


Released January 29, 2009

Prepared by The Community Research Institute at Indiana University-Purdue University Fort Wayne

Funded by the Northeast Indiana Foundation

Supported by the Northeast Indiana Regional Partnership









DISCLAIMERS: The following report is based on announcements and specific company information. In reality, expansions or any type of dynamics within a company do not always become press releases. In no way does this report reflect the business dynamics of every company in northeast Indiana. This report monitors activity in manufacturing and in certain targeted industries. There are many service related industries, as well as retail and the accommodation and food services industries, which are not included in this report. CRI has worked with the local county economic development offices to check the information contained herein, but announcements do not always manifest themselves in the future as an actual event. We will make revisions to past year’s reports when the data is available or if the event is especially note-worthy, but revisions are often not as public as the original release.

NOTES: not all expansions involve new jobs. Investment in capital equipment or building expansion is an investment in the community. The term “Lay-offs” in this summary refer to temporary lay-offs, although it is acknowledged this term can be blurred. For 2008, very short term lay-offs were not monitored, although they may be for 2009 as the practice may be becoming more widespread. Closings are recorded in the year they occurred. New and expanding events are recorded when some type of action has occurred, such as a ground-breaking or hiring.


The Community Research Institute has been tracking business dynamics in the 11 counties of northeast Indiana during 2008-the good news and the not so good news: expansions, new business announcements, as well as layoffs, closings, and downsizings. Acquisitions are also monitored since they sometimes hint at events which may be coming. Lincoln Schrock of the Northeast Indiana Regional Partnership (NEIRP) and at the Indiana Northeast Development Corporation prior to the NEIRP, had been tracking these events for decades prior to his retirement last year.

There are some changes this year compared to past reporting; some of these changes are due to technology, and some of the changes are due to the NEIRP’s efforts to focus on certain sectors. For example, for years, Indiana Northeast Development’s emphasis was on manufacturing changes in nine counties, and eventually logistics, warehousing, and distribution were included since these areas were closely connected with manufacturing. CRI includes these sectors, but adds any industry or businesses which are part of the defined “targeted industries”-those areas which NEI has some strength, and which can be regarded as pillars around which to build the economy. Therefore, in addition to logistics and manufacturing related events, we have included finance and insurance; specific defense industry strengths; medical equipment including software development; advanced manufacturing or advanced materials; and the food processing industry.

As we develop our definitions and learn about the companies in our targeted clusters, we may error on the side on inclusion. For example, in the food processing targeted industry, not only are we including companies which manufacture food products, but we also are currently including some agricultural businesses, some companies which service machinery used in the food processing or restaurant business, as well as some manufacturers who may peripherally manufacture goods which are used in food processing, such as packaging material. In addition, certain business services industries and major employers which are not classified in manufacturing or a targeted industry, such as hospitals, are also included in this report. Given all these changes, it is difficult to compare this year’s activities to past years, but in the years going forward, there should be a consistent set of industry areas and geography which should make comparisons much more meaningful.

At least one other point should be emphasized. This report reflects announcements or known activities, and not every business makes announcements when they expand their personnel, purchase a piece of capital equipment designed to improve their process, or even lay-off or not replace retiring personnel. There are numerous home-grown industries which start out small and eventually grow to a recognized community business. This report will seldom capture any of those events. In many aspects, this report captures a small part of all activity, and this is evident when the Bureau of Labor Statistics' or Bureau of Economic Analysis' annual employment numbers are released later in the year. What is the value of this particular report, one may ask? It may be to simply show the known activity in those industries, i.e. the targeted industries, which have received special attention and involvement from economic developments staffs as well as taxpayer dollars in terms of tax abatements, training, and other incentives. To put everything in proper perspective, other events such as known closures, downsizings, or layoffs are added to the report, and hopefully this will give an idea of what type of environment businesses and economic development offices have been operating during the reported year.


There were 14 new company announcements in 2008, with 728 known or announced new positions.

There were 118 expansions announced with 3,253 new jobs. Expansions also accounted for $948 million dollars of space or equipment investment, and an additional 2.5 million square feet in use.

There were 19 closings in 2008 (this does not include closings announced in 2008 scheduled to occur in 2009). There were 1,995 positions associated with these closings. Three of these closings were related to the decision by Vera Bradley to move their sewing staff inside the business as opposed to contracting out to companies. Some of these lost positions were offset by the subsequent expansion at Vera Bradley.

There were 17 downsizings with at least 1,221 jobs were lost due to these events. Four of these announcements were from the same (parent) company, Fleetwood/Goldshield. Downsizings are sometimes the prelude to more downsizings or even closings. For example, Sun Valley in Howe experienced a loss of 80 jobs in 2008 through downsizing, and announced that they would close in 2009.

There were also 8 layoffs affecting 526 jobs. For the most part, it is not known when these positions will be reinstated, but occasionally there is good news. Sirva had announced a layoff in early 2008, but later in the year they also announced an expansion as a different part of the organization is scheduled to move to Allen County from Illinois.

Another event which has some correlation to future closings is acquisitions. In 2008, there were 25 known acquisitions (note that two of these were the same parent company with plants in two counties (Altivity Packaging), as well as four physician offices being acquired by Parkview).

The charts below summarize these announcements by type of event and by job.

|[pic] |[pic] |

Finally, there were a number of announcements made in late 2008 relating to closings in 2009. While we could have added these announcements to the 2008 totals, we are reporting these closing events in the year in which it occurs, and this is another change from previous year’s reporting. There were 12 closings announced in late 2008 which will affect 1,825 jobs in 2009. Although it is difficult to compare this number to late 2007 announcements (since the tracking system just went into effect in 2008), we could compare events in the first quarter of 2008 with announced closing for the first quarter 2009. Of the 12 closings announced in late 2008 for 2009, seven are projected for first quarter 2009. These affect 1,020 positions. In contrast, there were three closings that occurred in Q1, 2008 and these closings affected 345 positions.

Given the general economic state of NEI and the nation at this point, it may be interesting to investigate whether our “negative events”, i.e. closings, lay-offs, and downsizing can be tied to the general economic malaise. The following two charts track the date the event is to occur, that is, not the announcement date. The numbers related to negative events, as well as people and jobs affected, are higher in late 2008 and early 2009. Note also that there are a few events for which we could not ascertain the number of people/jobs affected.




There were 14 new companies announced in 2008. Highlights are listed below, with more detail contained in the County Section of this report.

1. Four in Allen County and these are projected to have rather modest starts (the largest of these is projected to have 22 employees).

1. Two in Whitley County, both rather modest with a total of 17 new employees.

1. One each in DeKalb, Steuben, and Wabash Counties. The Wabash project, ForeverGreen, was originally announced in DeKalb County three years ago.

1. Two in Huntington County, with a total of 30 new employees. As noted in the County Section, Huntington had a new project announced in 2007, NuFuels, an alternative energy plant. In 2008, NuFuels announced a revision in the plans, but no work on the project as begun at this time.

1. Three in Grant County, including two businesses which project approximately 300 employees each within three years.

Announcements indicate that these 14 new companies will provide at least 728 jobs, put an investment of over $259 million dollars into the area, and require a total of 367,000 square footage.

Of these 14 new companies, only one was in the vehicle parts manufacturing area; and six others were in some type of manufacturing area. More detail regarding industries is summarized in the Targeted Industries section.

As a matter of comparison, in 2007, there were 47 new business announcements, and these projected 791 new employees with a $421 million dollar investment, and just over a million new square feet. In terms of new jobs, the largest announcements in 2007 were HiShear Automotive-which announced 149 jobs[1] and Eckhart Woodworking (for RVs) with 70 jobs.

In 2008, there were 117 expansions announced which involved 3,253 new jobs. Highlights are listed below, with more detail in the County Section of this report.

▪ Adams County: 6 expansions 29 announced new jobs.

▪ Allen County: 44 expansions 1,652 announced new jobs.

▪ DeKalb County: 10 expansions 224 announced new jobs.

▪ Grant County: 8 expansions 72 announced new jobs.

▪ Huntington County: 10 expansions 144 announced new jobs.

▪ LaGrange County: 2 expansions 1 announced new job.

▪ Noble County: 7 expansion 441 announced new jobs.

▪ Steuben County: 8 expansions 177 announced new jobs.

▪ Wabash County: 8 expansions 212 announced new jobs.

▪ Wells County: 6 expansions 60 announced new jobs.

▪ Whitley County: 8 expansions 241 announced new jobs.

As shown in the chart below, hospital expansions accounted for a major part of the dollar investment and space expansion, although very little in the way of personnel expansion was anticipated.


In addition, five businesses announced in late 2008 that they will expand in 2009. These events will be included in the 2009 report. There were 130 jobs anticipated, and all of these jobs were in the manufacturing area; one of these was in a targeted industry, Cardinal Grain Systems in Whitley is potentially in the food processing section.

As a matter of comparison, in 2007, there were 108 announced expansions in NEI which included 1,759 jobs.


There were 19 companies which closed in 2008, and this resulted in the announced loss of 1,995 jobs. Highlights are listed below, with more detail contained in the County Section. In addition, the end of 2008 saw 12 additional closing announcements to take place in 2009. These future closings are identified in the 2009 Announcement section, but what may make this significant is that this level of closing activity is higher than it was a year ago at this time.

