Posted: May 22, 2014 at 12:00 Noon

*Notice of Public Hearing*

Notice is Hereby Given a

Public Hearing

will be held by the

Washington Parish Council

Washington Parish Courthouse

908 Washington Street

Franklinton, La 70438

Council Chambers

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Meeting ID: 846 6745 7901

Password: 076024

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November 9, 2020

Monday – 5:45 PM

Public Hearing - Ordinance No. 20-670 – An ordinance accepting Fernwood Drive, Arbor Land and Sundance Lane as Parish Roads under Police Powers of Health, Safety and Welfare.

Chairman Fornea: “Would anyone from the public like to come forward and speak?”

Ronnie Seal 43075 C.E. Stafford Rd, Franklinton La: Mr. Seal has property on Sundance Lane and expressed the importance for ordinance 20-670 to pass.

Chairman Fornea: “Would anyone from the public like to come forward and speak?”

No one came forward.

Public Hearing – Ordinance No. 20-671 – An ordinance to amend the 2020 annual operating budget for the Washington Parish Government.

Chairman Fornea: “Would anyone from the public like to come forward and speak?”

No one came forward.

Councilman Rice offered a motion, seconded by Councilman King to close public hearing.

Roll call of vote as follows:

YEAS: (6) King, Culpepper, Rice, Wagner, Harry and Fornea

NAYS: (0)

ABSENT: (1) McMasters


Item No. 1. - Call to order – Chairman Fornea called the meeting to order.

Item No. 2. - Invocation – Councilwoman Wagner gave the invocation.

Item No. 3. - Pledge of Allegiance – Councilman Rice led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Item No. 4. - Roll Call – Council Clerk Sarah Cook called the roll. Present were Joe Culpepper, Shawn Rice, Kim Wagner, Clark Harry, Rusty Fornea, Reginald McMasters and Carley King

Item No. 5. – Approval of Minutes – Approval of minutes dated October 26, 2020.

Councilman Culpepper offered a motion, seconded by Councilman King to approve October 26, 2020 minutes.

Roll call of vote as follows:

YEAS: (7) McMasters, King, Culpepper, Rice, Wagner, Harry and Fornea

NAYS: (0)



Item No. 6. – Vice President, Public Affairs Jody Montelaro – Discussion of new power plant outside of Bogalusa City limits.

Jody Montelaro: Mr. Montelaro received copies of the Cooperative Endeavor Agreement Exhibit A as requested from the last council meeting and handed copies out to the council, administration and attorney.

Jody Montelaro: “The contract states it can be 75 decibels at the exterior fence line. Entergy will be making our own decibel readings. To answer the question from last meeting, if both turbines were being used, yes, they were both being used. Calpine did their own testing and they felt like they were in line with the contract. We will be taking mitigation steps to silence buffers, exhaust duck with silencing, additional vegetation, wall or other sound barriers. We first need to find where the actual noise is coming in order to determine what needs to be done to fix the noise. Again, we will be providing our own series of test at the plant and surrounding addresses. We also did research on one of the questions asked at the last council meeting about EPA Regulations. We found that there are no EPA Regulations that are being broken. At one time there was an office of noise abatement but no longer does this. EPA Regulations says the level should not be used criteria regulations and goals and it also says the levels are based on a constant running of 24 hours a day. This is a Peaker plant and should run at the max of 800 to 900 hours throughout the year at the hottest day of the year or coldest day of the year. The contract simply says 75 decibels at the exterior fence line. But our goal here is to make sure as we transfer over to Entergy, we have to have a balance for the community and Entergy.”

Chairman Fornea: “As we go forward, we have to have some kind of commitment from yourself. We all want to be good neighbors with industry and maintain a quality of life. When these residents build their homes where it is and now have a plant that is being very loud. We want a win win for everybody.”

