00Geography 312/1,312/2 BURETI JOINT EVALUATION TEST Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) 312/1 GEOGRAPHY PAPER 1 2 ? hours SECTION A Answer ALL questions in this section 1.Explain the two relationships between geography and physics.(4 marks)2.State five proofs that the earth is spherical.(5 marks)3.a) What is an air mass.(2 marks)b) Give four characteristics of the intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ)(4 marks)4.a) Differentiate between hot springs and geysers.(2 marks)b) State three ways by which calderas may be formed.(3 marks)5.a) What is green house effect.(2 marks)b) Give three gases contributing to green house effect.(3 marks)SECTION BAnswer question 6 and ANY OTHER TWO questions in this section6.a) Study the map of Busia 1:50,000 (sheet 101/1) provided and answer the following questions.i) What is the title of the map?(1 mark)ii)Give the height of the highest point in the area covered by the map.(2 marks)iii) Calculate the latitudinal extend of the area covered by the map.(2 marks)iv) Identify three human made features on grid square 3836.(3 marks)b) Citing evidence, give three economic activities carried out in the area covered by the map.(3 marks)c) Explain four reasons why the region to the west of easting 27 is densely settled.(8 marks)d) Describe the drainage of the area covered by the map.(6 marks)7.a) Differentiate between river capture and river rejuvenation(2 marks)b) i) State three factors which facilitate river erosion.(3 marks)ii) Name two types of deltas(2 marks)c) With the aid of well labelled diagrams, describe how ox-bow lakes are formed.(8 marks)d) i) What are rivers braids.(2 marks)ii) Describe four processes through which a river transports its load.(8 marks)8.a) What is natural vegetation?(2 marks)b) i) Give the type of grassland vegetation found in the following countries.-New Zealand-Argentina-South Africa.ii) Describe the characteristics of tropical rainforests vegetation.(6 marks)c)Explain four uses of mountain vegetation.(8 marks)d)You are to carry out a field study on the forest vegetation around Mau region.i) State two reasons why6 it is necessary to have route map.(2 marks)ii) Give two reasons why you need a tape measure.(2 marks)iii) Identify two challenges you might encounter during the course of the field study.(2 marks)9.a)i) What is a soil.(2 marks)ii) Give three components of soil.(3 marks)b)The diagram below shows different layers of soil. use it to answer question b(i), (ii), (iii)A B C D i) Name the soil layers B,C,.D(3 marks)ii) Give two main processes of soil formation which takes place in horizon A.(2 marks)iii) State four characteristics of soil in horizon B.(4 marks)c)Explain how the following helps in maintenance of soil fertility and quality.- Crop rotation(2 marks)- Mixed farming(2 marks)- Bush fallowing(2 marks)d)State five significance of soils to human activities.(5 marks)10.a)What is a lake.(2 marks)b)i) Name two saline lakes within the Rift valley of Kenya.(2 marks)ii) Explain four reasons why some lakes within the R.Valley have fresh water.(8 marks)c)Explain three negative significance of lakes to human activities.(6 marks)d)Form three students of Butuk secondary school carried out a field study around lake Victoria .i) Name the type of breeze they most likely experienced.(1 mark)ii) Give two economic activitiesiii) State two methods they used in recording data.(2 marks)Page | 28100Geography 312/1,312/2 BURETI JOINT EVALUATION TEST Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) 312/2 GEOGRAPHY PAPER 2 2 ? hours SECTION A Answer ALL questions in this section. 1.a) Name two ports through which some minerals mined in East Africa are exported.(2 marks)b) State three ways in which mining derelicts can be reclaimed.(3 marks)2.a) What is biogas?(2 marks)b) State three advantages of Uranium as a source of power.(3 marks)3.a) State three reasons why the Northern part of Kenya is sparsely populated.(3 marks)b) Give two types of information that can be obtained from a population pyramid.(2 marks)4.a) What is urbanisation?(2 marks)b) State three factors that favoured the growth of Eldoret town.(3 marks)5.a) Define horticulture.(2 marks)b) List three characteristics of horticulture.(3 marks)SECTION BAnswer question 6 and any OTHER TWO questions in this section.6.The data given shows world cocoa production from West African countries.CountryPercentageGhana26.1Nigeria24.9Cameroon18.2Cote d'Ivoire11.6Others19.2a)Draw a pie chart to represent the data. Show your calculations.(6 marks)b)List two advantages of using a pie chart to represent data.