▪ Adams County: 1 closing affecting 67 jobs.

▪ Allen County: 6 closings affecting 593 jobs.

▪ DeKalb County: 1 closing affecting 197 jobs.

▪ Grant County: 2 closings affecting 30+ jobs.

▪ Huntington County: 2 closings affecting 449 jobs.

▪ LaGrange County: 2 closings affecting 205 jobs.

▪ Noble County: 2 closings affecting 193 jobs.

▪ Steuben County: 2 closing affecting 143 jobs.

▪ Wabash County: 1 closing affecting 118 jobs.

In addition, there were 17 downsizing events, which resulted in a loss of at least 1,221 jobs in 2008. Four of these events were related to Fleetwood/Gold Shield in Adams County. Announcements regarding different divisions of Fleetwood resulted in this being recorded as 4 different downsizings. Finally, there were 8 lay-offs announced, which we are interpreting as being of temporary nature. These 8 lay-offs affected 526 jobs. Two of these lay-off announcements were at Alcoa in DeKalb County.

This is a total of 44 job-loss events, a total of 3,742 jobs. These were all in manufacturing or related to manufacturing with the exception of nine events. There were an undisclosed amount of Group Dekko jobs lost, and it is unknown whether those jobs were related to management at a manufacturing entity, or manufacturing jobs themselves. The nine non-manufacturing companies involved freight and distribution (3 events, and one of those was Sirva, which later in the year announced a planned expansion at the facility, although most likely in different types of jobs), one each at a business services entity, financial services entity, a medical clinic, and a legal office, and a closing of a construction company which had been reported last year as a new company in Steuben County.

As a matter of comparison, in 2007, there were 22 closings involving at least 1,655 jobs. The loss of 700 jobs at GDX Automotive in Wabash and 300 at Kitty Hawk in Allen County were the largest closings in that year. In addition, there were 9 downsizings noted which involved 801 jobs.


Since most of the activity in 2008 was in expansions, the NAICS or targeted industry review is concentrated in that area. Of the 117 total expansions involving 3,253 jobs, the breakdown by type of these expansions can be summarized as follows:



The major events and the announced jobs in expansions in the targeted industries are:

Food Processing: Living Essentials (150); Automated Egg Producers (50).

Transportation and Logistics: Sirva (240); Wal-Mart Distribution (Grant Co) (68).

Medical Devices: C&A Tool[2] (110).

Finance and Insurance: One Resource Group (28).

Defense: Raytheon (75); Undersea (UUSI)(60).

Advanced Materials[3]: C&A Tool (110); General Products (61); Vestil (50).

The Finance and Insurance targeted industry may need some further investigation. Currently, all banks are included in the category.

Targeted Industry expansion can be summarized in the following table:

| |Events |% of Total |Jobs |% of Total Expansion|

| | |Expansion Events | |Jobs |

|Food Processing |11 |9.6% |260 |8.1% |

|Transportation/Warehousing/Log |8 |7.0% |330 |10.2% |

|Medical Devices |7 |6.1% |188 |5.8% |

|Finance & Insurance |5 |4.4% |53 |1.6% |

|Defense |3 |2.6% |140 |4.3% |

|Adv Materials |11 |9.6% |311 |9.6% |

Although motor vehicles (NAICS 3362 and 3363) are not a targeted industry, it is still a major force in northeast Indiana. International Truck and Engine increased their staff in Allen County in 2008 (after a 2007 lay-off) and is included in the motor vehicle category. Dexter Axle is closing facilities in North Manchester (2009) and Elkhart, and moving 114 of those jobs to Noble County, and this is included as a 2008 event since there will be some adjustments needed at the Noble County facility. Millennium Industries in Noble County also announced a large expansion (170 jobs). Millennium manufactures fuel systems which it sells to General Motors.

As mentioned on page 6, there were a relatively large number of hospital physical plant expansions. There were nine hospital expansions in 2008.

New Companies and Targeted Industries: There were a total of 15 new companies, and five of these or one-third were in northeast Indiana’s targeted industries.

| |Events |Jobs |

|Food Processing |0 |0 |

|Transportation/Warehousing/Log |1 |15 |

|Medical Devices |2 |22 plus an unknown |

|Finance & Insurance |2 |11 |

|Defense |0 |0 |

|Advanced Materials |0 |0 |


As shown in the table below, there have been a number of announcements in late 2008 which affect the business community in 2009. Although we did not track date of announcements in 2007, we believe this represents more closings than are typically announced late in the year.

On pages 3 and 4 of this year, two graphs are included to demonstrate that increased announcement of jobs lost and negative events, i.e. closings, lay-offs, and downsizing, have occurred in the later part of 2008, and that the number of these events in the first quarter of 2009 are greater than in 2008.

|ANNOUNCED CLOSINGS | |People/Jobs |Company |NAICS[i] |

|Allen |01-Mar-09 |50 |Quadrant |3261 |

|Allen |31-May-09 |93 |Taylor University |6113 |

|Huntington |30-Jan-09 |186 |Meridian Automotive Systems |3362 |

|LaGrange |01-Jan-09 |244 |Starcraft RV Inc |3362 |

|LaGrange |01-Sep-09 |140 |Multi-Plex |3321 |

|Noble |01-Feb-09 |72 |Vibracoustic North America |3363 |

| | | |(Freudenberg-Nok) | |

|Noble |09-Mar-09 |281 |Dalton Corp |3315 |

|Steuben |01-Aug-09 |114 |Rittal Electromate |3351 |

|Steuben | | | | |

|Wabash |02-Feb-09 |164 |Dexter Axle |3363 |

|Whitley |31-Mar-09 |23 |Cuno Water Treatment |3333 |

|Whitley |01-Sep-09 |78 |Mahle Clevite |4231 |

|Whitley |01-Nov-09 |380 |Autoliv North America |3363 |

| | |1,825 jobs | | |


|Huntington |01-Jan-09 |12 |Pathfinder Services Inc |8133 |

| | | | | |


|Allen |30-Jun-09 |NK |Centennial Wireless |5416 |

|Noble |01-Mar-09 |NK |Charter Bank |5221 |

| | | | | |


|Allen |01-Feb-09 |96 |AccuGear Inc. |3363 |

|Allen |01-Mar-09 |10 |Quadrant |3261 |

|DeKalb |01-Apr-09 |0 |Paintball Plex |4239 |

|Steuben |20-Feb-09 |9 |Professional Fabricators, Inc. |3323 |

|Whitley |31-Dec-09 |15 |Cardinal Grain Systems |3331 |

| | |130 jobs | | |




| |/JOBS AFFECTED |(in Million Dollars) | | | | |

|Acquisitions |25 | | |Lingenfelter Performance Engineering |3363 | |

| | | | | | | |

|Downsizing |300 | | |Fleetwood Motor Homes |3362 | |

|Downsizing |16 | | |Gold Shield of Indiana Inc. |3362 | |

|Downsizing |219 | | |Fleetwood Motor Homes |3362 | |

|Downsizing |15 | | |Fleetwood Parts & Services |3362 | |

|Plant Closing |67 | | |Berne Furniture CO Inc |3371 | |

|Subtotal Closings, |617 | | | | | |

|Layoffs, DownSizing | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|Expansion |NK |NK |NK |Red Gold Geneva Facility |3114 |Food Processing |

|Expansion |25 |0 |0 |Elkhart Industrial |3329 | |

|Expansion |0 |0 |10,000 |Fleetwood Motor Homes |3362 | |

|Expansion |0 |NK |NK |Revenge Designs |3363 | |

|Expansion |0 |0.25 |30,000 |Integrated Manufacturing & Assembly |3363 | |

|Expansion |4 |1.4 |65,000 |Adams Memorial Cancer Institute |6223 | |

|Subtotal Expanding |29 |1.69 + $M |105,000 + | | | |




|Acquisitions |nk | | |Altivity Packaging, LLC |3222 |Food Proc:folding cartons for food proc. |

|Acquisitions |nk | | |Digimarc ID Systems |3341 |Adv. Materials |

|Acquisitions |nk | | |Inverness Ambulatory Surgery Center |6214 | |

|Acquisitions |nk | | |GTA |3335 |Closed a month after acquisition |

|Acquisitions |10 | | |IntraHealth Solutions Inc. |5242 | |

|Acquisitions |4 | | |Allendale |5231 | |

|Acquisitions |nk | | |First Care Family Physicians |6211 |Hospitals /health care are being monitored as |

| | | | | | |major employees |

|Acquisitions |nk | | |Northeast OB/Gyn |6211 | |

|Acquisitions |nk | | |Northeast Indiana Colon Rectal Surgeons |6211 | |

|Acquisitions |nk | | |Fort Wayne Cardiovascular Surgeons |6211 | |

|Acquisitions |nk | | |AccuGear Inc. |3363 | |

|Acquisitions |100 | | |Lift-All |3339 | |

|Acquisitions |nk | | |National City Bank |5221 |Fin & Insurance |

|Subtotal |114, but mostly unknown | | | | |

| |

|Downsizing |8 |(not applicable for these events) |Tower Bank |5221 |Fin & Insurance |

