

SMS Text Services explained

An overview of:

1. Gloucestershire Constabulary 24/7 Non-emergency text service for registered users

2. RNID managed National 999-Text Relay Service

Service Explanations

How to Register

Questions & Answers

Recommendation: Applicants should register for BOTH Gloucestershire Police non-emergency service AND 999-Text Relay service

Contact Management SMS Registration officer:

PS 202 Mark Woodward, CMD

1. Gloucestershire Constabulary 24/7 Non-emergency SMS service

Service Description & who may apply

This is a dedicated number on which ‘registered’ users can send Short Message Service ‘text’ (SMS mobile phone text) direct to Gloucestershire Police Force Control Room 24/7.

The user interface is constantly monitored by an operator in the Force Control Room.

It is advertised as a NON-EMERGENCY service, albeit we do occasionally receive emergency text messages.

The service allows the police to have a 2-way text conversation with specific needs users (registered to use the service).

It is not a service restricted to the hearing impaired. It is open to anyone who struggles with general ‘voice’ communication (e.g. Hearing Impaired; Speech Impaired; MS sufferer; Stroke victim; High Anxiety sufferer etc). The user does not have to provide proof they have any impairment, but they MUST register to use the facility:

It costs nothing to register

Users will have to pay their service provider for any text they send to us (at the rate charged by their mobile provider)

The service is provided to the Police by Telefonica-O2 – BUT, the user does not have to use an O2 phone. We can accept text messages from ANY service provider.

We will accept requests for Ambulance or Fire Service – and will pass on the message to the relevant control room.

It is a facility to provide service primarily in the County of Gloucestershire. However, once registered a user can send us a text from anywhere in the UK. We will endeavour to pass on the message/incident to the relevant Police Force e.g. a hearing impaired user broken down in Chepstow etc

How to register

Online via Constabulary web-site:


Select ‘Contact Us’, then select SMS Texting

Complete the ‘Registration Form’ and select ‘Submit Form’.

This will automatically send to the SMS registration Officer within Contact Management.

Once the application is received the registration officer will send a text message confirming registration to the new applicant – this confirmation text will include the dedicated number they should use.

A variety if leaflets are available – and have been distributed throughout the County at GP Practices, General Hospitals, Glos Deaf Association.

Contact Management Dept will provide the same leaflets on request (Please refer to the SMS registration Officer). PLEASE let us know if you change your mobile number and re-Register

More detail about the service can be requested by email to:


Questions & Answers:

How will I know if the police have received my text?

An SMS text receipt will be sent back to your mobile phone by the police control room operator – confirming a message has been logged. This message should confirm an incident reference number (in case you need to contact the police again in reference to the same matter)

Do NOT assume your message has been received by the police until you receive a confirmation text

What happens if I don’t register?

The service is only available to registered users. The police will not process messages from unregistered callers. If you send a text when not registered your mobile will receive a message saying:

Auto reply: Non-emrgncy Text for signed-up users only. Text not read by police! For help use minicom, BT TypeTalk or call 0845 090 1234

Persistent abuse of the system will result in the user’s phone being blocked.

What if I don’t want to use SMS text?

The Constabulary is providing this service to enhance our suite of facilities, designed to provide ease of access for all our specific needs and vulnerable customers. The choice of contact still extends to BT Type-Talk, Text Relay and Mini-com services. The RNID are also piloting a National 999-Text Relay service (see below).

The Gloucestershire non-emergency text service is constantly being reviewed and enhanced. Expansion of the system is being tailored in collaboration with a Customer Focus Group consisting specialist care professionals and specific needs users.

2. RNID managed NATIONAL 999-Text Relay service

Service Description & who may apply

The ‘emergencySMS’ service is an add-on to the existing national 999 system.

It is being managed through the Royal National Institute for the Deaf (RNID).

This is a free service, but the user must register. You do not have to be hearing impaired to use the service, it is open to anyone who struggles with general voice communication.

How 999-Text Relay works

A registered user will be able to send a request for ANY emergency service (Police, Fire or Ambulance) by texting their message to ‘999’. The message is received by a ‘Relay Service’, who will be connected via BT-Emergency operator to the most appropriate emergency service. The Text-Relay operator will ‘read’ the text to the emergency control room operator. If additional information is needed the ‘Text Relay’ service will send a message to the user, and then pass their responses back to the emergency control operator.

How to Register

You will need to register your phone individually – we cannot perform that task for you.

Registering can be completed by following the instructions online:


Select ‘Registering your phone’ from the menu, and follow the instructions (There is also a video in British Sign Language).

See below for a detailed description on how to physically register a mobile for 999-Text Relay


To register using SMS text messages you must –

>Send the word ‘register’ in an SMS message to 999

>You will receive a SMS message describing the service

>When you have read these SMS messages you must reply by sending ‘Yes’ in an SMS message to 999

>You will receive a SMS message telling you that your mobile phone is registered, or if there is a problem with your registration

Important: If there are problems registering – please check with your mobile provider to make sure they support the ‘emergencySMS’ service.

How to use the emergencySMS service

If you need to send an SMS text message to 999, please try to create a message containing the following details:

Which? Need Ambulance? Fire Rescue? Police? Coastguard?

What? Briefly what is the problem?

Where? Exactly where is it – road name and town…plus any other information such as house number, landmarks, and main roads

For example your message might read:

‘ambulance, man having heart attack, outside post office, valley road, watford’

Send the message to 999

Do not assume you message has been received – until you receive a confirmation message back from the Text Relay service…it can take around 2-minutes for you to get a reply. If you have not received a reply within 3 minutes then you are advised to send another message

Questions & Answers:

If I am registered with a local police SMS scheme do I need to register with this service?

The emergencySMS service is a National facility and you still need to register in order to send messages to 999. Gloucestershire Constabulary also offers a non-emergency text service – so, it is prudent to register for both services…

Will the emergency service know where I am?

Location information is passed to the emergency services, but texting the address, or nearby landmark will help us locate you…

IF you change your mobile number you must re-Register




Advise applicants to register for BOTH Gloucestershire Police NON-Emergency text service AND 999-Text Relay service


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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