


Programma svolto Lingua Inglese

Classe 2 info 5

A.S. 2019-2020

prof. Emanuela Longoni

Strutture grammaticali:


Duration form

present perfect simple

present perfect continuous

Stative verbs

Phrasal verbs

Defining and non-defining relative clauses

Non-defining relative clauses

If clauses:

Zero conditional

First conditional

Second conditional

Third conditional

Modal verbs of obligation, prohibition and advice

Past perfect

Used to-would

Gerunds and infinitives

Reported speech-statements

Reported speech-questions

Pet English Preliminary for Schools Preparation

Reading comprehensions

Use of English

Listening activities

Speaking activities


Grammar reference New Edition ed. Petrini

Gateway 2nd Edition Student’s book and workbook B1 ed. Macmillan

Preliminay for Schools Trainer 2 ed. Cambridge

Link Inglese 2inf5

test grammatica e use of English


reading comprehension:

listening comprehension:

Special coronavirus

Pope Francis says pandemic can be a ‘place of conversion’

Collocations with GET, MAKE, DO and TAKE

Verb collocations

Adjectives formed from nouns

Prefixes and Suffixes

Stative Verbs

Defining and non-defining relative clauses


Reported Speech

Future tenses: will, going to, and present continuous

Gerunds and Infinitives

Speaking (TOPIC 4)

speaking part 1 and 2 

PET Vocabulary

B1 Vocabulary


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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