|Downsizing |24 | | |Superior Essex |3313 |Adv Materials |

|Downsizing |10 | | |Baker and Daniels |5411 | |

|Layoff |15 | | |Sirva |4842 |Logistics |

|Plant Closing |147 | | |Mercury Manufacturing |3152 |Related to Vera Bradley moving sewing in |

| | | | | | |-house. Not all of these displaced empl. |

| | | | | | |secured empl at VB |

|Plant Closing |200 | | |Summit Productions |3152 | |

|Plant Closing |190 | | |Phoenix Sewing, Inc. |3152 | |

|Plant Closing |19 | | |Alvan Motor Freight |4842 |Logistics |

|Plant Closing |37 | | |GTA |3335 |Was acquired earlier in year |

|Plant Closing |NK | | |Branstrator Sunrooms |2361 |A history of acquisition and closing |

|Subtotal Closings, |650 | | | | | |

|Layoffs, DownSizing | | | | | | |



| |/JOBS AFFECTED |Million Dollars) |INVOLVED | | | |

|New |22 |1.1 |15,000 |US Silicones |4249 |Medical devices |

|New |6 |1.2 |20,000 |Moore Financial Center |5239 |Finance and Insurance |

|New |8 |0 |0 |Attero Tech/Computime |5416 | |

|Expansion |0 |.025 |0 |Plastic Composites Company |3362 | |

|Expansion |0 |0.155 |0 |DeBrand Fine Chocolates |3113 |Food Processing |

|Expansion |5 |0 |0 |PearlDiver Technologies, Inc |5415 |Medical devices |

|Expansion |18 |7 |0 |Vita Nonwovens |3132 |Medical devices |

|Expansion |565 |4.2 |125,000 |Vera Bradley |3169 |Hiring some of the sewers who lost jobs from |

| | | | | | |contractor to VB |

|Expansion |3 |0.2 |0 |Custom Poly Packaging |3261 | |

|Expansion |NK |NK |NK |Foamex International, Inc |3261 | |

|Expansion |20 |0.332 |0 |Calico Precision Molding LLC |3262 |Medical and Adv. Materials |

|Expansion |60 |44.4 |0 |BFGoodrich Tire Manufacturing |3262 | |

|Expansion |15 |3.75 |0 |CNC Industries |3327 |Medical devices |

|Expansion |35 |1.7 |0 |Nu-Tec Coatings |3328 | |

|Expansion |8 |1 |12,000 |Summit Foundry Systems, Inc. |3335 | |

|Expansion |0 |0.83 |19,000 |Sipe Steel Rule Die |3335 | |

|Expansion |6 |0.5 |1,740 |Miltec Circuits |3344 | |

|Expansion |200 |0 |0 |International Truck and Engine Corp |3361 | |

|Expansion |25 |0.5 |0 |Electric Vehicles Inc. |3361 | |

|Expansion |28 |1.1 |0 |Truck Engineering Ltd., LLC |3362 | |

|Expansion |0 |.025 |0 |Plastic Composites Corp |3362 |Tooling for new project |

|Expansion |5 |0.498 |7,000 |PolyMod Technologies |3399 |Medical and Defense |

|Expansion |0 |3 |0 |H & C Insulation Supply |4233 | |

|Expansion |0 |0 |10,000 |Heat Power Engineering |4237 | |

|Expansion |2 |3.7 |48,000 |Wayne Pipe & Supply, Inc |4237 | |

|Expansion |3 |1.287 |22,000 |Collins Painting & Design, LLC |4239 | |

|Expansion |16 |0.5 |60,000 |Pinnacle Airlines, Inc. |4811 |Logistics |

|Expansion |240 |16 |0 |Sirva |4842 |Logistics |


| |/JOBS AFFECTED |Million Dollars) |INVOLVED | | | |

|Expansion |6 |0 |25,000 |HUPP Aerospace/Defense |4931 |Logistics |

|Expansion |0 |1.5 |31,000 |J&B Importers |4931 |Logistics |

|Expansion |0 |0 |6,000 |General Dynamics C4 Systems |  |Defense |

|Expansion |30 |0 |0 |Sweetwater Sound |5122 | |

|Expansion |0 |2 |8,000 |Fifth Third Bank |5221 |Finance and Insurance |

|Expansion |28 |4 |30,000 |One Resource Group Corp. |5242 |Finance and Insurance |

|Expansion |10 |0 |0 |IntraHealth Solutions Inc. |5242 |Finance and Insurance |

|Expansion |2 |0 |0 |Razor Products |5413 | |

|Expansion |15 |0.9 |0 |Aptera Software |5414 | |

|Expansion |75 |0 |0 |Raytheon Systems Co |5415 |Defense |

|Expansion |35 |5 |26,000 |Logikos |5415 | |

|Expansion |75 |1.8 |0 |Centennial Wireless |5416 |Announced acquisition for 2009 |

|Expansion |15 |0 |0 |LSI Outsourcing |5614 |Finance & Insurance |

|Expansion |0 |0 |50,000 |Stoops Freightliner |8113 |Logistics support |

|Expansion |0 |2.2 |4,500 |Lutheran Hospital |6221 |Hospitals /health care are being monitored as |

| | | | | | |major employees |

|Expansion |0 |2.8 |0 |Parkview Hospital |6221 | |

|Expansion |0 |4.5 |0 |Dupont Hospital |6221 | |

|Expansion |100 |536 |900,000 |Parkview North |6221 | |

|Expansion |12 |0 |0 |Granite Broadcasting Corp. |5151 | |

|Subtotal New and |1,688 |656.402 + M $ |1,433,240 | | | |

|Expanding | | | | | | |

| |47 expansion &new | |Square footage | | | |

| |events | | | | | |

** Expansions announced in 2008 for 2009:

AccuGear, Inc. 96 employees; Motor Vehicle Part Manufacturing (owned by American Axle)

Quadrant, 10 employees; Plastic Parts Mfg



| |/JOBS AFFECTED |Million Dollars) |INVOLVED | | | |

|Acquisitions |150 |0 |0 |Tri-Wall |3222 |Food Proc (packaging) |

| | | | | | | |

|Layoff |90 | | |Cooper-Standard Automotive |3363 | |

|Layoff |20 | | |Alcoa Automotive Indiana |3313 |Advanced Mat. Note: 2 announcements |

|Layoff |30 | | |Alcoa Automotive Indiana |3313 |Advanced Mat. Note: 2 announcements |

|Plant Closing |197 | | |Citation Corp |3315 | |

|Subtotal Closings, |337 |na |na | | | |

|Layoffs, DownSizing | | | | | | |

| | |

|Expansion |7 |7.025 |0 |Nucor Fastener |3327 | |

|Expansion |15 |2 |0 |X-Y Tool & Die Inc. |3327 | |

|Expansion |50 |8.3 |105,000 |C & A Tool Engineering |3335 |Adv Materials and Medical |

|Expansion |29 |0 |0 |Custom Lights Inc |3351 | |

|Expansion |73 |0.225 |0 |Autoline Industries (was Dura Automotive) |3363 | |

|Expansion |10 |3.74 |0 |Noble Metal Processing |3363 | |

|Expansion |27 |2 |0 |TI Group |3363 | |

|Expansion |7 |0 |0 |TMS Wholesale |4239 | |

|Expansion |6 |1 |30,000 |Paintball Plex |4239 | |

|Expansion |0 |15.8 |40,000 |DeKalb Memorial Hospital Inc |6221 | |

|New |10 |6.5 |0 |Advantage Lumber Company LLC |3211 | |

| | | | | | | |

|Subtotal New and |241 |46.59 M$ |175,000 | | | |

|Expanding | | | | | | |

| |11 expansion or new events | | | | |

** Expansion announced in 2008 for 2009:

Paintball Plex –physical expansion



| |/JOBS AFFECTED |Million Dollars) |INVOLVED | | | |

|Acquisitions |55 | | |Boots Creek Converting |3222 |Food Proc-paper plates, bowls, etc |

|Acquisitions |10 | | |Veriana Professional Services (LAT) |5415 |New company acquires local establish. |

|Acquisitions |5 | | |CDI Recycling |4235 |Bought by Quincy Recycling |

| | | | | | | |

|Plant Closing |30 | | |Titan Recovery Group |5614 |Fin & Insurance-was acquired, then closed |

|Plant Closing |0 | | |Van Buren Clinic |6211 | |

|Downsizing |150 | | |Dana Torque-Traction Mfg Techs |3362 | |

|Subtotal Closings, |180 |na |na | | | |

|Layoffs, DownSizing | | | | | | |

| |

|New |340 |20 |200,000 |TriEnda Material Handling Solutions |3261 | |

|New |5 |0 |2,300 |First Famers Bank & Trust |5221 |Finance and Insurance |

|New |285 |0 |0 |Veriana |5418 | |

|Expansion |0 |0 |0 |Weaver Popcorn Co |3119 |Food Processing |

|Expansion |0 |0 |0 |Central Indiana Ethanol |3251 | |

|Expansion |0 |0 |3,600 |Computer Age Engineering |3332 |Food Processing-mach for food proc |

