
225361564770005923915-514985Page 31800Page 3181023620391160003870325-5623300Name: ___________________________________Class: ________________________Date: _________560768536766500Unit 3 Test: Genetics368871513652500..Section I: Understanding5255895115570Multiple Choice Answer Key:(4 points each)________________________________________________________________________________0Multiple Choice Answer Key:(4 points each)________________________________________________________________________________What is "genetics?"The process of cell division.The study of how genes/traits pass from parent to offspring.Either process of sexual or asexual reproduction.The copying of new genetic material.Rank the following three things in order from smallest to largest.DNA, atom, cell.d. Atom, DNA, cell.DNA, cell, atom.e. Cell, DNA, atom.Atom, cell, DNA.f. Cell, atom, DNA.What is the role of DNA?It is an indicator of an animal’s health.It is a cell’s power plant.It decides how many offspring an animal should have.It is a molecular blueprint for a living thing.DNA is made up of…Kalomine, cytosine, thymine, and lysine.Kalomine, guanine, cytosine, and thymine.Adenine, guanine, cytosine, and thymine.Adenine, guanine, cytosine, and lysine.What is a "genetic mutation?"When two parents mix their genetic codes to produce offspring.When an individual is born with a missing chromosome.A genetic mistake; a permanent change in the DNA code.A fractured cell membrane or nuclear membrane.What is the difference between sexual and asexual reproduction?Asexual reproduction contains more mutations.Asexual means parents mix their DNA, sexual means DNA is copied directly from a single parent.Sexual reproduction contains more mutations.Sexual means parents mix their DNA, asexual means DNA is copied directly from a single parent.Which set of traits below are both genetic?Eye color and skin tone.c. Height and weight.Tattoos and piercings.d. Knowledge and hair color.How many pieces of DNA do humans have in each cell?One. b. Twelve. c. Twenty-three. d. Forty-six. e. Ninety-two.Which of the following is not a genetic disorder?Cystic fibrosis. b. Cancer. c. Strep throat. d. Alcoholism.As we learned two weeks ago, it is not just genetics that determines the growth of organisms. With that in mind, find the mistake in the Venn Diagram below..“Down syndrome” is in the wrong spot.c. “Height” is in the wrong spot.“Plant growth” is in the wrong spot.d. “Concussions” is in the wrong spot.Section II: Applying56000655969000Which of the following types of organisms contain DNA?Animals. b. Viruses. c. Plants. d. All of the above. e. None of the above.What is the name of the process displayed in the small diagram to the right?Cytokinesis. c. Divergence. Mitosis d. Meiosis.What kinds of activities can cause genetic mutations in humans?Sleeping, watching TV, etc. c. Running, sports, etc.Washing dishes, doing laundry, etc. d. Sunburns, smoking, etc.3123565-11975100What is going on in the picture to the right?.A carbohydrate is being digested..A protist is reproducing..A ribosome is reading someRNA and building a protein..A ribosome is reading someDNA and copying it..None of the above.Which of the following organisms can reproduce asexually? a. Flowers. b. Starfish. c. Dogs. d. Penguins.29057602159000To the right is a real microscope image of a person's DNA. What genetic disorder does this person have?Cancer.Alcoholism.Treacher-Collins.Down Syndrome.Turner Syndrome.In 1931, a chemist named Arthur Fox was pouring some powdered PTC into a bottle. When some of the powder accidentally blew into the air, his partner, standing nearby, complained that the dust tasted bitter. Fox tasted nothing at all. Curious as to how two people could be tasting the same chemical so differently, Fox then had his friends and family try the chemical. Some people tasted nothing. Some found it intensely bitter. And still others thought it tasted only slightly bitter. Today, we know that your sense of taste is a ___________ trait. The ability to taste is controlled by your taste buds, and the code for building your taste buds is found in your DNA. In the case of PTC, your ability to taste the compound is controlled by a single ___________ (called TAS2R38) that was discovered in 2003. The two words that correctly fill in the blanks in the above paragraph are… a. Genetic… gene. b. Genetic… codon. c. Physical… gene. d. Physical… codon.18.Normally, both copies of Chromosome 7 carry instructions on how to make the CFTR protein, which makes up part of the lining of your lungs. A human can get by as long as one of their copies of Chromosome 7 carries the code for CFTR. But when a human has two faulty copies of the CFTR gene, the body is unable to make that protein. This condition is known as “cystic fibrosis.”The husband above is a “carrier” for Cystic Fibrosis; he has one healthy copy of the gene and one faulty copy. The wife is named Sophie; she has Cystic Fibrosis. If the two had children, what percentage of their children would have the disease?. a. 0% b. 25% c. 50% d. 75% e. 100%3253846477000What type of reproduction is shown in the diagram below?Sexual with one mutation.c. Asexual with one mutation.Sexual with no mutations.d. Asexual with no mutations.The size of the fish in a lake is determined by…The fish’s genetics.c. The size of the lake.The fish’s food supply.d. Overfishing. e. All of the above.Section III: The Real World (5 points each)21.The year is 2034. You are a scientist who works at the CDC. This morning there were reports of a disease outbreak in the town of Marshfield. Not long after the reports, a news reporter from Channel 7 News calls your office. She asks you to explain whether the disease could be a virus. Below, please explain what a virus is and how they work.22.Later that day, a doctor arrives at your office with a blood sample from an infected patient. Explain a lab procedure that you could use to extract the patient’s DNA.2636520-1860550023.After extracting their DNA, you sent the sample to a lab at Harvard University for decoding. The next morning, you got back the results (pictured to the right). Did the patient have a virus? If so, what was the virus’s genetic code?24.If the outbreak was determined to have been caused by a virus, explain a lab procedure that the CDC could use to produce a vaccine. ................

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