One Web site where you can find information about movies, theaters, and show times is . Look at this portion of the Web site.1. What would most likely happen if you clicked on the line that says "Select a Movie"? A.You could type in the name of a movie you want to see.B.You would be entered into the "Movie of the Month" Club.C.You would get a pull-down menu with a list of movies.D.You would get a list of movie theaters in your area.2. Using this search box, what is the best way to search for all PG-rated movies in your area? A.Find the phone number of a movie theater.B.Go to .C.Click on the "More Search Options" link.D.Go to another Web site.3. Nathan visits the library because his favorite author has come out with a new book. However, Nathan does not know the title, and he is not sure where to find the book. What resource should he use? A.library cardB.library catalogue databaseC.encyclopediaD.index4. ?????Patty and Danae are working together on a paper about Robert Louis Stevenson, the author of Treasure Island. Patty wants to use a Web site called "The Amazing REAL Story Behind Treasure Island" in their paper. The Web site was created by a seventh-grade student at Harmon Junior High. Danae wants to use the autobiography of Robert Louis Stevenson instead.The most useful source for Patty and Danae's paper would be A.the autobiography.B.both the book and the Web site.C.the Web site.D.neither the book nor the Web site.5. What should one do to find out whether a book has information about photosynthesis? A.flip through the pagesB.ask the librarianC.look in the the title6. The ending of a Web site address can give you basic information. Look at the four most common Web address endings in the United used for local, state, and federal government Web : used for non-commercial organizations like non-profits, charities, and : used for commercial businesses that make a less popular ending used for local and state governments; the xx would be replaced with the state abbreviationThe Federal Bureau of Investigation is a government agency on the national level. Based on the information above, what is most likely the Web address of the FBI? A.fbi.tx.usB.C.D.7. Malena has been browsing many different pages on the Internet. She wants to return to her home page. What is the fastest way for Malena to get back to her home page without typing the Web site address? A.Click on the icon that looks like a printer. B.Click on the icon that looks like an x. C.Click on the icon that looks like arrows. D.Click on the icon that looks like a house. 8. You have been learning about the Civil War in school, and you want to find out more about it. What is the best way to use the Internet to find more information? A.Try to find a Civil War newsgroup online.B.Go to and join their mailing list.C.Use a search engine, such as Google, Excite, or Go.D.Send an e-mail to .9. ?????Bella is writing a report on computers in the classroom. She buys a book called The Computer in Education, which was written by a respected scientist. The book was published in 1977. She also finds an online article on the same topic, which was published by the University of New Mexico. The article was published in 2008. What is the best way for Bella to decide which source is more useful for her report? A.The book was published before the year 2000, so it is a better source.B.The online article can be read on the computer, so it is a better source.C.The book is a better source because the author is a scientist.D.The online article is a better source because it is more current.10. Greg likes to learn about the Civil War. He wants to know which chapter in his social studies book covers the Civil War. Which resource should he use to find this information? A.table of contentsB.glossaryC.indexD.captions11. Stanley doesn't understand one of the vocabulary words in his English textbook. What resource should he use to find out what the word means? A.footnoteB.table of contentsC.indexD.glossary12. ?????Joe is looking for information on the Civil War for his history paper. He checks out a book from the library by a history professor, who has taught American history at a local college for 15 years. He also finds a Web site with several videos about the Civil War. The Web site was created by an unknown author. What is the best way for Joe to decide which source is more useful for his paper? A.The Web site has several videos about the Civil War, so it is a better source.B.The Web site is a better source because it was published on the World Wide Web.C.The book has an author who is an expert in history, so it is a better source.D.The book is a better source because it will take longer for Joe to read.13. North American River Otter?????Otter, aquatic carnivore found worldwide except in Australia, New Zealand, and