|Expansion |0 |NK |0 |Precision Tool & Die |3335 | |

|Expansion |4 |2.6 |0 |Koenig Equipment |4238 | |

|Expansion |68 |0 |0 |Wal-Mart Distribution Center |4931 |Logistics |

|Expansion |0 |NK |0 |Chronicle-Tribune |5111 |New press |

|Expansion |NK |NK |NK |Star Financial Bank |5221 |Finance and Insurance |

|Subtotal New and |702 |22.6 M$ |205,900 | | | |

|Expanding | | | | | | |

| |11 new & expansion events | | | | |



| |/JOBS AFFECTED |Million Dollars) |INVOLVED | | | |

|Plant Closing |140 | | |Stride-Rite |4931 |Logistics |

|Plant Closing |309 | | |CFM Majestic |3334 | |

|Subtotal Closings, |454 | | | | | |

|Layoffs, DownSizing | | | | | | |

| |

|New |10 |0 |0 |Erie Haven |3273 | |

|New |20 |0 |130,000 |Cequent Towing Products |3363 | |

|Expansion |2 |2.2 |0 |Huntington Sheet Metal |3323 | |

|Expansion |6 |0.9 |0 |M & S Industrial Metal Fabricators |3323 | |

|Expansion |20 |9.4 |38,000 |Gerdau MacSteel Heat Treat |3328 | |

|Expansion |0 |1.25 |0 |Huntington Powder Coat |3328 | |

|Expansion |0 |2 |16,500 |UT Electronic Controls |3344 |Adv. Materials |

|Expansion |35 |0.25 |0 |Novae Corp. |3362 | |

|Expansion |46 |8.6 |0 |Bendix Commercial Vehicle |3363 | |

|Expansion |33 |2.346 |20,000 |Midwest Industrial Metal Fabrication, Inc. |3399 | |

|Expansion |0 |0.327 |0 |Parkview Huntington Hospital |6221 | |

|Expansion |2 |.185 |0 |Bryan Machine Service |3262 | |

|Subtotal New and |174 |27.458 M$ |204,500 |  | | |

|Expanding | | | | | | |

| |12 new & expansion events | | | | |



| |/JOBS AFFECTED |Million Dollars) |INVOLVED | | | |

|Downsizing |150 | | |Redman Homes Inc. |3219 | |

|Plant Closing |200 | | |Dutch Housing Inc. |3219 | |

|Plant Closing |5 | | |Howe Medical Center |6211 | |

|Layoff |120 | | |Redman Homes Inc. |3219 | |

|Subtotal Closings, |555 | | | | | |

|Layoffs, DownSizing | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|Expansion |1 |0 |0 |Lambright Woodworking |3371 | |

|Expansion |0 |25 |0 |Parkview LaGrange Community Hospital |6221 | |

|Subtotal New and |1 |25 M$ |0 | | | |

|Expanding | | | | | | |



| |/JOBS AFFECTED |Million Dollars) |INVOLVED | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|Downsizing |NK | | |Group Dekko, LLC |5416 | |

|Downsizing |12 | | |Bollhoff Rivnut Inc |3327 | |

|Layoff |35 | | |Hendrickson Suspension |3362 | |

|Closing |36 | | |Royal Imprints |3231 | |

|Closing |157 | | |DriveSol Worldwide |3363 | |

|Subtotal Closings, |240 | | | | | |

|Layoffs, DownSizing | | | | | | |

| |

|Expansion |37 |0 |0 |Arden Companies |3149 | |

|Expansion |20 |4 |25,000 |Dow Corning Corp |3252 |Food Proc and Med. Devices |

|Expansion |0 |0.333 |0 |Parts Finishing Group |3259 | |

|Expansion |50 |.7 |0 |Taylor Made Inc |3272 | |

|Expansion |50 |5.5 |0 |Federal-Mogul |3361 | |

|Expansion |170 |9.2 |30,000 |Millennium Industries Corp. |3363 | |

|Expansion |114 |3.4 |153,000 |Dexter Axle |3363 | |

|Subtotal New and |441 |23.133 M$ |208,000 | | | |

|Expanding | | | | | | |

| |7 expansion events | | | | |



| |/JOBS AFFECTED |Million Dollars) |INVOLVED | | | |

|Closing |83 | | |Salga Inc |3261 | |

|Closing |60 | | |Supreme Building Technologies (Elite) |2362 |Reported as new in 2007 |

|Subtotal Closings, |205 | | | | | |

|Layoffs, DownSizing | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|New |5 |2 |0 |K-Tech Specialty Coatings |3241 | |

|Expansion |0 |0.02 |0 |Miller Poultry |3116 |Food Processing |

|Expansion |20 |1.5 |20,000 |New Horizons Baking Co. |3118 |Food Processing |

|Expansion |26 |1.8 |0 |Wolf Envelope |3222 | |

|Expansion |4 |0 |0 |K-Tech Specialty Coatings |3241 | |

|Expansion |61 |19 |0 |General Products Corp. |3321 |Adv. Materials |

|Expansion |10 |0.4 |0 |Lagrange Products |3329 |Adv. Materials |

|Expansion |50 |2 |0 |Vestil Manufacturing |3339 |Adv. Materials |

|Expansion |6 |0.525 |0 |Steffy Wood Products |3371 | |

|Subtotal New and |182 |27.245 |20000 | | | |

|Expanding | | | | | | |

| |9 new & expansion events | | | | |

** Expansion announced in 2008 for 2009:

Professional Fabricators-9 jobs; Arch and Structural Metals Mfg.



| |/JOBS AFFECTED |Million Dollars) |INVOLVED | | | |

|Acquisitions |0 |0 |0 |Brodbeck Seed Inc. |4249 | |

| | | | | | | |

|Plant Closing |118 |0 |0 |Wabash Magnetics |3344 |Adv. Materials |

|Downsizing |80 |0 |0 |Ford Meter Box Co. Inc |3345 |Adv. Materials |

|Downsizing |90 |0 |0 |Harvey Industries |3315 | |

|Layoff |86 |0 |0 |Martin Yale Industries |3399 | |

|Layoff |130 |0 |0 |Aleris |3313 |Adv. Materials |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|New |NK |227 |0 |ForeverGreen Enterprises |3251 | |

|Expansion |60 |0 |0 |Automated Egg Producers |1123 |Food Processing |

|Expansion |150 |6 |200,000 |Living Essentials |3121 |Food Processing |

|Expansion |0 |5 |0 |Thermafiber Inc. |3279 | |

|Expansion |2 |0 |0 |Bulldog Battery Corp. |3359 |Advanced Mat. |

|Expansion |0 |1.127 |28,000 |Bulldog Battery Corp. |3359 |Advanced Mat. |

|Expansion |0 |0 |0 |Wabash Electric Supply Inc. |4236 | |

|Expansion |0 |NK |34,080 |Whites Residential & Fmly Svc |6241 | |

|Expansion |0 |0.6 |8,000 |Peabody Retirement Community |6233 | |

|Subtotal New and |212 |239.727 M$ |270,080 | | | |

|Expanding | | | | | | |

| |9 new & expansion events | | | | |



| |/JOBS AFFECTED |Million Dollars) |INVOLVED | | | |

|Expansion |30 |0.865 |18,000 |Trusted Manufacturing, Inc. |3329 |Advanced Materials |

|Expansion |0 |0.35 |8,200 |A.T. Ferrell Company, Inc. |3331 |Food Processing (farm feed proc. Systems) |

|Expansion |20 |1 |20,000 |Rethceif |3339 |Food Processing (packaging) |

|Expansion |0 |0.25 |5,000 |NESCO |4412 | |

|Expansion |0 |77 |0 |Peyton's Northern |4931 |Logistics and Warehousing |

|Subtotal Expanding |60 |80.315 M$ |81,200 | | | |

| |6 expansion events | | | | |



| |/JOBS AFFECTED |Million Dollars) |INVOLVED | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|Downsizing |NK |0 |0 |Coupled Products, LLC |3363 | |

| | | | | | | |

|New |2 |0 |0 |Little Builder Toy Company |3399 | |

|New |15 |1.5 |0 |Steel Plus Distribution |4235 |Logistics |

|Expansion |40 |0 |0 |Whitley Manufacturing CO |3219 | |

|Expansion |24 |0.45 |67,000 |Calhoun Forest Products, LLC |3219 | |

|Expansion |7 |0 |0 |Indiana Metal Products |3279 | |

|Expansion |40 |5 |0 |80/20 |3313 |Advanced Materials |

|Expansion |10 |0.024 |0 |ACME Industrial Machine & Maintenance |3329 |Advanced Materials |

|Expansion |60 |8 |0 |C & A Tool Engineering Inc |3335 |Advanced Materials and Medical |

