
|2020 Scholarships Updated January 30th |

|NOTE: Shading In “Due Date” Block Indicates Applications MUST BE TURNED IN TO GUIDANCE. |

| |

|New Additions or Changes will be highlighted in Green |

| |

|Deadlines that are within 30 days will be highlighted in Orange |

| |

|You will need to turn in a Resume for letters of recommendation or paper work that needs to be filled out by your counselor. These will need to be turned in a |

|recommended good ten days prior to the deadline to ensure they are sent out in time. |

| |


|ABBOTT AND FENNER SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAMS |The A & F Scholarships are available to all high school juniors and seniors who have the |Application deadline: |

| |desire and ambition to succeed. |June 12, 2020 |

|$1,000 | | |

| |Application can be found at: | |

| |scholarships | |

|ACS SCHOLARS PROGRAMS |American Chemical Society ACS Scholars Program awards renewable scholarships to |Application deadline: |

|for minority students |underrepresented minority students majoring in undergraduate chemistry related disciplines|March 1, 2020 |

| | | |

|$5,000 per year | | |

| |Application can be found at: | |

| | | |

|ACT SCHOLARSHIP |Permanent legal resident of the US |Application deadline: |

|Sophomore to Senior |Must meet the eligibility requirements for receiving an ACT fee waiver |February 12, 2020 |

| | | |

|14 @ $20,000 | | |

| | | |

| |Application can be found at: | |

| | | |

| | | |

|AG VOCATOR SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM |In support of our rural and agricultural communities, preference will be given to students|Applications due by: |

| |who plan to seek a career in Agriculture, Agribusiness, Forestry, Horticulture, Veterinary|February 7, 2020 |

| |Medicine, or similar fields. | |

| |- be in good academic standing | |

|6 @ $1,500 |- Family of employees and directors of Farm Credit of Northwest Florida are not eligible. | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| |Applications can be found at: | |

| |farmcredit- | |

| | | |

|AHEC HEALTH CARE SUMMER INSTITUTE AT THE |For minority or rural disadvantaged students to pursue health career opportunities and to |Application deadline: March 30,|

|UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA |build a plan of success for their future.  |2020 |

|JUNIORS AND SOPHOMORES |The Health Care Summer Institute will take place in one 4-week session from June 21, 2020 | |

|4-week Summer Program |through July 18, 2020.  Selected participants will live in University of Florida campus | |

| |dormitories, shadow health care professionals, attend educational lectures and programs, | |

| |and participate in social activities.  | |

| |Application can be picked up in Guidance. | |

|AIR FORCE AID SOCIETY GRANT PROGRAM |Air Force Aid Society Grant Program offers $2,000 grants to dependent children of active, |Application deadline: |

|HENRY H. ARNOLD EDUCATION GRANT |Title 10 and Title 32 AGR, retired, and deceased Air Force members, spouses of active duty|April 30, 2020 |

| |members stationed stateside only, and surviving spouses of deceased Air Force | |

|$500 - $4,000 |members. Financial need | |

| |2.0 GPA. | |

| |Application can be found at: | |

| | | |

| | | |

|AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF BLACKS IN ENERGY |AABE seeks to help increase the number of African Americans, Hispanics and Native |Application deadline: |

|(AABE) |Americans (underrepresented minorities) in energy related fields. |March 15, 2020 |

| |-Minimum 3.0 or better on a 4.0 scale. | |

|$1,500 |--Plan to major in business, one of the physical sciences, technology, and engineering or | |

| |mathematics fields in preparation for a career in the energy sector. | |

| |- Be a member of one of a class or group of individuals who has been historically | |

| |underrepresented in the sciences, technology, engineering and math related disciplines. | |

| |Applications are available at: | |

| | | |

|AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY SCHOLARS |-African American, Hispanic/Latino, or American Indian |Application deadline: |

|PROGRAM |-US citizen or permanent resident of the US |March 1, 2020 |

| |-high academic achiever in chemistry or science | |

|Up to $5,000 per year |-GPA 3.0 or higher | |

| |-financial need | |

| |-intend to major in chemistry, biochemistry, chemical engineering, or a chemical | |

| |engineering or chemically-related science and planning a career in the chemical sciences | |

| |or chemical technology | |

| | | |

| |Application available on-line at: | |

| | | |


|YEAR |-must have earned Eagle Award and religious emblem; | |

| |-must be a Florida resident; | |

|1ST - $10,000 |-must be in a troop chartered to an American Legion Post or the son or grandson of a | |

|2ND - 3 @ $2,500 ea. |Legion Member or parent eligible to join the American Legion Department of Florida. | |

| | | |

| |Application available online: | |

| |scholarships/eaglescout | |

|THE AMERICAN LEGION DEPARTMENT OF FLORIDA|The American Legion, Department of Florida offers many scholarship opportunities for High |Application deadline: |

|GENERAL SCHOLARSHIP |School Seniors, which are focused on Veteran and Military influences. |March 1, 2020 |

| |- Students must be a direct descendant (child, grandchild, great-grandchild or an adopted | |

|$500 TO $2,500 |child) of a veteran who: | |

| |is a member in good standing of the American Legion; | |

| |is a US Veteran who is eligible to be a member of The American Legion | |

| |or is a deceased US Veteran who would have been eligible for | |

| |membership in the American Legion | |

| | | |

| |Application can be found at: | |

| |programs-services/scholarships | |

|AMERICAN WELDING SOCIETY DISTRICT |For students seeking welder training through a trade school, community college, or other |Application deadline: |

|SCHOLARSHIPS |facility providing welder training programs |March 1, 2020 |

| $500 to $2,500 |-must be enrolled for 2020/2021 at a  trade/technical school or community college | |

|NATIONAL SCHOLARSHIPS | Application can be found at: | |

|$2,500 to $6,000 | | |

|ANTI-PESTO SCHOLARSHIP |Seniors must be majoring in entomology, biological control or environmental science |Application deadline: |

| |Residents of Florida |May 31, 2020 |

|$1,000 |GPA 3.0 | |

| | | |

| |Application can be found at: | |

| |scholarships/anti-pesto-scholarship | |

|ARMY AVIATION |Eligibility Requirements: |Application must be postmarked |

|CENTER FEDERAL |-Applicant must be a member of Army Aviation Center Federal Credit union. A parent, |no later than March 31, 2020 |

|CREDIT UNION |grandparent or other family member’s account will not qualify the applicant as a member; | |

|SCHOLARSHIP |-Applicant must be a US citizen. | |

| |The scholarships may be used for costs of attending an accredited four-year university. | |