Antarctica. In the common species distributed throughout Europe and Asia, the body may attain a length of 75 cm (30 in), with a tail half as long as the body. The head is broad and flat with short rounded ears; the blunt snout bears lateral slit-like nostrils. The ears and nostrils can be closed when the animal is diving. The fur is chestnut, the legs are short but strong, and the webbed feet have claws. The passage above was taken from A.a encyclopedia.C.a newspaper index.14. Steve is writing an essay on World War II. He is going to write about the everyday life of a soldier during the war. Which of the following would make the best source for Steve to use? A.a book of short stories about interview with a WWII encyclopedia article over WWIID.a newspaper article about soldiers15. Hani needs to see a timeline that shows the order of the presidents. He does not have a computer at his house, but his family keeps many different kinds of books. What is the best source for Hani to use to find this information? A.atlasB.library catalogueC.encyclopediaD.dictionary16. You want to write a letter to the company that makes Cheerios. You go to their Web site and see buttons that say "News," "Special Offers," "Help" and "Contact Us." Which link would most likely help you find their mailing address? A.NewsB.Contact UsC.HelpD.Special Offers17. Kate goes to the office with her mother. She sits quietly in the corner and listens while her mother asks an assistant to look up the address of an important client. Where should the assistant look? puter databaseB.magazineC.libraryD.textbook18. Which source is best for finding a synonym for the word escape? A.table of contentsB.thesaurusC.almanacD.index19. ?????Shawn and Gus are working on a project about the environment for Mr. Lassiter's science class. They want to use the Web site of the United States Environmental Protection Agency for their project. Mr. Lassiter wants them to use an online article by a professor who has studied the environment for the last 20 years.Which would be the best source for Shawn and Gus to use in their project? A.Shawn and Gus should use both the Web site and the online article.B.Shawn and Gus should use the article because their teacher likes it.C.Shawn and Gus should not use either the Web site or the online article.D.Shawn and Gus should use the Web site because it will have pictures.20. David and his family are planning a road trip to see his sister. He wants to know which states they will see along the way. What resource should David consult in order to map his trip? A.almanacB.indexC.atlasD.library21. This is part of the Yahoo! Web site.Some search engines put Web sites into groups. This picture shows you how Yahoo! puts Web sites into groups. What link would most likely have information about television shows? A.HealthB.EntertainmentC.ScienceD.Recreation and Sports22. Which reference source is best for planning a trip to several different states? A.almanacB.atlasC.globeD.index23. large (adjective)large, of size, big, great, large size, extra-large,economy size, king-size, queen-size, super, jumboThe selection above was taken from what reference source? A.almanacB.atlasC.dictionaryD.thesaurus24. Sunee wants to know how many people lived in New York City in 2002. Where should she look first? A.a map of New York almanacD.a newspaper25. Directions:?Select all the correct answers.Alice is writing a report on the achievements of the scientist Stephen Hawking.?Which two sources would?best?help her??a film based on physics?a magazine article about the greatest living scientists?a book titled "A Brief History of Time" written by Hawking?a book on astronomy and physics?a biography of Stephen Hawking26. ?????Genealogy is more than just a hobby to Mr. Jim Adams, a Millville resident who has spent much of his life studying the lives of his ancestors. He's devoted a great deal of time to helping others trace their family roots as well, and he has some good advice for people who don't know where to begin. ?????"The first and most important thing to do when you are trying to locate and identify your ancestors is to talk to the oldest person in your family," Adams said. He said that young people should talk to their parents and grandparents to find out what life was like when they were children, and where they went to school.The article above is most likely A.a research paper.B.a science report.C.a newspaper encyclopedia article.27. Which of the following sources would be best to use to find out about the current state of the economy? A.a major newspaper like the New York TimesB.a local neighborhood economics text bookD.a world history book28. Roger thinks he may have misspelled a word in his report. What source should Roger use to check the spelling of the word? A.newspaperB.atlasC.library