(2 marks)c)i)Name two ports through which Ghana exports its cocoa.(2 marks)ii)State three physical conditions that favour the production of cocoa in Ghana.(3 marks)d)i)Describe the growing of cocoa under the following sub headings.Cultivation.(3 marks)Harvesting and processing.(4 marks)ii)Give five problems facing cocoa growing in Ghana(5 marks)7.a)i)Name three agricultural non food processing industries in Kenya.ii) State four ways in which Kenya has benefited from the motor vehicles industry.(4 marks)b)Explain three problems arising from industrialization in Kenya.(6 marks)c)Explain three factors that favoured the establishment of the electronics industry in Japan.(6 marks)d)You intend to carry out a field study on Jua Kali industries in your local market.i)State two reasons why it will be necessary for you to visit the area of study in advance.(2 marks)ii) For your field study, you have prepared a work schedule. State two items you could include in the schedule.(2 marks)iii) Give two advantages of studying Jua Kali industries through field study.(2 marks)8.a)i)Define the term energy.(2 marks)ii) Identify the type of energy from the following sources.a) sun(1 mark)b) uranium(1 mark)c) wind(1 mark)b)The diagram below shows the location of Hydro electric power stations in Kenya. Use it to answer questions below.Mt. Kenya JHKiambereGFPage | 282Geography 312/1,312/2 i)Name the HEP projects F, G, H.(3 marks)ii) Name the proposed dam and power station marked J.(1 mark)c)i)Explain three benefits of hydro electric power projects to the economies of the East African countries. (6 marks)ii) Explain two physical factors that have influenced the location of the owen falls hydroelectric power project inUganda.(4 marks)iii) Apart from Owen falls dam, name two other hydroelectric power projects in Uganda.(2 marks)d)Your geography class intends to carry out a field study at Olkaria geothermal power plant.i)State two objectives of your study.(2 marks)ii) What two follow-up activities are they likely to engage in after the study.(2 marks)9.a)i)Apart from draining swamps, give two other methods through which land has been reclaimed in Kenya.(2 marks)ii) Give two methods that are used to drain swamps in Kenya.(2 marks)b)i)Name two rivers that supply water to the Mwea irrigation scheme(2 marks)ii) Explain how the following factors influenced the establishment of Mwea irrigation scheme.-Topography(2 marks)-Soils(2 marks)-Population(2 marks)-Government policy(2 marks)c)i)Name three areas that make up the Zuider zee reclamation project in the Netherlands.(3 marks)ii) Explain four differences between reclamation in Kenya and the Netherlands.(8 marks)10.a)i)Differentiate between a settlement pattern and a settlement.(2 marks)ii) Apart from dispersed and nucleated settlement, name two other types of settlements.(2 marks)b) State three factors that may lead to :i)Nucleated settlement(3 marks)ii) Dispersed settlement.(3 marks)c)i)State three characteristics of the Central Business District.(3 marks)ii) Explain three problems Mombasa faces as it grows.(6 marks)d)With relevant examples, state six functions of New York city.(6 marks)Page | 28300Geography 312/1,312/2 BURETI SUB COUNTY JOINT EVALUATION TEST Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education 312/1 GEOGRAPHY PAPER rmation obtained by geographysicists about theEarth?s magnetic fields, gravity and vibration of the earth helps geographers in understanding the causes and effects of earthquakes.-Physics deals with aspects of matter, energy, light, heat,sound gravity and magnetism, similarly geography while studying the atmosphere focuses on the heat from the sun, which is responsible for the movement of air, evaporation of water and distribution of moisture in the atmosphere.2.Five proofs that the earth is spherical-Circumnavigation of earth along a straight path leads oneto the starting point from opposite direction.-The gradual emergence of a ship approaching the shore.-The circular shadow cast by the earth during lunareclipse.-The different times during which the sun rises and sets indifferent parts of the world-The appearance of the middle pole to be relatively higherthan other poles placed along a straight line on level ground at equal distance.