ECAS Commercial Vendor Meal Contract .us

4663440-1143002018Muth, ScottNJ Dept. of Agriculture2/7/2018400001000002018Muth, ScottNJ Dept. of Agriculture2/7/2018Fixed Price76200081978500right2514600001809752962910ContractFood Service Management Company (FSMC)School Food Authority (SFA)0ContractFood Service Management Company (FSMC)School Food Authority (SFA)Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u 1.FSMC Contracts PAGEREF _Toc498524656 \h 1Objectives PAGEREF _Toc498524657 \h 1What is a Food Service Management Company (FSMC) Contract?22.Contract Term3Objectives3Contract Term4Base Year Contracts4Contract Renewal (Addendums)43.Submit FSMC Base Year Contract5Objectives5Submit a FSMC Fixed Price Contract in ECAS6Background6ECAS Homepage Review7A.Header Menu7B.My Account8C.I Want To:8D.Contracts Menu8E.Contract Type9F.Continue10F.Learn More101. FSMC/Info Contract Span Details112. Upload RFP & Supporting Procurement Documents143. Charges for the Vended Meals Provided164. SFA Certifies the Contract174.After Contract Submittal18Objectives18After Contract Submittal19State Agency Does Not Approve Contract195. Sign and Initial Then Upload the Signature Page20State Agency Approves Contract226.References & Resources24Section1FSMC ContractsObjectivesAfter completing this chapter, the reader will be able to:Describe a Food Service Management (FSMC) ContractList SFA requirementsWhat is a Food Service Management Company (FSMC) Contract?A Food Service Management (FSMC) Contract is a contract between a School Food Authority (SFA) (this can be a private, public or charter school or school district) with a Food Service Management Company (FSMC) to operate or manage the SFA's School Nutrition Programs (SNP). This can include:LaborFood and supply purchasingProgram management, and SupervisionThis includes school nutrition functions such as:Program meal serviceA la carte meal serviceAfterschool snacksVending machinesCatering, and all school related meal service including: labor and purchasingProcurementThis manual DOES NOT discuss the details of the procurement processFor more information about procurement, reference SNEARS Resources and SNEARS Training for recorded webinars.ECAS is to be accessed after the procurement process has been completed and after the request for proposal (RFP) has taken place and a FSMC has been selected.Section22. Contract TermObjectivesAfter completing this chapter, the reader will be able to:Describe a Base Year duration options for an FSMC ContractExplain how renewal (addendums) work for an FSMC ContractContract TermBase Year ContractsAll SFAs who are contracting with a Food Services Management Company (FSMC) may undergo a Request for Proposal (RFP) for the 2018-2019 school year.The FSMC base year contract term is One year ending on 6/30.Contract Renewal (Addendums)Four consecutive additional One-year renewal (addendums) allowed after the One-year base year. (Total of 5)Contract Renewal RequirementsThese requirements must be met when renewing a contract.The contract shall not be renewed or extended so that it runs for more than a total of five consecutive years. After year five, the SFA needs to establish a new base year.Any price changes included as part of the renewal shall be based on the price of the original contract as cumulatively adjusted pursuant to any previous adjustment of the renewal a shall not exceed the change in the Index Rate (as defined in Public Schools Contract Law, N.J.S. A. 8A:18A-1 et seq.) for 12 months preceding the most recent quarterly calculation available at the time the contract is renewed.(ECAS will contain this calculation)The terms and conditions of the contract shall remain substantially the same. [N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-12]Section3Submission of a Fixed Price FSMC Base Year Contract ObjectivesAfter completing this chapter, readers will be able to:Submit a Fixed Price Food Service Management Company (FSMC) base year contract in ECASSubmission of a Fixed Price FSMC Contract in ECASBackgroundThe SFA must complete the procurement process prior to submitting the info in ECAS.The SFA also must review the sample contract and required support documentation/forms to successfully complete process in ECAS. The following workflow is an overview of the contract submittal process:32922911612904. SFA certifies the contract004. SFA certifies the contract41548052483485State Agency Non-Approval – Errors in contract must be corrected for resubmission00State Agency Non-Approval – Errors in contract must be corrected for resubmission54876701677670StateFinal Approval00StateFinal Approval-44450759460480885574993586614041783019335754216404120515417195054819551352555. Sign & initial then upload the signature page005. Sign & initial then upload the signature page4420235137160Pending State Approval of the contract0Pending State Approval of the contract628651892301. FSMC Info/Contract span details1. FSMC Info/Contract span details1153160716132. Upload RFP & Supporting Procurement Documents Contract Info02. Upload RFP & Supporting Procurement Documents Contract Info2185208139703. Charges for the meals provided03. Charges for the meals provided297260877470520827079868038862059548004204970244333(OR)00(OR)79502096378(Contract errors are noted in the Comments section of each screen, Resubmit only the non-approved sections)(Contract errors are noted in the Comments section of each screen, Resubmit only the non-approved sections)ECAS Homepage Review32702519221452159000192214503549651280160402336055245003381384746634538345295275003466465296545The ECAS Contracts Home page appears after you sign on to ECAS.Review the following items on the Contracts Home screen.Header MenuMy AccountI want to:Contracts MenuContract TypeContinueLearn MoreHeader MenuThe header menu contains the following links to take you back to:NJ PortalSNEARS HomeMessages and MemosLogout315269314905100My AccountMy Account provides Account Details:NameEmailRoleMy Reviewer29803044569200I Want To:I Want To: gives you the ability to view and print contract submittal procedure instructions.Contracts MenuThe Contracts Menu gives access to different contract options and identifies the selected option highlighting the title.The example above shows that Contracts Home is being displayedEach