
Chapter OneIntroduction to Pipelined ProcessorsPipelining:It is a technique of decomposing a sequential process into sub-operations which can be executed in a special dedicated segment that operates concurrently with all other segmentsIt improves processor performance by overlapping the execution of multiple instructionsExample for pipeline in computerConsider that the process of execution of an instruction involves four major steps:Instruction Fetch (IF): from main memoryInstruction Decoding (ID): which identifies the operation to be performedOperand Fetch(OF): if needed in executionExecution(EX): of the decoded arithmetic/logic operation In a non-pipelined computer, these four steps must be completed before the next instruction can be issuedIn a pipelined computer, successive stages are executed in an overlapped fashionTheoretically a k-stage linear pipeline could be k-times faster. But this ideal speedup cannot be achieved due to factors like :Data dependencyBranch and InterruptsPrinciples of Linear PipeliningIn pipelining, we divide a task into set of subtasks.The precedence relation of a set of subtasks {T1, T2,…, Tk} for a given task T implies that the task Tj cannot start until some earlier task Ti finishes.The interdependencies of all subtasks form the precedence graph.With a linear precedence relation, task Tj cannot start until earlier subtasks { Ti} for all (i < j) finish. A linear pipeline can process subtasks with a linear precedence graph.Basic Linear PipelineL: latches, interface between different stages of pipelineS1, S2, etc. : pipeline stagesIt consists of cascade of processing stages. Stages : Pure combinational circuits performing arithmetic or logic operations over the data flowing through the pipe. Stages are separated by high speed interface latches. Latches : Fast Registers holding intermediate results between stages Information Flow are under the control of common clock applied to all latches The flow of data in a linear pipeline having four stages for the evaluation of a function on five inputs is as shown below:The vertical axis represents four stages The horizontal axis represents time in units of clock period of the pipeline.Clock Period (τ) for the pipelineLet τi be the time delay of the circuitry Si and t1 be time delay of latch. Then the clock period of a linear pipeline is defined byThe reciprocal of clock period is called clock frequency (f = 1/τ) of a pipeline processorPerformance of a linear pipelineConsider a linear pipeline with k stages. Let T be the clock period and the pipeline is initially empty. Starting at any time, let us feed n inputs and wait till the results come out of the pipeline.First input takes k periods and the remaining (n-1) inputs come one after the another in successive clock periods. Thus the computation time for the pipeline Tp is Tp = kT+(n-1)T = [k+(n-1)]TFor example if the linear pipeline have four stages with five inputs. Tp = [k+(n-1)]T = [4+4]T = 8TPerformance ParametersThe various performance parameters of pipeline are :Speed-upThroughputEfficiencySpeedupSpeedup is defined asSpeedup = Time taken for a given computation by a non-pipelined functional unitTime taken for the same computation by a pipelined versionAssume a function of k stages of equal complexity which takes the same amount of time T.Non-pipelined function will take kT time for one input.Then Speedup = nkT/(k+n-1)T = nk/(k+n-1)The maximum value of speedup isLt [Speedup] = kn ∞ EfficiencyIt is an indicator of how efficiently the resources of the pipeline are used. If a stage is available during a clock period, then its availability becomes the unit of resource.Efficiency can be defined asNo. of stage time units = nk (there are n inputs and each input uses k stages. )Total no. of stage-time units available = k[ k + (n-1)] It is the product of no. of stages in the pipeline (k) and no. of clock periods taken for computation(k+(n-1)).Thus efficiency is expressed as follows:The maximum value of efficiency is 1.ThroughputIt is the average number of results computed per unit time. For n inputs, a k-staged pipeline takes [k+(n-1)]T time unitsThen,Throughput = n / [k+n-1] T = nf / [k+n-1] where f is the clock frequency The maximum value of throughput isLt [Throughput] = fn ∞Throughput = Efficiency x Frequency Example : Floating Point Adder UnitThis pipeline is