|10 @ $1,000 ea. |The scholarship awards are based on scholastic achievement, character and leadership | |

| |qualities, communication skills and personal insight sought through essay responses. | |

| | | |

| |Application can be downloaded at: | |

| | | |

|ARTS FOR LIFE SCHOLARSHIPS |Students who demonstrate excellence in creative writing, dance, drama, music, or visual |Application deadline: |

| |art. |February 3, 2020 |

|25 @ $1,000 | | |

| |Essay: “How the arts have positively influenced my life” | |

| |Provide a portfolio of work | |

| | | |

| |Application can be found at: | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|ASPIRING ANIMATION PROFESSIONAL |Students that are interested in pursuing an animation career path at an accredited |Application deadline: |

|SCHOLARSHIP |post-secondary school or college. |June 1, 2020 |

|  | | |

|$ 1,000 |Application can be found at: | |

| | | |

|AVONLEA SCHOLARSHIP |250-500 word essay on leadership |Application deadline: |

| | |April 2, 2020 |

|$1,000 |Application can be found at: | |

| | | |

|AWS AIRGAS JERRY BAKER SCHOLARSHIP |2.8 min GPA with a 3.0 min. GPA in engineering courses |Application deadline: |

| |- Priority will be given to those who demonstrate an interest in pursuing a career with an|February 15, 2020 |

|$2,500 |industrial gas or welding equipment by prior work experience, clubs, organizations or | |

| |extra-curricular activities | |

| | | |

| |Application can be found at: | |

| |foundation/page/airgas-jerry-baker-scholarship | |

| | | |

|BBB’s STUDENT ETHICS SCHOLARSHIPS |-Applicants must be residents of the US and plan to attend an accredited college or |Application must be postmarked |

| |university in the US or Canada |by February 28, 2020 or |

|$1,000 |-Must be high school juniors or seniors |delivered by 2 pm on February |

| |-Should demonstrate their commitment to highly ethical behavior and provide documentation |28, 2020 |

| |in the areas of leadership, community service, and academics. | |

| | | |

| |Application can be picked up in Guidance or downloaded at: | |

| |nwfl/torchaward | |

| | | |

| | | |

| |under the Student Ethics Scholarship article | |

|BigSun Scholarship |A high school senior currently involved in some sport at the high school or in the |Application deadline: |

| |community | |

| |Write a short essay (500-1000 words) answering: How did your participation in sports |June 19, 2020 |

|$ 500 |during your high school years influence you? | |

| | | |

| |Apply at: | |

| | | |

| | | |

|BRADY/ COBIN LAW GROUP SCHOLARSHIP |Write an essay over several topics covering legacy. |Application deadline: |

| | |May 1, 2020 |

|3 @ $500 to $2,500 |Application can be found at: | |

| | | |

|CHEGG SCHOLARSHIP |US citizens or permanent residents |Application deadline: |

| |Plan to use the award at a food service-related program at an accredited college or |April 1, 2020 |

|Up to $10,000 |university | |

| | | |

| |Applications can be found at: | |

| |scholarships/ | |

|CHELCO ELECTRIC DISTRIBUTION COOPERATIVE |Eligibility: |Application deadline: |

|SCHOLARSHIP |- Eligible applicants must be either a member of CHELCO, the spouse of a member or the |March 2, 2020 |

| |dependent child of a member.  Applicants must live in a residence served by CHELCO. | |

|3 @ $1000 |- A graduating high school senior or adult accepted or enrolled in college or a technical | |

| |institution of higher education. | |

| |- must have a minimum of a 3.0 grade-point average from high school or college attendance | |

| |within the past five years.  High school seniors are also required to provide college test| |

| |scores. | |

| |Students who have received CHELCO scholarships through the NWFSC Foundation are not | |

| |eligible | |

| |Applications can found at: | |

| | | |

|CIRKLED IN SCHOLARSHIPS |The “No Sweat” Scholarship |Application deadline: |

|SENIOR THRU FRESHMEN | |March 31, 2020 |

| | | |

|$2,500 |Application can be found at: | |

| | | |

|COAST GUARD FOOD SERVICE SPECIALISTS |For students interested in culinary careers, the Coast Guard is offering world-class | |

| |training and promising careers as Food Service Specialists. ACE accredited training. | |

|TBD | | |

| | Search: food service specialists | |

| | | |

| | | |

|CORVIAS FOUNDATION MILITARY DEPENDENT |Corvias foundation supports the educational goals of the children of active-duty service |Application deadline: |

|CHILDREN SCHOLARSHIPS |members stationed at Eglin AFB, Hurlburt Field, plus |February 14, 2020 |

| |- 3.0 unweighted GPA | |

|Up to $50,000 | | |

| |Application can be found at: | |

| |scholarship | |

|B. DAVIS SCHOLARSHIP |-Tell where you are going to school now and what your future academic plans are |Application deadline: |

| |-Write an essay of less than 1000 words describing the three characteristics of leadership|May 22, 2020 |

|$1,000 |you value mos.  Discuss why you believe that these traits are so important and how you | |

| |feel that they are developed in an individual | |

| |Applications are available at: | |

|DAEDALIANS FOUNDATION SCHOLARSHIPS |The Daedalian Foundation’s main purpose is to inspire young Americans to pursue careers as|Application deadline: |

| |military aviators |March 13, 2020 |

|Up to $20,000 |- pursue a career as a military aviators- demonstrate moral character and patriotism | |

| |- physical condition and aptitude for flight | |

| |- financial need | |

| |- 3.0 GPA on a 4.0 scale | |

| |- ACT score of 26 or SAT equivalent | |

| |- Commit to enroll in College ROTC | |

| |- Commit to seeking entrance to a military aviation training program | |

| | | |

| |Application can be found At: | |

| | | |

| | | |

|DAVIDSON FELLOWS SCHOLARSHIP |Seniors who have already completed a significant piece of work in science, engineering, |Application deadline: |

| |technology, mathematics, music, literature, philosophy, and ‘outside the box.’ |February 10, 2020 |

|$10,000 TO $50,000 | | |

|JAMES (COACH) DAY SCHOLARSHIP |High school senior track and field active team member |Application deadline: |

| |-must be participating in a scheduled event with the current Bob Hayes Invitational Track |February 1, 2020 |

|$1,000 |and Field Meet | |

| | | |

| |Applications can be found at: | |

| |scholraships.htm | |

|DELTA SIGMA THETA SORORITY SCHOLARSHIP |High school seniors with a 2.5 GPA or higher |Application deadline: |