|Expansion |60 |0 |0 |Undersea Sensor Systems Inc. |3345 |Defense |

|Expansion |0 |40.5 |96,000 |Parkview Whitley Hospital |6221 | |

|Subtotal New and |258 |55.474 M$ |163,000 | | | |

|Expanding | | | | | | |

| |10 new & expansion events | | | | |

** Expansion announced in 2008 for 2009:

Cardinal Grain Systems, 15 employees-manufacture of agricultural machinery


| |

1 |Acquisitions |Adams |28-Aug-08 |200 |0 |0 |Decatur |Driggs Farms |3115 |Dairy Product Manufacturing | |2 |Acquisitions |Adams |10-Sep-08 |25 |0 |0 |Decatur |Lingenfelter Performance Engineering |3363 |Motor Vehicle Parts Manufacturing | |3 |Acquisitions |Allen |05-Mar-08 |0 |0 |0 |Fort Wayne |Altivity Packaging, LLC |3222 |Converted Paper Product Manufacturing | |4 |Acquisitions |Allen |01-Jul-08 |0 |0 |0 |Fort Wayne |Digimarc ID Systems |3341 |Computer and Peripheral Equipment Manuf | |5 |Acquisitions |Allen |04-Sep-08 |0 |0 |0 |Fort Wayne |Inverness Ambulatory Surgery Center |6214 |Outpatient Care Centers | |6 |Acquisitions |Allen |05-Sep-08 |0 |0 |0 |Fort Wayne |GTA |3335 |Metalworking Machinery Manufacturing | |7 |Acquisitions |Allen |30-Sep-08 |10 |0 |0 |Fort Wayne |IntraHealth Solutions Inc. |5242 |Agencies, Brokerages, and Other Insurance Rel | |8 |Acquisitions |Allen |04-Nov-08 |4 |0 |0 |Fort Wayne |Allendale |5231 |Securities and Commodity Contracts Intermedia | |9 |Acquisitions |Allen |07-Nov-08 |0 |0 |0 |Fort Wayne |First Care Family Physicians |6211 |Offices of Physicians | |10 |Acquisitions |Allen |07-Nov-08 |0 |0 |0 |Fort Wayne |Northeast OB/Gyn |6211 |Offices of Physicians | |11 |Acquisitions |Allen |07-Nov-08 |0 |0 |0 |Fort Wayne |Northeast Indiana Colon Rectal Surgeons |6211 |Offices of Physicians | |12 |Acquisitions |Allen |07-Nov-08 |0 |0 |0 |Fort Wayne |Fort Wayne Cardiovascular Surgeons |6211 |Offices of Physicians | |13 |Acquisitions |Allen |05-Dec-08 |0 |0 |50,000 |Fort Wayne |AccuGear Inc. |3363 |Motor Vehicle Parts Manufacturing | |14 |Acquisitions |Allen |23-Dec-08 |100 |0 |93,000 |Fort Wayne |Lift-All |3339 |Other General Purpose Machinery Manufacturing | |15 |Acquisitions |Allen |31-Dec-08 |0 |0 |0 |Fort Wayne |National City Bank |5221 |Depository Credit Intermediation | |16 |Acquisitions |DeKalb |20-Jun-08 |650 |185 |0 |Auburn |Ambassador Steel Corp. |3323 |Architectural and Structural Metals Mfg | |17 |Acquisitions |DeKalb |04-Aug-08 |150 |0 |0 |Butler |Tri-Wall |3222 |Converted Paper Product Manufacturing | |18 |Acquisitions |Grant |15-Aug-08 |30 |0 |0 |Marion |Titan Recovery Group |5614 |Business Support Services | |19 |Acquisitions |Grant |10-Oct-08 |55 |0 |0 |Marion |Boots Creek Converting |3222 |Converted Paper Product Manufacturing | |20 |Acquisitions |Grant |08-Nov-08 |10 |0 |0 |Marion |Veriana Professional Services (LAT) |5415 |Computer Systems Design and Related Services | |21 |Acquisitions |Grant |1-June-08 |5 | | |Marion |CDI Recycling |4235 | | |22 |Acquisitions |Noble |11-Jul-08 |225 |0 |0 |Kendallville |Plastech Engineered Products |3363 |Motor Vehicle Parts Manufacturing | |23 |Acquisitions |Wabash |11-Jul-08 |0 |0 |0 |Wabash |Altivity Packaging LLC |3222 |Converted Paper Product Manufacturing | |24 |Acquisitions |Wabash |06-Nov-08 |0 |0 |0 |Wabash |Brodbeck Seed Inc. |4249 |Miscellaneous Nondurable Goods Merchant Whole | |25 |Acquisitions |Whitley |05-Dec-08 |0 |0 |0 |Columbia City |Cardinal Grain Systems |3331 |Agriculture, Construction, and Mining Machine | | |  |  |  |1,464 | | | |  |  |  | | |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | |1 |Downsizing |Adams |14-Jun-08 |300 |0 |0 |Decatur |Fleetwood Motor Homes |3362 |Motor Vehicle Body and Trailer Manufacturing | |2 |Downsizing |Adams |12-Dec-08 |16 |0 |0 |Decatur |Gold Shield of Indiana Inc. |3362 |Motor Vehicle Body and Trailer Manufacturing | |3 |Downsizing |Adams |12-Dec-08 |219 |0 |0 |Decatur |Fleetwood Motor Homes |3362 |Motor Vehicle Body and Trailer Manufacturing | |4 |Downsizing |Adams |12-Dec-08 |15 |0 |0 |Decatur |Fleetwood Parts & Services |3362 |Motor Vehicle Body and Trailer Manufacturing | |5 |Downsizing |Allen |25-Apr-08 |8 |0 |0 |Fort Wayne |Tower Bank |5221 |Depository Credit Intermediation | |6 |Downsizing |Allen |06-Nov-08 |24 |0 |0 |Fort Wayne |Superior Essex |3313 |Alumina and Aluminum Production and Processin | |7 |Downsizing |Allen |12-Dec-08 |10 |0 |0 |Fort Wayne |Baker and Daniels |5411 |Legal Services | |8 |Downsizing |Grant |29-Dec-08 |150 |0 |0 |Marion |Dana Torque-Traction Mfg Techs |3362 |Motor Vehicle Body and Trailer Manufacturing | |9 |Downsizing |Huntington |22-Dec-08 |5 |0 |0 |Huntington |Square D |3353 |Electrical Equipment Manufacturing | |10 |Downsizing |LaGrange |01-Jan-08 |80 |0 |0 |Howe |Sun Valley |3362 |Motor Vehicle Body and Trailer Manufacturing | |11 |Downsizing |LaGrange |28-Mar-08 |150 |0 |0 |Topeka |Redman Homes Inc. |3219 |Other Wood Product Manufacturing | |12 |Downsizing |Noble |09-Sep-08 |NK |0 |0 |Kendallville |Group Dekko, LLC |5416 |Management, Scientific, and Technical Consult | |13 |Downsizing |Noble |25-Sep-08 |12 |0 |0 |Kendallville |Bollhoff Rivnut Inc |3327 |Machine Shops; Turned Product; and Screw, Nut | |14 |Downsizing |Steuben |04-Apr-08 |62 |0 |0 |Angola |TydenBrammall |3399 |Other Miscellaneous Manufacturing | |15 |Downsizing |Wabash |01-Jan-08 |80 |0 |0 |Wabash |Ford Meter Box Co. Inc |3345 |Navigational, Measuring, Electromedical, and | |16 |Downsizing |Wabash |04-Apr-08 |90 |0 |0 |Wabash |Harvey Industries |3315 |Foundries | |17 |Downsizing |Whitley |11-Nov-08 |NK |0 |0 |Columbia City |Coupled Products, LLC |3363 |Motor Vehicle Parts Manufacturing | | |  |  |  |1,221 |na |na |  |  |  |  | | |  |  |  | |  |  |  |  |  |  | | |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | |1 |Layoff |Allen |01-Feb-08 |15 |0 |0 |Fort Wayne |Sirva |4842 |Specialized Freight Trucking | |2 |Layoff |DeKalb |19-Sep-08 |90 |0 |0 |Auburn |Cooper-Standard Automotive |3363 |Motor Vehicle Parts Manufacturing | |3 |Layoff |DeKalb |01-Oct-08 |20 |0 |0 |Auburn |Alcoa Automotive Indiana |3313 |Alumina and Aluminum Production and Processin | |4 |Layoff |DeKalb |09-Dec-08 |30 |0 |0 |Auburn |Alcoa Automotive Indiana |3313 |Alumina and Aluminum Production and Processin | |5 |Layoff |LaGrange |01-Nov-08 |120 |0 |0 |Topeka |Redman Homes Inc. |3219 |Other Wood Product Manufacturing | |6 |Layoff |Noble |18-Sep-08 |35 |0 |0 |Kendallville |Hendrickson Suspension |3362 |Motor Vehicle Body and Trailer Manufacturing | |7 |Layoff |Wabash |30-Dec-08 |86 |0 |0 |Wabash |Martin Yale Industries |3399 |Other Miscellaneous Manufacturing | |8 |Layoff |Wabash |30-Dec-08 |130 |0 |0 |Wabash |Aleris |3313 |Alumina and Aluminum Production and Processin | | |  |  |  |526 |NA |NA |  |  |  |  | | | | | | | | | | | | | |1 |New |Allen |10-Dec-08 |NK |0 |0 |Fort Wayne |Summit City Metal Recycling |4235 |Metal and Mineral (except Petroleum) Merchant | |2 |New |Allen |02-May-08 |22 |1.1 |15,000 |Fort Wayne |US Silicones |4249 |Miscellaneous Nondurable Goods Merchant Whole | |3 |New |Allen |01-Oct-08 |6 |1.2 |20,000 |Fort Wayne |Moore Financial Center |5239 |Other Financial Investment Activities | |4 |New |Allen |11-Mar-08 |8 |0 |0 |Fort Wayne |Attero Tech/Computime |5416 |Management, Scientific, and Technical Consult | |5 |New |DeKalb |01-Jan-08 |10 |6.5 |0 |St. Joe |Advantage Lumber Company LLC |3211 |Sawmills and Wood Preservation | |6 |New |Grant |31-Dec-08 |340 |20 |200,000 |Marion |TriEnda Material Handling Solutions |3261 |Plastics Product Manufacturing | |7 |New |Grant |21-Oct-08 |5 |0 |2,300 |Marion |First Famers Bank & Trust |5221 |Depository Credit Intermediation | |8 |New |Grant |20-Feb-08 |285 |0 |0 |Marion |Veriana |5418 |Advertising, Public Relations, and Related Se | |9 |New |Huntington |24-Jun-08 |10 |0 |0 |Huntington |Erie Haven |3273 |Cement and Concrete Product Manufacturing | |10 |New |Huntington |24-Nov-08 |20 |0 |130,000 |Huntington |Cequent Towing Products |3363 |Motor Vehicle Parts Manufacturing | |11 |New |Steuben |28-Apr-08 |5 |2 |0 |Ashley |K-Tech Specialty Coatings |3241 |Petroleum and Coal Products Manufacturing | |12 |New |Wabash |10-Sep-08 |NK |227 |0 |LaFontaine |ForeverGreen Enterprises |3251 |Biofuel conversion from chemical and medical wastes | |13 |New |Whitley |30-Oct-08 |2 |0 |0 |South Whitley |Little Builder Toy Company |3399 |Other Miscellaneous Manufacturing | |14 |New |Whitley |17-Dec-08 |15 |1.5 |0 |Columbia City |Steel Plus Distribution |4235 |Metal and Mineral (except Petroleum) Merchant | | | | | |728 |259 |367,300 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |  |  |  | | | |  |  |  |  | | |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | | | | | | | | | | | | | |1 |Closing |Adams |29-May-08 |67 |0 |0 |Berne |Berne Furniture CoInc |3371 |Household and Institutional Furniture and Kit | |2 |Closing |Allen |28-May-08 |147 |0 |0 |Fort Wayne |Mercury Manufacturing |3152 |Cut and Sew Apparel Manufacturing | |3 |Closing |Allen |28-May-08 |200 |0 |0 |Fort Wayne |Summit Productions |3152 |Cut and Sew Apparel Manufacturing | |4 |Closing |Allen |28-May-08 |190 |0 |0 |Fort Wayne |Phoenix Sewing, Inc. |3152 |Cut and Sew Apparel Manufacturing | |5 |Closing |Allen |01-Jul-08 |19 |0 |0 |Fort Wayne |Alvan Motor Freight |4842 |Specialized Freight Trucking | |6 |Closing |Allen |10-Oct-08 |37 |0 |0 |Fort Wayne |GTA |3335 |Metalworking Machinery Manufacturing | |7 |Closing |Allen |593 |NK |0 |0 |Fort Wayne |Branstrator Sunrooms |2361 |Residential Building Construction | |8 |Closing |DeKalb |18-Jul-08 |197 |0 |0 |Butler |Citation Corp |3315 |Foundries | |9 |Closing |Grant |26-Nov-08 |30 |0 |0 |Marion |Titan Recovery Group |5614 |Business Support Services | |10 |Closing |Grant | |0 |0 |0 |Van Buren |Van Buren Clinic |6211 |Offices of Physicians | |11 |Closing |Huntington |13-Mar-08 |140 |0 |0 |Huntington |Stride-Rite |4931 |Warehousing and Storage | |12 |Closing |Huntington |24-Jul-08 |309 |0 |0 |Huntington |CFM Majestic |3334 |Ventilation, Heating, Air-Conditioning, and C | |13 |Closing |LaGrange |28-Mar-08 |200 |0 |0 |Lagrange |Dutch Housing Inc. |3219 |Other Wood Product Manufacturing | |14 |Closing |LaGrange |29-Mar-08 |5 |0 |0 |Howe |Howe Medical Center |6211 |Offices of Physicians | |15 |Closing |Noble |30-Apr-08 |36 |0 |0 |Ligonier |Royal Imprints |3231 |Printing and Related Support Activities | |16 |Closing |Noble |21-Dec-08 |157 |0 |0 |Kendallville |DriveSol Worldwide |3363 |Motor Vehicle Parts Manufacturing | |17 |Closing |Steuben |20-Dec-08 |83 |0 |0 |Fremont |Salga Inc |3261 |Plastics Product Manufacturing | |18 |Closing |Wabash |07-Nov-08 |118 |0 |0 |Wabash |Wabash Magnetics |3344 |Semiconductor and Other Electronic Component | |19 |Closing |Steuben | | | | |Angola |Supreme Building Tech (Elite) | | | | |  |  |  |1,935 |NA |NA |  |  |  |  | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | |1 |Expansion |Adams |06-Mar-08 |NK |NK |NK |Geneva |Red Gold Geneva Facility |3114 |Fruit and Vegetable Preserving and Specialty | |2 |Expansion |Adams |08-May-08 |25 |0 |0 |Geneva |Elkhart Industrial |3329 |Other Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing | |3 |Expansion |Adams |09-May-08 |0 |0 |10,000 |Decatur |Fleetwood Motor Homes |3362 |Motor Vehicle Body and Trailer Manufacturing | |4 |Expansion |Adams |04-Jan-08 |0 |NK |NK |Decatur |Revenge Designs |3363 |Motor Vehicle Parts Manufacturing | |5 |Expansion |Adams |22-Feb-08 |0 |0.25 |30,000 |Berne |Integrated Manufacturing & Assembly |3363 |Motor Vehicle Parts Manufacturing | |6 |Expansion |Adams |17-Oct-08 |4 |1.4 |65,000 |Decatur |Adams Memorial Cancer Institute |6223 |Specialty (except Psychiatric / Sub Abuse) | |7 |Expansion |Allen |19-May-08 |0 |0.155 |0 |Fort Wayne |DeBrand Fine Chocolates |3113 |Sugar and Confectionery Product Manufacturing | |8 |Expansion |Allen |04-Jan-08 |18 |7 |0 |Fort Wayne |Vita Nonwovens |3132 |Fabric Mills | |9 |Expansion |Allen |15-Aug-08 |560 |4.2 |125,000 |Fort Wayne |Vera Bradley |3169 |Other Leather and Allied Product Manufacturin | |10 |Expansion |Allen |11-Mar-08 |3 |0.2 |0 |Fort Wayne |Custom Poly Packaging |3261 |Plastics Product Manufacturing | |11 |Expansion |Allen |14-May-08 |NK |NK |NK |Fort Wayne |Foamex International, Inc |3261 |Plastics Product Manufacturing | |12 |Expansion |Allen |30-May-08 |20 |0.332 |0 |Fort Wayne |Calico Precision Molding LLC |3262 |Rubber Product Manufacturing | |13 |Expansion |Allen |28-Jun-08 |60 |44.4 |0 |Woodburn |BFGoodrich Tire Manufacturing |3262 |Rubber Product Manufacturing | |14 |Expansion |Allen |12-Aug-08 |15 |3.75 |0 |Fort Wayne |CNC Industries |3327 |Machine Shops; Turned Product; and Screw, Nut | |15 |Expansion |Allen |03-Oct-08 |35 |1.7 |0 |Fort Wayne |Nu-Tec Coatings |3328 |Coating, Engraving, Heat Treating, and Allied | |16 |Expansion |Allen |28-Feb-08 |8 |1 |12,000 |Fort Wayne |Summit Foundry Systems, Inc. |3335 |Metalworking Machinery Manufacturing | |17 |Expansion |Allen |19-Sep-08 |0 |0.83 |19,000 |Fort Wayne |Sipe Steel Rule Die |3335 |Metalworking Machinery Manufacturing | |18 |Expansion |Allen |12-Dec-08 |6 |0.5 |1,740 |Leo |Miltec Circuits |3344 |Semiconductor and Other Electronic Component | |19 |Expansion |Allen |07-Jul-08 |200 |0 |0 |Fort Wayne |International Truck and Engine Corp |3361 |Motor Vehicle Manufacturing | |20 |Expansion |Allen |31-Jul-08 |25 |0.5 |0 |Fort Wayne |Electric Vehicles Inc. |3361 |Motor Vehicle Manufacturing | |21 |Expansion |Allen |04-Mar-08 |0 |0 |0 |Fort Wayne |Plastic Composites Company |3362 |Motor Vehicle Body and Trailer Manufacturing | |22 |Expansion |Allen |31-Oct-08 |  |0.025 |  |Fort Wayne |Plastics Composites Corp |3362 |Motor Vehicle Body and Trailer Manufacturing | |23 |Expansion |Allen |13-Aug-08 |28 |1.1 |0 |Fort Wayne |Truck Engineering Ltd., LLC |3362 |Motor Vehicle Body and Trailer Manufacturing | |24 |Expansion |Allen |23-Jul-08 |5 |0.498 |7,000 |Fort Wayne |PolyMod Technologies |3399 |Other Miscellaneous Manufacturing | |25 |Expansion |Allen |03-Sep-08 |0 |3 |0 |Huntertown |H & C Insulation Supply |4233 |Lumber and Other Construction Materials Merch | |26 |Expansion |Allen |21-Jul-08 |0 |0 |10,000 |Fort Wayne |Heat Power Engineering |4237 |Hardware, and Plumbing and Heating Equipment | |27 |Expansion |Allen |13-Oct-08 |2 |3.7 |48,000 |Fort Wayne |Wayne Pipe & Supply, Inc |4237 |Hardware, and Plumbing and Heating Equipment | |28 |Expansion |Allen |21-May-08 |3 |1.287 |22,000 |Fort Wayne |Collins Painting & Design, LLC |4239 |Miscellaneous Durable Goods Merchant Wholesal | |29 |Expansion |Allen |21-Feb-08 |16 |0.5 |60,000 |Fort Wayne |Pinnacle Airlines, Inc. |4811 |Scheduled Air Transportation | |30 |Expansion |Allen |17-Oct-08 |240 |16 |0 |Fort Wayne |Sirva |4842 |Specialized Freight Trucking | |31 |Expansion |Allen |11-Nov-08 |0 |2.5 |13,000 |Fort Wayne |UPS |4885 |Freight Transportation Arrangement | |32 |Expansion |Allen |26-Aug-08 |6 |0 |25,000 |New Haven |HUPP Aerospace/Defense |4931 |Warehousing and Storage | |33 |Expansion |Allen |22-Sep-08 |0 |1.5 |31,000 |Fort Wayne |J&B Importers |4931 |Warehousing and Storage | |34 |Expansion |Allen |31-Dec-08 |30 |0 |0 |Fort Wayne |Sweetwater Sound |5122 |Sound Recording Industries | |35 |Expansion |Allen |09-Oct-08 |12 |0 |0 |Fort Wayne |Granite Broadcasting Corp. |5151 |Radio and Television Broadcasting | |36 |Expansion |Allen |13-Oct-08 |0 |2 |8,000 |Fort Wayne |Fifth Third Bank |5221 |Depository Credit Intermediation | |37 |Expansion |Allen |12-Apr-08 |28 |4 |30,000 |Fort Wayne |One Resource Group Corp. |5242 |Agencies, Brokerages, and Other Insurance Rel | |38 |Expansion |Allen |30-Sep-08 |10 |0 |0 |Fort Wayne |IntraHealth Solutions Inc. |5242 |Agencies, Brokerages, and Other Insurance Rel | |39 |Expansion |Allen |12-Dec-08 |2 |0 |0 |Fort Wayne |Razor Products |5413 |Architectural, Engineering, and Related Servi | |40 |Expansion |Allen |31-Mar-08 |15 |0.9 |0 |Fort Wayne |Aptera Software |5414 |Specialized Design Services | |41 |Expansion |Allen |08-Feb-08 |5 |0 |0 |Fort Wayne |PearlDiver Technologies, Inc |5415 |Computer Systems Design and Related Services | |42 |Expansion |Allen |08-Feb-08 |75 |0 |0 |Fort Wayne |Raytheon Systems Co |5415 |Computer Systems Design and Related Services | |43 |Expansion |Allen |14-Jul-08 |35 |5 |26,000 |Fort Wayne |Logikos |5415 |Computer Systems Design and Related Services | |44 |Expansion |Allen |14-Jan-08 |75 |1.8 |0 |Fort Wayne |Centennial Wireless |5416 |Management, Scientific, and Technical Consult | |45 |Expansion |Allen |02-Jul-08 |15 |0 |0 |Fort Wayne |LSI Outsourcing |5614 |Business Support Services | |46 |Expansion |Allen |02-Jul-08 |0 |2.2 |4,500 |Fort Wayne |Lutheran Hospital |6221 |General Medical and Surgical Hospitals | |47 |Expansion |Allen |04-Jan-08 |0 |2.8 |0 |Fort Wayne |Parkview Hospital |6221 |General Medical and Surgical Hospitals | |48 |Expansion |Allen |01-Jan-08 |0 |4.5 |0 |Fort Wayne |Dupont Hospital |6221 |General Medical and Surgical Hospitals | |49 |Expansion |Allen |30-Sep-08 |100 |536 |900,000 |Fort Wayne |Parkview North |6221 |General Medical and Surgical Hospitals | |50 |Expansion |Allen |11-Jun-08 |0 |0 |50,000 |New Haven |Stoops Freightliner |8113 |Commercial and Industrial Machinery and Equip | |51 |Expansion |Allen |18-Apr-08 |0 |0 |6,000 |Fort Wayne |General Dynamics C4 Systems |  | | |52 |Expansion |DeKalb |10-Sep-08 |7 |7.025 |0 |Saint Joe |Nucor Fastener |3327 |Machine Shops; Turned Product; and Screw, Nut | |53 |Expansion |DeKalb |10-Oct-08 |15 |2 |0 |LaOtto |X-Y Tool & Die Inc. |3327 |Machine Shops; Turned Product; and Screw, Nut | |54 |Expansion |DeKalb |07-Nov-08 |50 |8.3 |105,000 |Auburn |C & A Tool Engineering |3335 |Metalworking Machinery Manufacturing | |55 |Expansion |DeKalb |30-Apr-08 |29 |0 |0 |Garrett |Custom Lights Inc |3351 |Electric Lighting Equip Mfg | |56 |Expansion |DeKalb |01-Jan-08 |73 |0.225 |0 |Butler |Dura Automotive Systems |3363 |Motor Vehicle Parts Manufacturing | |57 |Expansion |DeKalb |01-Jan-08 |10 |3.74 |0 |Butler |Noble Metal Processing |3363 |Motor Vehicle Parts Manufacturing | |58 |Expansion |DeKalb |15-Apr-08 |27 |2 |0 |Ashley |TI Group |3363 |Motor Vehicle Parts Manufacturing | |59 |Expansion |DeKalb |01-Jan-08 |7 |0 |0 |LaOtto |TMS Wholesale |4239 |Miscellaneous Durable Goods Merchant Wholesale | |60 |Expansion |DeKalb |31-May-08 |6 |1 |30,000 |LaOtto |Paintball Plex |4239 |Miscellaneous Durable Goods Merchant Wholesal | |61 |Expansion |DeKalb |30-Apr-08 |0 |15.8 |40,000 |Auburn |DeKalb Memorial Hospital Inc |6221 |General Medical and Surgical Hospitals | |62 |Expansion |Grant |21-Sep-08 |0 |0 |0 |Van Buren |Weaver Popcorn Co |3119 |Other Food Manufacturing | |63 |Expansion |Grant |30-Jun-08 |0 |0 |0 |Marion |Central Indiana Ethanol |3251 |Basic Chemical Manufacturing | |64 |Expansion |Grant |02-Jun-08 |0 |0 |3,600 |Marion |Computer Age Engineering |3332 |Industrial Machinery Manufacturing | |65 |Expansion |Grant |14-Aug-08 |0 |NK |0 |Marion |Precision Tool & Die |3335 |Metalworking Machinery Manufacturing | |66 |Expansion |Grant |03-Sep-08 |4 |2.6 |0 |Gas City |Koenig Equipment |4238 |Machinery, Equipment, and Supplies Merchant W | |67 |Expansion |Grant |11-Jul-08 |68 |0 |0 |Gas City |Wal-Mart Distribution Center |4931 |Warehousing and Storage | |68 |Expansion |Grant |24-Aug-08 |0 |NK |0 |Marion |Chronicle-Tribune |5111 |Newspaper, Periodical, Book, and Directory Pu | |69 |Expansion |Grant |16-Mar-08 |NK |NK |NK |Marion |Star Financial Bank |5221 |Depository Credit Intermediation | |70 |Expansion |Huntington |01-Oct-08 |2 |2.2 |0 |Huntington |Huntington Sheet Metal |3323 |Architectural and Structural Metals Manufactu | |71 |Expansion |Huntington |01-Oct-08 |6 |0.9 |0 |Huntington |M & S Industrial Metal Fabricators |3323 |Architectural and Structural Metals Manufactu | |72 |Expansion |Huntington |17-Sep-08 |20 |9.4 |38,000 |Huntington |Gerdau MacSteel Heat Treat |3328 |Coating, Engraving, Heat Treating, and Allied | |73 |Expansion |Huntington |01-Oct-08 |0 |1.25 |0 |Huntington |Huntington Powder Coat |3328 |Coating, Engraving, Heat Treating, and Allied | |74 |Expansion |Huntington |03-Oct-08 |0 |2.0 |16,500 |Huntington |UT Electronic Controls |3344 |Semiconductor and Other Electronic Component | |75 |Expansion |Huntington |23-Jun-08 |35 |0.25 |0 |Markle |Novae Corp. |3362 |Motor Vehicle Body and Trailer Manufacturing | |76 |Expansion |Huntington |2008 |2 |.185 |0 |Huntington |Bryan Machine Service |3262 | | |77 |Expansion |Huntington |02-Oct-08 |46 |8.6 |0 |Huntington |Bendix Commercial Vehicle |3363 |Motor Vehicle Parts Manufacturing | |78 |Expansion |Huntington |04-Sep-08 |33 |2.346 |20,000 |Huntington |Midwest Industrial Metal Fabrication, Inc. |3399 |Other Miscellaneous Manufacturing | |79 |Expansion |Huntington |01-Jun-08 |0 |0.327 |0 |Huntington |Parkview Huntington Hospital |6221 |General Medical and Surgical Hospitals | |80 |Expansion |LaGrange |21-Dec-08 |1 |0 |0 |Topeka |Lambright Woodworking |3371 |Household, Institutional Furniture | |81 |Expansion |LaGrange |28-Jun-08 |0 |25 |0 |Lagrange |Parkview LaGrange Community Hospital |6221 |General Medical and Surgical Hospitals | |82 |Expansion |Noble |08-Feb-08 |37 |0 |0 |Kendallville |Arden Companies |3149 |Other Textile Product Mills | |83 |Expansion |Noble |14-Jan-08 |20 |4 |25,000 |Kendallville |Dow Corning Corp |3252 |Resin, Synthetic Rubber, and Artificial Synth | |84 |Expansion |Noble |21-Oct-08 |0 |0.333 |0 |Kendallville |Parts Finishing Group |3259 |Other Chemical Product and Preparation Manufa | |85 |Expansion |Noble |12-Dec-08 |50 |0.7 |0 |Kendallville |Taylor Made Inc |3272 |Glass and Glass Product Manufacturing | |86 |Expansion |Noble |30-May-08 |50 |5.5 |0 |Avilla |Federal-Mogul |3361 |Motor Vehicle Manufacturing | |87 |Expansion |Noble |20-Aug-08 |170 |9.2 |30,000 |Ligonier |Millennium Industries Corp. |3363 |Motor Vehicle Parts Manufacturing | |88 |Expansion |Noble |26-Nov-08 |114 |3.4 |153,000 |Albion |Dexter Axle |3363 |Motor Vehicle Parts Manufacturing | |89 |Expansion |Steuben |18-Oct-08 |0 |0.02 |0 |Orland |Miller Poultry |3116 |Animal Slaughtering and Processing | |90 |Expansion |Steuben |21-Mar-08 |20 |1.5 |20,000 |Fremont |New Horizons Baking Co. |3118 |Bakeries and Tortilla Manufacturing | |91 |Expansion |Steuben |04-Apr-08 |26 |1.8 |0 |Angola |Wolf Envelope |3222 |Converted Paper Product Manufacturing | |92 |Expansion |Steuben |09-Sep-08 |4 |0 |0 |Ashley |K-Tech Specialty Coatings |3241 |Petroleum and Coal Products Manufacturing | |93 |Expansion |Steuben |10-Jul-08 |61 |19 |0 |Angola |General Products Corp. |3321 |Forging and Stamping | |94 |Expansion |Steuben |20-Aug-08 |10 |0.4 |0 |Fremont |Lagrange Products |3329 |Other Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing | |95 |Expansion |Steuben |17-Oct-08 |50 |2 |0 |Angola |Vestil Manufacturing |3339 |Other General Purpose Machinery Manufacturing | |96 |Expansion |Steuben |05-Aug-08 |6 |0.525 |0 |Angola |Steffy Wood Products |3371 |Household and Institutional Furniture and Kit | |97 |Expansion |Wabash |16-Apr-08 |60 |0 |0 |North Manchester |Automated Egg Producers |1123 |Poultry and Egg Production | |98 |Expansion |Wabash |22-Sep-08 |150 |6 |200,000 |Wabash |Living Essentials |3121 |Beverage Manufacturing | |99 |Expansion |Wabash |17-Oct-08 |0 |5 |0 |Wabash |Thermafiber Inc. |3279 |Other Nonmetallic Mineral Product Manufacturi | |100 |Expansion |Wabash |01-Jan-08 |2 |0 |0 |Wabash |Bulldog Battery Corp. |3359 |Other Electrical Equipment and Component Manu | |101 |Expansion |Wabash |22-Sep-08 |0 |1.127 |28,000 |Wabash |Bulldog Battery Corp. |3359 |Other Electrical Equipment and Component Manu | |102 |Expansion |Wabash |22-Apr-08 |0 |0 |0 |Wabash |Wabash Electric Supply Inc. |4236 |Electrical and Electronic Goods Merchant Whol | |103 |Expansion |Wabash |27-Jun-08 |0 |NK |34,080 |Wabash |Whites Residential & Fmly Svc |6241 |Individual and Family Services | |104 |Expansion |Wabash |24-Jul-08 |0 |0.6 |8,000 |North Manchester |Peabody Retirement Community |6233 |Community Care Facilities for the Elderly | |105 |Expansion |Wells |13-Jun-08 |10 |0.85 |30,000 |Bluffton |Edge Manufacturing Inc. |3261 |Plastics Product Manufacturing | |106 |Expansion |Wells |29-Sep-08 |30 |0.865 |18,000 |Ossian |Trusted Manufacturing, Inc. |3329 |Other Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing | |107 |Expansion |Wells |01-Jan-08 |0 |0.35 |8,200 |Bluffton |A.T. Ferrell Company, Inc. |3331 |Agriculture, Construction, and Mining Machine | |108 |Expansion |Wells |01-Jan-08 |0 |1 |20,000 |Ossian |Rethceif |3339 |Other General Purpose Machinery Manufacturing | |109 |Expansion |Wells |01-Jan-08 |0 |0.25 |5,000 |Bluffton |NESCO |4412 |Other Motor Vehicle Dealers | |110 |Expansion |Wells |25-Apr-08 |0 |77 |0 |Bluffton |Peyton's Northern |4931 |Warehousing and Storage | |111 |Expansion |Whitley |26-Feb-08 |40 |0 |0 |South Whitley |Whitley Manufacturing CO |3219 |Other Wood Product Manufacturing | |112 |Expansion |Whitley |23-Sep-08 |24 |0.45 |67,000 |South Whitley |Calhoun Forest Products, LLC |3219 |Other Wood Product Manufacturing | |113 |Expansion |Whitley |01-Jul-08 |7 |0 |0 |Columbia City |Indiana Metal Products |3279 |Other Nonmetallic Mineral Product Manufacturi | |114 |Expansion |Whitley |18-Jan-08 |40 |5 |0 |Columbia City |80/20 |3313 |Alumina and Aluminum Production and Processin | |115 |Expansion |Whitley |07-Oct-08 |10 |0.024 |0 |Columbia City |ACME Industrial Machine & Maintenance |3329 |Other Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing | |116 |Expansion |Whitley |04-Apr-08 |60 |8 |0 |Churubusco |C & A Tool Engineering Inc |3335 |Metalworking Machinery Manufacturing | |117 |Expansion |Whitley |12-Sep-08 |60 |0 |0 |Columbia City |Undersea Sensor Systems Inc. |3345 |Navigational, Measuring, Electromedical, and | |118 |Expansion |Whitley |30-Oct-08 |0 |40.5 |96,000 |Columbia City |Parkview Whitley Hospital |6221 |General Medical and Surgical Hospitals | | | | | |3,253 |948.169 |2,498,620 | | | | | |