Contract Type contains an identifying heading.1512015917000ContinueClick Continue to FSMC Contracts when starting to submit the contract.Learn MoreLearn More describes the contract type and requirements.1518699788532Next, we will move on to submitting an FSMC Contract.1. FSMC/Info Contract Span Details1.Click Continue to FSMC Contracts.21600116081200Result: The FSMC Contracts Summary page appears.This page displays all the contracts that have been submitted.Click Add New Base Year Contract to begin the contract submittal process.390960015337500When there are no FSMC contracts, none will appear on the screen.If the reader has access to more than one SFA, select the SFA that is contracting with an FSMC.For single SFAs the information will appear immediately.Select an FSMC from the drop-down list.2202511477492The highlighted section of the progress bar identifies the steps toward completion of the contract submittal process.00The highlighted section of the progress bar identifies the steps toward completion of the contract submittal process.5277700217614500right227334501800006389450After selecting the FSMC, the name, address, city, state and zip code will auto-fill.Enter the Contract Details and click Submit and Continue.3368675131508500442600323132100171763120153600ECAS will review entries for accuracy and notify of errors.If the End Date entered is incorrect, correct it to 6/30/18. If the school year is extended to a later date then the SFA needs to enter a justification. Correct the error under Contract Details by selecting dates that match the one-year base year.Board Meeting and Resolution Number are only for public and charter schools. Non-public school screens do not contain these fields.Board Meeting Date must be before the contract Start Date. The Fixed Price contract must be approved by the board prior to submission into ECAS.Result: The Procurement Documents page appears.2. Upload RFP & Supporting Procurement DocumentsUpload RFP Response. Use Form 17FP and combine with page 1 of Form 23, (Response and Operating Statement), along with the State Agency issued Form 47.Upload Scoring Sheet. SFAs must upload Form 320A and Form 320B which are located in SNEARS Resources Samples & References.Upload Price Comparison. Use Form 24.Upload Additional Documents, if necessary, and click 3693600269377003. Charges For the Fixed Price Meals ProvidedCalculate meal charges by entering details into the Charges fields. Enter Meal Charges by TypeSome schools offer more meal types14829802329170ECAS automatically calculates the Total Estimate Cost.00ECAS automatically calculates the Total Estimate Cost.3945600246204000Respond to the Lowest Bid question.Identify the number of responses and responsible proposals received and click Submit and Continue.34111107368764. SFA Certifies the ContractReview and certify the contract and click Submit for State Approval.Certify contract information, and click Submit for State Approval.3088800965255245364043920500Result: A success message will appear. Section4After Contract SubmittalObjectivesAfter completing this chapter, readers will be able to:Describe the Fixed Price FSMC Contract review and update processAfter Contract SubmittalThe State Agency will review the contract in ECAS and either approve or reject the contract. An e-mail will be generated indicating State Agency approval or non-approval of a portion of the contract or the entire contract.State Agency Does Not Approve ContractReview the e-mail that you received from the State Agency.Sign back into ECAS and access the initiated contract.33031701168965Re-submit Contract will appear in the Next Steps column.0Re-submit Contract will appear in the Next Steps column.5129725111540500Review each page of your contract for notes.3655984469275The top of each page will display its review status.The top of each page will display its review status.52704007406350Reviewer comments appear at the bottom of Not Approved pages.152400115189000Correctly edit the rejected page, and click Submit and Continue.341280020117903916800780590If the SFA does not have a Resolution Number, then a section or page number will suffice.3549600267185Approved pages display APPROVED at the top of screen0Approved pages display APPROVED at the top of screenContinue to the Certification page and recertify.5392800188770Use NEXT at the bottom of the screen to proceed to Certification.Review the edited contract and click Submit for State Approval to recertify.2560320541379005. Sign and Initial Then Upload the Signature PageState Agency Approves ContractThe State Agency will send you a message indicating the approval of the contract and instructing to print the FSMC Contract and Contract Signature Page.Review the e-mail that you received from the State Agency.Print the FSMC Contract and Contract Signature Page.Share the FSMC Contract with your vendor for review.Sign the Contract Signature Page and have the vendor sign it too.Scan the signed Contract Signature Page.Sign in to ECAS and locate the FSMC contract.498469511032993134555862190Upload Signed Contract will appear in the Next Steps column.0Upload Signed Contract will appear in the Next Steps column.Use the Next button at the bottom of each page to navigate to the Contract Signature Page.Upload the signed Contract Signature Page and click Submit for State Approval.304800128333500331200125567850Result: A success message will appear.Section5References & ResourcesFSMC Fixed Price Contracts Required DocumentsFSMC RFP and Fixed Price Contract – Form 17FPPublic Response & Project Operating Statement – Form 23FPNon-Public Response & Project Operating Statement – Form 23FPFixed Price Proposal Comparison Form – Form 24FPFixed Price RFP/Contract Modification Change Request – Form 47FPCost Responsibility Summary – Form 149FPRFP Criteria and Evaluation Form – Form 320AEvaluations of Award Criteria Tool – Form 320BFSMC Labor Worksheet – Form 371NJ Workbook for FSMC RFP – Form 372FSMC Guarantee – Form 374SFA Requested Equipment – Form 375FSMC Proposed Equipment – Form 376SFA to SFA Vended Meal Contract/Consolidation Agreement – Form 377Vending Machine Schedule – Form 378Bid Information – Form 379Minimum Staffing Requirements – Form 380FP ................

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