-The earth is planet and all other planets are spherical-The circular shape of earth seen on photograph takenfrom satellites in the outer space.3.a) An air mass is a large volume of air whosetemperature and humidity are fairly uniform and which covers an extensive surface area.b) Four characteristics of ITCZ-High humidity-High rainfall-High temperature-Low pressure-The belt where trade winds converge-Shifts North or South of the equator with the apparentmovement of overhead sun.4.a) Hotsprings are places where hot water comes out ofthe ground silently whereas geysers are jets of hot water or steam and gases ejected explosively from holes of fissure on the ground.b) Three ways by which calderas may be formed-Cauldron or block subsidence.-Violent explosion-Outward collapsing5.a) Greenhouse effect is a naturally occurring process thataids in heating the earth fissure and the atmosphere. b) Carbon dioxideChlorofluorocarbonMethaneNitrous oxideOzone6.a) i) The title of the map is Busiaii)The height of the highest point isiii) Latitudinal extent is to 00151N to 00271811Niv) All weather road loose surface settlementOther tracks and foot pathsb) Cotton growing evidence cotton store-Transport evidence by all-weather road loose surface,other tracks and foot paths, main tracks (motorable) -Trade evidence by markersc)Explaining four reasons why the region to the West ofEasting 27 is densely settled.-There are many transport lines e.g. all weather roadloose surfaces for the easy movement of goods and services hence dense settlement-There are many rivers which provide water for domesticuse as evidence by the many streams and seasonal swamps hence dense settlement-Gentle slopes as evidenced by spaced contours provideideal situation for the construction of houses/settlement -High rainfall as evidenced by the many permanent riversis ideal for crop growing / other economic activities. d) Describing the drainage of the area covered by the map-There are many rives-The main river is Sio-Most rivers are permanent-Most rivers in the East flow towards the West/River inNorth flow towards the South.-River Sio and its tributaries form dendritic drainagepattern / most rivers exhibit dendritic pattern. -there are many seasons swamps-there are many reservoirs-some rivers in the East drain to the swamps.7.a) A river capture is the diversion of the headwater of aweak river into the system of a stronger adjacent river whereas river rejuvenation is the renewal of the erosive power of a river.b) i) Three factors facilitating river erosion-steep gradient of the rive valley / high velocity of theriver.-high volume of water-Soft river bedrock-High/huge amount of load / large amount of loadii) Two types of deltas-Arcuate delta-Birds foot delta-Estuarine delta-Inland deltac)depositionErosionThe river begins to meander on the flood plain.depositionnec kof land na rrowsErosion Page | 28400Geography 312/1,312/2-Intense lateral erosion takes place on the outer bank(concave) forming a bluff.-Deposition takes place on the inner bank (convex)-The land between the two concave banks is narrowedalluriall / depositsOx-bow lakeRiver-The two concave banks join causing the river to take ashort cut.-The cuts are completely off the rest of the river forminga meander cut off called ox-bow lake.d) i) River braids are network of diverging and converting shallow channels along a river course.ii) Describing four processes through which a river transports its load.-Suspension light and insoluble materials are transportedas they float on the surface of water-Saltation- medium sizes/large load are bounced andmoved by water in series of hops and jump-Solution- load is dissolved in water and transporteddownstream.-Traction- heavy load like boulders are dragged androlled along the river bed by hydraulic action or force of gravity8.a) Natural vegetation- is the plant cover that exists on itsown in an area without the interference of external modifying influences like people and animals.b) i) types of grasslands in the following countries -Newzealand - Drowns-Argentina -pampas-South Africa-Veldt/veldii) Describing the characteristics of tropical rainforest. -Has three distinct canopies (layers)-Trees have buttress roots-The middle canopy consists of taller trees, lianas, ferns-Lowest canopy consists of stunted trees-Top canopy, trees have straight trunks and arehardwoods.-Types of trees are: rosewood, ironwood, greenheart,ebony, mahogany,sepele.-Most trees have evergreen broadleaves-Trees shed their leaves.c) Explaining four uses of mountain vegetation-On the slopes of mountains grazing is carried.-The forest are habitat for wild animals such as elephants-Alphine meadows are used as summer pasture foranimals-The forest provide timber for building and construction-The vegetation in the mountain forests is used forresearch.