| |-leadership | |

| 10 (TBD) @ $ 1,000 |-500 word essay | |

| |volunteer/work experiences | |

| | | |

| |Application can be picked up in Guidance or found at: | |

| | | |

| | | |

|DEMOCRATIC WOMEN’S CLUB OF OKALOOSA |To assist Okaloosa County students at college entry in achieving educational goals and to |Application deadline: |

|COUNTY, FLORIDA |foster democratic ideals and the importance of the political process |April 1, 2020 |

| |-2.5 or higher grade point average | |

|$1,000 |-financial need | |

| |-Political Science or related field (preferred) | |

| |-Okaloosa County resident and U.S. citizen | |

| |-no disciplinary problems | |

| |-registered democrat with copy of voter’s registration form (pre-registered, if under 18) | |

| | | |

| |Application can be picked up in Guidance | |

|DESTIN WATER USERS |The Destin Water Users, Inc. has established a scholarship fund to provide an educational |Application Deadline: |

| |resource for eligible students to draw upon while pursuing a scholastic discipline which |March 15, 2020 |

|$1500 |will lead to an undergraduate collegiate degree.  A major in a program in the fields of | |

| |ecology, environmental protection, water management and related scientific and engineering| |

| |endeavors will be given added weight. Further, should a grantee pursue a scholastic | |

| |program leading to a degree as above described, an award of Two Thousand dollars ($2000) | |

| |may be made for each of the remaining two academic years. | |

| |  | |

| |See Guidance for application. | |

|DOODLE 4 GOOGLE |Students can work with any materials they want, but all doodles must be entered using the |Application deadline: |

|SENIOR THRU SOPHOMORE |entry form. |March 13, 2020 |

| | | |

|$30,000 |Write an artist statement to tell us a bit more about what you have drawn and how it | |

| |represents something that inspires you. | |

| | | |

| |Application can be found at: | |

| | | |

| | | |

|THE DREAM NATIONAL SCHOLARSHIP |GPA of 2.5 on a 4.0 scale |Application deadline: |

| |Significant unmet financial need |February 27, 2020 |

|$14,500 to $29,000 |Must be a partner college | |

| | | |

| |Application can be found at: | |

| |Thedream.us/scholarships/national-scholarship | |

| | | |

|EGLIN SPOUSES’ CLUB SCHOLARSHIP |-Graduating high school seniors who are dependents of active military assigned to Eglin |Application MUST be postmarked |

|  |AFB or graduating high school seniors from local high schools whose military sponsor is |by Friday, February 28, 2020 |

|Amount TBA |one of the following: Retired military; Divorced; assigned remote tour; MIA/POW/deceased;| |

| |Reassigned from Eglin AFB and the applicant remained behind to graduate. | |

| |-Students who are awarded any four-year military academy scholarship, other four year | |

| |scholarships that include room and board, will not be eligible to receive this | |

| |scholarship. | |

| |-Applicant can only receive one scholarship from any OSC/OWC; | |

| |-2.9 or higher GPA (weighted) | |

| | | |

| |Application can be picked up in Guidance. | |

| | | |

|EMERALD COAST PUBLIC RELATIONS FOUNDATION|Emerald Coast Public Relations Foundation provides scholarships to students who intend to|Application must be received by|

|SCHOLARSHIP |pursue a higher education field of study in public relations, communication, marketing or | |

| |journalism |March 15, 2020 |

|$1,000 | | |

| |Application can be picked up in Guidance or online at | |

|FLAVORFUL FUTURES SCHOLARSHIP |Based on academic achievement and the creativity of their application, which should |Application deadline: |

| |showcase what makes them who they are and how they want to contribute their gifts through |February 15, 2020 |

|5 @ $5000 |education. | |

| |Min. 2.5 GPA on a 4 point scale | |

| |Planning to attend part-time or full-time at a 2 or 4 year college, university, trade or | |

| |vocational school at an accredited US institution and listed on the official website for | |

| |the US dept. of Education | |

| | | |

| |Application can be found at: | |

| |app.scholarship/flavorfulfutures | |

|FLORIDA |Florida high school seniors who are considering a career in Real Estate or Real Estate |Application deadline: |

|ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS ESSAY SCHOLARSHIP|related fields will be given special consideration. However, other majors are welcome to |March 9, 2020 |

| |apply. | |

|$1,000 and up |Academic and leadership achievements | |

| |Financial need | |

| |Application can be found at: | |

| |about/scholarships | |

|FLORIDA ASSOCIATION OF SCHOOL RESOURCE |Two $1,000 scholarships. Seniors who demonstrate exemplary citizenship, academic |Application deadline: |

|OFFICERS |performance, and school and community involvement are eligible. Must complete application,|March 1, 2020 |

|  |write personal statement, and provide three letters of recommendation, transcript, SRO's | |

|2 @ $1,000 |signature, and if under 18, Attestation and Disclaimer form. | |

| | | |

| |Application can be found at: | |

| | | |

| | | |

|FLORIDA ASSOCIATION OF STATE AND FEDERAL |Leadership and service activities |Application deadline: |



| | | |

|2 @ $1,500 |Application can be picked up in Guidance. | |

|FLORIDA ENGINEERING FOUNDATION, INC. |Seniors who have a genuine interest in engineering |Application deadline: |

| |Financial need |February 14, 2020 |

|6 @ 2,500 | | |

| |scholarship/by-major/engineering-scholarships/florida-engineering | |

|FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY SERVICE SCHOLAR |The Service Scholar Program recognizes select incoming students with an outstanding record|Application due by 5:00 pm EST |

|PROGRAMS |of community service and leadership, and who want to continue that commitment at FSU. |on Thursday, February 17, 2020 |

| |- participation in a service-learning academic curriculum | |

|$3,000 per year | | |

| |Application can be found at: | |

| | | |

|FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY SUMMER INTERN |The Young Scholars Program (YSP) is a six-week residential science and mathematics summer |Application must be postmarked |

|FOR SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING, AND|program for Florida high school students with significant potential for careers in the |by: |

|MATHEMATICS SCHOLARSHIP |fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. |February 15, 2020 |

|JUNIORS | | |

| |Application can be found at: | |

| | | |

| | | |

|ANDREW FLUSCHE SCHOLARSHIP |Create a public service advertisement video (PSA) about how to drive courteously. |Application deadline: |

| |Seniors who have been accepted into a college, university, or trade school |June 30, 2020 |

