Reading Essentials and Note-Taking Guide

[Pages:256]Reading Essentials and Note-Taking Guide


To the Student

The World Geography and Cultures Reading Essentials and NoteTaking Guide is designed to help you use recognized reading strategies to improve your reading-for-information skills. For each section of the student textbook, you are alerted to key content. Then, you are asked to draw from prior knowledge, organize your thoughts with a graphic organizer, and follow a process to read and understand the text. The Reading Essentials and Note-Taking Guide was prepared to help you get more from your textbook by reading with a purpose.

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Table of Contents

Chapter 1 How Geographers Look at the World Section 1: Geography Handbook......................................................................1 Section 2: The Geographer's Craft ....................................................................4

Chapter 2 The Physical World Section 1: Planet Earth ...................................................................................... 7 Section 2: Forces of Change............................................................................ 10 Section 3: Earth's Water................................................................................... 13

Chapter 3 Climates of the Earth Section 1: Earth-Sun Relationships .................................................................16 Section 2: Factors Affecting Climate ............................................................... 19 Section 3: World Climate Patterns................................................................... 22

Chapter 4 The Human World Section 1: World Population............................................................................ 25 Section 2: Global Cultures............................................................................... 28 Section 3: Political and Economic Systems ....................................................31 Section 4: Resources, Trade, and the Environment........................................34

Chapter 5 Physical Geography of the United States and Canada Section 1: The Land ......................................................................................... 37 Section 2: Climate and Vegetation ..................................................................40

Chapter 6 Cultural Geography of the United States and Canada Section 1: The United States ........................................................................... 43 Section 2: Canada ............................................................................................ 46

Chapter 7 The Region Today: The United States and Canada Section 1: The Economy.................................................................................. 49 Section 2: People and Their Environment......................................................52

Chapter 8 Physical Geography of Latin America Section 1: The Land ......................................................................................... 55 Section 2: Climate and Vegetation ..................................................................58

Chapter 9 Cultural Geography of Latin America Section 1: Mexico............................................................................................. 61 Section 2: Central America and the Caribbean...............................................64 Section 3: South America ................................................................................ 67

Chapter 10 The Region Today: Latin America Section 1: The Economy.................................................................................. 70 Section 2: People and Their Environment......................................................73

Chapter 11 Physical Geography of Europe Section 1: The Land ......................................................................................... 76 Section 2: Climate and Vegetation ..................................................................79

Chapter 12 Cultural Geography of Europe Section 1: Northern Europe ............................................................................ 82 Section 2: Western Europe .............................................................................. 85 Section 3: Southern Europe ............................................................................ 88 Section 4: Eastern Europe ...............................................................................91


Chapter 13 The Region Today: Europe Section 1: The Economy.................................................................................. 94 Section 2: People and Their Environment......................................................97

Chapter 14 Physical Geography of Russia Section 1: The Land ....................................................................................... 100 Section 2: Climate and Vegetation ................................................................ 103

Chapter 15 Cultural Geography of Russia Section 1: Population and Culture ................................................................ 106 Section 2: History and Government.............................................................. 109

Chapter 16 The Region Today: Russia Section 1: The Economy................................................................................ 112 Section 2: People and Their Environment.................................................... 115

Chapter 17 Physical Geography of North Africa, Southwest Asia, and Central Asia Section 1: The Land ....................................................................................... 118 Section 2: Climate and Vegetation ................................................................ 121

Chapter 18 Cultural Geography of North Africa, Southwest Asia, and Central Asia Section 1: North Africa .................................................................................. 124 Section 2: The Eastern Mediterranean .......................................................... 127 Section 3: The Northeast ............................................................................... 130 Section 4: The Arabian Peninsula ................................................................. 133 Section 5: Central Asia................................................................................... 136

Chapter 19 The Region Today: North Africa, Southwest Asia, and Central Asia Section 1: The Economy................................................................................ 139 Section 2: People and Their Environment.................................................... 142

Chapter 20 Physical Geography of Africa South of the Sahara Section 1: The Land ....................................................................................... 145 Section 2: Climate and Vegetation ................................................................ 148

Chapter 21 Cultural Geography of Africa South of the Sahara Section 1: The Sahel ...................................................................................... 151 Section 2: East Africa..................................................................................... 154 Section 3: West Africa .................................................................................... 157 Section 4: Central Africa................................................................................ 160 Section 5: Southern Africa............................................................................. 163

Chapter 22 The Region Today: Africa South of the Sahara Section 1: The Economy................................................................................ 166 Section 2: People and Their Environment.................................................... 169

Chapter 23 Physical Geography of South Asia Section 1: The Land ....................................................................................... 172 Section 2: Climate and Vegetation ................................................................ 175


