Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics Book I

Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics Book I

Greek Text with Facing Vocabulary and Commentary

Early Beta Edition This initial draft was completed in July 2021 and includes 55 pages of text and commentary with a running vocabulary list of words used 6 or more times in the introduction and an alphabetized list of the same words in the glossary. This draft has not been proofread. In a future revision, each of the 55 pages will include a facing page with a more detailed explanation of terminology and grammar to make the text more readable. Someday.

Geoffrey Steadman

Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics Book I Greek Text with Facing Vocabulary and Commentary

Beta Edition

? 2021 by Geoffrey Steadman

All rights reserved. Subject to the exception immediately following, this book may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, in any form (beyond that copying permitted by Sections 107 and 108 of the U.S. Copyright Law and except by reviewers for the public press), without written permission from the publisher.

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The Greek text is the edition by Ingram Bywater first published in 1890.

ISBN-13: 978-0-9991884-4-6

Published by Geoffrey Steadman Cover Design: David Steadman

Fonts: Times New Roman, GFS Porson, New Athena Unicode



Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics Book I Core Vocabulary (6 or more times)

The following is a running list of all 151 words that occur ten or more times in the Book I. An alphabetized list is found in the glossary. These words are not included in the commentary and therefore must be reviewed as soon as possible. The number of occurrences, noted at the end of the dictionary entry, were tabulated by the author. The left column indicates the page number where the word first occurs.

page 01 , -, -: good, 70 01 , -, -: he, she, it; same; -self, 68 01 , - (-): better, 10 01 : for, since, 128 01 : come to be, become, be born, 26 01 : but, and, on the other hand, 267 01 : seem (good), think, decide; , it seems, is thought, 22 01 : be, exist, 151 01 -, : activity, 22 01 : in, on, among. (dat.), 70 01 , : knowledge, understanding, 9 01 , : product, work; deed, act, 18 01 (), : (art of) medicine, 6 01 : and; also, even, too; in fact, actually, 426 01 : well, nobly, 10 01 : on the one hand, 75 01 , , : the, 767 01 : similarly, likewise, 14 01 , , : who, which, that, 39 01 - -: as many as; how many?, 10 01 , , : this, these, 122 01 : from, at, to (the side of); contrary, 9 01 , , : every, all, the whole, 36 01 , : wealth, riches, 7 01 , , : much, many, 28 01 , -, : action, deed, 23 01 (), : generalship, art of a general, 6 01 : and, both, 16 01 , -, : end (result), 21 01 , : craft, art, 6 01 , : anyone, -thing, someone, -thing, 101 01 : show; mid. appear, seem, 33


Running Core Vocabulary

01 : am (by nature); grow, bring forth, 11 02 , -, -: choiceworthy, chosen, 8 02 , -, -: other, one...another, 41 02 , , : every, all, quite all, 17 02 : exactly, precisely, just; accordingly, 28 02 -: differ, make a difference, 11 02 : to pursue, follow; prosecute, 6 02 , -, : ability, capacity, power, 7 02 : if, whether, 44 02 , , : one, single, alone, 25 02 : upon (gen.), to (acc.), near, at (dat.), 28 02 , -, -: other, different, 13 02 : or (either...or); than, 63 02 -: just as, according as, 19 02 : down (from, to), according to, in, 66 02 , , : say, call, name; mean, 76 02 -, -, -: no one, nothing, 21 02 , -, -: such, this sort, 30 02 , : manner, way; turn, direction, 6 02 : by, because of, (gen.), under, 13 02 : for the sake of (preceding gen.), 7 03 : seize, take; mid. choose, 7 03 : modal adv., 53 03 , -, -: best, most excellent, 12 03 , : life, 23 03 : at least; indeed; at any rate, 18 03 , -, : knowing, 6 03 : need, lack (gen.); mid. ask, request; impers. , it is necessary (inf.), 9 03 , -, -: clear, evident, 18 03 : through (gen); for the sake of, on account of (acc), 46 03 , -, -: himself, her-, it-, them-, 23 03 : into, to, in regard to (acc.), 6 03 : have; be able; be disposed; know, 32 03 , -, -: authoritative, decisive, 6 03 : most of all, mostly, especially, 13 03 : more, rather, 14 03 , , : big, great, important, 8 03 : not, lest, 28 03 : and so, then; at all events, 25 03 : thus, in this way, 27

Running Core Vocabulary


03 (), : political (art), political science, 9 03 , -: to be done, 7 03 : to (acc.), near, in addition to (dat.), 24 03 , : who?, which?; why?, 21 03 : to chance upon, attain; happen, 7 03 : as, thus, so, that; when, since, 19 03 : so that, that, so as to, 11 04 , -, -: human, of a human, 10 04 , -, -: each, each one, 19 04 : still, besides; furthermore, in addition, 11 04 , -, -: god-like, divine, 8 04 , -, -: remaining, the rest, 6 04 , -, -: alone, only, solitary, 6 04 , -, -: which sort, who; for example, 16 04 : see, look, behold, 6 04 , -, -: what sort? what kind?, 6 04 , -, -: active, practical, 6 04 : do, accomplish, make, act, 12 04 , -, -: final, perfect, completed, 20 05 : from, away from. (gen.), 9 05 , -, -: just, right, lawful, fair, 7 05 , : out of, from (gen.), 20 05 , -, -: enough, sufficient; capable, 8 05 , -, -: beautiful; noble, fine, 11 05 , : word, speech, account, 43 05 , , , : not, 41 05 : around, about, concerning (acc/gen), 50 05 -: happen, occur, result, 9 05 , - : nature, 8 05 : as, just as, as if, 12 06 -: seek after, 7 07 : but, 37 07 : live, 11 07 , -, -: proper, fitting; one's own, 8 07 : do, make; bring about, 13 07 , : time, 7 08 -, : well-being, happiness, 26 08 : well, 13 08 : how? in what way?, 6 08 -: take up, reply; suppose, 7


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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