-Mountain forest act as water catchment areas.d) i)-Identifying the direction I would take-Estimating the distance to be covered-Estimating the time likely to take-Planning schedule of activities-Identifying the location of different tree types.ii)-Need for tape measure-To measure the height of trees.-To measure the width and length of identified area of theforests/area of the section identifiediii) Challenges-Attack by wild animals-Bad weather eg rain-Difficulty in penetrating the forest-Difficulty in climbing tall trees (measuring)9.i) Soil is the uppermost surface layer of loose orunconsolidated mater4ial which overlies the crustal rocks and on which plants grow.ii) Three components of soils-air/gases-Water/moisture-Organic matter/humus-Inorganic matter/mineralsb) i) Soil layersB -subsoilC- Weathered parent materialD- Bedrockii) Eluviation-Leachingiii) Characteristics of soil in horizon B-Consists of mainly of silicate clays, aluminium and iron-Calcium carbonate/gysum present-Made up of hard pan (laterite)-Soils are prismatic/columnar-Is a zone of illuviation / zone of enrichment?-Soil is generally dark in colour.c) Explaining how the following helps in maintenance of soil fertility and quality.-Crop rotation - growing of different types of crops onthe same piece of land prevent soil exhaustion since different crops require different nutrients from the soil hence soil fertility is improved.-Mixed farming - keeping of animals and growing ofcrops in the same piece of land improves the fertility of the soil. this is because manure from animals is used to enrich the soil with minerals.-Bush fallowing - when land is cultivated for some timeand left to rest for a given period it improves the quality of soil in that of the land regains its fertility during a period of rest.d)State five uses of soil to human activities.-Soils are used in building and construction-Some soil types are used as raw materials for pottery/ceramics/bricks /tiles-Soils are used for agriculture-Some soil types are sources of valuable minerals-Some soils are mixed with herbs and sold for medicinalpurposes.-Some soils are directly used as food (salts)10.a) A lake is a large mass of water in a depressionb) i) Two saline lakes within the R. Valley of Kenya. -Lake Magadi-Lake Nakuru-Lake Bogoria-Lake Elementaitaii) Explain four reasons why some lakes within the R. Valley are fresh water lakes Page | 285Geography 312/1,312/2-Some lakes are fed by fresh water rivers which dilutesthe concentration of salt hence making the lake fresh -Some lakes are situated in high rainfall areas whichincreases the amount of fresh water in the lake making them fresh.-Some lakes have underground drainage reducing theconcentration of the salt in the lake making the lake fresh water reservoir-Some lakes are situated in areas of low temperatures thuslow rate of evaporation making the lake water fresh. -Some lakes have surface outlets through which excesssalt deposits are carried away thus making the lake fresh water lake.c) Explain three negative significance of lakes to human activities.-High rainfall may cause a lake to flood neighbouringshore land leading to loss of life and destruction of property/displacement of settlement-Fresh water lakes are habitat for disease vectors eg.Mosquitoes and snail that cause malaria and Bilharzia respectively.-The presence of a lake may make construction of roadsand railway line difficult/ expensive since it has to follow along the course.d) i) Sea breezeii) FishingTransportTourismiii)-Taking photographs / video taping /tape recording.-Field sketching/drawing maps-Note taking-Filling in questionnaire-Tallying-Tabulatingiv) Challenges-Water hyacinth covering the surface of water-Difficulty in transport due to water weed.-Water pollution due to motor vehicles washing/industrialwaste. Page | 28600Geography 312/1,312/2 BURETI SUB COUNTY JOINT EVALUATION TEST Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education 312/2 GEOGRAPHY PAPER 21.a) Ports through which minerals pass.-Mombasa-Dar-es-Salaam-Tangaany 2 × 1 = 2 marksb) Three ways of reclaiming derelicts land.-Planting trees.-Creating a park to attract tourists.-Introducing aquaculture.-Refilling the holes.-Landscaping for settlement or farming.any 3 × 1 = 32.a) What is biogas - Biogas is a combustible gas comprising of methane and carbon dioxide gas which is generated by fermentation of biomass.any 1 × 2 = 2 b) Three advantages of Uranium-Generates a large amount of energy / has high calorificvalue.-The power is free from pollution-Reliable source of energy due to its long lasting supply.