the 102nd Airborne to back him up, which they did. At the same time, the Canadian military refused to back up Trudeau’s allowing the Chinese to attack us from their border. Cheers for the Canadian military. Actual Intelligence Plans discovered – cities to be taken down by China: Washington D.C., New York City, Atlanta, Chicago, Seattle, Boston, Miami, Raleigh, Pittsburg, San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Wilmington -- probably the short list. Steve said “By moving decisively this last week – Trump prevented the deaths of 100 million people in the U.S.” On the other hand, Trudeau has his personal jet sitting on the runway full of fuel, prepared to take off. His military IS protecting his jet.Steven ben Nun: “Atlantic Chinese Confrontation” December 13, 2020Israeli News Live: “Trump Sends U.S. Navy to Confront Chinese in the Atlantic.” This broadcast confirmed everything Quayle said. Steven ben Nun said: “We are at war with China.” The bunker buster bombing of the underground Chinese base in Maine was written off by the public news as an earthquake. Yes, Trump’s order to bomb it is true. Yes, the underground facility is owned by Biden. Yes, China did all they could with their rigged Dominion voting machines to make sure Biden got the Presidency. Yes, Trump carried through with bombing other underground bases. Yes, the Chinese got in with Mexican drug cartels to learn what prominent politicians were getting money kick-backs from America’s extensive drug trafficking. Yes, Joe Biden is involved with the drug smuggling – working with the Chinese. Israel is involved heavily with China also; the Port of Haifa and the Port of Ashkelon are under China’s control. Hum… President Jimmy Carter gave the Chinese the Panama Canal, and a naval base in San Diego, California, years ago. Israelis know that China will be the world’s new superpower when the U.S. is destroyed. Here’s when ben Nun made a shocking statement: “Israel is going to drop the U.S. militarily.” Quayle also said this. So, if you wondered what happened to the “young lion” USA in Ezekiel 38:13, we are not around anymore to help anybody. Ben Nun said: “Don’t forget the very close relationship of Israel with America will turn bitter.” Steven said: “We are basically surrounded by China.” They’re on all four borders of America. Steven ben Nun’s Pentagon insider told him that China is not ready yet for a full invasion, but they are testing our response to them. Trump proved “our” response was immediate and tough. Ben Nun said: “What Steve Quayle is saying is accurate.” … “The Canadian military is not cooperating with the Chinese…If Biden takes over, we’re going to see a much faster collapse of our nation.” “Trump is involved with Pfizer and `Warp Speed’ vaccine distribution in America. Trump is a financial investor in the companies making this vaccine. He stands to profit from the vaccine.” I’m really sorry to hear that, but it proves what Jeremiah 17:5-10 says: “Cursed is the man who trusts in man…” Texas is talking about seceding. Ben Nun said: “Texas could be playing into China’s hand.” “The plan is to divide the U.S. into 5 regions controlled by super governors over each region. The President would be like a CEO over the 5 regions. Yes, China is going to acquire the United States.” Steven said also: “Steve Quayle and I agree on this information.” This is being called a “dark winter,” because of very possible power outages. Things are getting clearer. China has had a 1-child law for a long time. If the child is a girl, it is not considered a prestigious thing. If the woman has a baby boy next, instead of killing the baby boy, they kill the girl, even if she’s 2-3 years old, or more. So, yes, China has the 200 million-man-army of Revelation 9. China has 650 warships at least in their Navy. They are now moving into the Caribbean, and so is Iran and so is the U.S. China is now at war with India, Taiwan, Japan, and America. They are also, as is Russia, standing with Iran and Russia. Are you blown away yet? Here’s more…Steve Quayle Q-Files “America’s Red Sea Moment” December 15, 2020 235 Democrat and Republican Senators and Congressmen/women are on the Chinese payroll! Also, key governors of key states “are on the take.” Steve Quayle read from Jeremiah 12. It fits, as does Jeremiah 25:15-17, 27-33, Jeremiah 50-51, Revelation 18, Isaiah 13 and 47. . The Communist Manifesto calls for revolution to enslave humanity. We are under the judgment of Yahuwah, and are weakened. The weaker we get, the easier for the events of those chapters to come to pass. Look at the condition of the U.S. government in Jeremiah 50-51 during the time of attack by China, Russia, North Korea, and other nations with them – Iran, Cuba, France, Germany, …. More… Please refer to: “Thirty Clues and More…”/Mikah of Present Reality, showing clearly that America is the final expression of Nimrod’s Babel and his lust for world power and world rule and “End Time Babylon”/Mikvah of the Great Adventure. Here’s some numbing shockers that Quayle exposed “The Yellowstone Club in Bozeman is a club for only billionaires and multi-billionaires. What is the big secret about Bozeman? It is a gateway city for China. Also, the University of Montana is there. There are at least 500 Chinese students of engineering there. It is one of the “chosen cities” for China’s base of operation. Steve said: “In all cities and towns of significance, someone is there to carry out the will of hell.” “The City Commissioner (of Bozeman) has a representative of Antifa on the payroll.” Quayle lives in Bozeman. But, then, America gave Yellowstone National Park to the Chinese a long time ago, plus lots of other U.S. land. The Chinese have ranches, farms, military bases in western Canada, as well as in eastern Canada. Then Quayle asked: “How will Texans respond when they find out how much money Governor Abbot took from China? … Abbot is a traitor.” Washington D.C. is in chaos. Planes are flying over the east coast, looking for nuclear devices in various places. The Supreme Court is in an uproar too over all that truth from Trump they don’t want to deal with. Quayle told how, yes, the Chinese underground bases were hit by Trump’s orders and a Chinese nuclear submarine sunk off of the West Coast. He mentioned their takeover in Vancouver. He said there is a news blackout on all of this.Notes from Mike Adam’s Presentation at Steve Quayle’s “Brace for Impact” conference October 