linearly constructed with 4 functional stages.The inputs to this pipeline are two normalized floating point numbers of the form A = a x 10p B = b x 10q where a and b are two fractions and p and q are their exponents.Our purpose is to compute the sum C = A + B = c x 10r = d x 10swhere r = max(p,q) and 0.1 ≤ d < 1For example: A=0.9504 x 103 B=0.8200 x 102 a = 0.9504 b= 0.8200 p=3 & q =2Operations performed in the four pipeline stages are :Compare p and q and choose the largest exponent, r = max(p,q)and compute t = |p – q|Example: r = max(p , q) = 3t = |p-q| = |3-2|= 1Shift right the fraction associated with the smaller exponent by t units to equalize the two exponents before fraction addition.Example: Smaller exponent, b= 0.8200 Shift right b by 1 unit is 0.082 Perform fixed-point addition of two fractions to produce the intermediate sum fraction cExample : a = 0.9504 b= 0.082 c = a + b = 0.9504 + 0.082 = 1.0324 Count the number of leading zeros (u) in fraction c and shift left c by u units to produce the normalized fraction sum d = c x 10u, with a leading bit 1. Update the large exponent s by subtracting s = r – u to produce the output exponent.Example: c = 1.0324 , u = -1 right shift d = 0.10324 , s= r – u = 3-(-1) = 4 C = 0.10324 x 104 The above 4 steps can all be implemented with combinational logic circuits and the 4 stages are:Comparator / Subtractor ShifterFixed Point AdderNormalizer (leading zero counter and shifter)A = a x 2pB = b x 2qabABExponentsubtractorFractionselectorFraction with min(p,q)Right shifterOtherfractiont = |p - q|r = max(p,q)FractionadderLeading zerocounterrcLeft shiftercExponentadderrsddStages:S1S2S3S4C= X + Y = d x 2sClassification of Pipeline ProcessorsThere are various classification schemes for classifying pipeline processors.Two important schemes areHandler’s ClassificationLi and Ramamurthy's Classification Handler’s ClassificationBased on the level of processing, the pipelined processors can be classified as:Arithmetic PipeliningInstruction PipeliningProcessor PipeliningArithmetic PipeliningThe arithmetic logic units of a computer can be segmented for pipelined operations in various data formats. Example : Star 100Example : Star 100It has two pipelines where arithmetic operations are performed First: Floating Point Adder and Multiplier Second : Multifunctional : For all scalar instructions with floating point adder, multiplier and divider. Both pipelines are 64-bit and can be split into four 32-bit at the cost of precision Instruction PipeliningThe execution of a stream of instructions can be pipelined by overlapping the execution of current instruction with the fetch, decode and operand fetch of the subsequent instructionsIt is also called instruction look-aheadThe organization of 8086 into a separate BIU and EU allows the fetch and execute cycle to overlap.Processor PipeliningThis refers to the processing of same data stream by a cascade of processors each of which processes a specific taskThe data stream passes the first processor with results stored in a memory block which is also accessible by the second processorThe second processor then passes the refined results to the third and so on.Li and Ramamurthy's ClassificationAccording to pipeline configurations and control strategies, Li and Ramamurthy classify pipelines under three schemesUnifunction v/s Multi-function PipelinesStatic v/s Dynamic PipelinesScalar v/s Vector PipelinesUnifunction v/s Multi-function PipelineUnifunctional PipelinesA pipeline unit with fixed and dedicated function is called unifunctional. Example: CRAY1 (Supercomputer - 1976) It has 12 unifunctional pipelines described in four groups:Address Functional Units: Address Add Unit Address Multiply Unit Scalar Functional Units Scalar Add Unit Scalar Shift Unit Scalar Logical Unit Population/Leading Zero Count Unit Vector Functional Units Vector Add Unit Vector Shift Unit Vector Logical Unit Floating Point Functional Units Floating Point Add Unit Floating Point Multiply Unit Reciprocal Approximation Unit Multifunctional PipelinesA multifunction pipe may perform different functions either at different times or same time, by interconnecting different subset of stages in pipeline. Example 4X-TI-ASC (Supercomputer - 1973)It has four multifunction pipeline processors, each of which is reconfigurable for a variety of arithmetic or logic