Notice of Parish Council Meeting

I hereby give notice that Newton Parish Council will meet REMOTELY

on WEDNESDAY 27TH MAY 2020 at 7.30pm

All members of the Council are hereby summoned to attend for the purpose of considering and resolving upon the business to be transacted at the Meeting as set out hereunder.

Sally Walmesley, Clerk



7.30pm Parish Council Meeting

Co-option of Councillor

1. Coronavirus Act 2020

1.1 To amend Standing Orders to allow remote attendance at meetings

2. Apologies for absence, declarations under the code of conduct and requests for dispensations

3. Public Questions on agenda items and for discussion at future meetings (Parish Council)

To members of the Public:

You are invited to remotely attend the meeting for the purpose of transacting the following business. The meeting will be conducted by a video conferencing link. If you wish to remotely attend please send an email to the Parish Clerk; the Clerk will give you access details. If you also wish as a remote attendee to make any comments or raise any questions about an item on the Agenda please include the text of your comments and questions in the email or letter to the Clerk in advance of the meeting.

4. To approve the minutes of

4.1 The Parish Council Meeting held 22nd January 2020

5. Matters Arising

5.1 Foxton Cross village working group update (ON HOLD)

5.2 Annual Parish Meeting 2020 -Cancelled

6. County and District Councillors’ reports

7. Finances

7.1 To receive the financial statement and to approve the payment of bills

7.2 Update on Signatory Change/Bank Account (Barclays) Lloyds Bank applications on hold

7.3 Annual Audit 2019/20

7.3.1 Internal Audit Report

7.3.1 Agreement of Governance Statement

7.3.2 Agreement of Accounting Statement

7.3.3 Completion of Certificate of Exemption

7.4 Clarification of Section 106 Reserves

8. Website and Office Software

8.1 Update on new Councillor e-mail addresses

8.2 Software options for PC

8.3 Ownership of Domain newton-cambridge-

9. Highway Issues

9.1 Update on implementation of agreed Scheme 2018/19

9.1.1 LHI Scheme 2021/22 -Applications from 1st April 2020 –Application for yellow lines

9.2 General Condition of roads and drains

9.3 Village Sign

10. Recreation/Play Area

10.1 Update on urgent repairs to play equipment/seating

11 Planning Issues

11.1 Affordable Housing planning application update

11.2 To consider Planning Applications

11.2.1 Planning Ref 20/01935/PR103Q

Barns at Newton Manor House, Town Street –Prior approval for change of use of agricultural building to a dwelling house and for building operations reasonably necessary for conversion

12. Defibrillator Proposal (deferred to Annual Parish Meeting 2021)

13. Coronavirus Volunteer Group

14. Review of Insurance Schedule 2020/21

14.1 Update of Asset Register

15. Adoption of Policies/Standing Orders

15.1 Mandatory Standing Orders

15.2 Privacy Policy

15.3 Equal Opportunities Policy

15.4 Safeguarding Policy

16. To consider correspondence received including:

16.1 Covid 19 –various correspondence from SCDC, CAPALC

16.2 Request for a Litter Bin -Town Street

17. Councillors' items for information and requiring the urgent attention of the Clerk

18. Date of Next Meeting -15th July 2020


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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