Romanticism vs. Realism (Naturalism):RomanticismRealismemphasize the search for and presentation of unknowable truth (supernature and non-empirical truths)emphasize that the things that matter are unavoidable truths (empirical and sensory)emphasize the ideal characters tend to be clearly heroic or clearly evil and bigger than life, they tend to represent ideal types, they are extraordinary environments can include supernatural settings or may include ambiguously "unreal" events and circumstances language tends towards the formal and/or poetic emphasize the real main characters tend to not be "heroes," they are average people, common people, more complex, flawed, and imperfect environments are natural and ordinary language includes realistic dialects and more common speech? their technique is like a lamp (illuminating reality, changing the way we see it)their technique is like a mirror (mirroring nature--mimesis--representing reality exactly as it is and can be "seen")anti-authoritarianconcerned with social problems???Naturalism (all Naturalists are Realists, so they agree with the above notions, but additionally):emphasize a human capacity free will and the importance of enacting that willinfluenced by deterministic philosophy, tending to see humans as instinctual creature (with a tendency towards fatalism)?more scientifically inclined--believe in absolutely precise details and research for their storytelling ................

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