|$500 | | |

| |Application can be found at: | |

| |scholarship/ | |

|GRAND LODGE OF FLORIDA ORDER SONS OF |TO Promote, enhance and encourage the studies of Italian heritage and culture. |Application must be postmarked |

|ITALY IN AMERICA FLORIDA FOUNDATION |- Italian descent |no later than: |

|  |- min. GPA of 3.0 (un-weighted) |March 15, 2020 |

|5 @ 2,000 |- min. SAT of 1100 or ACT Composite score of 23 | |

| |Application can be found at: | |

| | | |

|TAYLOR HAUGEN  SCHOLARSHIP |Eligibility Requirements: |Application must be received by|

|  |Nominee must: |the Foundation by |

|$1,500 |-Be a senior at an Okaloosa, Walton, or Santa Rosa County High School; |March 1, 2020 |

| |-Be an athlete who has participated in a high school sport as defined by the FHSAA; | |

| |-Must have a 3.5 or higher un-weighted or 4.0 or higher weighted GPA; | |

| |-Be an active participant in community service; | |

| |-Be planning to attend a four-year accredited college/university. | |

| |Nominee may not be a family member of a Taylor Haugen Foundation executive committee | |

| |member nor any of its scholarship judges. Due to NCAA eligibility, recipients of NCAA | |

| |full athletic scholarships are not eligible for this scholarship. | |

| | | |

| |Application available on the NHS website or at the foundation website: | |

| |scholarship | |

|RICHARD HOLLAND MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP |In memory of Richard Holland who was always striving to make the world a better place. |Application deadline: |

| |3.5 GPA (on a 4.0 scale) |March 15, 2020 |

|TBD |Plan to enroll full time in an accredited four-year college or university | |

| |Demonstrated leadership and personal attributes and community service | |

| |Financial need | |

| | | |

| |Application can be found at: | |

| |the-scholarship | |

| | | |

|MICHELLE W. HILL FOUNDATION ACADEMIC |Annual Michele Hill Raider Run and Community Family Celebration. |Application deadline: |

|ACHIEVEMENT COMMUNITY SERVICE SCHOLARSHIP|Scholarships will be awarded to the scholarship winners on race day. |March 20, 2020 |

|  |All scholarship applicants must be a graduating high school senior residing in Escambia, | |

|$1,000 |Okaloosa, Santa Rosa or Walton counties in Florida.  | |

| |Seniors must have a 3.0 GPA.  The most critical factor determining the winners is based on| |

| |the applicant’s description in their 500 word essay of how they have achieved a balance | |

| |between Academics, Community Service, and have promoted diversity in their environment. | |

| | | |

| |Application can be downloaded at: michelehillraiderrun | |

|HISPANIC SCHOLARSHIP |Students with Hispanic heritage |Application deadline: |

| |- Min GPA of 3.0 |April 19, 2020 |

|$5,000 | | |

| |Application can be found at: | |

| | | |

|HISPANIC SCHOLRSHIP FUND |Hispanic heritage |Application deadline: |

| |Min of 3.0 GPA on a 4.0 scale |February 15, 2020 |

|$500 to $5,000 |Plan to enroll full-time in a four-year university | |

| |US Citizen, Permanent Legal Resident, DACA or Eligible Non-Citizen (as defined by FAFSA) | |

| | | |

| |Application can be found at: | |

| |scholarship | |

|HURLBURT SPOUSES’ CLUB MERIT SCHOLARSHIP |Must be a dependent of any Hurlburt Field military member, or a dependent of a current HSC|Application deadline: |

| |member |March, 13, 2020 |

|TBD |Must have a GPA of 3.0 or higher (on a 4.0 scale) | |

| |Will attend an accredited institution full or part-time in Fall 2020 | |

| | | |

| |Application is available at: | |

| | | |

|HURLBURT SPOUSES’ CLUB TURNAROUND |Must be a dependent of any Hurlburt Field military member, or a dependent of a current HSC|Application deadline: |

|SCHOLARSHIP |member |March, 13, 2020 |

| |Had a GPA below 3.0 your first year of high school and made significant improvement | |

|TBD |throughout the rest of your high school career | |

| | | |

| |Application is available at: | |

| | | |

|ITEA EMERALD COAST CHAPTER SCHOLARSHIPS |To further interest in science and engineering |Application deadline: |

| |-Academic achievement and Leadership |March 1, 2020 |

|3 @ $1,000 |-Extracurricular activities | |

| |-community service | |

| | | |

| |Applications can be picked up in Guidance or found at: | |

| | | |

|JUDITH KATZ MEMORIAL THEATRE SCHOLARSHIP |Students who will be attending Augustana College |Application deadline: February|

|TO AUGUSTANA COLLEGE |- Major in theatre arts |25, 2020 |

| | | |

| |Application can be found at: | |

|$16,000 | | |

|KIWANIS CLUB OF DESTIN PETER BECZKIEWICZ |Resident of Okaloosa County |Application must be received |

|MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP |Pursing a degree in Science, Technology, Engineering, or Math |by: |

| |Min unweighted GPA of 3.0 |April 3, 2020 |

|$8,000 | | |

| |Application can be picked up in Guidance | |

|KIWANIS CLUB NICEVILLE-VALPARAISO |Students who have demonstrated excellence in their academic and other pursuits, high moral|Application deadline: |

|SCHOLARSHIP |standards, and unselfish service to others. |April 10, 2020 |

| | | |

| |Seniors graduating from Niceville High School or | |

| |Collegiate High School at NWFSC | |

|TBD |Recent ACT and/or SAT score | |

| |Application can be picked up in Guidance | |

|KNIGHTS OF COULUMBUS FATHER HOWARD J. |The Father Howard J. Lesch Knights of Columbus Council No. 7667 is pleased to announce its|Application must be received by|

|LESCH COUNSIL NO. 7667 |twenty seventh annual scholarship awards competition. |April 20, 2020 |

| |Our hope is that these awards help to recognize our deserving local students and assist | |

|4 @ $1,500 |them financially in their academic pursuits. | |

| | | |

| |This competition is open to all Niceville High School, Rocky Bayou Christian and Northwest| |

| |Florida Collegiate High School graduating seniors, zoned to attend Niceville High School, | |

| |who will be continuing their education in the Fall, as well as graduating seniors of our | |

| |active council members. | |

| | | |

| |One of the scholarships is reserved for a Catholic student. The selection criteria for the| |

| |scholarships are based on a combination of academic performance, potential for future | |

| |academic achievement, overall citizenship and service to our community. | |

| | | |

| |Pick up an application in Guidance. | |

|KOREAN ANCESTRY GRANT |Students of Asian ancestry, who have at least one Asian grandparent. There is a strong |Application deadline: |

