
LITERACYWEDNESDAY 25th MarchTHURSDAY 26th MarchSPELLINGChoose 10 words from the lists below and practise writing these words in your pound WordsSilent e with I soundCVCC Words lk, lp, ngfootballwipemilkrainbowwinesilktoothbrushridehelp undergroundkitegulpeyeballbitesonganywayshinelongafternoonslimesingovertakehidehangseasidetidebang birthdaywinesang 2680970124460SCRIBBLE SPELLINGDraw a scribble in your child’s jotter, similar to the picture below. In each section, write one word as many times as you can. Choose a different word from the list above for every section. SPELLING SENTENCESChoose 5 words from the list and put them into your own sentence. Can you also include wow words (adjectives) and joining words in each sentence? e.g. because, and, so, but, so thatPETER RABBIT CHARACTER25469851016000After Reading the Tale of Peter Rabbit (link on Learning Grid), draw a picture of Peter in the middle of your jotter and write as many words as you can to describe him – personality and appearance. WRITE A LETTER TO MR McGREGORIn your jotters, write a letter to Mr McGregor to say sorry for sneaking into his garden. The more you read this example letter to your child, the easier it will be for them to come up with their own ideas. Please allow your child to sound out the spelling of the words and only correct at the end.e.g. Dear Mr McGregor,I am very sorry for sneaking into your beautiful garden yesterday but I was very hungry. I ate your crunchy carrots, perfect peas and curly cabbage because they looked so delicious. When I got home, I felt very unwell so my mummy put me to bed. This morning when I woke up I felt bad so I decided to write this letter to you. I will replant your yummy vegetables and help you with the gardening.FromPeter RabbitFRIDAY 27th MarchHANDWRITINGPractise these letters using cursive handwriting. In your child’s jotter, write the first letter of each line using a highlighter or coloured pen. Write two lines of each letter. Your child should know to complete the line with the same letter. If it helps, you could put a dot so your child knows where to start each new letter.codIf your child is able to join, try the words below.coddoggodgoodREADING FOR ENJOYMENTChoose a book of your choice and read it with an adult or family member. Can you find 10 different common words?Draw a new front cover for the book and think of a new title.Football, rainbow, toothbrush, underground, eyeball, anyway, afternoon. Overtake, seaside, birthday. ................

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