Jody Montelaro: “I will have to go back and find back our level of ability is as I did tonight. I know that we are taking these steps towards to mitigating. To circle back on one of your last questions. We didn’t come back with an answer on the touring because we don’t have any control at this time. We do want to conduct one of our own series of noise test and Calpine is going to do another final test in the next two weeks. We will be doing test around the fence line and some of the homes. Patrick who is here with me tonight got a lot of the addresses from the citizens here tonight. We need to identify the noise standpoint and will not be a problem but as far as giving permission for a tour, it is still under Calpine right now. Lastly, the question you asked if we intended to honor the number of workers. Yes, it will be 5 full time jobs with a minimum annual of 320.”

Councilman McMasters: “At the end of the day the reassurance to us and Washington Parish for you to do what ever you can for our citizens that you arise at a solution.

After further discussion Chairman Fornea asked to move forward to Phillipp Bedwell and allow others to speak.

Item No. 7. – Phillipp Bedwell – Discussion of new power plant outside of Bogalusa City limits.

Phillipp Bedwell: asked the council to take action now before it is too late and request for a resolution. Mr. Bedwell presented a demonstration with decibels and a fan in the chambers. Also, Mr. Bedwell would like a copy of the contract to see the wording of the 75 decibels. “We need to know if they will commit. We only heard of study’s being done and we haven’t heard them actually commit to fixing this problem.”

Chairman Fornea: “You all need to understand. This came through the State. This is between the State of Louisiana, Calpine and Entergy to build this plant. The parish didn’t have a lot to say in this matter but now we are here, and we are going to try and fix and address whatever we can. We are going to pursue it, here is the problem we got. If he is disclosing the correct figures there at 75 decibels at the fence level and is current being there with the sounds that we have. We want to press upon Entergy and Calpine, that we want some kind of sound mitigation so you can enjoy your quality of life. All the rest of that doesn’t about to a hill of beans. All your worried about is having peace and quiet in your house. What I want in the end is Calpine or Entergy when they take over is an absolute commitment to addressing and making the situation for the citizens to go about their business in their house or yard. We understand there are going to be noises here and there with different industry. You get accustomed to the traffic noise, just like you get accustomed to the mill inside town and after a while you don’t hear it. A larger sound amount is an issue and has been proven to be detrimental over an extended length of time.”

President Thomas: “I did understand that Mr. Montelaro said that they were going to mitigate the problem.”

Phillipp Bedwell: “They said they were going to study it.”

Jody Montelaro: “what is said specifically was, we are exploring mitigation options, meaning that is beyond studying. Number one we need to do our own sound test to find out what we need to do. Number two, we need to know through our own sound test, where the noise may be coming from. One may think, hey lets just throw up a wall and what if the noise is coming from the upper stack? Then the wall doesn’t work. What we committed to; is we are going down the path to explore mitigation options. This is with the intention of doing things. There are different degrees of what fix it means.”

Jeff Sharp resides at 59094 Borne Rd: “I live close to the plant and you said that people get accustomed to traffic and stuff like that. We also had a choice to buy our house where we live, before we got an airport dropped off in our front yard. I lived next to the papermill for ten years before I bought this house. The papermill was in my back yard and I did get use to it but that’s why I decided to move out in the country for a more peaceful environment and not even ask us before building this plant. Who is going to buy my house with this loud noise going on 24 hours a day? My house is about 500 yards from it, my daughter is 200 yards from the plant. It is definitely a problem and definitely loud.”

Larry Miller resides at 17573 Wildwood Drive, Bogalusa: “I am one of those people that live a mile away and it woke my wife up at 6:00 am. It was loud enough to wake her up. The thing that upsets me is what you mentioned a minute ago about we all get used to the sound. That is what is scary about this, and it will affect the property values around the plant. Whether I get used to it or not or the people that have a house around her get used to it or not but when I go sell my house and move to Mandeville to be closer to my kids. Someone will have to come in here and get use to that, and for one they will not buy the house with that noise. It will take a while for me to even get used to it before it even gets mitigated. Somewhere along the way we need to get a commitment to know what is going to happen.”

