City University of New York

Department of Social Sciences

Introduction To Sociology: Soc100-1705

Prof. Charles Alexander Zorn, Adjunct Lecturer-SPRING 2018

Quiz 3 mt, On Chapters 3 and 4

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Directions: This take home is due one week from today. There are 30 questions worth four points each, plus one more for good luck. Circle all your answers. Return it to me and begin to enjoy the next chapter. Now relax and do your best. Remember to breath. Trust your brain and try to approach each question calmly and thoughtfully.

Now, play with your knowledge!

1. A large group of people who live together in a specific area and share a culture is known as a

a. cultural grouping.

b. megacity.

c. territory.

d. society.

2. Where does nonmaterial culture exist?

a. in the clothes that we wear

b. in the world of thoughts and ideas

c. in the physical world

d. in objects that people make

3. The United States has high rates of infant mortality compared to other industrialized nations. What could account for this?

a. The United States taxes its citizens heavily but gives the money to large corporations.

b. The United States places a high priority on prenatal care but citizens don’t take advantage of free or reduced services.

c. The United States has fewer physicians than other countries.

d. The United States does not value social programs as highly as other industrialized countries.

4. Which of the following values would dominate in a theocratic society, ruled or controlled by religious authorities, like in Iran or Saudi Arabia?

a. tradition and conformity

b. self-direction and individualism

c. stimulation and hedonism

d. democracy and progress

5. Research shows that people in wealthier countries often tend to be less religious than those in poorer countries. Which country is an exception to this pattern?

a. United States

b. France

c. Germany

d. Australia

6. Why are the issues of abortion and gay rights so contentious in the United States, as compared to in other industrialized nations?

a. People enjoy debating these issues.

b. The high level of religiosity in the U.S. tends to influence political debates.

c. There are many American politicians who try to make these issues contentious.

d. Americans try too hard to separate issues of church and state.

7. Norms for participation in the online world are known as

a. etiquette.

b. cultural rituals.

c. netiquette.

d. cyber rules.

8. Which sociologist coined the term cultural lag?

a. Emile Durkheim

b. William Ogburn

c. Robin Williams

d. Robert Merton

9. What is the difference between a more and a folkway?

a. Mores are more strictly enforced than folkways.

b. They are similar and can be used interchangeably.

c. Folkways are more severe than mores.

d. Violating a folkway may lead to public shame.

10. A sound, gesture, image, or object that represents something else is known as a(n)

a. communication device.

b. new technology.

c. emoticon.

d. symbol.

11. What is the key concept underlying the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis?

a. Language allows for the easy translation of words from one culture to another.

b. Languages affect how their speakers think and behave.

c. Some cultures have evolved to have more sophisticated language than others.

d. New words and concepts are rarely developed and have remained stable over time.

12. What perspective emphasizes micro-level interactions?

a. functionalist

b. conflict

c. feminist

d. symbolic interactionist

13. What is a system of meaning that helps define, explain, and make value judgments about the world?

a. cultural universal

b. hypothesis

c. theory

d. ideology

14. Subcultures—including countercultures—are often responsible for

a. bolstering the dominant culture.

b. introducing innovation and change to mainstream culture.

c. the cultural forms that are widely embraced by society.

d. preserving traditional practices.

15. Within a society, a culture in which the ideas and practices of those in power are represented is known as a(n)

a. ideal culture.

b. subculture.

c. dominant culture.

d. counterculture.

16. Which type of culture do the mass media typically represent and reflect?

a. ideal culture

b. dominant culture

c. counterculture

d. subculture

17. Which of the following statements is true regarding subcultures?

a. Most subcultures are countercultures.

b. There are a few primary subcultures in the United States.

c. They are formal, organized groups.

d. They allow people to express distinct lifestyles and interests.

18. Historically, which group is most likely to have access to and experience high culture?

a. artists

b. the wealthy

c. those in the fashion industry

d. women

19. Which best describes a social structure?

a. a recurring patterns of behavior

b. the scaffolding that supports a building

c. a strict hierarchy of power

d. a system of social stratification

20. How does a social institution relate to the concept of social structure?

a. A hospital is a social institution, whereas the interaction between two people is a social structure.

b. Social institutions are established patterns of behavior, whereas social structures are about random behaviors.

c. Social institutions are a type of social structure that governs major areas of social life.

d. Social structures are overarching social institutions.

21. Social structures change through

a. an individual’s action.

b. the cumulative actions of many individuals.

c. referendums and political activity only.

d. slow evolution only.

22. How are action and social structure related?

a. Action is when individuals live within the mandates of social structure.

b. Action is when individuals act in ways that are not expected or even conflict with their structural position.

c. Action is when someone does what is expected of them given their structural position.

d. Action only occurs when an individual in a powerful position exhibits his or her power.

23. What does it mean to say that social structures are enduring?

a. People like social structures.

b. Social structures are persistent patterns of behavior.

c. It is difficult to knock down a social structure; they are quite sturdy.

d. Social structures tend to disappear as quickly as they are invented.

24 Why are gender expectations an example of social structure?

a. Gender expectations guide how men and women behave.

b. Gender expectations are rigid rules that mandate behavior.

c. Structures are about informal patterns, and gender only influences us in our social lives.

d. There is a strict power differential between men and women.

25. What are social roles?

a. the parts that actors play

b. the positions that individuals occupy in the social structure

c. the social expectations that go along with a given social status

d. all the dos and don’ts of social life

26. Ethnomethodology examines how people

a. approach racist stereotypes.

b. seek out professional guidance.

c. engage in collective action.

d. make sense of their social worlds.

27. Sociologists may conduct conversational analysis to understand

a. the evolution of accents and word usage.

b. the diction of both speakers.

c. how politicians construct campaign speeches.

d. the underlying structure of conversations.

28. How do daily routines relate to the idea of social structure?

a. Daily routines are how we escape the monotony of social structure.

b. Daily routines illustrate how patterned and predictable our social world can be.

c. Daily routines are the way that individuals display their creativity and ingenuity.

d. Social structures deal more with important interactions among individuals than daily routines.

29. How can both an organization and a conversation be social structures?

a. Both rely on routines and recurring patterns of behavior to function smoothly.

b. Each has hard and fast rules that govern how they unfold.

c. Each is very informal and relies on the creativity of the participants to function smoothly.

d. Both always rely on formalized written rules.

30. How do structures enable behavior?

a. Structures give us guidelines about how to act.

b. Structures punish us when we act improperly.

c. Structures actually have nothing to do with behavior.

d. Structures are the exact opposite of how we should behave.

And two for good luck:

31. What level of society is a sociologist studying if he is examining the structure and routines of an organization like a school or business?

a. micro

b. macro

c. meso

d. societal

32. The idea that if part of society changes, other parts will adjust accordingly illustrates what theory?

a. social integration

b. social structure

c. equilibrium

d. social conflict

Thanks for studying so hard and thinking together! Remember extra credit Sociology quotes!


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