operations at different times.It is a four central processor comprised of nine units. It has one instruction processing unitfour memory buffer units and four arithmetic units. Thus it provides four parallel execution pipelines below the IPU. Any mixture of scalar and vector instructions can be executed simultaneously in four pipes.Static Vs Dynamic PipelineStatic PipelineIt may assume only one functional configuration at a timeIt can be either unifunctional or multifunctionalStatic pipelines are preferred when instructions of same type are to be executed continuouslyA unifunction pipe must be static.Dynamic pipelineIt permits several functional configurations to exist simultaneouslyA dynamic pipeline must be multi-functionalThe dynamic configuration requires more elaborate control and sequencing mechanisms than static pipeliningScalar Vs Vector PipelineScalar PipelineIt processes a sequence of scalar operands under the control of a DO loopInstructions in a small DO loop are often prefetched into the instruction buffer.The required scalar operands are moved into a data cache to continuously supply the pipeline with operandsExample: IBM System/360 Model 91In this computer, buffering plays a major role. Instruction fetch buffering: provide the capacity to hold program loops of meaningful size. Upon encountering a loop which fits, the buffer locks onto the loop and subsequent branching requires less time.Operand fetch buffering: provide a queue into which storage can dump operands and execution units can fetch operands. This improves operand fetching for storage-to-register and storage-to-storage instruction types.Vector PipelinesThey are specially designed to handle vector instructions over vector operands. Computers having vector instructions are called vector processors. The design of a vector pipeline is expanded from that of a scalar pipeline. The handling of vector operands in vector pipelines is under firmware and hardware control.Example : Cray 1Linear pipeline (Static & Unifunctional)In a linear pipeline data flows from one stage to another and all stages are used once in a computation and it is for one functional evaluation. Nonlinear PipelineIn floating point adder, stage (2) and (4) needs a shift register. We can use the same shift register and then there will be only 3 stages. Then we should have a feedback from third stage to second stage. Further the same pipeline can be used to perform fixed point addition.A pipeline with feed-forward and/or feedback connections is called non-linear Example: 3-stage nonlinear pipelineSaSbScInputOutput AIt has 3 stages Sa, Sb and Sc and latches.Multiplexers(cross circles) can take more than one input and pass one of the inputs to outputOutput of stages has been tapped and used for feedback and feed-forward. The above pipeline can perform a variety of functions.Each functional evaluation can be represented by a particular sequence of usage of stages.Some examples are:Sa, Sb, ScSa, Sb, Sc, Sb, Sc, SaSa, Sc, Sb, Sa, Sb, Sc Each functional evaluation can be represented using a diagram called Reservation Table(RT).It is the space-time diagram of a pipeline corresponding to one functional evaluation.X axis – time units Y axis – stagesFor first sequence Sa, Sb, Sc, Sb, Sc, Sa called function A , we have ? 012345SaA A Sb A A ScA A For second sequence Sa, Sc, Sb, Sa, Sb, Sc called function B, we have ? 012345SaA ASb AAScAAAfter starting a function, the stages need to be reserved in corresponding time units.Each function supported by multifunction pipeline is represented by different RTsTime taken for function evaluation in units of clock period is compute time.(For A & B, it is 6)Marking in same row => usage of stage more than onceMarking in same column => more than one stage at a timeHardware of multifunction pipeline should be reconfigurable.Multifunction pipeline can be static or dynamicStatic: Initially configured for one functional evaluation. For another function, pipeline need to be drained and reconfigured.You cannot have two inputs of different function at the same timeDynamic:Can do different functional evaluation at a time.It is difficult to control as we need to be sure that there is no conflict in usage of stages.Principle of Designing Pipeline ProcessorsInstruction Prefetch and Branch HandlingThe instructions in computer programs can be