Perry Mickenheim resides at 1809 Three well Road: “15 years ago they already knew they were going to ram this plant down our throat. You couldn’t put this plant in St. Tammany Parish or any other parish with the noise it is making. This is all about the dollar and no reflection to you. 15 years ago, I was part of a concerned citizens group and started being proactive. I gave them my time for about 8 years and in turn they were going to sue our concerned citizens group along with us as individuals for holding up progress. The little man like us, we have no say so at all. I am begging a pleading to stop this. I have a big crack in my gym right now that just happened during this construction. I think I am the only one here, probably, that has had to replace my fireplace. I am not blaming Calpine and not blaming Entergy, but it cost me $13,0000 dollars and that was during the stacks that sounded like a war going on. I give all that a pass and I give all the passes on all the jobs they are going to produce here. Washington Parish will not be going to get the electricity, this electricity is going somewhere else. The quote he made, I happen to know several people working for Calpine and you want to know when the charts started, it started when I got involved with it, it started on Columbus day and for two weeks prior to that, they ran those turbines, I thought they were running an armadillo out of the lines. I went to a of the guys that I know, that works at Calpine and I have total confidence in and asked, “When are you going to put baffles on the plant.” He said “I hate to tell you Mr. perry but that is with baffles and I also hate to tell you, but that is only one turbine, that’s all we have ran so far and it will be twice that loud.” I don’t know what a decibels or megahertz is, but I can tell you with common sense, we have a jet engine right there in our back door. I can shut my house up and I have 18 inches of insulation in the roof and walls, double pained and you can hear it in my house. They will not do anything unless you all pull the permit, or you do something that forces them. If this thing transfers on the 16th, then we have lost it and they will send their nice guys to come here and I don’t have any confidence at all, that will take place and you are foolish if you think they are going to do that. Once this is done, we are gong to hear 800 hours is supposedly what is going to run. If you take their information at 8 hours a day at peak which is 4 in the evening, that is 100 days out of the year you have a jet plane landing sounds in my house. I love Washington Parish and my roots go deep and all of our professional people have left. I am asking if there is something you can do, pull the permit and don’t let this transfer happen!”

Chairman Fornea: “That is something we would have to run by Attorney Kuhn if this is even a possibility or option because a lot of this rolled through the state.

Ryan Seal resides at 1314 Military Road, Bogalusa: “It is my understanding that these turbines that will create the electricity are made by general electric. I’m sure general electric knows how many decibels their turbines make, just seems like that would be common knowledge as they engineered this, the how loud was a determination? I think this information would be available for Calpine or anyone that would call in with questions because they are thinking about trying their products.”

President Thomas: “We talk about the permit; it is because of the permit that was issued, and it wasn’t permitted by Washington Parish Government. It had the DEQ, Public Service Commission and had to be signed off by the Governor’s Office and Legislature for this permit. Really, on the type of permit we are talking about has nothing to do with structure. I just want everyone to understand where the permitting comes from, it is not from Washington Parish Government, I do believe this is a federal permit.”

Councilman McMasters: “No offense to Entergy or Calpine, I would have to be on the side of my constituents or people here in Washington Parish. We are going to need some type of commitment from you guys. When they put the pressure on us, we have to apply the pressure back, so the pressure has been applied.”

Brett Kerr Vice President with external affairs with Calpine: Per Phone: “I apologize, I could not be there tonight, unfortunately a week ago today I was diagnosed with COVID-19 and not able to travel. I asked my coworker Brian ???? who is our Vice President of origination to join us and he is on the line as well. If anyone has any questions for us, we will be able to answer them.”

Chairman Fornea: “Do you understand what we are discussing this evening with the noise complaints?”

Brett Kerr: “This will be the first that I am hearing of any conversation that you are having tonight but yes I am aware of the noise complaints of some of the folks that live near the facility. I am not sure if anything has been shared with you all regarding the results of the noise testing in our contract.”

Chairman Fornea: “apparently it was around 75 decibels at the fence, is that correct?”

Brett Kerr: “I believe it is at the property line.

Brian ????: “I believe it is 72 at the property line.”