catalogueD.dictionary29. Directions:?Drag the tiles to the correct boxes to complete the pairs.George wants to do some research on hurricanes and the places that have been affected by them.?He uses different resources for his research.?Match the sources with the kind of information they may provide.30. You would like to learn about today’s top news stories. Which resource would be the most helpful? A.library databaseB.magazineC.bookD.newspaper31. ?????Aimee and Chris are creating a presentation for health class. They need to find out how many people in the United States have been diagnosed with diabetes in the last two years.Which source would provide Aimee and Chris with the most useful information for their presentation? online article about diseases in the Middle AgesB.the autobiography of the first doctor to treat diabetesC.the Web site of the American Diabetes AssociationD.a book about the history of diabetes in the U.S.32. Hannah has been assigned a report on the Arapaho tribe. She wants to find books on the subject but does not know which books are in her library. What resource should she use? A.table of contentsB.library catalogue databaseC.Internet search engineD.dictionary33. Aran wants to find a book titled Nothing's Fair in the Fifth Grade in the library, but he cannot remember the author's name. Which of the following should he use? A.puterized card to periodicalsD.Dewey decimal system34. Ms. Hansen is worried about the weather. A storm has started in the last 10 minutes. She wants to know if there have been any current updates on the weather. Where would she find the most up-to-date information on the weather? A.InternetB.glossaryC.encyclopediaD.newspaper35. Marlon is doing a science assignment in his science textbook. One question uses the word "respiration." He cannot remember what the word means. What is the best resource for Marlon to find the meaning of this word? A.table of contentsB.footnoteC.glossaryD.index36. You are curious about the Vietnam War. After reading some books and articles, you decide to write an essay about the time period. Since you want to add some personal stories and quotes, which of the following choices is the best research resource? interview with someone who lived through the encyclopedia articleC.a field trip to the local article you found on the Internet37. Lenore is doing research on Dolores del Rio, a Mexican movie actress. She goes to the library and finds a book about the history of Mexican Cinema. She is only allowed to check out 5 books, and she's unsure if she needs this final book. Where should she look to see if Dolores del Rio is mentioned in the book and whether it is worth checking out? A.library databaseB.encyclopediaC.indexD.glossary38. Gracie is doing research on Eleanor Roosevelt, the former first lady. Gracie went to the library and found a book that covers the history of Roosevelt's time period. Where should Gracie look to see if Roosevelt's name appears in the text? A.glossaryB.library databaseC.indexD.encyclopedia39. Leticia wants to buy a used electronic keyboard, so she can practice piano when she visits her dad. She decides to find out how expensive they are and then ask for one for her birthday. Where is a good place for Leticia to do her research? A.textbook glossaryB.library databaseC.encyclopediaD.Internet40. Directions:?Select all the correct answers.Bill is curious about the Korean War.?He has decided to write an essay about the war.?Bill wants to add a personal story about how the Korean War affected people living in the U.S. In which two sources should Bill look??an encyclopedia article about U.S. interests during the Korean War?a popular piece of historical fiction set in the U.S. during the Korean War?an atlas page showing information about North and South Korea?an interview with someone who lived in the U.S. during the Korean War?a memoir written by a U.S. veteran who served in the Korean War41. Patrick needs to know the number of miles between two cities in his state. He knows that he could measure it using a map drawn to scale. What is the best source Patrick could use to find this information? A.dictionaryB.field tripC.newspaperD.atlas42. ?????Ms. Thompson's fifth-grade class is working on a project about the harmful effects of smoking. Half of the class wants to use a book called Smoking: A Doctor's Report. The book was written by Dr. Jamal Wells, a respected medical doctor, and it was published in 2008. The other half of the class wants to use a Web site called Health and Smoking, which was created in 2008 by a scientist at the National Institute of Health. What is the best way for Ms. Thompson's class to decide which source is more useful for their project? A.The class should use both the book and the Web site.B.The class should use