classified into 4 types:Arithmetic/Load Operations (60%) Store Type Instructions (15%)Branch Type Instructions (5%)Conditional Branch Type (Yes – 12% and No – 8%) Arithmetic/Load Operations (60%) : These operations require one or two operand fetches. The execution of different operations requires a different number of pipeline cyclesStore Type Instructions (15%) : It requires a memory access to store the data.Branch Type Instructions (5%) : It corresponds to an unconditional jump.Conditional Branch Type (Yes – 12% and No – 8%) : Yes path requires the calculation of the new address No path proceeds to next sequential instruction. Arithmetic-load and store instructions do not alter the execution order of the program. Branch instructions and Interrupts cause some damaging effects on the performance of pipeline computers.InterruptsWhen instruction I is being executed,the occurrence of an interrupt postpones instruction I+1 until ISR is serviced.There are two types of interrupt: Precise : caused by illegal operation codes and can be detected at decoding stage Imprecise: caused by defaults from storage, address and execution functionsPrecise: Since decoding is the first stage, instruction I prohibits I+1 from entering the pipeline and all preceding instructions are executed before ISRImprecise : No new instructions are allowed and all incomplete instructions whether they precede or follow are executed before ISR. Interrupt Handling Example of Cray1The interrupt system is built around an exchange package. When an interrupt occurs, the Cray-1 saves 8 scalar registers, 8 address registers, program counter and monitor flags.These are packed into 16 words and swapped with a block whose address is specified by a hardware exchange address registerSince exchange package does not have all state information, software interrupt handler have to store remaining statesIn general, the higher the percentage of branch type instructions in a program, the slower a program will run on a pipeline processor. Estimation of the effect of branching on an n-segment instruction pipelineConsider an instruction cycle with n pipeline clock periods.Let p – probability of conditional branch (20%)q – probability that a branch is successful (60% of 20%) (12/20=0.6)Suppose there are m instructions Then no. of instructions of successful branches = mxpxq (mx0.2x0.6)Delay of (n-1)/n is required for each successful branch to flush pipeline.Thus, the total instruction cycle required for m instructions = As m becomes large , the average no. of instructions per instruction cycle is given asWhen p =0, the above measure reduces to n, which is ideal.In reality, it is always less than n.Solution: Multiple Prefetch BuffersBuffers can be used to match the instruction fetch rate to pipeline consumption rateSequential Buffers: for in-sequence pipeliningTarget Buffers: instructions from a branch target (for out-of-sequence pipelining)A conditional branch cause both sequential and target to fill and based on condition one is selected and other is discardedData Buffering and Busing StructuresSpeeding up of pipeline segmentsThe processing speeds of pipeline segments are usually unequal.Consider the example given below:S1S2S3T1T2T3If T1 = T3 = T and T2 = 3T, S2 becomes the bottleneck and we need to remove itHow?One method is to subdivide the bottleneckTwo divisions possible are: First Method:S1TT2TS3TSecond Method:S1TTTS3TTIf the bottleneck is not sub-divisible, we can duplicate S2 in parallelS1S2S3T3TTS23TS23TControl and Synchronization is more complex in parallel segmentsData BufferingInstruction and data buffering provides a continuous flow to pipeline unitsExample: 4X TI ASCIn this system it uses a memory buffer unit (MBU) whichSupply arithmetic unit with a continuous stream of operandsStore results in memoryThe MBU has three double buffers X, Y and Z (one octet per buffer)X,Y for input and Z for outputThis provides pipeline processing at high rate and alleviate bandwidth mismatch problem between memory and arithmetic pipelineIn TI ASC, once instruction dependency is recognized, update capability is incorporated by transferring contents of Z buffer to X or Y buffer.Internal Forwarding and Register TaggingInternal Forwarding: It is replacing unnecessary memory accesses by register-to-register transfers.Register Tagging: It is the use of tagged