|7 @ $10,000 |preference for applicants of Korean ancestry |April 1, 2020 |

| | | |

| |Applications can be found at: | |

| | | |

|MARINE CORPS SCHOLARSHIP FOUNDATION, INC.|Scholarships for every eligible child of a Marine and Navy Corpsmen attending post-high |Application deadline: |

|  |school undergraduate and career technical education programs |March 3, 2020 |

|TBA |Need based | |

| |Every eligible applicant receives a scholarship | |

| | | |

| | | |

| |apply | |

|MAXIMIZE3 THE MOMENT GRIND INSTITUTE |Grind Institute’s vision is to grant a scholarship to a hard working student |Application deadline: |

|SCHOLARSHIP |Their mission of maximizing what is inside and expounding on all the everyday moments that|April 24, 2020 |

| |occur | |

|$750 | | |

| |Applicants can email MTM.Inspiration@ to receive an application. | |

|MCDONALD’S HACER NATIONAL SCHOLARSHIPS |McDonald’s HACER Program was created in 1985 to grant Hispanic students financial aid |Application deadline: |

| |- legal US residents |February 5, 2020 |

|$5,000 TO $100,000 |- 3.0 GPA minimum | |

| | | |

| |Application can be found at: | |

| |us/en-us/community/hacer/ | |

| | | |

|WILL MCLEAN FOUNDATION SCHOLARSHIP |High school seniors whose skills and interests must be musically or technically oriented |Application must be received by|

| |and related to Florida Folk Music, Florida Folk History, and/or production of materials |February 1, 2020 |

|TBD |related to Florida Folklore. | |

| | | |

| |Application can be picked up in Guidance. | |

|METLIFE FOUNDATION FFA SCHOLARSHIP |Planning on majoring in a specific area of agriculture including public service and |Application deadline: |

| |administration, agribusiness management, range/soil science, public communications, plant |February 8, 2020 |

|$2,000 |or animal breeding and genetics, education, plant pathology, journalism, technology, | |

| |extension, mechanization, public relations, finance, economics, mechanization, public | |

| |relations, finance, economics, sales, marketing or engineering. | |

| | | |

| |Application can be found at: | |

| | | |

|BLACKS AT MICROSOFT (BAM) |Seniors of African descent (African American or African) |Application deadline: |

| |Plan to attend a four-year college or university |April 10, 2020 |

|2 @ $5,000 |Plan to pursue a bachelor’s degree in engineering, computer science, computer information | |

|24 @ $2,500 |systems, or select business programs (such as finance, business administration, or | |

| |marketing) | |

| |Demonstrate a passion for technology | |

| |Demonstrate leadership at school or in the community | |

| |Cumulative GPA of 3.3 or higher | |

| | | |

| |Application can be found at: | |

| |en-us/diversity/programs/blacks-scholarships.aspx | |

|MILITARY COMMANDERS’ SCHOLARSHIPS |- dependent children of active duty, reserve, National Guard or retired members of United |Application deadline: |

| |states military who hold valid Exchange & Commissary shopping privileges at the time of |February 14, 2020 |

|6 @ $5,000 |applications- two awards will be given per branch of service (Army, Air Force, Navy, | |

| |Marines, Coast Guard) | |

| | | |

| |Applications can be found at: | |

| | | |

|MILITARY CHILDREN PROGRAM COMMISSARY AND |Program is open to seniors of active duty, reserve/guard, or retired military commissary |Application deadline: |

|FISHER HOUSE FOUNDATION SCHOLARSHIPS |customers. |February 24, 2020 |

| |- minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 basis | |

|500 @ $2,000 | | |

| |Application can be found at: | |

| |sfmc/index.html | |

| | | |

|MORRIS, KING & HODGE DRIVER SAFETY |Essay scholarship to spread the message about the dangers of texting and driving. |Application deadline: |

|SCHOLARSHIP | |April 10, 2020 |

| | | |

|1st $2,000 | | |

|2nd $1,200 |Application can be found at: | |

|3rd $1,000 | | |

| | | |

|RICK AND SHERRY MURRAY MEDICAL FUTURES |Students who have or have had a spouse, parent, or grandparent diagnosed with ALS, also |Application deadline: |

|SCHOLARSHIP |known as Lou Gehrig’s Disease |July 12, 2020 |

| |Planning to major in a medially related field or certification | |

|$5,000 |Min GPA 2.5 on a 4.0 scale | |

| | | |

| |Application can be found at: | |

| |raise.me/scholarship | |

| | | |

|NATIONAL SOCIETY DAUGHTERS OF THE |The Richard and Elizabeth Dean Scholarship awards two scholarships for up to four |Application deadline: |

|AMERICAN REVOLUTION |consecutive years. |February 15, 2020 |


|SCHOLARSHIP |Academic merit | |

| |Minimum GPA of 4.0 | |

|2 @ $5,000 | | |

| |Application can be found at: | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|NATIONAL SOCIETY DAUGHTERS OF THE |For sons and daughters of members of the NSDAR for four years of college, based on |Application deadline: |

|AMERICAN REVOLUTION (DAR) LILLIAN AND |maintenance of a GPA of 3.25 |February 15, 2020 |


| | | |

|2 @ $2,500 | | |

| |Application can be found at: | |

| |LillianArthurDunnScholarship@ | |

| | | |

|NATIONAL SOCIETY DAUGHTERS OF THE |Seniors who will be pursuing an undergraduate degree with a concentrated study of a |Application deadline: |

|AMERICAN REVOLUTION (DAR) |minimum of 24 credit hours in American History and American Government |February 15, 2020 |

|DR. AURA-LEE A. and JAMES HOBBS PITTENGER|Renewal is conditional upon maintenance of a GPA of 3.25 | |


| |Application can be found at: | |

|$2,000 |PittengerAmerHistoryScholarship@ | |

|NATIONAL SOCIETY DAUGHTERS OF THE |Seniors who will be pursuing a degree in English. |Application deadline: |

|AMERICAN REVOLUTION (DAR) |Renewal is conditional upon maintenance of a GPA of 3.25 |February 15, 2020 |



| | | |

|$4,000 |Application can be found at: | |

| |UtzEnglishScholarship@ | |

|NATIONAL SOCIETY DAUGHTERS OF THE |Must be a member of Daughters of the American Revolution. |Application deadline: |

|AMERICAN REVOLUTION (DAR) |A performance CD must be submitted with the application. |February 15, 2020 |

