URGENT for Windows users:

How to stay safe on the Stanford Network

Windows update

It is essential that you keep Windows updated to protect against scores of exploits that can let others access all your data, slow your computer to a halt, and infect others. Run Windows Update from . Scan for and install all critical updates. This will not install Service Pack Two, which we strongly discourage installing until compatibility issues with the Stanford network are resolved. We also suggest configuring Windows Update to automatically download updates nightly.

Symantec AntiVirus

This is included on the Essential Stanford Software CD or may be downloaded at . Other antivirus programs are also acceptable as long as they are updated. Update your virus definitions and run a full system scan as soon as possible. We also strongly recommend scheduling weekly scans and updating your virus definitions at least once a week.

Set strong account passwords

It is essential that you set secure passwords for all of your Windows users account and administrator account, or you are vulnerable to viruses such as Gaobot that exploit unset passwords or ones based on dictionary words.

Spy Sweeper

Spy Sweeper removes spyware, programs that may cause popups, track your computer usage, compromise personal information, and slow down your computer. Spy Sweeper is also included on the Essential Stanford Software CD. Update the definitions and scan for spyware. Spy Sweeper is comparable to Ad-Aware or Spybot Search and Destroy; any of the three work well.

NEVER open unknown email attachments

Many viruses spread by email attachments that once opened infect your computer with viruses. Some viruses propagate by sending the infected attachment to all addresses in a computer’s address book, so even emails from a friend may be infected.

Full instructions follow – and see your friendly RCC Max in room 216 if you have any questions.

Running Windows Update



Schedule Automatic Windows Updates


Update Symantec AntiVirus







Setting user account passwords






Resetting the administrator password (from an account with admin privileges)





Update Spy Sweeper definitions




Scan computer

Schedule weekly scans

Be sure to set a non-dictionary word password with numbers and special characters (such as @*%?!)

Viruses such as Gaobot break into computers via default Windows file and printing sharing settings by trying every password in a dictionary of common English words

Run Spy Sweeper


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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