registers for exploiting concurrent activities among multiple ALUs.Memory access is slower than register-to-register operations.Performance can be enhanced by eliminating unnecessary memory accessesThis concept can be explored in 3 directions:Store – Load ForwardingLoad – Load ForwardingStore – Store ForwardingRegister TaggingExample : IBM Model 91 : Floating Point Execution UnitThe floating point execution unit consists of :Data registersTransfer pathsFloating Point Adder UnitMultiply-Divide UnitReservation stationsCommon Data BusThere are 3 reservation stations for adder named A1, A2 and A3 and 2 for multipliers named M1 and M2.Each station has the source & sink registers and their tag & control fieldsThe stations hold operands for next execution.3 store data buffers(SDBs) and 4 floating point registers (FLRs) are taggedBusy bits in FLR indicates the dependence of instructions in subsequent executionCommon Data Bus(CDB) is to transfer operandsThere are 11 units to supply information to CDB: 6 FLBs, 3 adders & 2 multiply/divide unitTags for these stations are : Unit Tag Unit Tag FLB1 0001 ADD1 1010 FLB20010 ADD2 1011 FLB30011 ADD3 1100 FLB40100 M1 1000 FLB50101 M2 1001 FLB60110 Internal forwarding can be achieved with tagging scheme on CDB.Example: Let F refers to FLR and FLBi stands for ith FLB and their contents be (F) and (FLBi)Consider instruction sequence ADD F,FLB1 F (F) + (FLB1) MPY F,FLB2 F (F) x (FLB2)During addition :Busy bit of F is set to 1Contents of F and FLB1 is sent to adder A1 Tag of F is set to 1010 (tag of adder)Meantime, the decode of MPY reveals F is busy, thenF should set tag of M1 as 1010 (Tag of adder)F should change its tag to 1000 (Tag of Multiplier)Send content of FLB2 to M1When addition is done, CDB finds that the result should be sent to M1Multiplication is done when both operands are availableHazard Detection and ResolutionHazards are caused by resource usage conflicts among various instructionsThey are triggered by inter-instruction dependenciesTerminologies:Resource Objects: set of working registers, memory locations and special flagsData Objects: Content of resource objectsEach Instruction can be considered as a mapping from a set of data objects to a set of data objects.Domain D(I) : set of resource of objects whose data objects may affect the execution of instruction I.Range R(I): set of resource objects whose data objects may be modified by the execution of instruction IInstruction reads from its domain and writes in its rangeConsider execution of instructions I and J, and J appears immediately after I.There are 3 types of data dependent hazards:RAW (Read After Write)The necessary condition for this hazard is Example:I1 : LOAD r1,aI2 : ADD r2,r1I2 cannot be correctly executed until r1 is loadedThus I2 is RAW dependent on I1WAW(Write After Write)The necessary condition is ExampleI1 : MUL r1, r2I2 : ADD r1,r4Here I1 and I2 writes to same destination and hence they are said to be WAW dependent.WAR (Write After Write) The necessary condition is Example:I1 : MUL r1,r2I2 : ADD r2,r3Here I2 has r2 as destination while I1 uses it as source and hence they are WAR dependentHazards can be detected in fetch stage by comparing domain and range.Once detected, there are two methods:Generate a warning signal to prevent hazardAllow incoming instruction through pipe and distribute detection to all pipeline stages. Job Sequencing and Collision PreventionConsider reservation table given below at t=1 ? 123456SaA A Sb A A ScA A Consider next initiation made at t=2? 12345678SaA1 A2 A1 A2 Sb A1 A2 A1 A2 ScA1 A2 A1 A2 The second initiation easily fits in the reservation table Now consider the case when first initiation is made at t = 1 and second at t = 3.12345678SaA1A2 A1 A2 Sb A1 A2 A1A2 A2 ScA1 A2 A1A2 A2 Here both markings A1 and A2 falls in the same stage time units and is called collision and it must be avoided TerminologiesLatency: Time difference between two initiations in units of clock period Forbidden Latency: Latencies resulting in collisionForbidden Latency Set: Set of all forbidden latencies Considering all initiations:? 