Isaiah Listens to God’s Call and Responds with, “Send Me”

Isaiah Listens to God’s Call and Responds with, “Send Me”.

Main Point: Listen to God’s call to go and make disciples.


Used with permission

PowerPoint: Isaiah 6:1 In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord seated on a throne, high and exalted, and the train of his robe filled the temple.

Say This: God was the ruler of the people in Israel. Sadly, they wanted a king like all the other nations around them. Saul was chosen as their first king. But he did not listen to God, and he died a horrible death. David was the next king over Israel. The Bible says that David was a man after God’s own heart. Although David wasn’t perfect, he did love God.

Many kings came after David. Some were good, but most were not. God’s way is always the best way. The people suffered terribly under the rule of wicked kings.

There was another good king, Uzziah. In his early years, his life honored God. But as he grew older, he became proud and stopped listening to God. The Bible says that God struck him down. It is very serious to stop listening to God. Uzziah started on the right path, but when he became full of himself instead of being filled with God, he died.

Isaiah heard the news that King Uzziah was dead. This was a tragic thing. Think about how you felt when you heard that _________ was dead. When you hear bad news, sometimes you feel shocked or very sad.

It was at this time that Isaiah saw a vision: though King Uzziah was dead, Isaiah saw the King of kings!

Application: When you are facing a crisis, whom do you see? The Bible says that Isaiah saw the Lord. Difficult times can help us become more aware of our need for God.



Say This: The Bible says that the Lord was SEATED ON A THRONE. The Hebrew word yoshey is used to show that God is the ruler. He is in charge. He is HIGH and EXALTED. This means that God is sovereign. The TRAIN OF HIS ROBE is a symbol of His sovereignty. God is the Ruler of all!



Used with permission

Say This: The angels called continually to one another, “Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord Almighty; the whole earth is full of His glory”.

Holy means different. God is different; He is set apart. There is no one like the Lord.

The whole earth is full of His glory. Glory means to “be important”. God is the most important person in the universe.



Used with permission

Say This: When Isaiah saw the Lord, he also saw his own sinfulness.

Ask This: Have you ever done something wrong and just then your parents walk in the room? How much do you want to be around them at that moment? Probably not too much.

When you know you’re guilty of something, you want to hide.

When Isaiah saw the Lord, he recognized that he was a helpless sinner.

Unclean lips – Unclean means unacceptable in the presence of God.

Ask: What would you think if you saw a boy that came to church today covered in mud? You would probably think, “That’s not appropriate” or “That’s not acceptable”.



Say This: You would be correct. It’s not acceptable or appropriate to be covered in mud. But in the same way, it is not acceptable or appropriate to be sinful and be near God.

When Isaiah saw the Lord, he realized that because he was a sinner, he was not acceptable in the light of God’s holiness.

Sin cannot be in a perfect place with a perfect God. Sin and God cannot co-exist. Just like with Adam and Eve. Because of their sin, they had to leave the perfect Garden and perfect fellowship with God. Sin ruined their lives.

The next part is so great, though. It is important to see yourself as you really are – a helpless sinner. But it’s even better to understand what God can do for you. Listen to what He did for Isaiah!



Used with permission

Say This: When Isaiah’s lips were touched with a live burning coal, however, he was told that his sins were forgiven.  It wasn't the coal that cleansed him, but God.

This is a SYMBOL that describes God removing Isaiah’s sin. Isn’t it wonderful that God didn’t just cover up Isaiah’s sin? GOD TAKES SIN AWAY!

Isaiah’s sins will not be remembered nor discussed because God has taken them away!

Ask: Do you know what the Bible says about what God does with your sin?

Psalm 103:12 God takes our sins from us as far as the east is from the west.

Jeremiah 50:20 Our sins can never be found.

I John 1:9 He forgives us from our sin and cleanses us from all unrighteousness.

Isaiah 1:18 God releases us from our sins by the blood of Jesus

Psalm 51:7 He washes us whiter than snow.

Micah 7:19 God casts all our sins into the deepest part of the sea.

God will tread our sins underfoot. Imagine God stomping His foot on your sin.

Isaiah 44:22 He blots our our sins like a thick cloud.

John 1:29 The Lamb of God takes away the sin of the world.

Isaiah 43:25; 44:22 God puts our sin behind a thick cloud.

The LORD God atones or covers our sins in such a way that He even blots out the proof against us, nailing it to the cross (Rom. 4:7-8; Col. 2:14). He has “cancelled out the certificate of debt,” and declares, “Blessed is the man whose sin the LORD will not count against him”. (Psalm. 32:2).



Used with permission

Say This: THEN I heard a voice ………Remember this, you can’t hear until you’re ready to listen.

Now that Isaiah’s sin has been TAKEN AWAY, he can clearly LISTEN to God’s call:

God is saying, “Whom will I send, and who will go for us?”

How does Isaiah respond –


Note to Teacher: God knew that Isaiah was there and listening. And his heart was ready. But nothing could happen until he surrendered himself and made himself available to whatever God’s work or will was going to be.

He asked GOD to SEND him. Isaiah knew he couldn’t go alone. He needed God’s approval for the mission.

And some mission this was going to be!

Ask: Do you remember how many years Noah preached to the people while he was building that ark? (120 years). Did anyone listen? (No – only Noah’s family was saved).

Do you think it’s hard to tell people about God when they don’t want to listen? (Yes).

Say This: This is exactly what God was telling Isaiah to do. Go and tell people about God. And just so you know, the people aren’t going to listen to you.

Who would want that job? Who would go on that mission?

Isaiah did. Noah did. So should we!

Lancelot Andrews said it very well: “It is not our task to tell people what they want to hear; we must tell them what in some sad future time they would wish they had heard.”

There are many people – too many people – who have never heard the wonderful news that God loved them enough to send His only Son, Jesus to die on the cross to take away their sin.

Though these people may not SEEM interested in hearing the gospel, we are still commissioned to GO and make disciples!

Main Point: Listen to God’s call to go and make disciples.


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