-Practised near urban centres-Farms are usually small-Labour intensive-Export - oriented.any 3 × 1 = 3 marksSection B6.a) Pie chart.World production of cocoa, beans by West countries in percentage .Country%Ghana26.1Nigeria24.9Cameroon18.2Cote d'Ivoire11.6Others19.2Calculations of the degrees of the various segments.26 13.a) Three reasons for sparse population.-Low rainfall / it is dry.-Thin / poor soils unsuitable for agriculture.-Scanty vegetation to support livestock.-Rugged terrain unsuitable for settlement.-Insecurity.-Inaccessibility / remoteness. any 3 × 1 = 3 marksb) Two types of information from pyramid.-Size of the population-Population by age-Composition by sex.-Dependant ratio-Sex ratio / proportion of male to female-Different age cohorts/age groups.any 2 × 1 = 210024 9100 18 2100 11 6100 19 2100? 360 ? ? 93 96 ?? 360 ? ? 89 64 ?? 360 ? ? 65 52 ?? 360 ? ? 41 76 ?? 360 ? ? 69 12 ?marks4.a) What is urbanization?-It is the process through which towns and cities grownin number and size.üü-OR A process through which a population istransformed form rural based agricultural lifestyle to town based non- agricultural lifestyle.üü-OR A process whereby an increasing population of thetotal population in a country settles in towns.b) Three factors for Eldoret-Cool and wet climate ideal for settlement-Fertile volcanic soils for agriculture.-Well developed transport network-Serves a rich agricultural hinterland-Strategic location along the Nairobi - Kampala truckroad.-Close proximity to Uganda and Southern Sudan isConducive to the growth of export trade.-Has a rapidly expanding urban population.any 3 × 1 = 35.a) Horticulture is the intensive cultivation of vegetables, fruits and flowers for sale.any 1 × 2 = 2 marksb) Three characteristics of horticulture.-Advanced methods of crop production as employed.-The produce is capital intensive.-An efficient transport system.-Land is intensively cultivated.-Forms one well linked to urban areas.OthersGhanaCoted’ivoireCameroonNigeriaPie chart showing World production of cocoa beans by West African countries.b)Two advantages of a piechart-Easy to draw / construct-Easy to read / interpret-Gives clear visual impression.-Can be used to show a wide variety of data.c)i)Ports - Tema- Takoradiii) Three physic conditions for cocoa.- High temperatures / 24°C - 30°C- High rainfall / 1100mm - 2000mm well distributed throughout the year- High humidity / 75% - 80%- Deep well drained fertile volcanic soils- Protection from strong winds- Plenty of sunshine for ripening of pods.- Low altitude / 700m above sea levelany 3 × 1 = 3 Page | 287Geography 312/1,312/2d)i)Cultivation-Cocoa is grown on plantations and small farms.-Plants is propagated from seed and does better in forestconditions.-Trees are planted about four metres apart.-No prunning is done-Weeding and manuring is clone.any 3 × 1 = 3 marksHarvesting and processing-The ripe pods are removed from the trunk and branchesusing a long sharp knife.-Pods are collected and pilled at a central place.-Pods are then split open with sharp knives.-The beans are then scooped out.-The beans are put in heaps and placed on mats toferment for 5 - 6 days.-Fermented beans are washed and cleaned.-Beans are spread on tables to dry in the hot sun.-The beans are turned over frequently as they dry andturn brown.-Dry beans are put in sacks and sent to market or buyingcentres. At the centre the beans are weighed, graded ready for export.ii)Five problems faced by Cocoa-Fluctuation of prices in the world market.-Strong harmattan winds blowing from the Sahara desertdestroy the pods.-Poor feeder roads making it difficult to transport thebeans.-Pest like capsid bug / diseases like black pod attack anddestroy the cocoa pods.-Low domestic prices discourage the farmers.-Inadequate labour during harvesting period.-Migration of farmers to towns or mining areas for betterpay. any 5 × 1 = 5 marks7.a)Three agricultural non-food industries.-Tobacco processing.-Footwear making-Bees wax processing-Sisal processing-Pyrethrum processing.any 3 × 1 = 3 marksii) Four benefits of motor industry-Kenya saves foreign exchange.-Kenya earns foreign exchange through motor vehicleexports.-The industry has created employment opportunities.-The industry has attracted foreign investments.-The industry has led to development of skills amongKenyans-The industry promotes trade links with the neighbouringcountries as Kenya sells motor vehicles to them-The industry has promoted transport sector by availingbuses / lorries / vans / cars.-Kenya earns revenue from taxes, licences.any 4× 1 = 4 marksb)Three problems arising from industrialization-Some industries have led to the displacement of peoplethus disrupting their social üü / economic life.