
Sex-linked and Non-Mendelian InheritanceChapter 13Non-Mendelian InheritanceMendel’s model of inheritance assumes thatEach trait is controlled by a ____________________________ geneEach gene has only _________________ allelesThere is a clear dominant-_______________________ relationship between the allelesMost genes ________________________ meet these criteriaSex ChromosomesSex determination in humans is based on the presence of a _____________ chromosome2 X chromosomes = _______________________________Having a Y chromosome (XY) = ________________________Humans have 46 total chromosomes22 pairs are ____________________________1 pair of sex chromosomesY chromosome highly ____________________________Recessive alleles on male’s X have no active counterpart on Y“___________________” for humans is femaleRequires SRY gene on Y for “maleness”Sex-linkageThe genes for sex-linked traits are normally on the_____________-chromosomewomen have two X’s and men have ___________________This can be an ____________________________ to womenIf the allele for a disease is on the X-chromosome in men, they have the disease since they only have one X _______________If one of a female’s X’s have the allele and the other does not, she is just a carrier meaning she can pass it on genetically, but does NOT usually have the disease __________________ = carrierIf both of her X’s have the allele, she has the disease __________________ = has diseaseExamples of sex-linked conditions/diseases_________________________Color blindnessmale-pattern _____________________________HemophiliaDisease that affects a single protein in a cascade of __________________ involved in the formation of blood __________________________Form of hemophilia is caused by an X-linked __________________________ alleleHeterozygous females are ____________________________ carriersAllele for hemophilia was introduced into a number of different European royal families by Queen ___________________________ of England PracticeCross a mother who is a carrier for Hemophilia with a father who does not have the disease, what are the genotype, phenotype and ratios of their children. Equal ExpressionEnsures an equal expression of genes from the sex chromosomes even though females have ________ X chromosomes and males have only 1In each female cell, 1 X chromosome is _____________ and is highly condensed into a ______________ bodyIncomplete Dominance (Intermediate Inheritance)Heterozygote is ________________________ in phenotype between the 2 homozygotesRed flowers x white flowers = __________________ flowersPracticeCross a grey chicken (CBCW) with a white chicken (CWCW). What are the chances of getting a white chicken baby?What are the chances of getting a black chicken baby?Cross a white chicken (CWCW) with a black chicken (CBCB). What are the chances of getting a white chicken baby?What are the chances of getting a gray chicken baby?Multiple alleles/_____________________________May be __________________ than 2 alleles for a gene in a populationABO _______________________ types in humans3 allelesEach individual can only have 2 allelesNumber of alleles possible for any gene is constrained, but usually more than two alleles exist for any gene in an ___________________________ populationHuman ABO blood groupThe system demonstrates bothMultiple alleles3 alleles of the I gene (IA, IB, and i)CodominanceIA and IB are dominant to i but codominant to each other__________________________ shows some aspect of the phenotypes of both homozygotesType AB bloodPracticeWould a person with the alleles A and O be A blood type or O blood type?What blood type would a person be with two B alleles?What about A and B alleles?Cross a person with AO blood type with a person on AB blood type.What are the possible blood types be for their children?What are the possible genotypes for their children? Remember phenotype is that the blood actually is...for example AO blood is really A type blood.Cross a person with AB blood type with a person on OO blood type.What are the possible blood types be for their children?What are the possible genotypes for their children? Remember phenotype is that the blood actually is...for example AO blood is really A type blood. ................

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