Chairman Fornea: “At the end of the day, as I have a lot of people that have a certain level of expectations of where they live and has been disrupted of the sound that is coming from the plant. In the end, we want to know what step to take to have this mitigated and we want an active response going forward from here to mitigate the sound coming from the plant.”

Brett Kerr: “I do understand the concerns that are being expressed and I talked with some of the local neighbors directly and I do sympathize and understand the situation. I can tell you that the sound that the people were hearing and that have occurs so far, I don’t know on any given day when a ready was taken or a measurement was taken because there were certain times when the volume would be hiring in start up and commissioning. The analogy that I give people, is it is like an old pickup truck that has been sitting in a born. It will backfire it will have to be tuned. The equipment was tested and the text shows that we were at or below our contractual limits. Again, I am not saying that all the folks concerned about it should just deal with it. That is not for me to say, but I can tell you is that Calpine is willing to work with Entergy. Entergy has been an outstanding partner with us, and we are committed to work with them to address any concerns that we can. I think everybody knows on this project Calpine is acting as the contractor and we can turn it over to Entergy but we will have folks on the ground working on punch list items and finishing this stuff out and I want the folks to understand, that whatever Calpine can do working with Entergy to help solve these problems that make these people feel better about being a part of that community, we will certainly do whatever we can and take whatever steps we can.”

Chairman Fornea: “We have constituents wanting us to do everything from pulling the permit, mitigating through fencing, sound walls and baffles. The target date is set for November 16, 2020. We are putting out too much sound through residential areas and this has to be addressed whether this council has to go ahead a petition the public service commissioner to delay that transfer until you can, as a contractor that can mitigate the sound or if there is some type of proactive commitment in process in writing to get that sound addressed. We are looking for a commitment and step up and say hey, will do what is right for the people of the community.”

Brett Kerr: “I understand your concern, but there is nothing that Calpine can commit to at this moment because we have met our contractual obligations to Entergy and we have every intention in cooperating with them and doing anything we need to do to help them address this issue. I can absolutely make that commitment today, but I don’t think we are in the position to do X.”

Senator Mizel: “I just want to clarify, my understanding and this is so we are all on the level of understanding. You are finished with the contract you had a commitment with Entergy. The decibel level with the contract was 75.”

Brett Kerr: “Yes that is absolutely correct.”

Senator Mizell: “The numbers are irrelevant when people can’t enjoy their quality of life but in order for Calpine to do anything it’s going to take a renewed contract. You all will have to create a contract of the mitigation that doesn’t exist right now.”

Jody Montelaro: “Before we do a transfer, that’s up to our legal folks to decide on whether they have complied to everything and I can’t speak to that this evening.”

Senator Mizell: “I’m not asking you to do that, what I am trying to do is for us to know where we need to work toward. We can’t keep going back to Calpine if they don’t have any contract to work from. I just want to say, I love economic development, I want the project, but we got to protect our quality of life that we have in Washington Parish. I believe that Entergy made the commitment two weeks ago and I believe you are here tonight because you do have that commitment that you want to make to us, but we need something that is a tangible commitment. I am going to use an example that I used two weeks ago. I can’t even go outside of my office of the smell of the fish food. Whenever that was built somebody had said, “wait let’s call for a situation where the people won’t smell if for the next generation.” There should have been, some point in time where that could have been fixed, shame on them for not recognizing it. Well that is where we are at right now. We have an opportunity to do something that allows for economic development and holds the quality of life and shame on all of us in Entergy and Government to come together and make it happen. Brett, I just wanted to clarify that and that’s all I wanted to say.”

Chairman Fornea: “I would like to ask Attorney Kuhn a question. Mr. Kuhn is it possible for this Council to request from the public service commissioner a delay of 60 days in the transfer in order to give Entergy time to study in order to come up with a commitment?”

