Lab 1 97

Trinity College, Dublin

Generic Skills Programme

Statistics for Research Students

Laboratory 3: Feedback

1. Control charts

Discuss the stability of the days to payment process with regard to

(a) level

(b) spread

There appears to be excessive variation in the sample mean during the first 8 weeks, with 3 exceptionally low values, 2 below the LCL, and 2 exceptionally high values, 1 above the UCL.

The standard deviation appears stable over the whole period.

What is your next step in the analysis?

As the process appears stable during recent weeks, no action on the process is suggested. However, as there is evidence of instability of the process mean in the first 8 weeks, an investigation of the cause of this is suggested.

Identify centre lines and control limits to use for further process monitoring. Use sensible rounding.

From the charts based on the recent data,

Xbar chart: CL = 34.98, LCL = 30.56, UCL = 39.4

s chart: CL = 3.295, LCL = 0, UCL = 6.894

With "sensible rounding",

Xbar chart: CL = 35, LCL = 30.6, UCL = 39.4

s chart: CL = 3.3, LCL = 0, UCL = 6.9.

2. Simulating sampling distributions

Compare the results of the simulations.

What did you expect?

Expect no out-of-control points with 30 repetitions, around 1 with 300 repetitions, around 8 with 3,000 repetitions. This follows on multiplying the number of repetitions by 0.0027, the chance of getting an out of control point in one repetition

How do the histograms compare?

Expect more Normal looking histograms with increasing repetitions.

Statistics for Research Students, Laboratory 3

False alarm data

Class Frequency



Theoretical Frequency


Simulating the effect of increasing sample size


Comment on the effect of increasing sample size, referring to

– histogram spread, reduces with increasing sample size

– values of StDev, reduces with increasing sample size

– values of Mean. stay around 35 (should get closer with increasing sample size)


– the values of StDev for n = 5 and n = 20, latter is roughly ½ former

– the values of StDev for n = 10 and n = 40, latter is roughly ½ former

noting that the larger sample size is 4 times the smaller in both cases.

Explain your comparisons in terms of the formula σ/(n for the standard error of the sample mean

Increasing sample size by 4 reduces σ/(n by 1/(4 = ½

Note: The summary data with the histograms refers to "Standard Deviation". These are the standard deviations of the Xbar values and so approximate the standard error of Xbar.

Recall that the standard error is defined to be the standard deviation of the sampling distribution of Xbar. There two ways of getting at the standard error of Xbar. One is to use the formula s/(n, where s is an estimate of the process standard deviation, σ, that may be calculated from single values sampled from the process. The second way is to calculate the standard deviation of Xbar values sampled from the process. The second is what is done in our simulation exercise and is recorded in the histogram summaries.

3 One-sample significance tests

Each reference of a point in an Xbar chart to the control limits amounts to a significance test based on the values from which the corresponding Xbar value was calculated.


Testing the hypothesis that the process is on target using Sample 5 gives the result:

One-Sample Z: Clip gap_5

Test of mu = 70 vs not = 70

The assumed standard deviation = 8

Variable N Mean StDev SE Mean 95% CI Z P

Clip gap_5 5 75.00 7.91 3.58 (67.99, 82.01) 1.40 0.162

What is the value of Z?


What is the value of p?


What conclusion do you draw?

The hypothesis μ = 70 is accepted.

Note: The Laboratory exercise asked for a test of the statistical significance of the mean of Sample 2. This led to a Z value of 1.96 and a p-value of 0.05. These calculated values are, entirely coincidentally, the same as the conventional critical value and significance level for the Z-test. This coincidence is likely to lead to confusion, so another sample was chosen instead of Sample 2.

Correspondence between control chart test and significance test

Verify the correspondence between the control chart test and the Z test.

The following extended answer to this question is taken from Stuart (2003), pp. 161-162.