1234567891011SaA1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 Sb A1 A2 A1A3 A2A4 A3A5 A4A6 A5 A6 ScA1 A2 A1A3 A2A4 A3A5 A4A6 A5 A6 Forbidden Latencies are 2 and 5 Shortcut Method of finding LatencyForbidden Latency Set = {5} U {2} U {2} = { 2,5}Latency Sequence : Sequence of latencies between successive initiationsFor a RT, number of valid initiations and latencies are infinite Latency Cycle:Among the infinite possible latency sequence, the periodic ones are significant. E.g. { 1, 3, 3, 1, 3, 3,… }The subsequence that repeats itself is called latency cycle.E.g. {1, 3, 3}Period of cycle: The sum of latencies in a latency cycle (1+3+3=7)Average Latency: The average taken over its latency cycle (AL=7/3=2.33)To design a pipeline, we need a control strategy that maximize the throughput (no. of results per unit time) Maximizing throughput is minimizing ALLatency sequence which is aperiodic in nature is impossible to designThus design problem is arriving at a latency cycle having minimal average latency. State DiagramThe initial collision vector (ICV) is a binary vector formed from F such that C = (Cn…. C2 C1) where Ci = 1 if i F and Ci = 0 if otherwiseThus in our example F = { 2,5 } C = (1 0 0 1 0)The procedure is as follows:Start with the ICVFor each unprocessed state, For each bit i in the CVi which is 0, do the following:Shift CVi right by i bitsDrop i rightmost bitsAppend zeros to leftLogically OR with ICVIf step(d) results in a new state then form a new node for this state and join it with node of CVi by an arc with a marking i. This shifting process needs to continue until no more new states can be generated.1 0 0 1 01 1 0 1 1 11 0 0 1 1 435+3435+5+The state with all zeros has a self-loop which corresponds to empty pipeline and it is possible to wait for indefinite number of latency cycles of the form (7),(8), (9),(10) etc.Simple Cycle: latency cycle in which each state is encountered only plex Cycle: consists of more than one simple cycle in it.It is enough to look for simple cyclesGreedy Cycle: A simple cycle is a greedy cycle if each latency contained in a cycle is the minimal latency(outgoing arc) from a state in the cycle.A good task initiation sequence should include the greedy cycle.The simple cycles are (3),(5) ,(1,3,3),(4,3) and (4)The Greedy cycle is (1,3,3) In the above example, the cycle that offers MAL is (1, 3, 3) (MAL = (1+3+3)/3 =2.333)The task initiation sequence with MAL is given as below:12345678910111213SaA1 A2 A5 A1 A2 A8 A5 A8 Sb A1 A2 A1 A2 A5 A5 A8 A8 ScA1 A2 A1 A2 A5 A5 A8 A8 Superscalar ProcessorsScalar processors: one instruction per cycleSuperscalar : multiple instruction pipelines are used.Purpose: To exploit more instruction level parallelism in user programs.Only independent instructions can be executed in parallel. The fundamental structure (m=3) is as follows: Here, the instruction decoding and execution resources are increasedExample: A dual pipeline superscalar processor It can issue two instructions per cycleThere are two pipelines with four processing stages : fetch, decode, execute and storeTwo instruction streams are from a single I-cache.Assume each stage requires one cycle except execution stage.The four functional units of execution stage are:Functional Unit Number of stages Adder 02Multiplier 03Logic 01Load 01Functional units are shared on dynamic basisLook-ahead Window: for out-of-order instruction issue Superscalar PerformanceTime required by scalar base machine is T(1,1) = k+N-1The ideal execution time required by an m-issue superscalar machine is k is the time required to execute first m instructions (N-m)/m is the time required to execute remaining (N-m) instructions.The ideal speedup of the superscalar machine isAs N ∞, the speedup S(m,1) m.Superpipeline ProcessorsIn a superpipelined processor of degree n, the pipeline cycle time is 1/n of base cycle.Time to execute N instructions for a superpipelined machine of degree n with k stages is T(1,n) = k + (N-1)/nSpeedup is given as As N ∞ , S(1,n) nSuperpipelined Superscalar ProcessorsThis machine executes m instructions every cycle with a pipeline cycle 1/n of base cycle.Time taken to execute N independent instructions on a superpipelined superscalar machine of degree (m,n) isThe speedup over base machine isAs N ∞, S(m,n)mn Systolic ArchitectureConventional architecture operate on load and store operations from memory.This requires more memory references which slows down the system as shown below:In systolic processing, data to be processed flows through various operation stages and finally put in memory as shown