Senator Mizell: “I’m sorry, I spoke to the public service commission attorney today because I have been asked that. They have never done that, and this is best chance, a relationship with Entergy is our best opportunity. The public service commission hasn’t been here, and it is not going to happen. This is our opportunity, Entergy of New Orleans has a project on the other side of the parish, we have already given them an investment in the parish, and we have every reason to have an expectation from them just like they have from us.”

Chairman Fornea: “I understand that you need time to take a look at where the sound is coming from so that you can mitigate it, but we also need a time table so that we know that things are getting done. Example is by thirty days from now, we will have completed our study of where the sound noise is coming from and within 60 days, we will be Implementing something to mitigate that sound.”

Jody Montelaro: “When is your next council meeting?”

Chairman Fornea: “November 23, 2020.”

Councilman McMasters: “I do have one question? If the transfer happens, does that stop anything we can do? If the transfer goes through, then the responsibility goes to Entergy? Even if the transfer goes through, we still can move forward with working on this situation. I guess what is happening now is they are trying to get Calpine to help out on what is going on now before the transfer.”

Jody Montelaro: “It sounds like Calpine is committed to helping out.”

Chairman Fornea: “That is correct Mr. Kerr, you are committed to helping Entergy resolve this issue.”

Brett Kerr: “Absolutely, Entergy has been a good partner and we work very well with the parish officials and I think can say that this is not something Entergy or Calpine is content to let be resolved with people being this unhappy. I will tell you yes, Calpine is fully committed to work with Entergy to do whatever we need to do. Again, when we turn the plant over to them, they then become the legal owners of the plant. They are already the legal owners of the land and I think everybody knows that. Up until and through that date, we will work with Entergy on this issue.”

Chairman Fornea: “Generally where does most of the sound come from?

Brett Kerr: “This power plant is what is called a peaking power plant. Essentially it is two large jet engines which is what you would see on an airplane. What you hear is basically the sound of those jet engines. The natural gas that is being combusted to spin those turbines. I would tell you that the bulk of the sound is when your next to the turbine. It’s not necessarily noise coming out of the stack. The stack is more for the heat and exhaust to dissipate and escape. The noise will really be around the turbines themselves. I am not an auditory expert and my understanding from talking to the field experts, all of this really depends a lot on weather conditions.”

Chairman Fornea: “Most of the sound is coming from the ground level. At that point some type of sound wall can address that issue, correct?”

Brett Kerr: “I don’t want to say for sure because I am not an expert in the field. I can tell you at my experience of what we have done at other locations. We have been able to fill a large berm and just move a lot of dirt and surround it that way and has helped mitigate some issues before.”

Chairman Fornea: “You have dealt with this several times before in other locations and you have such as built berms to deflect the sound.”

Brett Kerr: “Yes. That is very common in the industry.”

Chairman Fornea: “and that was not a consideration in the beginning of this plant?”

Brett Kerr: “I want to be clear. We are not power plant contractors and not a typical engineering firm. Calpine is in the business of building, owning and operating these plants. This is just a unique situation where we are turning it over.”

Larry Miller resides at 17573 Wildwood drive: “I know it is contractually 75 decibels at the property line. This is something that was set by Calpine and Entergy without any consideration of a neighborhood. Whoever decided on 75 did it for their own purposes. This chart says a quiet residential neighborhood, 40 decibels. If you want the sound to be agreeable for a neighborhood, then 40 makes a lot more sense than 75.”

Chairman Fornea: “once again these were their contracts issued through their public service commission.”

Jody Montelaro: “Our test is supposed to be happening within the next two weeks and that is the sound test that will help us determine what mitigation steps we will need to take. We are talking about the fence line at 75 and we need to do testing around the neighboring areas to see what is going on. Let me give you the commitment that we will be here at your very next council meeting and the subsequent council meetings to give consistent progress reports. We don’t plan to disappear during this process, so we will be here at every council meeting with continuous updates. We will be doing some sound testing and I will let you know when that date will be.”