the book because it is longer.C.The class should use the book because it was written by a doctor.D.The class should use the Web site because it talks about health.43. Kristin is at home looking at her dad's bookshelves. She decides she would like to learn how the Panama Canal was built. What book should she consult? A.atlasB.encyclopediaC.dictionaryD.almanac44. Which source is best for finding statistics on the National Football League (NFL) over the last five years? A.encyclopediaB.almanacC.thesaurusD.newspaper45. Beth did not get to see the basketball game last night. She does not know if her favorite team won. What resource should Beth use to see the score from last night's game? A.dictionaryB.newspaperC.library catalogueD.encyclopedia46. Leslie is researching an ancient civilization. She goes to the museum to see old pots, fabrics, and tools the people in the civilization used. What are these items called, as a research resource? A.databasesB.artifactsC.interviewsD.field trips47. ?????Devon and Destiny are writing a letter to Mayor Rodriguez. They want a stop sign to be placed on the street in front of their school to allow students to cross the street in safety. They need to show the mayor that many traffic accidents happen near their school. Devon finds a book called School Safety, which was written by the principal of a middle school. Destiny finds an article about traffic accidents in the local newspaper.Which source would be the most useful to help Devon and Destiny accomplish their goal? A.The newspaper article is a better source because it will not take as long for them to read.B.The book is a better source because it was written by the principal of a middle school.C.The newspaper article is a better source because it has more current information.D.The book is a better source because it will take much longer to read than the article.48. Gymnastics?????The game of gymnastics has been around for a long time.?The sport developed from the ancient Greeks 4,000 years ago.?At the time, exercise was thought to be a good use of one's time.?People would spend as much time exercising as they would working on writing or math.?Men would meet to develop and practice moves that showed their strength, flexibility, and endurance.?????Friedrich Ludwig Jahn is widely credited with developing modern-day gymnastics.?Jahn, a German educator, had a great love for his country.?He thought that the young people of Germany could be encouraged and built up through gymnastics.?In the early nineteenth century, Jahn created the first gymnastics club.?It helped make the sport popular throughout Germany and later the world.?Jahn developed the balance beam, the horizontal bar, the parallel bars, the rings, and the vault.?Much of what we see in twenty-first century gymnastics equipment can be traced back to Jahn.Directions:?Select all the correct answers.Roderick needs to write down facts from the passage into his notebook.?He is interested in only writing down information about the life of Friedrich Ludwig Jahn.?Which facts should Roderick write down??began about 4,000 years ago?improved the sport of gymnastics?thought gymnastics could help German youth?invented the balance beam, rings, and vault?developed strength, flexibility, and endurance49. Cynthia found a book she wants on the library's online catalog. She does not know if she has time to pick it up before the library closes. What is the best way for her to see what time the library closes? A.Click on the link that says "Hours."B.Type "time" into a search engine.C.Click on the "Additional Searches" tab.D.Ask someone what time it closes.50. Tracy needs to read a book for her English class. She goes to the public library's Web site to see if it is available. She gets to the online catalog. What should she do next if she knows the exact title? A.Click on the middle link that says "Hours."B.Type her name in the box and click the "Go" button.C.Click the tab called "Fast Links and Resources."D.Click in the drop-down menu and choose "Title Keyword."51. Jamal is visiting his public library's Web site. He finds the online catalog. What should he do to find out what books are checked out on his library card account? A.Click the tab called "My Account Holds and Renewals."B.Click the red circle that says "Go."C.Go to a search engine and type in his name.D.Click the link that says "Library Information."Answers1. C 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. C 6. C 7. D 8. C 9. D 10. A 11. D 12. C 13. B 14. B 15. C 16. B 17. A 18. B 19. A 20. C 21. B 22. B 23. D 24. C 25. -- 26. C 27. A 28. D 29. -- 30. D 31. C 32. B 33. B 34. A 35. C 36. A 37. C 38. C 39. D 40. -- 41. D 42. A 43. B 44. B 45. B 46. B 47. C 48. -- 49. A 50. D 51. A ................

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