The following NAICS codes are identified at the 3-digit level. For more information, reference the NAICS website () or contact CRI (

Manufacturing Sectors (31-33)

311 Food Manufacturing

312 Beverage and Tobacco Product Mfg

313 Textile Mill

314 Textile Product Mills

315 Apparel Manufacturing

316 Leather and Allied Product Manufacturing

321 Wood Product Manufacturing

322 Paper Manufacturing

323 Printing and Related Support Activities

324 Petroleum and Coal Products Manufacturing

325 Chemical Manufacturing

326 Plastics and Rubber Products Manufacturing

327 Nonmetallic Mineral Product Manufacturing

331 Primary Metal Manufacturing

332 Fabricated Metal Product Manuf

333 Machinery Manufacturing

334 Computer and Electronic Product Manufacturing

335 Electrical Equipment, Appliance, and Component Mfg

336 Transportation Equipment Manufacturing

337 Furniture and Related Product Manufacturing

339 Misc Manuf

Other Sectors

112 Animal Production

236 Construction of Buildings

423 Durable Good Merchant Wholesalers

441 Motor Vehicle and Parts Dealers

491 Postal Services

493 Warehousing and Storage (and used for Distribution)

511Publishing Industries

522 Credit Intermediation

515 Broadcasting except Internet

524 Insurance Carriers

561 Administrative and Support Services

541Professional, Scientific, and Technical

622 Hospitals

623 Nursing and Residential Care Facilities


[1] HiShear currently employs 12.

[2] C&A Tool is classified as both a Medical Device and an Adv. Material Manufacturer, and this expansion of 110 jobs in DeKalb and Whitley Counties is recorded in both categories.

[3] This targeted industry is still being reviewed for specific company inclusion.



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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