
Name _________________________________________ Non-Fiction Text Structure Formative

Identify which style of non-fiction text can be found in the following passages.

|descriptive |sequential |question & answer |

|problem & solution |compare & contrast |cause & effect |

1. The cheetah can run 70 mph. Similarly, in the 1996 Olympic Games, Michael Johnson set a world record and captured the gold medal when he ran 200 meters in 19.32 seconds! ______________________________

2. Environmentalists are battling to save remaining native species. Scientists and private citizens are attempting to preserve 4,000 acres off the island of Hawaii by fencing them off against alien invader species. ______________________________

3. First, pick a quality pair of running shoes that have good support. Next, choose a route or a gym in which to workout. Increase the distance or time each day. Be sure to stretch muscles before and after each session. Drink plenty of water all day. Take a break every few days to let your muscles rest. Vary activities to avoid boredom. A good way to do this is to play different sports as often as possible. This is better than traditional workouts. There is no excuse for a whole week without physical activity. Finally, encourage friends and family to adopt your lifestyle. Any fitness program is more successful with the support of others.______________________________

4. The dinosaurs were four to eight feet long, about the size of kangaroos. They had small heads and long necks, and they walked on two or four legs. ______________________________

5. As the left plate slides down into the earth, it enters the hot mantle. Rocks in the sliding plate begin to melt and consequently form magma. ______________________________

6. Burns are dreadful accidents that could happen to any person. Burns are tissue injuries that result from contact with numerous agents. Certain chemicals, electricity, and fire cause burns; moreover, each one of these affects the body in a different way and may result in death.

When the skin comes in contact with a toxic substance like hydrochloric acid or sulfuric acid, a chemical burn occurs. In addition to pain and blisters, breathing difficulties and unconsciousness can result from chemical burns. In severe cases, they may lead to death.

An electrical burn occurs when the skin is exposed directly to electricity. This type of burn leads to fatigue, as well as pain and blisters. In addition, it can develop heart or respiratory failure, which could be fatal.

Thermal burns result from residential or house fires. They cause pain and blisters. If complications arise, shock and death may result. ______________________________

7. Pigs are curious animals thought to be more intelligent than an average 3-year-old human child. They are smarter than dogs and every bit as friendly. They are also loyal and affectionate. When in their natural surroundings, they are social, playful, and protective animals. They bond with each other and make beds. They like to relax in the sun and cool off in the mud.

Most people are not that familiar with pigs. You may be surprised to learn that they dream and recognize their names. They play video games better than some primates, like monkeys and apes. They also lead social lives as complicated as the lives of primates.


People who run animal shelters often describe pigs as having human characteristics. They've learned that pigs enjoy listening to music and playing with soccer balls. They even love getting massages!


8. What is in a humpback whale song? Humpback whales sing some of the most complex and beautiful songs known. The most basic unit of the song is a single sound or 'element'. They may be long groans, low moans, roaring sounds, trills, and chirps, and are arranged into simple repeating patterns usually with two to four different sound types. These short strings of sounds are repeated several times and are known as 'phrases'. ______________________________

9. A mouse problem in your home can be quite upsetting. Mice are active at night, so they are not likely to be seen unless the problem is severe. Mice often leave behind droppings in kitchen cabinets, pantries, drawers, and any other place they may have gone in search of food. It is important to close off the places of entry.

Mice are capable of getting through an opening only one quarter of an inch wide. It is important to check for openings where mice can gain entry. Check around plumbing pipes inside cabinets for spaces mice can get in. Use steel wool to fill in cracks and openings to temporarily keep mice out. Also, check for openings around doors, windows, foundations, and vents. ______________________________

10. Heating Things up on the Internet

Laurie David Speaks about Global Warming

Laurie David founded the Virtual March on Washington earlier this year. Her goal is to educate people about global warming and its effects on the environment. If you go to her website, , you can sign up to learn about how global warming is affecting our planet. I spoke with David about how her virtual march is going to make a difference.

How do you get people to care about global warming, especially if they can't see its effects on their local environments?

One of the things that we are doing on the march is going to a different location every other week. So once you join the march, every other week you are going to get information. (Over the summer, we were) at Glacier National Park, Montana. And the glaciers are melting. I think that one very interesting thing this summer is that we're starting to see reports of people connecting the dots between extreme weather conditions and global warming. They (some scientists) have now come out and said that the reason that these hurricanes are so fierce is global warming. ______________________________

11. When an iron leaves stains on your clothes, the cause could be rust inside the steam chamber or dirt on the ironing surface. Follow these steps to fix your iron. First, scrub the ironing surface with a wet cloth covered with a mild abrasive such as baking soda or table salt. Wipe the ironing surface with a clean, damp cloth to remove the residue. Then, fill the iron with equal parts of white vinegar and distilled water. Place an oven rack over your sink and position the iron on top, with the steam vents facing down. Plug in the iron and turn it to the steam setting. Run it until the steam stops. Finally, fill the iron with plain distilled water and repeat the process. To prevent spots in the future, after ironing, empty any leftover water while the iron is still hot. That way, the heat will dry out the steam chamber and prevent any metal particles in the water from rusting. ______________________________

12. Even though Arizona and Rhode Island are both states of the U.S., they are strikingly different in many ways. For example, the physical size of each state is different. Arizona is large, having an area of 114,000 square miles, whereas Rhode Island is only about a tenth the size, having an area of only 1,214 square miles. Another difference is in the size of the population of each state. Arizona has about four million people living in it, but Rhode Island has less than one million. The two states also differ in the kinds of natural environments that each has. For example, Arizona is a very dry state, consisting of large desert areas that do not receive much rainfall every year. However, Rhode Island is located in a temperate zone and receives an average of 44 inches of rain per year. In addition, while Arizona is a landlocked state and thus has no seashore, Rhode Island lies on the Atlantic Ocean and does have a significant coastline. ______________________________


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