Chapter 24 Cultural Geography of South Asia Section 1: India.............................................................................................. 178 Section 2: Pakistan and Bangladesh ............................................................. 181 Section 3: Nepal, Bhutan, Maldives, and Sri Lanka...................................... 184 Chapter 25 The Region Today: South Asia Section 1: The Economy................................................................................ 187 Section 2: People and Their Environment.................................................... 190 Chapter 26 Physical Geography of East Asia Section 1: The Land ....................................................................................... 193 Section 2: Climate and Vegetation ................................................................ 196 Chapter 27 Cultural Geography of East Asia Section 1: China............................................................................................. 199 Section 2: Japan ............................................................................................. 202 Section 3: North Korea and South Korea ..................................................... 205 Chapter 28 The Region Today: East Asia Section 1: The Economy................................................................................ 208 Section 2: People and Their Environment.................................................... 211 Chapter 29 Physical Geography of Southeast Asia Section 1: The Land ....................................................................................... 214 Section 2: Climate and Vegetation ................................................................ 217 Chapter 30 Cultural Geography of Southeast Asia Section 1: Mainland Southeast Asia .............................................................. 220 Section 2: Island Southeast Asia ................................................................... 223 Chapter 31 The Region Today: Southeast Asia Section 1: The Economy................................................................................ 226 Section 2: People and Their Environment.................................................... 229 Chapter 32 Physical Geography of Australia, Oceania, and Antarctica Section 1: The Land ....................................................................................... 232 Section 2: Climate and Vegetation ................................................................ 235 Chapter 33 Cultural Geography of Australia and Oceania Section 1: Australia and New Zealand.......................................................... 238 Section 2: Oceania ......................................................................................... 241 Chapter 34 The Region Today: Australia and Oceania Section 1: The Economy................................................................................ 244 Section 2: People and Their Environment.................................................... 247


Chapter 1, Section 1 (Pages 4?15)

Geography Handbook

Geography skills provide the tools for understanding relationships between people, places, and environments. Use a chart like the one below to identify the continents in each hemisphere. Continents may appear in more than one hemisphere.

Hemisphere Northern Southern Eastern Western


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Globes and Maps (page 5)

Read the section and answer the questions: 1. Geographic information is shown most accurately on a

. 2. Write a statement expressing the map scale 1:62,500:

3. Circle latitude in the following: 29? 25' N 98? 30' W

A globe is a scale model of Earth. A map is a symbolic representation of all or part of the planet. Cartographers are mapmakers. An imaginary line along the curve of Earth is called a great circle route. A map projection projects the round Earth onto a flat surface. The three basic categories of map projections are planar, cylindrical, and conic. Interrupted projections resemble globes that have been cut apart and laid flat. On globes, a grid system is formed by lines of latitude and lines of longitude. Geographers divide Earth into halves, called hemispheres. North of the Equator is the Northern Hemisphere; south of the Equator is the Southern Hemisphere; east of the Prime Meridian for 180? is the Eastern Hemisphere; and west for 180? is the Western Hemisphere.

A map key explains symbols, colors, and lines used on a map; a scale bar shows the relationship between map measurements and actual distances on Earth; a compass rose indicates the four cardinal directions and sometimes intermediate directions. Scale relates measurements on a map with those on Earth's surface. A line of latitude crossing a line of longitude is the absolute location. The location of one place in relation to another is relative location.

Chapter 1, Section 1


Types of Maps (page 12)

Identify the correct type of map for each purpose: physical, thematic or political.

1. driving from New York City to Orlando, Florida

2. identifying the major agricultural products of the United States

Physical maps show the location and topography, or shape of Earth's physical features. Physical maps show water features, such as rivers, streams, and lakes; and landforms, such as mountains, plains, plateaus, and valleys. Shading and texture are used to show general relief, differences in elevation, or height, of landforms. Some physical maps also show political features, such as boundary lines, countries, and states.

Political maps show the boundaries and locations of political units such as countries, states, counties, cities, and towns. Many features, including boundaries, capitals, cities, roads, highways, and railroads, are human-made, or determined by humans rather than nature. Physical features may also be shown on political maps. Nonsubject areas are usually set apart by a different color.

Thematic maps emphasize a single idea or a particular kind of information. Qualitative maps show information related to a specific idea. Flow-line maps illustrate the movement of people, animals, goods, and ideas, as well as physical processes.

3. identifying desert areas of South Asia

Geographic Information Systems (page 15)

Which of the following are true about using GIS to make maps? a. many types of data can be shown b. GIS data sources are always accurate c. maps can be revised easily as new data is collected

Most modern geographers use computers with software programs called geographic information systems (GIS) to make maps. A GIS accepts data from different sources--maps, satellite images, printed text, and statistics--and converts the data into digital code, which arranges it in a database. With GIS, each kind of information on a map is saved as a separate electronic layer. Cartographers use GIS to make maps and change them quickly and easily.

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Chapter 1, Section 1


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