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ADFL/CFLS Legislation PacketBelow is the legislation packet for the ADFL/CFLS Fall Kick Off on November 4, 2017 at Southern Lehigh Middle School. Please note, per CFLS policy, the legislation is in its agenda order already. Every school has a piece of legislation included. Those who submitted two or more pieces have those after the first cycle of all schools.If you have any questions, feel free to contact Keith or Dave. We look forward to seeing you all on 11/4.A Bill to Ban the Possession or Use of Semi-Automatic Handguns to Reduce ShootingsBE IT ENACTED BY THE CONGRESS HERE ASSEMBLED THAT:SECTION 1. The possession and/or use of Semi-Automatic Handguns shall be banned.SECTION 2. According to the NRA-ILA, a semi-automatic weapon is defined as a firearm designed to fire a single cartridge, eject the empty case and reload the chamber each time the trigger is pulled. A handgun is defined as a gun that is generally held in one hand. SECTION 3. The Bureau of Alcohol, Firearms, Tobacco, and Explosives shall enforce this ban. SECTION 4. This legislation shall go into effect immediately. SECTION 5. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.Introduced for Congressional Debate byJoshua Bacon Lake-Lehman Junior/Senior High School.A Bill to Amend the Constitution to Streamline Education Management and Ensure Equal Access12345678910RESOLVED,By two-thirds of the Congress here assembled, that the following article is proposed as an amendment to the Constitution of the United States, which shall be valid to all intents and purposes as part of the Constitution when ratified by the legislatures of three-fourths of the several states within seven years from the date of its submission by the Congress:ARTICLE XXVIIISECTION 1:The Federal Government, and by extension both the United States Congress and the Executive Branch, shall have under its jurisdiction the ability to manage, regulate, and operate public education systems in the United States.Introduced for Congressional Debate by Congressman Jon Murdoch (NJ).A Bill to Prohibit the Conduct of a First Use Nuclear Strike without Congressional Declaration of WarWHEREAS: the United States may not initiate the waging of war without a declaration of war by Congress;WHEREAS: the utilization of a nuclear first-strike is the initiation of the waging of war, even if conventional warring action has preceded it;WHEREAS: the conduct of a first use nuclear strike would have disastrous consequences for the United States and the entire world, which action cannot be taken without due deliberation by Congress;WHEREAS:Congress wants to leave no doubt or ambiguity that the President may not conduct a first use nuclear strike without first seeking and obtaining a Congressional Declaration of war:BE IT ENACTED BY THE CONGRESS HERE ASSEMBLED THAT: Section 1:The President may not authorize nor direct the use of nuclear weapons on a first strike basis prior to a Declaration of War by Congress which expressly authorizes such strike.Section 2:“First strike” means an attack using nuclear weapons without a prior determination by the President that an enemy has first launched a nuclear strike against the United States or an ally which the United States is treaty bound to defend.Submitted by E. L. Meyers HSA Bill to legalize marijuana in the united states of americaBE IT ENACTED BY THE STUDENT CONGRESS HERE ASSEMBLED THAT:Article I:Recreational marijuana use shall no longer be considered a crime in the United States and its accompanying territories.Article II:It shall be considered a crime if:The person using is under 18 years of age,The person using is driving under the influence of the drug,The drug is being used as a cover to traffic other illegal substances,The drug is being consumed in a public setting,And any person in possession of the drug has more than one (1) ounce of the substance.Article III:This bill will go into effect on the first day of the year following passage of the bill.Article IV:Cannabis dispensaries will hereby be taxed federally.Article V:The Department of the Treasury shall oversee the implementation of Article IV of this piece of legislation. Article VI: All other laws in conflict with this new policy are now considered null and void.Respectfully submitted,Senator JonssonAbington Heights High SchoolA RESOLUTION TO ELIMINATE SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERSIN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA1 Whereas, social security numbers were never intended to be the cornerstone of an individual’s2financial identity, and3 Whereas, an increasing number of Americans conduct financial transactions online and are 4 required to use their social security number to confirm their identify, and5Whereas, companies that store users’ data on their servers are susceptible to cyberattacks 6 that put consumers sensitive financial information at risk, and7Whereas, once this information has been compromised, there is no current system in 8 place for identity restoration and replacement of individuals’ social security 9 number.10Therefore, be it resolved by the Congress here assembled that the United States 11 Social Security Administration will phase out the use of the social security 12 number as a means of identity verification in favor of a more secure system 13 to keep Americans financial information safe. Respectfully submitted for Congressional Debate by:Danville High School Forensics TeamA Bill to Impose an Embargo on the Country of Mauritania in Order to Promote the Freedom of All People1??? Section 1:??? The United States will impose economic sanctions on the Islamic Republic 2??? ??? ??? of Mauritania.3??? Section 2:??? The economic sanctions will include but will not be limited to preventing 4??? ??? ??? United States companies from exporting to and importing from the Islamic 5??? ??? ??? Republic of Mauritania.6??? Section 3:??? The Department of State and the Department of Commerce will enforce ???7??? ??? ??? this legislation.8??? Section 4:??? This legislation will go into effect on the 1st of October, 2018.9??? Section 5:??? All legislation in conflict will be declared null and void.Introduced for Congressional Debate by Michael GrabuskySouthern Lehigh High SchoolGovernment Provided Flu Shots for All StudentsBe enacted by this Congress that: Section 1: Since it is widely believed that vaccinations and specifically the flu vaccination are beneficial to help ensure better health specifically among children, the Federal Government will make available, free of charge, flu shots to any student only in the United States. Section 2: Student is defined as a public school student in grades K-12. Free of Charge: is defined as being paid for by the Federal Government as a block grant to the states.Section 3: The Department of Education along with the Department of HHS (Health and Human Services) will manage this program. Their departments will also need to provide oversight to prevent corruption or theft. $250 million shall be allocated from DOE budget.Section 4: This act should be implemented within 90 days of becoming a law. Section 5: All of the laws that are in conflict with this new policy shall be null and void. Respectfully submitted,Nathalia Ulsh Notre Dame High School A Bill To Change the Penalties on Cell Phone Spoofing1 Whereas: Spoofing, defined as the act of transmitting misleading or inaccurate2caller ID information, usually for the sake of scamming or defrauding3someone, is an issue that has continued to impact millions of Americans4despite current FCC rules; and,5 Whereas:Current FCC rules under the Truth in Caller ID Act currently penalize the6person who commits a violation of these rules by a fine of $10,000 per7violation; and,8 Whereas:These current rules require proof that the person has performed this act9of spoofing “with the intent to defraud, cause harm, or wrongly obtain10anything of value,” which has made these laws difficult to enforce.11 Therefore:Be it enacted by the Congress here assembled that:12 Article I:The focus of the penalty for spoofing will be shifted to the cell service13carriers, in order to motivate the carriers to more actively work to handle14this issue. This penalty will be set at $100 per number affected by the cell15carrier of the person committing the act. The fine on the individual will16remain the same, but enforcement will be directed more towards the cell17carriers.18 Article II:An act of spoofing will be in violation of the law regardless of whether19intent to defraud, cause harm, or wrongly obtain anything of value can be20demonstrated.Respectfully SubmittedBerks Catholic HSA BILL TO REDUCE FLUORIDE CONCENTRATION IN WATER AND REDUCE FUNDING FOR FLUORIDATION PROGRAMSBE IT ENACTED BY THE CONGRESS HERE ASSEMBLE THAT:SECTION 1. Fluoride in water will be reduced from its current concentration, 1 milligrams per Liter to 0.7 milligrams per Liter.SECTION 2. Fluoridation is defined as the process of putting fluoride into drinking water.SECTION 3. The primary reason for putting fluoride in water is to reduce the number of cavities and other oral problems people have.SECTION 4. The United States Department of Health and Human Services will oversee this law.SECTION 5. This law will be enforced 1 month after passage.SECTION 6. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby considered null and void.Introduced for Congressional Debate by Val BarsamyanWallenpaupack School DistrictA Bill to Limit the Use of the Executive Order by the PresidentBE IT ENACTED BY THE CONGRESS HERE ASSEMBLED THAT: SECTION 1.In light of President Trump’s and past presidents of the modern era’s aggressive use of executive orders and the recent judicial overturn of President Trump’s ban on immigration, this bill limits the amount of executive orders to one hundred in a four year term. SECTION 2.The limitation outlined by this bill will not affect ceremonial or symbolic executive orders and/or those concerned with national security or defense issues. These are generally known as National Security Directives. SECTION 3.The penalty for violating this bill is the forfeiture of one year's salary and continued violation will be grounds for possible impeachment. The enforcement of this bill will be overseen by the United States Department of Justice.SECTION 4.This bill will be effective six months from the passage of this legislation. SECTION 5. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.Introduced for Congressional Debate by Shelby Traver of Lake Lehman High School.A Bill to Prioritize the Organic Agriculture Industry to Improve American Health and Better the EconomyBE IT ENACTED BY THE CONGRESS HERE ASSEMBLED THAT:Section 1. ???? The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) will subsidize the organic farming industry.Section 2. ???? A.??? “Organic Farms” are defined by the USDA as, “farms that use an ecological production management system that promotes and enhances biodiversity, biological cycles and soil biological activity. It is based on minimal use of off-farm inputs and on management practices that restore, maintain and enhance ecological harmony.” B.??? Subsidies will be limited to $1.7 million.Section 3. ???? The USDA will oversee funding and enforcement of this legislation. ?SECTION 4. ?This legislation will be implemented the beginning of the fiscal year after passage. Section 5. ???? All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.Introduced for Congressional Debate byKayla HowieSouthern Lehigh High SchoolA Bill to Incentivize Public Elementary SchoolsTo Teach Foreign LanguagesBE IT ENACTED BY THE CONGRESS HERE ASSEMBLED THAT:SECTION 1.??? Public elementary schools will be granted a monetary incentive of $8,000 for each 5th grade student who is proficient in either Spanish, Chinese, or German on standardized testing in May of each school year.SECTION 2.??? Standardized testing shall be defined as a two-day exam issued by the federal government. The standardized test shall be known as the Foreign Language Exam (FLE). Proficiency in a foreign language shall be defined as the test taker earning at least ?80% on the given assessment. The FLE shall be administered to all 5th grade students in participating schools Participation in the FLE program is optional, based upon each school district.SECTION 3.??? The implementation of this piece of legislation will be overseen by the United States Department of Education. The Dept. of Education shall reallocate $1 billion of funding for this bill.SECTION 4.??? This piece of legislation will be implemented on September 1, 2018.SECTION 5. ??? All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.Introduced for Congressional Debate byCameron HinesSouthern Lehigh High SchoolA RESOLUTION TO GIVE STATES FEDERAL FUNDS TO BE USED IN THE PREVENTION OF FATALITIES DURING FEDERAL DISASTERS.WHEREAS, federal disasters such as hurricanes, tornados, and earthquakes cost billions of dollars each year.WHEREAS, currently the money is spent on the damage caused by the federal disasters.WHEREAS, an average of 100 people sustain fatal injuries each year from these federal disasters.WHEREAS, most of the fatalities are caused by the damage of the federal disasters, thereforeBE IT RESOLVED, states will be given federal funds to be used in the prevention of fatalities during federal disasters. ................

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