-Concentration of infrastructure and social services in theindustrial towns has created an inbalance in economic development.üü-Industrialization has led to rural-urban migration thathas increased the urban population leading tocongestion üü / shortage of houses / increase in crime. -Some industries emit toxic gases that are harmful topeople üü /wildlife.-Fumes from chemical industries corrode metallic roofsof building hence destroying them.-Careless dispatch / dumping of industrial waste has ledto the degradation of land-Industrial affluent pollute water sources making thewater unfit for human / animal use.any 3 × 2 = 6marksc)Three factors favouring electronics-Advanced technology / highly skilled labour hasincreased efficiency leading to mass production of high quality goods.üü-Highly developed sources of energy provide the powerrequire in the industries.üü-A large population /high purchasing power provides thelocal market.üü-Availability of capital that has enabled entrepreneurs toset up üü / expand the industries.-The ruggedness of the land does not favour agriculturehence more concentration on industrialization. -Well developed transport network has enabled themovement of raw materials to the industries üü / finished products to the market.-Availability of a large external market has led to moreproduction.-Advanced scientific research led to advancedüü /highquality products.-Government emphasis on technical / scientific orientededucation led to rapid development of industries.any 3 × 2 = 6 marksd)i)Two reason for previsit-To determine the likely cost to be incurred during thestudy.-Prepare a work schedule.-To be able to formulate appropriate objectives.-To be able to prepare appropriate data collectionmethods.-To fund out likely problems to be experienced duringthe study.-To determine the appropriate tools for the study.-To be able to prepare a route map.any 2 × 1 = 2marksii)Two items in a work schedule-Time for departure.-Time to spend in the study.-Time for lunch.-Time to end the study. any 2 × 1 = 2 marksTwo advantages of studying Jua Kali industries through field study.-Enables one to get first hand information.-Make learning interesting / breaks classroom monotony.-Makes learning real.-Enables one to share information.-Enables one retain information learnt.-Enables one to apply skills learnt / acquired skills.any 2 × 1 = 2 marks8.a) i) Definition of energy-Energy is the power or fuel needed to run machines üüor assist humanity in production / or ability to do work.any 1 × 2 = 2 marksii) Types of energySun - solar energy1 markUronium - nuclear energy1 markWind - Wind energy.1 mark Page | 288Geography 312/1,312/2b)i)Project markedF Kambura1 markG Gitaru1 markHKindaruma1 markii) J Grand falls1 markc)i)Three benefits of HEP-The H.E.P projects provide electricity used for domesticand industrial purpose.-HEP projects create employment in the power plantswhere they work both as engineers, üü mechanics / drivers enabling them to earn income, hence boasting their standards of living.-HEP projects provide cheap electricity that has led toindustrial development in Kenya, /Uganda and Tanzania providing employment to the jobless.-HEP has led to the development of the communicationsector i.e. hence media that is able to transmitinformation through powered computers, telephones, satellites.-Uganda earns foreign exchange from power / electricityexported to Kenya and other countries that has been used to improve other sectors of the economy.-The countries earn revenue from consumers that hashelped in setting up of other projects. any 3 × 2 = 6 marksii)Two physical factors for Owen falls project-Presence of hard basement rock to provide a strongfoundation for the construction of the dam.ü-Availability of high volume of water on river Nilerequired to drive the turbines.ü-Availability of a natural fall (Owen and murchison falls)which provide a force required to turn the turbines.ü -Presence of a steep gradient on the Owen falls.-A narrow gorge which creates hydro-pressure needed togenerate power.-Presence of lake Victoria which is a natural reservoir,which ensures there is regular and constant supply of water throughout the year. any 2 × 1 = 2 marksiii)Two other projects-Bujagali station.-Murchison fall station.-Buso wako station. any 2 × 1 = 2 marksd)i)Two objectives of study-To find out how geothermal power is generalised atOlkaria.-To find out the source of geothermal energy in Okaria.-To find act the advantages of geothermal energy.-To find out problems encountered in the generation ofgeothermal energy at Okaria. any 2 × 1 = 2 marks ii) Two follow-up activities-Holding class discussion about findings from the field.