2020 Mike Adams started out with: “We’re not going back to the world before 2020. That world is gone.” “The previous United States is no more.” “Our constitution is no more.” [Yedidah: Nothing is the same since January 1, 2020 when the false flag of an attack on the American Embassy in Baghdad was staged. I did an extensive podcast on all the events that were spawned from that “false flag.” One false flag after another has been pulled off in 2019 and 2020 to make it look like Iran is the bad guy. They have borne all sorts of false flag operations designed to make it look like they did this or that, when they did none of it. China has given Iran very high technology. “Mike from around the world” an Intelligence insider on Paul Begley’s broadcast Thursday night December 17th, said “Russia is Iran and Iran is Russia – you can’t separate the two.” Thus, we see Jeremiah 50-51 unfolding along with Isaiah 13, 47, and Revelation 18, among other Scriptures, before our eyes. I began reporting on these things since 1992, when, while reading Jeremiah 50-51, Yahuwah spoke to me: “This is America.” “Mike from around the world” launched into proof of the result of mind-programming and mind-control as part of American culture for many decades, leaving people dulled, apathetic, lethargic, and unprepared for anything life-threatening. He talked about the purposed dumbing down of American children in public schools, college and university students, too, so that few can even connect dots from one thought to the next. All of the watchmen are saying the same things. The simplest thing that the Word tells us seems to be impossible for most to believe or put into practice--like the power we have over very real enemies in the supernatural realm, the infilling of the Spirit, the gifts of the Spirit, relationship with Yahuwah and Yahushua via the re-born spirit, spiritual warfare, and on and on.] MORE QUOTES FROM Mike Adams: “The mind is being turned into a device for programming from the outside.”“We have the mind of Messiah. Where is it? It is in our re-born spirit.”He says that “believers” are so dulled that few can think for themselves. They don’t remember what they’ve heard, nor can they apply it to their lives. They skim truth and then go about their dull lives. They want to be entertained, not prepared, not serious about their eternal life. Mike Adams said that 9 out of 10 people will be wiped off the earth with no eternal life in heaven. The people are like mindless zombies following whatever sounds good to them, or whatever scares them into submission. They are so used to conveniences that to do things like garden or raise animals, “can” food or freeze dry it, is beyond the ability of their mind to wrap around its details.” It’s true. People are used to being told what to believe, and so dependent on man, so dependent on conveniences, that to do what it takes to survive what’s coming is almost impossible for them. Most don’t even have freeze-dried food or water, a butane stove, toilet substitutes, or a place to garden. We have to live in survival mode folks! Mike Adams is a strong advocate of getting out of the city into the country where you can grow your own food, have your own chickens, goats, or sheep, and store your own food, have a root cellar, etc. He’s a Texan who “lives on the range.” What he teaches, he practices. It is only simple logic now. Mike Adams said: “We’re past the tipping point in this nation. All is coming down, unraveling, collapsing, and turning evil.” He said: “We are past the point of warning people – they are too dull to hear.” I know that sounds very harsh – but wow is it true! Mike Adams said God’s people are dying in all ways – in mind, emotions, will, spirit, and body. He went on to generally describe a dream I had months ago of the graveyard full of dug graves with caskets sitting by them, waiting to be filled with those now on life support – believers who are too weak to grab hold of faith and enter into the power of Yahuwah that He has for us by His Spirit. Mike goes into all the poisons that are going into us in various ways, and how our DNA is being changed slowly but surely. He elaborated: Yes, we live in a poisonous environment with GMO food, polluted water, polluted air. He talked about our food being fertilized by “bio-sludge,” human feces and toxins. Even our clothes and laundry detergent is adding to our demise. “Our oxygen levels are really going down,” he said. Mike Adams: “People want their conveniences and don’t care what’s in them. Apathy against taking personal responsibility to help ones’ self is a plague – `a suicide cult.’ ” He talked about spiritual suicide. “Our civilization is collapsing, as the end of mankind draws near.” “Demons are taking over.” Adams said: “We are getting closer to the end, even now, people are not receiving the Good News – not wanting to commit their lives to a Master.” … “We must concentrate on what Yahuwah has for us to do.” “Everything said by public news and society is a perversion, a lie, a deception, a falsehood, leading to an agenda of evil. Evil has so permeated our society as a whole that even “believers” are rejecting the truth of the Bible, and even natural laws of creation are being violated, as with transgenders – the nation is evil.” OK: I’ll stop there. Mike Adams is NOT on a downer. Everything he said is true and said by others who have given their lives to warn people and call people to prepare for the coming judgment of Yahuwah. All prophetic Scripture is now surfacing for all to see. We are not the America we were before January 1, 2020. We are now being taken over by a communist revolution, and China is our pattern. For many years, in reporting on news, I have said that America is following the China-pattern. Now that is out in the open for all to see. Here is my bottom line: Hear what the Spirit says to you about these very real things. Is life going on “as usual?” Obviously NO! Spend more time in the Word, before the Master in prayer, pressing in to receive all that He has for you by the Spirit of Yahuwah within. Our re-born spirit is behind our naval, in our belly area (John 7:36-39) We must submit our mind to the control of the Spirit of Yahuwah so that He can transform us to know Him as He is – taking on His nature, ways, and thinking, reflecting His light in a dark world. In His love, Yedidah - December 20, 2020 ................

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