The control chart test is conventionally formalised as follows. A point on the chart is outside the control limits if its [pic] value deviates from the centre line by more than 3 standard errors. If μo is the process mean value corresponding to the centre line, this is equivalent to saying that the value of [pic] satisfies

[pic] – μo > 3 * σ/√n or [pic] – μo < –3 * σ/√n,

that is

[pic] > 3 or [pic] < –3

that is, the calculated value of [pic] exceeds 3 in magnitude.

Here, [pic], usually denoted by Z, is referred to as the

test statistic

and the number 3 is called the

critical value

for the test statistic. It is critical in the sense that the deviation of [pic] from μo is statistically significant or not according as the calculated value of the test statistic exceeds the critical value or not.

The null hypothesis is


if the test statistic exceeds the critical value in magnitude, corresponding to an "out-of-control" signal from the control chart. Otherwise the null hypothesis is


at least provisionally.

The correspondence between the control chart test and the Z test is illustrated in Figure 1.


Figure 1 Normal curve for control chart test and Z test

This shows the sampling distribution of [pic] or Z, as appropriate, assuming the null hypothesis holds. For Z, this is the standard Normal distribution with mean 0 and standard deviation 1, for which appropriate tables are available.

Recall that the sampling distribution of a sample statistic[1] is the frequency distribution of values of the statistic that arise from repeated sampling of the process, calculating a new value of the statistic from each sample. Assuming that the process is in control, a value of [pic] outside the control limits is improbable; finding such a value makes an in control process implausible. Equivalently, assuming the null hypothesis, a value of Z exceeding ±3 is improbable; finding such a value makes the null hypothesis implausible.

What critical value for Z is needed to ensure the correspondence?

Control chart critical value = 3.

What is the significance level corresponding to this critical value?[2] Use the Normal table and / or the Minitab Normal cumulative distribution function (Calc menu).

Minitab calculation gives the following result:

Cumulative Distribution Function

Normal with mean = 0 and standard deviation = 1

x P( X  0.0027

Repeat the Z test for Sample 15; repeat the verification exercise.

One-Sample Z: Clip gap_15

Test of mu = 70 vs not = 70

The assumed standard deviation = 8

Variable N Mean StDev SE Mean 95% CI Z P

Clip gap_15 5 82.00 5.70 3.58 (74.99, 89.01) 3.35 0.001

Z = 3.35, >3.

P = 0.001, < 0.0027.

An extension of the control chart Z test

Re-analysing the data in separate subsets, up to and after Sample 17, results in:


Interpret the revised charts.

The process appears to operate at different levels before and after the change in raw material

Comment on the non-significance of Sample 15.

The (historical) centre line and control limits calculated from the data up to Sample 17 are higher than in the original chart, based on the target centre line of 70, so that Sample 15 is not out of control by reference to the new limits. The original control limits were inappropriate.

What is the result of the t-test applied to the "Before" data?

Null hypothesis μ = 70

Test statistic t = [pic]

Calculated value 4.44

Critical value 1.99 (read approximately from the t-table)

Comparison 4.44 > 1.99

Conclusion Reject null hypothesis

How many degrees of freedom did you associate with t?

84 = 85 – 1

Repeat the above analysis for the "After" data.

Null hypothesis μ = 70

Test statistic t = [pic]

Calculated value –2.75

Critical value 2.02 (read approximately from the t-table)

Comparison 2.75 > 2.02

Conclusion Reject null hypothesis

Explain why the deviation of the "Before" data from 70 appears considerably more significant than that of the "After" data. What factors influence this difference between the two tests?

The "Before" mean is further from 70.

The "Before" sample size is bigger, giving a smaller standard error and therefore bigger t value.

The "Before" degrees of freedom are bigger, giving a smaller critical value, easier to be exceeded.

Diagnostic analysis

Review the s charts you constructed earlier and comment on the "constant standard deviation" assumption.

The "constant standard deviation" assumption is supported by the s chart; differences between successive s values may be ascribed to chance variation.

