positive if detected at or above 300 ng/mL

detection time 24 to >48 hours depending on drug, dose and cut-off


| |most common metabolites are in bold letters |

|Tests included in the hospital laboratory and the reference laboratory pain clinic screens |

|Codeine |morphine (codeine/morphine ratio decreases with time) |

| |norcodeine |

| | |

| |hydrocodone (very low levels, likely below cut-off and only if codeine is chronic high |

| |dose and >5,000 ng/mL) |

|Morphine |glucuronide and sulfate conjugates |

| |morphine-3-glucuronide (most common) |

| |morphine-6-glucuronide |

| |hydromorphone (very low levels, likely below cut-off and only if morphine is chronic high |

| |dose and >10,000 ng/mL) |

|Hydrocodone |norhydrocodone |

|Lortab, Hycodan, Vicodin, Panacet, Anexsia |hydromorphone |

| |6-hydrocodol |

|Hydromorphone |hydromorphone-3-glucuronide |

|Dilaudid |dihydroisomorphine glucuronide |

|Oxycodone – poor cross-reactivity only high |oxymorphone |

|levels will be positive |noroxycodone |

|Oxycontin; Roxicodone, Percodan, Percocet | |

|Heroin (diacetylmorphine) |morphine |

| |6-monoacetylmorphine |

| | |

| |

|These synthetic opiates are included in the reference lab pain clinic screen only |

|Oxycodone |oxymorphone |

|Oxycontin; Roxicodone, Percodan, Percocet |noroxycodone |

|Meperidine |normeperidine |

|Demerol | |

|Methadone |methadol |

|Dolophine |EDDP |

| |EMDP |

|Propoxyphene |norpropoxyphene |

|Darvon | |

|Tramadol |O-desmethyltramadol |

|Ultram |nortramadol |

|These synthetic opiates must be ordered individually – |

|they are not included in the hospital or pain clinic screen |

|Fentanyl |norfentanyl |

|Sublimaze, Duragesic |hydroxyfentanyl |

|Buprenorphine |norbuprenorphine |

|Buprenex | |

| | |


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