November 1, 2019




November 1, 2019

Because of You, Our Church Changes Lives

A Testimonial fromJohn Rubatt, given during service on Sunday, October 20th, 2019

I am John Rubatt and have been a member of St. Pauls since 1983. I started attending St. Pauls when I began dating my wife Carol Bruss, who had been a member since birth, 1955 ( I guess I shouldn't mention her age ). Her family joined in the early 1950's, her parents are the late Robert Bruss and her mother, still a member at age 97, Delores Bruss.

My Stewardship results from my faith in God. God has allowed me to prosper in ways I couldn't have imagined. I was born into the Catholic Church, went to grade school at St. Pius X in Wauwatosa. In 1971, we moved to Brookfield and joined St. Dominic's Church on 180th and Capitol Drive. The Pastor there preached stewardship every week and the message I was receiving just wasn't doing the trick. I needed more of God's love in our lives and how the lives of others have been affected. I began a search for a new church after I graduated college and found non denominational churches more to my liking. They taught God's message through the Bible. I did attend many testimonials which gave me a better understanding of my Faith.

When in my 20's, I went through some very difficult times. My first wife had requested a divorce which really set me back. We had a 3 year old little girl that I just cherished. She changed my life by just being her and my responsibility of fatherhood. I was not happy going to part time fatherhood and only seeing

her on weekends. This was a very difficult and emotional time for me.

My career and personal life were not where I wanted them to be. I did not see a bright future in my career, did not see my job path satisfying my financial objectives and questioned would I be happy following that path. I needed a drastic change, needed to be challenged.

So therefore, I prayed. God answered my prayers in ways that were unbelievable. I soon met my wife Carol who is my true soulmate. We were married and had three sons. My wife, daughter and sons have been the delight of my life. They have all prospered and it has been a great joy to be part of it. I would never have thought that I could have had such a great family. My wife holds it together through her Faith and never ending support. My Daughter is Head of Surgery at Banner Medical Center in Loveland Colorado. My sons have become an Accounting Manager, Finance Manager and Production Engineer. All of my children excelled in school and athletics. It was a thrill to watch them through the years.

I do believe God answers all prayers, sometimes he/she says NO. However, I do believe that if we pray, work hard, have strong beliefs, God will make sure that the important things ( such as family ) are taken care of.



I have prospered because God has assisted me along the way. I have found in life things can go many ways, but if we have faith and pray, God will assist us and we will prosper.

Because of the support we provide our church, we change people's lives. I am hoping that we can reach more and more people and give them the Joy of Faith.

Because of You ...


A Testimonial from Tim Welke, given during service on Sunday, October 27th, 2019

Good morning. I was asked to be here this morning to discuss why my family supports this church. I think our motivation can be summed up in three parts. History, Community, Future.

Let me start with history. My family has been members here for almost 12 years, and we came from another UCC church in Milwaukee. Sarah was raised in the UCC church, became Catholic, and then came back to the UCC, whereas I was raised and confirmed Catholic, and then joined the UCC when Sarah and I married. Our oldest, Collin, is a confirmed member of this church, and our second oldest, Ethan, is going through the process right now. Because of our history, and because of our desire to raise our children with faith, we support this church and its missions, so we can continue to provide a safe place for our children to learn about faith, and to develop their own thoughts and relationship with our God.

Community. The first day Sarah and I came to a service, we were welcomed by people we knew, and others who became fast friends. Within a few months, it seemed as though we had been here our whole lives. The community, this community, provides activities like the Cookie Walk, Rally Day, blood drives, all of the 150th celebrations last year, and provides a place for groups like Main Street

Dance, the Masons, the Boy Scouts, the Girl Scouts, women's fellowship, and others to meet. This community is so much more than just "church" on Sunday morning, it provides a home for many other organizations.

The Future. Or really the past, and the future. Look at the stained glass windows. They are dated 1896. 123 years ago those members put their hard earned money in this building, and yes they enjoyed the beauty of the sunlight coming through the windows, but we are still enjoying that spectacle today. I am sure those members in 1896 never dreamt that someone would point out their contribution 123 years later. They gave at the time it was needed, and it is still being used, and enjoyed today. I want to provide a place, a building, that will be here in another 123 years so someone else can wonder "how did they do it?"

Expenses don't go down. Salaries, the energy bill, plowing and salting in the winter, cleaning and repairs are all items that we pay for. Those are items that are needed just to have a building, just to have a place. In years past, the larger membership made covering these expenses much easier, but now we all need to fill the gap to keep this community thriving. And with the opportunity of electronic giving through VANCO, we can all contribute on a regular basis, and not worry about missing a week.