below:The basic architecture constitutes processing elements (PEs) that are simple and identical in behavior at all instants.Each PE may have some registers and an ALU.PEs are interlinked in a manner dictated by the requirements of the specific algorithm.E.g. 2D mesh, hexagonal arrays etc.PEs at the boundary of structure are connected to memory Data picked up from memory is circulated among PEs which require it in a rhythmic manner and the result is fed back to memory and hence the name systolicExample : Multiplication of two n x n matricesEvery element in input is picked up n times from memory as it contributes to n elements in the output.To reduce this memory access, systolic architecture ensures that each element is pulled only onceConsider an example where n = 3a11 a12 a13a21 a22 a23a31 a32 a33*b11 b12 b13b21 b22 b23b31 b32 b33=c11 c12 c13c21 c22 c23c31 c32 c33Conventional Method: O(n3)For I = 1 to N For J = 1 to N For K = 1 to N C[I,J] = C[I,J] + A[J,K] * B[K,J];This will run in O(n) time!To run in n time we need n x n processing units, in our example n = 9. P9P8P7P6P5P4P1P2P3For systolic processing, the input data need to be modified as:a13 a12 a11a23 a22 a21a33 a32 a31b31 b32 b33b21 b22 b23b11 b12 b13Flip columns 1 & 3 Flip rows 1 & 3 and finally stagger the data sets for input.a13 a12 a11a23 a22 a21a33 a32 a31b31b21b11b32b22b12b33b23b13P9P8P7P6P5P4P1P2P3At every tick of the global system clock, data is passed to each processor from two different directions, then it is multiplied and the result is saved in a register. Example: Samba: Systolic Accelerator for Molecular Biological ApplicationsThis systolic array contains 128 processors shared into 32 full custom VLSI chips. One chip houses 4 processors, and one processor performs 10 millions matrix cells per second. Very Long Instruction Word (VLIW) ArchitectureVLIW MachineIt consists of many functional units connected to a large central register fileEach functional unit have two read ports and one write portRegister file would have enough memory bandwidth to balance the operand usage rate of functional units VLIW characteristicsVLIW contains multiple primitive instructions that can be executed in parallelThe compiler packs a number of primitive, independent instructions into a very long instruction wordThe compiler must guarantee that multiple primitive instructions which group together are independent so they can be executed in parallel.Example of a single VLIW instruction: F=a+b; c=e/g; d=x&y; w=z*h; VLIW Principles1. The compiler analyzes dependence of all instructions among sequential code and extracts as much parallelism as possible.2. Based on analysis, the compiler re-codes the sequential code in VLIW instruction words.(One VLIW instruction word contains maximum 8 primitive instructions)3. Finally VLIW hardware Fetch the VLIWs from cache, Decode them, Dispatch the independent primitive instructions to corresponding functional units andExecute Advantages of VLIW architectureReduces Complexity: Due to parallelism among their primitive instructions Higher possible clock rate because of reduced complexity Drawbacks of VLIW ArchitectureCompiler has to be aware of technology dependent parameters-like latencies and repetition rate. This restricts the use of same compiler for a family of VLIW processors.Wasted memory space and bandwidth when some EUs are not usedPerformance is dependent on how the compiler produces VLIW words. Data Flow ComputersThey are based on the concept of data driven computationConventional computers are under program flow control. Features of Control Flow ModelData is passed between instructions via shared memoryFlow of control is implicitly sequentialProgram counters are used to sequence the execution of instruction Features of Data Flow ModelIntermediate or final results are passed directly as data token between instructionsThere is no concept of shared data storageProgram sequencing is constrained only by data dependency among instructions Data Flow GraphA data flow graph is a directed graph whose nodes correspond to operators and arcs are pointers forwarding data tokensThe graph demonstrates sequencing constraints among instructionsIn DFC, the machine level program is represented by DFGs.The firing rules of instructions is based on the data availabilityAn operator of the schema is enabled when tokens