Attorney Kuhn: “I may try and summarize a couple of things. I understood him to say he will commit whatever Calpine can do until they take over and until that point, Calpine is out. There contract with one another has been satisfied with the decibels at 75 at the fence line. Contractually they reached their agreement. I understand from Senator Mizell, this is not something you can pull a permit and we don’t have a noise ordinance and we tried at one time and we were fought from or residents that they didn’t want one. I still feel that Entergy are the people we will need to work with. If we did try and stop this transfer, we may end up in a litigation between these two parties and I’m sure there are millions of dollars at stake here. These numbers mean nothing g to them, it is what they are hearing. I agree and complain too about the fish food smell that is taking over in our town and it gets worst than the papermill. As I said, we will have to work with Entergy. I don’t know if the council can do anything tonight.”

Councilman King: “Numbers doesn’t matter. If these people can hear this inside their home and can’t go outside and enjoy their home, then it is a problem. Like I said the numbers don’t matter.”

Wayne Seal resides ta 18115 Wells road: “talked about his chimney being damaged. If the sound is closest to the ground, our carports are cracking through the big thick concrete. We have been wondering what is happening to the concrete, but now my concern is it is being caused by the vibrations. This is messing up the foundation of the people’s homes.”

Chairman Fornea: “I don’t think we have any ability to pull a permit do I don’t think that is going to happen. I do appreciate the commitment from Entergy for coming to all future council meetings with updates and we are concerned, and we do want a resolution to this problem. Entergy will take over on the targeted date of November 16, 2020. Mr. Kerr will the commitment go beyond the 16th to work with Entergy?

Brett Kerr: “Yes we will work with Entergy. This will be their plant, and should they ask for our help at all, we will absolutely do what we can.”

Chairman Fornea: “We have a commitment from Calpine and a commitment from Entergy. I think we have an understanding of the situation and how much it has disrupted the community. I’m not sure there should be some council action at this point to mandate. Every time we have a council meeting they will give us updates as to the progress and it will be up to this council if they don’t show up in two weeks and things are not being moved forward then we will have to take some type of action.”

Councilman McMasters: “We will hold you accountable for coming and update us, the public and our community but at that point we will be holding you accountable. We do want to make sure our citizens have a good quality of life. It is our responsibility to take care of our citizens, so I will stay on this to make you guys do what you need to do for these citizens. I may be stepping out of line for what I am about to say but my heart is leading there. I will say we will be committed to hold your feet to the fire.”

Item No. 8. – Adopt Ordinance No. 20-670– An ordinance accepting Fernwood Drive, Arbor Land and Sundance Lane as Parish Roads under Police Powers of Health, Safety and Welfare.

Chairman Fornea: “We just had a public hearing on Ordinance 20-670, would anyone from the public like to come forward and speak before the council votes?”

No one came forward.

Councilman King offered a motion, seconded by Councilman Culpepper to approve adopt Ordinance 20-670.

Roll call of vote as follows:

YEAS: (7) McMasters, King, Culpepper, Rice, Wagner, Harry and Fornea

NAYS: (0)



Item No. 9. - Adopt Ordinance No. 20-671 – An ordinance to amend the 2020 annual operating budget for the Washington Parish Government.

Chairman Fornea: “We just had a public hearing on Ordinance 20-671, would anyone from the public like to come forward and speak before the council votes?”

No one came forward.

Councilman McMasters offered a motion, seconded by Councilman Harry to approve adopt Ordinance 20-670.

Roll call of vote as follows:

YEAS: (7) McMasters, King, Culpepper, Rice, Wagner, Harry and Fornea

NAYS: (0)



Item No. 10. – Introduction of Ordinance No. 20-672 - An ordinance to adopt the 2021 Annual Operating Budget and the Capital Outlay Budget for the Washington Parish Government.

Chairman Fornea: “This is an introduction only and we will be having a public hearing at our next council meeting on November 23, 2020 at 5:45 pm.”

Item No. 11. – Introduction of Ordinance No. 20-673 - An ordinance entering into a contract with Landworks, Inc. for the operation of the Choctaw Road Landfill.

Chairman Fornea: “This is an introduction only and we will be having a public hearing at our next council meeting on November 23, 2020 at 5:45 pm.”

