
Mr. McCormack

American Government

Central Dauphin High School

Chapter Nineteen Study Guide

Key Vocabulary: Students should be able to define the follow terms and explain them in the context of the chapter.

Bill of Rights Civil Liberties Civil Rights

Alien Due Process Clause Process of Incorporation

Establishment Clause Parochial Free Exercise Clause

Libel Slander Sedition

Seditious Speech Prior Restraint Shield Law

Symbolic Speech Picketing Assemble

Content Neutral Right of Association

Key Concepts: Students should be able to do the following.

What inspired the Founders to create the Bill of Rights?

Are any federal rights absolute?

How does federalism affect individual rights?

What effect does the Ninth Amendment have?

Could a free society exist without the freedom of expression?

What did Jefferson mean by “wall of separation?”

How has the Supreme Court applied the establishment clause?

How has the Supreme Court applied the free exercise clause?

What categories of speech can be limited by the government?

What is the freedom of the press?

How is the freedom of expression a better description of the First Amendment than freedom of speech?

What are the freedoms of assembly and association?

What limits can the government place on the freedom of assembly?


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