Burlington City High School Geometry Policies- Miss Saia

Grading Policy: Your grade will be comprised of four basic components:

Tests and Quizzes about 30%

Interactive Notebook (HW & CW) about 20%

Group and Individual Projects about 30%

Class Participation about 20%

Tests and Quizzes: All major tests will be given with advance notice (assuming you pay attention(), either verbally or in written form on the board. Quizzes, however, may be given without notice and will assess note-taking, homework completion, and problem solving skills.

Interactive Notebook (HW & CW): This year your “old school” notebook will be replaced by a cool, new “interactive notebook” that will ensure greater use and understanding of notes and material. Notebooks will be checked periodically, and these evaluations may or may not be announced.

Group and Individual Projects: Projects will be assigned regularly and often in concordance with other daily assignments. They may range from short writing assignments and creative representations of the material to long-term and large-scale projects. Students may work individually or in groups, depending upon the nature of the assignment and teacher discretion.

Class Participation: You will receive a maximum of 20 class participation points per week, 4 per day. Points can be earned by:

✓ Arriving on time

✓ Being prepared for class

✓ Getting on task immediately, and staying on task all period

✓ Contributing positively to classroom discussions and activities


Although projects vary each year, there is approximately one major project each month paralleling the topic being covered in class. The following list is a basic outline of the various projects we hope to complete this year.

➢ Children’s Books on Geometry

➢ Pop-Up Exploration

➢ Quadrilateral Essays, Board Games, Trading Cards, etc.

➢ Measuring Indirect Height

➢ Probability and Area-based gaming

➢ Shrinking Cereal Boxes

➢ Tessellations

Your Interactive Geometry Notebook

WHAT YOU NEED: You will need a Mead 5-subject notebook or a binder dedicated entirely to this course. In addition, you will need “artsy supplies” to create and organize your interactive notebook such as double-sided tape, colored pencils, highlighters, multi-colored pens, etc.

NOTEBOOK FORMAT: The interactive notebook will essentially be split up into two sides, separated down the middle by the spiral binding.

The RIGHT side is “restricted” for the teacher. You will record such items as the daily objective, class notes, formulas, examples, etc. on this side. Think of this side as the required material that you will be tested on.

The LEFT side of the notebook is the “learning” side where you will literally interact with the notebook. On this side, you will complete a variety of activities that will aid in your analysis of the required material. This is the place where you will be able to create visual representations, pictowords, graphs, memory helpers, etc. and complete writing assignments that allow you to analyze and explain the newly covered material.

This interactive format reinforces the idea that simply copying lecture notes from the board does not ensure that you learn the information, and stresses that you must do something with it to internalize it. So be ready to “do something” with this material, the use of color and creativity is strongly encouraged.


✓ If for any reason you miss class, you are responsible for “catching up” your notebook, both right side notes, and left side activities.

✓ Notebook Cover should include student name, course name and period, teacher name, and a minimum of 2 pictures or diagrams about Geometry.

✓ Save TEN pages for an ongoing Table of Contents that you will update as we go.

✓ Immediately number all RIGHT SIDE pages (in the top right corner) after the Table of Contents to ensure that you do not “share” the notebook with other classes.

✓ There will be a cover page for each unit or chapter the includes a student-created title, three essential questions that encompass the unit, and a picture that depicts the main concept of the unit.


➢ Pictowords

➢ Venn Diagrams or T-charts

➢ Daily summaries or chapter summaries

➢ Cartoons

➢ Flow Charts

➢ Posters, Advertisements, or Brochures

➢ Acrostics, poems, riddles, lyrics

➢ Memory helpers

Please complete and return this page immediately to receive your first “test” grade in this course (

Read and sign below to show that you have read, understand, and intend to adhere to the policies described in this document:

____________________________________ x_________________________

Student Name and Signature

____________________________________ x_________________________

Parent/Guardian Name and Signature

Please provide an email address where I may reach a parent or guardian and please note mine as shown below:



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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