Item No. 12. – Adopt Resolution No. 20-1036– A resolution of appointment for the Washington Parish Fire District No. 9. Board of Directors.

Chairman Fornea: “This resolution is for the reappointment of Steve Kerbow whose term will expire on December 31, 2022. Would anyone from the public like to come forward and speak before the council votes?”

No one came forward.

Councilman Rice offered a motion, seconded by Councilman King to adopt resolution 20-1036.

Roll call of vote as follows:

YEAS: (7) McMasters, King, Culpepper, Rice, Wagner, Harry and Fornea

NAYS: (0)



Item No. 13. – Adopt Resolution No. 20-1037– A resolution of appointment for the Washington Parish Gas Utility District No. 1. Board of Directors.

Chairman Fornea: “This resolution is for the reappointment of Stanley “Dean” Seal whose term will expire on December 31, 2025. Would anyone from the public like to come forward and speak before the council votes?”

No one came forward.

Councilman Culpepper offered a motion, seconded by Councilman Rice to adopt resolution 20-1037.

Roll call of vote as follows:

YEAS: (7) McMasters, King, Culpepper, Rice, Wagner, Harry and Fornea

NAYS: (0)



Item No. 14. – Adopt Resolution No. 20-1038– A resolution of appointment for the Varnado Water Works Board of Directors.

Chairman Fornea: “This resolution is for the reappointment of Charles McDaniel whose term will expire on December 31, 2025. Would anyone from the public like to come forward and speak before the council votes?”

No one came forward.

Councilman Rice offered a motion, seconded by Councilman Wagner to adopt resolution 20-1038.

Roll call of vote as follows:

YEAS: (7) McMasters, King, Culpepper, Rice, Wagner, Harry and Fornea

NAYS: (0)



Item No. 15. – Adopt Resolution No. 20-1039– A resolution of appointment for the Bogue Lusa Waterworks Board of Directors.

Chairman Fornea: “This resolution is for the reappointment of Deborah Baughman whose term will expire on December 31, 2025. Would anyone from the public like to come forward and speak before the council votes?”

No one came forward.

Councilman McMasters offered a motion, seconded by Councilman Harry to adopt resolution 20-1039.

Roll call of vote as follows:

YEAS: (7) McMasters, King, Culpepper, Rice, Wagner, Harry and Fornea

NAYS: (0)



Item No. 16. – Adopt Resolution No. 20-1040– A resolution of appointment for the Washington Parish Tourism Commission Board of Directors.

Chairman Fornea: “This resolution is for the reappointment of Deborah Brumfield whose term will expire on December 31, 2023. Would anyone from the public like to come forward and speak before the council votes?”

No one came forward.

Councilman Rice offered a motion, seconded by Councilman King to adopt resolution 20-1040.

Roll call of vote as follows:

YEAS: (7) McMasters, King, Culpepper, Rice, Wagner, Harry and Fornea

NAYS: (0)



Item No. 17. – Adopt Resolution No. 20-1041– A resolution of appointment for the Mount Hermon Water District Board of Directors.

Chairman Fornea: “This resolution is for the reappointment of Rochelle Brumfield whose term will expire on December 31, 2023. Would anyone from the public like to come forward and speak before the council votes?”

No one came forward.

Councilman King offered a motion, seconded by Councilman McMasters to adopt resolution 20-1041.

Roll call of vote as follows:

YEAS: (7) McMasters, King, Culpepper, Rice, Wagner, Harry and Fornea

NAYS: (0)



Item No. 18. - Public Participation –

Chairman Fornea: “Would anyone from the public like to come forward and speak? Please state your name and address for the record.”

No one came forward.

Luke Letlow: Candidate for Congress in the 5th district and asking for your support and vote.

Chairman Fornea: “Would anyone else like to come forward and speak?”

No one came forward.

Councilman McMasters offered a motion, seconded by Councilman Culpepper to close public participation.