-Writing a report on data collected from the field.-Displaying photographs, taken in the field-Individual groups giving reports through their leaders.-Displaying a map of Kenya showing the location ofOlkaria.any 2 × 1 = 2 marks9.a) i) Two methods of reclamation-Irrigation-Tsetse fly control-Planting of trees / afforestation-Flood controlany 2 × 1 = 2 marksii) Two methods of swamp drainage-Construction of drainage pipes.-Digging open ditches / canals.-Pumping out water. any 2 × 1 = 2 marksb)i) Two rivers that supply water to Mwea-Thiba River-Nyamindi river-Murubaru river.any 2 × 1 = 2 marksii)Factors influencing establishment of Mwea irrigationschemeTopography-The gently slopping / undurating land makes it possiblefor water to flow by gravity onto / out of the irrigated land.-The gently slopping land allows for mechanizationwhich allows large areas to be put under cultivation.any 1 × 2 = 2 marksSoils-Presence of black cotton soil which retains water for along time suitable for cultivation of rice. any 1 × 2 = 2 marksPopulation-The area was originally sparsely populated whichenabled large areas to be put under cultivation üü / very few people were displaced thus it as cheaper to start the scheme. any 1 × 2 = 2 marksGovernment policyThere was need to keep political detainees busy / use them to provide free labour. This made the colonial government to set up Mwea where scheme there was alarge detention camp. any 1 × 2 = 2 marks c) i) Three areas of Zuider zee project-North Eastern folder-South Flavoland-East flavoland-Markerward-Wie ringer meer polder. any 3 × 1 = 3 marksii) Four differences between land reclamation in Kenya and Netherlands.-In Kenya the reclaimed land is relatively small whileareas reclaimed in the Netherlands are large. -In Kenya irrigation is used as a means of reclaimingdry areas while irrigation in the Netherlands is used to lower salinity of the soil in reclaimed lands. -In Kenya simple methods like digging canals ditches todrain water from the land while in the Netherlands highly advanced methods like draining land from the sea/ creating a polder are used.-In Kenya dykes are used to control water floods whilein the Netherlands dykes protect the reclaimed land from invasion by the sea.-In Kenya land is reclaimed from marginal areas andswamps while in the Netherlands it is from the sea. -Drought resistant crops are planted in marginal areaswhile in the Netherlands hardy crops lie oats, barley are planted in the polders.-In Kenya there is low market for irrigated crops while inthe Netherlands there is a large market for irrigated crops.any 4 × 2 = 8 marks Comparison must be complete to score.10.a) i) Differentiate between a settlement pattern and settlement.-A settlement pattern is an arrangement or layout ofdwellings in a particular place while settlement is a place with houses where people live. any 1 × 2 = 2 Page | 289Geography 312/1,312/2marksii) Two types of settlements-Linear settlement.-Radial settlement.any 2 × 1 = 2 marksb)Three factors that may lead toi)Nucleated settlement-availability of social amenities like schools and healthcentres.-Presence of an industrial plant or natural resources suchas minerals.-limitations of building land leading to clustering ofdwellings in one place.-Security concerns e.g. banditry.-Zones prone to cattle rustling, so people stay in oneplace for security reasons.any 3 × 1 = 3 marksii) Dispersed settlement-Availability of big land for cultivation-Availability of evenly distributed water resources.-Good security over a wide area.-Dry climate that leads to dispersed settlement pattern.any 3 × 1 = 3 marksc)i)Three characteristics of the CBD-High population during the day and low populationduring the night.-Land values are very high compared to other functionalzones.-Accommodates very tall buildings most of which areoffice blocks and shops.-Heavy traffic during clay time.-Roads converge on the CBD - focus of transport andcommunication.any 3 × 1 = 3 marksii)Three problems Mombasa faces.-Limited space for expansion on the Island which hasresulted into expansion of the town towards the mainland. üü-Inadequate housing facilities that has led to the growthof slums üü / informal settlements.-Congestion and traffic jams on the roads as the streetsare narrow.-Unemployment resulting in increase crimeü ü / a socialevils.-Pressure on available social amenities due to growingpopulation. any 3 × 2 = 6 marksd)Six functions of New York-Industrial centre - major industries such as heavyindustry, shop building.