Entry Requirements and Guidelines for Selecting an ...

Entry Requirements and Guidelines for Selecting an Undergraduate Programme


Published by The Academic Affairs Division

Registrar's Office

April 2024

Table of Contents

1.0 STEP-BY-STEP INSTRUCTIONS..................................................................................... 2 A. STEP 1: Purchase of E-Voucher ................................................................................................ 2 B. STEP 2: Check List ................................................................................................................... 2 C. STEP 3 Application .................................................................................................................. 3

2.0 CHOICE OF PROGRAMME OF STUDY ........................................................................... 5 LIST OF UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMMES OFFERED BY COLLEGES .............................................. 5

3.0 ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS ....................................................................................... 9 GUIDELINES FOR SELECTING AN UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMME ............................................... 9

3.1.1 Undergraduate programmes duration....................................................................................................9 3.1.2 Minimum/General Entry Requirements..................................................................................................9 3.1.3 OTHER RELEVANT INFORMATION ..................................................................................................... 10 COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AND NATURAL RESOURCES..............................................................11 3.1.4 Faculty of Agriculture...........................................................................................................................11 3.1.5 Faculty of Natural Resource Management............................................................................................13 COLLEGE OF ART AND BUILT ENVIRONMENT...............................................................................15 3.1.6 Faculty of Built Environment................................................................................................................15 3.1.7 Faculty of Art ....................................................................................................................................... 21 3.1.8 Faculty of Educational Studies..............................................................................................................28 COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING............................................................................................................29 COLLEGE OF HEALTH SCIENCES.....................................................................................................33 COLLEGE OF HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES........................................................................38 3.1.9 Faculty of Social Sciences ..................................................................................................................... 38 3.1.10 Faculty of Law ...................................................................................................................................... 46 3.1.11 KNUST School of Business....................................................................................................................47 COLLEGE OF SCIENCE ....................................................................................................................50 3.1.12 Faculty of Biosciences...........................................................................................................................50 3.1.13 Faculty of Physical and Computational Sciences .................................................................................. 55

CUT-OFF AGGREGATES FOR 2023/2024 ACADEMIC YEAR ADMISSIONS.................................59



A. STEP 1: Purchase of E-Voucher ? Undergraduate/A Level/Mature/Top-up & Others: Purchase E-Voucher from Ghana Post Office Only ? Ghanaian/Other Applicants with Foreign Results/Certificate: Purchase E-Voucher from Ghana Post Office ? International Applicant: All International Applicants are to generate Login ID/Serial Number and PIN for the online application at

B. STEP 2: Check List ? For all applicants: a. Examination Results b. Birth Certificate, c. Ghana Card/Passport d. Passport Photograph (Light green background) e. Applicants from non-English speaking countries must provide a minimum of oneyear English Proficiency Certificate.

? Acceptable Examination Results: ? West African Senior Secondary Certificate Examination (WASSCE)/Senior Secondary School Certificate Examination (SSSCE) ? WASSCE International ? International Baccalaureate ? American High School Grade 12 ? General Business Certificate Examination (GBCE) and Advanced Business Certificate Examination (ABCE), ? General Certificate Examination (GCE)/International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) (Cambridge) Ordinary and Advanced Level


? Higher National Diploma (HND) Applicants HND Certificate plus High School Results

? Post-First-Degree Law Applicants: First degree certificate plus High School Results ? Doctor of Pharmacy Top-Up Applicants: First Degree Certificate (BPharm) plus

High School Results and Pharmacy Licensure Certificate. ? Other International High School Results

C. STEP 3 Application 1. Enter "" to enter the credentials on the voucher to Start the Application. 2. Complete all mandatory fields marked with *. 3. Save and exit (If you have to log out and continue later) or save and proceed to the next step. 4. Educational background - In the case where your Institution is not listed, kindly select Private. 5. Examination Resultsa. Examination type ? If your examination type is not listed, select Certification/Diploma/Degree. b. Sitting ? Select May/June (School) if your examination type is not WASSCE/SSSCE c. Year ? Select year of Examination. d. Index Number also known as candidate number or Examination ID. 6. Subject ? Select subjects offered in high school and the corresponding grades. a. If awaiting results, select awaiting as the grade. b. If other certificates, select the certificate and the corresponding grade/class. 7. Select add results if you have more than one results or certificate. 8. Attach all mandatory supporting documents scanned in PDF format. a. Birth Certificate


b. Results slips and or Certificates (For other modes of application excluding WASSCE)

9. Applicant Declaration; read, agree and tick to declare that all information provided in the application is true.

10. Programme Choices. (select regular as the Stream) a. Tick yes, if you want to be considered for fee-paying or parallel.

11. Identification document (Ghana Card/Passport) (PDF). 12. Review and proceed. 13. Tick to declare and agree that the information provided are true. 14. Submit and keep a copy of the application for Personal reference.

Note i. During the online application process, do not leave the online application inactive for more than 5 minutes. Doing this would automatically log you out. ii. Until the application deadline the application can be edited as many times as needed.

iii. Check the subject requirements for the programme you are interested in to ensure that you qualify before selecting. For example, students with home economics background cannot read BSc. Nursing at KNUST.

iv. Those applying with "Other International High School results" may be required to do an evaluation of results/Certificate from the Ghana Tertiary Commission (GTEC) and/or other International Credential Evaluation Agency



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