are present on all input arcsThe enabled operator may fire at any time byremoving the tokens on its input arccomputing a value from operands associated with input tokens andassociating that value with the result token placed on its output arcThe result may be sent to more than one destinations by means of a link Consider the following simple computationinput : a,b y = (a+b)/xx = (a*(a+b))+boutput: y,x +*/+abL1L3L2L4L5L6yxA1A2A3A4x(0)Rectangular Boxes: operatorsSmall dots:LinksLarge Dots: initial configuration of the programThe representation of conditionals and iterations requires additional types of links and actorsThey are as follows:Data link : Data values pass through data links Control link : Control tokens are transmitted which conveys a value of either true or false ActorsOperator: It removes tokens on input arc, compute a value based on operands in input arc and result is placed in output arc.Decider : Decider receives values from its input arc applies its associated predicate and produces either a TRUE or FALSE control token at its output arc PBoolean Operator: It can be used to combine control tokens produced at a decider allowing a decision to be built up from simpler decision. Γ Λ VControl token direct the flow of data tokens by means of T-gates, F-gates or merge actors T-gate : A T-gate passes the data token on its input arc to its output arc only when it receives a control token with TRUE value at its control input TF-gate : A F-gate passes the data token on its input arc to its output arc only when it receives a control token with FALSE value at its control input FMerge Actor : It has a true input, a false input and a control input. It passes to its output arc a data token from the input arc corresponding to the value of the control token received T FExample: Draw the data flow diagram corresponding to the following computation(xn) input x,n y=1, i=n while i > 0 do begin y=y*x; i = i-1 end z = y output z T FT FT FTXTF-1T>0X1nzyThe tokens carrying the false values on the input arcs of the merge operator allows it to initiate.The decider emits a token carrying the TRUE value each time the execution of the loop body is required.When the firing of the decider yields a FALSE, the value of y is routed to the output link z. Data Flow Machine ArchitecturesDepending on the way of handling data tokens DFCs can be divided intoStatic ModelDynamic Model Static Data Flow ComputerIn this machine, data tokens are assumed to move along the arcs of the dataflow program graph to the operator nodesNodal operation gets executed when all its operands are present at input arcsOnly one token is allowed to exist on any arc at any given time.This architecture is static becauseTokens are not labeledControl Token must be used for timingSDFC ExampleA data flow schema to be executed is stored in the memory of the processorMemory is organized into instruction cells, each cell corresponds to an operator of dataflow program.Each instruction cell is composed of 3 registers.First – holds instructionSecond and Third – holds the operands Instruction specifies the operation to be performed and the address(es) of the register(s) to which the result of the operation is to be directed. When a cell contains an instruction and the necessary operands, it is enabled and transmits its content as operation packets Arbitration network directs operation packet to appropriate processing unit by decoding instruction portion of packet Processing unit performs the desired function The result of an operation leaves processing unit as one or more data packets consisting of computed value and address of the register in memory to which the value is to be delivered Distribution network accepts data packets and utilizes address to store the value of operation.Many instruction cells may be enabled simultaneously and it is the task of arbitration network to efficiently deliver operation packets to processing units and to queue operation packets.Each arbitration unit passes one packet at a time to resolve ambiguity. Dynamic Dataflow ArchitectureIt uses tagged tokens so that more than one token can exist in an arc.Tagging is achieved by attaching a label with each token which identifies the context of that token.Maximum parallelism can be exploited in this model ................

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