Roll call of vote as follows:

YEAS: (7) McMasters, King, Culpepper, Rice, Wagner, Harry and Fornea

NAYS: (0)



Item No. 19. - President Report –

President Thomas: Update:

President Thomas:

• Washington Parish Government will be closed on Wednesday, November 11, 2020 in honor of Veterans day.

• December 5, 2020 please go vote. We have a very important tax with the Louisiana

Department of Health.

Ken Wheat: Public Works Update:

• Washington Parish Animal Shelter will have Jingle Paws on December 5, 2020 with a low-cost vaccination of $30.00.

• Thank you to Fire District #7 who helped with the pressure washing of the memorial and gazebo at Poole’s Bluff.

Item No. 20. - Council Discussion

Councilman Culpepper: “I appreciate everyone for coming out tonight and have a safe ride home.”

Councilman Rice: “Always good to see good Government going on and it is nice to have the community involved. We feel you guys pain and I think councilman McMasters said it the best, we do fully attend to hold your feet to the fire so rest assure tonight that we will do that.”

Councilman King: “We appreciate you all being here tonight. We will hold their feet to the fire and as long as you have a problem, we will continue to be there. I am still waiting on an email about the touring of the solar panel. Will we be having the Veterans Memorial Service Wednesday?”

Senator Beth Mizell: “No.”

Councilman Harry: “I would like to thank everyone for coming tonight.”

Councilwoman Wagner: “I would like to thank everyone from administration, council, Attorney’s for all their hard work. Thank you Senator Mizell for everything you do for bringing us together. I am so thrilled we had a lot of folks here tonight. This is the most I have had since being on the council. We do want to make sure we hold them accountable. Entergy and Calpine, thank you for coming in with support and commitment. On behalf of the council, thanks to all the Veterans that serve.”

Councilman McMasters: “Good evening to all the ones I haven’t spoken too. Senator Mizell, we do appreciate you representing the people of Washington Parish, coming out and being with us during this time as we try to resolve these issues that we have in our parish. You are doing your job, so thank you. I also would like to thank everyone for coming out tonight. Believe me, as a councilman of Washington Parish, when you hurt, we hurt. You elected us to come up here and stand up for you, I assure you, that is what we are going to do. We do have to let the steps take care of themselves and we don’t want to jump the gun. Mr. Wayne did mention not getting caught up in things, so we don’t want to jump the gun. We will be right there with you holding your hand and holding their feet to the fire. I can’t sleep sometimes when a fly or mosquito is buzzing in my ear, so I know what you are talking about. (crowd laughs) We thank everyone that is a part of this government for what they do and the people of this parish for trusting us to try and do the right thing.”

Chairman Fornea: “We greatly appreciate the turn out because when we are dealing with these kinds of things and having the public there and their presence makes all the difference in the world. We are going to continue to pressure and follow through. I do think we are all committed and will stay on top of this. Entergy has gone ahead and offered to be at every council meeting to provide us with updated information throughout the process, which is big. Once again thank everyone for coming out, Senator Mizell, thank you. Wednesday is Veterans

Day, make sure you stop and thank a Veteran.”

Item No. 21. – Adjourn – No further business to come before the Council, meeting was adjourned on motion by Councilman King seconded by Councilman Culpepper

Councilman McMasters offered a motion, seconded by Councilman Culpepper to close public participation.

Roll call of vote as follows:

YEAS: (7) McMasters, King, Culpepper, Rice, Wagner, Harry and Fornea

NAYS: (0)



Order of Voting:

Reginald McMasters Kim Wagner

Carley King Clark Harry

Joe Culpepper Rusty Fornea

Shawn Rice

Next meeting will be held on Monday, November 23, 2020

In accordance with the Americans Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance, please contact Sarah Cook, Clerk to the Council at 985-839-7825 Ext. 313 describing the assistance that is necessary.

(All Ordinances, Resolutions and Attachments in its entirety are available at the office of Clerk of the Council at 909 Pearl Street, Franklinton, Louisiana or at (985) 839-7825 or .

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