
Common Core Algebra Unit 3: Equations 10/11/16Lesson 3: No Solutions, Infinite SolutionsObjective: SWBAT identify equations with no solution, infinite many solutions and equations with the same solution set.Do Now: Solve each equation. Then complete the questions below in the “Think… Pair… Share…” section.Think… Pair…Share…a) What do you notice about the first equation? What can you concluded?b) What do you notice about the first equation? What can you concluded?57899305524500Today’s Notes:Not every equation has __________ solution. There are equations that exist that have ___________________ ___________ solutions. There are equations that exist that have ______ solution.Model Examples:Check for Understanding:Decide if each equation below has one, none or infinitely many solutions.Turn and Talk:Consider the equation:A) Determine if the equation has one, none or infinite solutions. B) How can the equation be changed so that it has an infinite number of solutions?Lesson Summary:Some equations have _________________, _____________or __________________ many solutions.Problem Set:Determine if each equation below has one, none or infinite solutions.6. Consider the equation 2(5x – 4) = ax + b.a) Find a value for a and b so that the equation has no solution. b) Find a value for a and b so that the equation has infinite solutions. Name _________________Exit SlipCommon Core Algebra Unit 3: Equations 10/11/16Lesson 3: No Solutions, Infinite SolutionsObjective: SWBAT identify equations with no solution, infinite many solutions and equations with the same solution set.What is the solution to the following equation? Show all work.Name _________________Exit SlipCommon Core Algebra Unit 3: Equations 10/11/16Lesson 3: No Solutions, Infinite SolutionsObjective: SWBAT identify equations with no solution, infinite many solutions and equations with the same solution set.What is the solution to the following equation? Show all work. ................

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