Please consider supporting this community, our community, our church. Because of you, our church changes lives.




This year's annual Stewardship and Pledge Campaign, "Because of You, Our Church Changes Lives" wraps up "Stewardship Sunday" on November 10th, 2019. The church asks for your time, talent, and annual financial pledge. Pledges of financial support provide over 60% of our budget as a congregation. Without your gifts to the annual pledge campaign we would not be able to engage in the programs, projects, ministry and worship experiences that define our community life; projects like our focus on ending hunger in the community through the Menomonee Falls Food Pantry, as well as, helping the homeless with our support of St. Ben's and Mr. Bob's Under the Bridge, providing a place for many community organizations to practice, and also a warm, welcoming place for people of God to worship. Pledge Forms are available at church and also available online at our website: giving



Come join Women's Fellowship on November 8th at 6:30 p.m. as we make no-sew fleece blankets for the cardiac unit at Children's Hospital. All members and friends of St. Pauls are welcome. Please see the attached link for a sign up genius to let us know how many people are coming. If you have any questions, please contact Julie Loth at 262-422-0267 or jmhloth@.




Nov 3

Mark Huntoon

Nov 10

Kam Lindow

Nov 17

Susan Krivichi


Nov 3(communion)Team #5: Nooyen, Toebe, Tracy,


Nov 10

Team #6: Welke, Ische

Nov 17

Team #1: Monacelli, Maury,

Schultz, Rubatt, Jakusz

GREETER SCHEDULE: Nov 3 Confirmands Nov 10 Ische, Dan & Jane Nov 17 Maury, Hal & Gerry


Thank You! We Collected 62 books to give to The Ronald McDonald House!

~Annual Cookie Walk~

Did the weather on Halloween get you in the mood for Christmas? St. Pauls Annual Cookie Walk is coming soon! Please consider helping by donating ingredients, coming to make cookies on December 12th and 13th or serving customers on December 14. A sign up to donate ingredients and/or help in the kitchen preparing the cookies will be posted shortly. Thank you!

Christmas Clearing Council Giving Tree

Once again we will be sponsoring a family from Waukesha. Congregation members are asked to take a tag from the tree in Guild Hall, buy that gift, wrap it (remember kids like to rip wrapping paper) and put the wrapped gift back under the tree. Please help to make this family's Christmas joyous. The tree will be in place this Sunday, and

gifts should be back by December 7th!




Needs Your


As we continue to support our community in need,

there are some items that are desperately needed

at the Food Pantry. Please donate if you are able:

Mandarin Oranges Cranberry Sauce

Other Canned Fruit Canned Pasta

Progresso Type Soup Cereal



Chicken or Beef Broth Salmon and Sardines

Hamburger Helper Type Mixes

Boxed Potatoes (scalloped, etc.)

Applesauce (plastic not glass jars) NO SALT Canned Vegetables


Camping isn't just a Summer Adventure!

Youth Events!

The Wisconsin Conference UCC and United Church Camps, Inc., are pleased to present the following youth events for 2019-2020!

Knock Knock Middle School Retreat November 22-24, 2019 Pilgrim Center Registration link

Jesus Core High School Retreat January 9-12, 2020 Pilgrim Center Registration available in November

Youth Faith Formation Retreats November 8-10, 2019 February 28-March 1, 2020 March 6-8, 2020 Pilgrim Center Registration for November retreat

Adult Camp Experience United Church Camps:

Claiming Your Life As It Is: Soul of Aging- Jan. 31st - Feb. 2nd

A circle of Trust retreat Are you yearning to explore the joys, challenges, and gifts of the aging process; wishing to be transformed as you grow, hopefully, into a wise old human? Two facilitators prepared by the Center for Courage & Renewal, Winton Boyd and Kristen Angles, will create the space for reflection on how to age well, with dignity and integrity. Please Consider joining us at Cedar Valley Retreat Center in West Bend, WI in January 2020 for this first of two Soul of Aging retreats, inspired by the work of Parker Palmer. "To ripen-not just grow up, but to keep on maturing through out entire lives- takes great courage and great vulnerability. We can end up unripe, bitter, not able to reap the fruits of this life, or as elders, we can explore and share the tender, bittersweet, and ferocious truths of growing old." -Sherry Anderson Questions? Contact Winton Boyd at boydwinton@

HAPPY HALLOWEEN! Celebrate All Saints' Day!

The Children's Procession 2019


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