|NELLIE LOVE BUTCHER MUSIC SCHOLARSHIP |- 3.0 grade point average | |

| | Application can be found at: | |

|$5,000 |dar. | |

|NATIONAL SOCIETY DAUGHTERS OF THE |Seniors who will be pursuing a degree in Science. |Application deadline: |

|AMERICAN REVOLUTION (DAR) |Renewal is conditional upon maintenance of a GPA of 3.25 |February 15, 2020 |



| | | |

|$4,000 |Application can be found at: | |

| |UtzScienceScholarship@ | |

|NATIONAL SOCIETY DAUGHTERS OF THE |Seniors must be Native Americans (proof of American Indian blood is required by letter or |Application deadline: |

|AMERICAN REVOLUTION (DAR) |proof papers) |February 15, 2020 |


| |GPA 3.25 or higher | |

|$4,000 | | |

| |Application can be found at: | |

| |AmericanIndiansSchol@ | |

|NATIONAL SOCIETY DAUGHTERS OF THE |Must be a member of Daughters of the American Revolution. |Application deadline: |

|AMERICAN REVOLUTION |For a student who is enrolled to attend an accredited law school. - 3.25 grade point|February 15, 2020 |


|$2,000 |Application can be found at: | |

| |national-society/scholarships/specific-scholarships | |

|NATIONAL SOCIETY DAUGHTERS OF THE |Seniors must be Native Americans (proof of American Indian blood is required by letter or |Application deadline: |

|AMERICAN REVOLUTION (DAR) FRANCES |proof papers) |February 15, 2020 |


|SCHOLARSHIP |GPA 3.25 or higher | |

| | | |

|TBD |Application can be found at: | |

| |FCMarvinAmericanIndianScholarship@ | |

|NICEVILLE REPUBLICAN WOMEN FEDERATED |The NRWF scholarship will be awarded to a registered Republican Female who has been |Application deadline: |

|SCHOLARSHIPS |accepted to a college of her choice. |April 14, 2020 |

|FEMALES |-Must have maintained a minimum 3.0 grade point average in high school | |

|$750 |-May not be a family member of the NRWF Scholarship Committee | |

| | | |

| |Application can be picked up in Guidance | |

|NORTHWEST FLORIDA STATE COLLEGE |Vocalists must be prepared to perform two contrasting pieces from memory. |Application must be received |


| |Application can be found at: |February 21, 2020 |

|TBD |nwfsc.edu/wpcontent/uploads/2020/01/vocal-application.pdf | |

|NORTHWEST FLORIDA STATE COLLEGE |The audition will be held in two parts: Ballet audition and Modern audition. |Application must be received |


| |Application can be found at: |March 27, 2020 |

|TBD |nwfsc.edu/wpcontent/uploads/2020/01/dance-application.pdf | |

|NORTHWEST FLORIDA STATE COLLEGE |Applicants must be prepared to perform two contrasting monologues. |Application must be received |


| |Application can be found at: |February 21, 2020 |

|TBD |nwfsc.edu/wpcontent/uploads/2020/01/drama-application.pdf | |

|NORTHWEST FLORIDA STATE COLLEGE |Instrumentalists must be prepared to perform two contrasting pieces from established |Application must be received |


| | |February 21, 2020 |

|TBD |Application can be found at: | |

| |nwfsc.edu/wpcontent/uploads/2020/01/instrument-application.pdf | |

|NORTHWEST FLORIDA STATE COLLEGE |Applicants must be prepared to perform two contrasting pieces from appropriate musical |Application must be received |

|FOUNDATION SCHOLARSHIP FOR MUSICAL |theater repertoire and one monologue. |by: |

|THEATRE | |February 21, 2020 |

| |Application can be found at: | |

|TBD |nwfsc.edu/wpcontent/uploads/2020/01/musical-theatre-application.pdf | |

|NORTHWEST FLORIDA STATE COLLEGE |Photograph of applicant. (Preferably wallet sized) Please attach to your scholarship |Application must be received |

|FOUNDATION SCHOLARSHIP FOR RECORDING ARTS|application with a paperclip; do not use staples, tape, or glue. Print your name on the |by: |

| |bottom back edge of the photo. |March 7, 2020 |

|TBD | | |

| |Application can be found at: | |

| |nwfsc.edu/wpcontent/uploads/2020/01/recording-arts-application.pdf | |

| | | |

|NORTHWEST FLORIDA STATE COLLEGE |Photograph of applicant. (Preferably wallet sized) Please attach to your scholarship |Application must be received |

|FOUNDATION SCHOLARSHIP FOR TECHNICAL |application with a paperclip; do not use staples, tape, or glue. Print your name on the |by: |

| |bottom back edge of the photo. |March 7, 2020 |

|TBD | | |

| |Application can be found at: | |

| |nwfsc.edu/wpcontent/uploads/2020/01/technical-application.pdf | |

|NORTHWEST FLORIDA STATE COLLEGE |Portfolio and completed scholarship application form. |Application must be received |


| |Application can be found at: |April 17, 2020 |

|TBD |nwfsc.edu/wpcontent/uploads/2020/01/visual-arts-2019-2020.pdf | |

|NORTHWEST FLORIDA STATE COLLEGE |P.A.C.E. Minority Scholars Program has been established to assist first time in college | |

|P.A.C.E. Minority Scholars Program |minority students | |

| | | |

|12 @ $3,000 |Contact the Director of Raider Life at Northwest Florida State College Admissions for | |

| |application information. | |

|ORDER SONS AND DAUGHTERS OF ITALY IN |Scholarships are based on scholastic achievement, participation in school and community |Application deadline: |

|AMERICA JOSEPH B. FRANZALIA LODGE # 2422 |affairs, and financial need. |March 27, 2020 |

| | | |

|TBD | | |

| |Application can be picked up in Guidance. | |

|PARNALL LAW SCHOLARSHIP |Essay should encompass the concept of Distracted Driving by formulating a plan for you and|Application deadline: |

| |your family to commit to, with respect to addressing this troubling trend on our roads. |March 17, 2020 |

|Up to $2,500 to $1,000 | | |

| |Application ca be found at: | |

| | | |

| | | |

|PATIENT ADVOCATE |The scholarship program is to provide academic support to individuals that are legal |Application deadline: |

|FOUNDATION SCHOLARSHIPS |residents of the United States of America, who have been diagnosed with or treated for |February 16, 2020 |