Diagnostic analysis using Residuals



Describe the variation pattern(s) you see in these data.

The time series plot shows random variation, with no particular pattern evident.

The Normal plot shows approximate linearity. The horizontal strips are due to the rounded character of the data, rounded to the nearest 5 units.

Are there any patterns that would undermine an assumption of pure chance variation or of Normality?


Data correlated over time tend to show "tracking" patterns, whereby successive values tend to be close together, thus causing apparent waves in the data.

Rounding does not detract from the Normality assumption in any serious way, although tests of Normality such as the Anderson-Darling test will be sensitive, being sensitive to any type of departure from strict Normality.

4. Application to Paired Comparisons


Comment on the variation pattern in the graph, with particular attention to correspondences between pairs of measurements on subjects, or lack thereof.

There is considerable variation between subjects, varying from around 25 to around 80. The variation pattern across subjects is similar for Before and After, with a couple of exceptions. Within subject differences between After and Before are consistently positive, apart from Subject 10, where the difference is –1.


Comment on the variation pattern.

How does the range of variation of the differences relate to the ranges of variation of the measurements?

How does the size of the differences relate to the size of the measurements?

The range of variation of the differences is considerably smaller than that of the measurements. The size of the differences appears to be positively related to the size of the measurements.

A scatterplot of Differences versus Means provides further insight.


Comment on the variation pattern.

How does the size of the differences relate to the size of the measurements?

How do you regard the largest difference?

The relationship between Difference and size is less clear here and depends on how one or more cases are treated as exceptional or not. If the largest difference is regarded as exceptional, there appears to be less of a relationship. If the largest difference and the largest mean are regarded as exceptional, there appears to be a quadratic relationship. In these circumstances, speculating on the nature of relationships is risky.



Comment on the Normality of the differences and on the exceptional (or otherwise) status of the largest difference.

Both differences and Means appear Normal, with no exceptional cases.

Note the similarity of the next three largest differences.

Patterns such as this, particularly in such a small data set, are not remarkable.

Testing the significance of the differences.

One-Sample T: Difference

Test of mu = 0 vs not = 0

Variable N Mean StDev SE Mean 95% CI T P

Difference 11 10.27 7.98 2.40 (4.91, 15.63) 4.27 0.002

Paired T-Test and CI: After, Before

Paired T for After - Before

N Mean StDev SE Mean

After 11 52.45 18.30 5.52

Before 11 42.18 15.61 4.71

Difference 11 10.27 7.98 2.40

95% CI for mean difference: (4.91, 15.63)

T-Test of mean difference = 0 (vs not = 0): T-Value = 4.27

P-Value = 0.002

Null hypothesis μ = 0

Test statistic t = [pic]

Calculated value 4.27

Critical value 2.23

Comparison 4.27 > 2.23

Conclusion Reject null hypothesis.

Note: Formal reports such as this are usually confined to text books. In practice, more informal reports are made, such as:

The observed mean difference was 10.27, with standard error 2.40. This was statistically significant at the 5% level of significance (p = 0.002). A 95% confidence interval for the true mean difference is

(4.91, 15.63).

The formal reports are sought in this exercise to help ensure that students understand the basis for the statistical significance test.

Note also that the reporting of confidence intervals is important when statistically significant results are found. Reporting merely on the statistical significance of a result is of little assistance to a client who wants to know something about the substantive significance of the results. Confidence intervals allow the client to make judgements on substantive significance.


[1] In statistical language, any quantity whose value is calculated from sample data is called a statistic.

[2] The conventional significance level for a Z test is 0.05, corresponding to a critical value of 2 (or 1.96, to be spuriously accurate). Shewhart chose 3 as the critical value for control charts to avoid too many false alarms that might arise with frequent sampling in an industrial setting. See Stuart (2003, pages 167-8) for further discussion of the choice of significance levels and critical values.


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