| |cancer, a chronic, or life threatening debilitating disease. | |

|$3,000 |Maintain a cumulative 3.0 GPA | |

| | | |

| |Application can be found at: | |

| |connect-with-services/apply-for-a-scholarship | |

| | | |

|PB & J SCHOLARSHIP |Seniors who have experienced challenges in their life. For those whose test scores or |Application deadline: |

| |GPAs might not be the best, but who have the drive to succeed. |May 31, 2020 |

|$500 - $1,000 |Seniors at Niceville High School | |

| |Plan to attend an accredited 2 or 4 year college in Fall 2020 | |

| | | |

| |Application can be found at: | |

| | | |

| | | |

|P.E.O. CHAPTER DH-FL MEMORIAL |Graduating high school senior women which must be used in the academic year following |Application must be post marked|

|SCHOLARSHIPS |graduation. |by: |

| |- Must exhibit excellence in leadership, academics, extracurricular activities, community |March, 20, 2020 |

|$1,000 |service and have a minimum cumulative unweighted GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale. | |

| | | |

| |Application can be picked up in Guidance. | |

| | | |

| | | |

| ENTREPRENEURIAL |Student enrolled as a Business major who may one day be an entrepreneur and start their |Application deadline: |

|SCHOLARSHIP |own business. |May 1, 2020 |

| | | |

|$1,000 |Application can be found at: | |

| | | |

| | | |

|PROVIDIAN MEDICAL SCHOLARSHIP |Any student planning for a medical or veterinary career is especially encouraged to enter,|Application deadline: |

| |however, students on any career path are also welcome to apply. |June 21, 2020 |

|$500 |Submit an original essay of up to 1,500 words that describes how medical equipment | |

| |technology has changed the face of a college course and curriculum | |

| | | |

| |Application can be found at: | |

| | | |

|PURELAND SUPPLY VOCATIONAL AND SKILLED |Students who have been accepted to an accredited trade school, vocational college, |Application deadline: |

|TRADE SCHOLARSHIP |technical school, or community college for the study of trade, craft or labor occupations |May 1, 2020 |

| | | |

|$1,000 |Recipients are chosen on their ability to describe how their chosen trade or field plays | |

| |an important role in today’s world and why this is the path they have chosen | |

| | | |

| |Application can be found at: | |

| | | |

| | | |

|AYN RAND INSTITUTE ESSAY CONTEST |-Entrants must be in the 8th, 9th or 10th grade. |Application deadline: |

|ANTHEM |-Essay of no fewer than 600 and no more than 1,200 words in length- |April 30, 2020 |

| |typewritten and double-spaced. | |

|Freshmen thru Seniors |-A cover sheet containing specific information must be attached to the essay and the | |

| |completed essay mailed to the institute. | |

|1ST Prize - $2,000 |Essay based on the novel Anthem. | |

|3 2nd prizes - $250 | | |

|5 3rd prizes - $100 | | |

|50 Finalist Prizes - $25 |Note: for complete entry directions you may log onto the web site at: | |

| | | |

| | | |

|AYN RAND INSTITUTE ESSAY CONTEST |-Entrants must be in the 11th or 12th grade. |Essay must be postmarked by |

|FOUNTAINHEAD |-Essay of no fewer than 800 and no more than 1,600 words in length- |May 28, 2020 |

|Juniors and Seniors |typewritten and double-spaced. | |

| |-A cover sheet containing specific information must be attached to the essay and the | |

|1ST Prize - $10,000 |completed essay mailed to the institute. | |

|3 2nd prizes - $2,500 |Essay based on the novel The Fountainhead. | |

|5 3rd prizes - $500 | | |

|50 Finalist Prizes - $50 |Note: for complete entry directions you may log onto the web site at: | |

| | | |

| | | |

|JIMMY RANE FOUNDATION SCHOLARSHIP |Must NOT have participated as a student athlete in the Senior high school year and who |Application deadline: |

| |will not be a student athlete at college |February 7, 2020 |

|$5,000 |Exhibit academic excellence, leadership skills, and community involvement | |

| |Demonstrate financial need | |

| |Must demonstrate desire and ability to overcome barriers and to achieve their goals | |

| |Minimum GPA of 3.0 | |

| | | |

| |Application can be found at: | |

| |scholarship | |

| | | |

| | | |

|REAGAN LIBRARY PAID INTERNSHIP THIS |The Ronald Raegan Presidential Foundation and Institute is offering a unique summer |Application deadline: |

|SUMMER |internship opportunity in beautiful Southern California. You will be a paid intern while |March 13, 2020 |

|FROM JUNE 15-August 14 |also earning college credit | |

| |Housing provided | |

| | | |

| |Application can be found at: | |

| |education | |

|GORDON A. RICH MEMORIAL FOUNDATION |Scholarship is available to offspring of those working in the financial services industry.|Application deadline: |

|SCHOLARSHIPS |-GPA 3.5 or above |February 20, 2020 |

| |-rank in the top 20% of their class. | |

|$50,000 |-financial need | |

| |-US citizen or legal resident | |

| | | |

| |Application can be found at: | |

| |html/req.html | |

| | | |

| | | |

|JACKIE ROBINSON FOUNDATION SCHOLARSHIP |Applicant must: |Application deadline: |

|  |-Be a graduating, minority high school senior |February 1, 2020 |

|Up to $30,000 |- Plan to attend an accredited and approved four-year institution in the US | |

| |-show leadership potential | |

| |-a dedication to community service | |

| |-financial need | |

| |-US citizenship | |

| |-a minimum SAT score of 1,000 combined on the math and critical reading or a composite ACT| |

| |score of 21 | |

| | | |

| |Applications are available at: | |

| | | |

| | | |

|ROSEN & OHR SCHOLARSHIP |Write a 750-1,000 word essay about how an accident of yours, your family, or a close |Application deadline: |

| |friend has impacted your college plans. |July 20, 2020 |

|$1,000 | | |

| |Application can be found at: | |

| |scholarship | |

|SAE ENGINEERING |Applicant Must: |Application deadline: |

| |-Be a high school senior at the date of application |March 15, 2020 |

| |-Intend to earn a degree in engineering or a related science | |

| |- Be a citizen of the US at the time of application | |

|$6,000 |-Meet minimum requirements with regard to GPA, SAT and/or ACT scores as outlined in the | |

| |individual requirements of each scholarship. | |

| | | |

| |Applications are available at: | |

| | | |

| | | |

|SEATON HALL UNIVERSITY’S SCHOOL OF |The United Nations has set 17 sustainable development goals to help end poverty, fight |Application deadline: |

|DIPLOMACY AND INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS |inequality and injustice, and tackle climate change by 2030. |March 1, 2020 |

|SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT CHALLENGE |-Submit a 300-500 word statement that describes an innovative approach or idea you have | |

| |for addressing one of the UN Sustainable Development Goals | |

|1 @ $12,500 | | |

|1 @ $7,000 |Apply at: | |

|8 @ $4,000 |shu.edu/go/UNchallenge | |

|SOUTHERN SCHOLARSHIP FOUNDATION |If you are planning to attend Florida State University, University of Florida, Florida A&M|The Foundation accepts |

| |University, Tallahassee Community College, Santa Fe Community College, or Florida Gulf |applications |

| |Coast University (women only), you may be interested in a work-scholarship program that |year-round. |

|Amount varies |provides rent-free housing, teaches practical life skills in a cooperative environment, |Apply Early! |

| |and introduces you to friends that can last a lifetime. | |

| |Eligibility requirements are: |However, priority deadline for |

| |-high academic promise and achievement in high school or college with a 3.0 high school |on-campus housing requests are:|

| |GPA. |April 1st for Fall |

| |-demonstrate financial need. | |

| |-high level of motivation. | |

| |-willing to share household duties and responsibilities with others. | |

| | | |

| |Information and Applications are available at: . | |

|STUDENT -VIEW SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAMS |The 2015 Student-View Scholarship Program is offering $12,000 worth of scholarships to |Application deadline: |

| |high school seniors who plan to attend a four-year college, community/ junior college or |April 22, 2020 |

|1 @ $4,000 |career school.  | |

|2 @ $1,000 | | |

|10@ $500 |Apply on-line at student-view.co | |

|SUNTRUST OFF TO COLLEGE SCHOLARSHIP |SunTrust is on a mission to stamp out financial stress |Application deadline: |

| |No GPA or financial need requirements. |May 13, 2020 |

|2 @ $500 | | |

| |Application can be found at: | |

| | | |

| | | |

|TRIAL PRO, P.A. ANNUAL SCHOLARSHIP |Senior at Niceville High School |Application deadline: |

| |Maintain a minimum 3.0 GPA |May 1, 2020 |

|$5,000 |Must be a US citizen or permanent resident | |

| | | |

| |Application can be found at: | |

| | | |

|TROY UNIVERSITY |Troy has a number of scholarships available. If you have been accepted to Troy, you must |Application deadlines |

| |set up a scholarship account. Then you need to apply for each scholarship independently. |throughout the year. |

| | | |

| | | |

|Varies |Information can be found at: | |

| | | |

|TROY UNIVERSITY EMERALD COAST CHAPTER OF |One or more high school students who are unconditionally admitted to Troy University |Application deadline: |

|ALUMNI AND FRIENDS SCHOLARSHIPS |- Actively participated in school activities and community programs |April 10, 2020 |

| | | |

|$1,000 to $3,000 | | |

| |Application can be picked up in Guidance. | |

| | | |

|TWIN CITIES HOSPITAL AUXILIARY |For seniors who are in the pursuit of a career in medicine, nursing, medical technology, |Application deadline: |

|SCHOLARSHIPS |or other allied field of medicine. |April 17, 2020 |

| |3.0 GPA | |

|TBD |-community service | |

| |Financial need | |

| | | |

| |Application can be picked up in Guidance. | |

|UNIGO SWEET AND SIMPLE SCHOLARSHIP |Think back to a time when you received a special gift that seemed so unassuming yet made |Application deadline: |

|SENIOR THRU FRESHMEN |such a strong impact in your life and why it meant so much to you (250 words or less) |February 29, 2020 |

| | | |

| |Application can be found at: | |

|$1,500 |scholarships/our-scholarships/sweet-and-simple-scholarship | |

|THE UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA AHEC HEALTH |For minority or rural disadvantaged students to pursue health career opportunities and to |Application deadline: March 30,|

|CARE SUMMER INSTITUTE |build a plan of success for their future.  |2020 |

| |The Health Care Summer Institute will take place in one 4-week session from June 17, 2018 | |

|JUNIORS AND SOPHOMORES |through July 14, 2018.  Selected participants will live in University of Florida campus | |

| |dormitories, shadow health care professionals, attend educational lectures and programs, | |

| |and participate in social activities.  | |

| |Application can be picked up in Guidance. | |

|UNIVERSITY OF MISSISSIPPI CHANCELLOR’S |Plan to attend the University of Mississippi |Application deadline: |

|LEADERSHIP CLASS SEMINAR SCHOLARSHIP |Approximately 90 student leaders will be chosen from the class of 2020 to participate in |February 15, 2020 |

| |this exciting seminar. | |

|$1,000 |Only one nomination per school. | |

| |Strong record of leadership and community service | |

| | | |

| |Let your Guidance counselor know if you are interested in being nominated. | |

|THE VEGETARIAN RESOURCE GROUP |Seniors who have promoted vegetarianism in their schools and/or communities. |Application deadline: |

|SCHOLARSHIPS | |February 20, 2020 |

| |Application can be found at: | |

|1 @ $10,000 |student/shcolar.htm | |

|2 @ $5,000 | | |

|VFW SCOUT OF THE YEAR |Scouts who are registered, active members of a Boy or Girl Scout Troop, Venturing Crew, or|Application deadline to your |

|  |a Sea Scout Ship who have received the Eagle Scout Award, Girl Scout Gold Award, Venture |local VFW Post no later than  |

|Up to $ 5,000 |Summit Award or Sea Scout Quartermaster Award. |March 1, 2020 |

| |  | |

| |Application can be found at: | |

| | | |

|WALMART ASSOCIATES SCHOLARSHIP |Provides tuition assistance to Walmart employees and their high school dependents |Application deadline: |

| |Associates must be enrolled in Walmart’s Lifelong Learning Program through American Public|June 1, 2020 |

|$16,000 |University or pursuing higher education at a qualifying institution in the US | |

| |Employees who have been working with the company for at least 6 consecutive months | |

| | | |

| |Application can be found at: | |

| | | |

|1800 WHEELCHAIR SCHOLARSHIPS |Submit a visual poem |Application deadline: |

| |GPA of at least 3.0 |May 30, 2020 |

|$500 |There are no requirements in terms of physical disability or ability | |

| | | |

| |Application can be found at: | |

| |scholarship | |

|YOUNG PATRIOTS ESSAY |To challenge high school students to creatively solve problems in the realm of economics |Application deadline: |

|for the National Center for Policy |and public policy through the art of writing. |March 31, 2020 |

|Analysis | | |

| |Application can be found at: | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

Sites to look at:







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