-International centre - headquarters for United Nation,World Bank and IMF-Residential centre - Numerous houses.-Educational centre - Several schools, colleges anduniversities.-Financial and trade centre - Wold Bank and IMF.-Transport and communication - John F. KennedyAirport Road, rails and water transport.-Recreational and cultural centre - night clubs cinemahalls, social halls parks.-Religious centre - Churches, mosques and Jewishsynagogues.-Sea port - international sea port which is very busy.any 6 × 1 = 6 marks Page | 29000Geography 312/1,312/2 RAISMARADE JOINT EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education GEOGRAPHY Paper 1 2 ? hours SECTION A (25 MARKS) Answer all the questions in this section 1.(a) What is the difference between a meteor and a meteorite.(2 marks)(b) State three effects of earth?s revolution.(3 marks)2.(a) Name two features that result from fissure eruption.(2 marks)(b) State three Negative effects of volcanic activity in Kenya.(3 marks)3.(a) Give three processes that lead to formation of lakes.(3 marks)(b) State two reasons why Lake Naivasha is fresh.(2marks)4.(a) Identify the two characteristics of ocean water.(2marks)(b) Mention three types of tides.(3marks)5.The diagram below shows some features found in a desert landscape. Use it to answer the following questions.LLLLMN(a) Identify the landscape shown in the diagram.(2 marks)(b) Name the features marked L, M and N(3 marks)SECTION BAnswer Question 6 and any other two questions from this section.6.Study the map of BUSIA 1:50,000 (sheet 101/1) provided and answer the following questions.(a) i) Identify three physical features at grid square 3247(3 marks)(ii) What was the magnetic variation as at 1995?(1 mark)(b) (i) Measure the distance of the all-weather road loose surface marked B 8/3 from the junction at BumalaSouthwards. (Give your answer in kilometers.(2marks)(ii) Calculate the area of the land south of the regional boundary in the area covered by the map.(2marks)(iii) What is the bearing of the air photo principal marked 63 from air photo principal marked 10.(2marks)(c) (i) Using a vertical scale of 1 cm rep 20m, draw a cross section from grid reference 240330 to 320330 .(3marks)(ii) On it locate the following:a. All weather Road loose surface(1mark)b. A River(1mark)c. Conical hill(1 mark)iii) Calculate the vertical exaggeration of the cross section.(1 mark)(d) Describe the drainage in the area covered by the map.(5 marks)(e) Citing evidence from the map, identify three economic activities carried out in the area covered by the map.(3marks)7.(a) i) Distinguish between minerals and rocks .(2 marks)(ii) List three characteristics of minerals.(3 marks)(b)Describe the formation of coral rocks.(4 marks)(c)Explain four Ways in which sedimentary rocks are significant to the Kenyan Economy.(8 marks)(d) Students of Tuk Jowi Girls were to study the rocks around their school.Page | 29100Geography 312/1,312/2 (i) Identify two methods they would use to classify the rocks around their school.(2 marks)(ii) Identify three Follow up activities they would engage in.(3 marks)(iii) Give three advantages of studying rocks through field work.(3 marks)8.(a) (i) What is folding?(1 mark)(ii) Apart from recumbent fold, name two other types of folds.(2 marks)(b) With the aid of labeled diagrams, describe how Fold Mountains are formed.(10 marks)(c) The map below shows the location of some mountain ranges.Name the ranges marked P, Q, R and S.(4 marks)(d) Explain four ways in which Fold Mountains influences climate.(8 marks)9.(a)(i) Define hydrological cycle.(2 marks)(ii) Draw a well labeled diagram of hydrological cycle.(6 marks)(b)(i) Identify three types of river erosion.(3marks)(ii) State three factors that affect the rate of river erosion.(3 marks)(c)Describe two processes through which a river transports its load.(4 marks)(d) i) Explain two causes of river rejuvenation .(4 marks)(ii) Give three features resulting from river rejuvenation(3 marks)(a)(i)What is soil.(2 marks)(ii Name the three major components of soil.(3 marks)(iii) State three major characteristics of black cotton soil(3 marks)(b) Explain how the following factors influence the formation of soil.i. Living organism(3 marks)ii.N ature of parent rock(3 marks)(iii)Topography(3 marks)(c) (i) Differentiate between leaching and soil degeneration(2 marks)(ii) Explain three ways in which human activities contribute to soil erosion(6 marks) Page | 29200Geography 312/1,312/2 RAISMARADE JOINT EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education GEOGRAPHY Paper 2 March/April, 2016 2 ? hours SECTION A: (COMPULSORY): (25 MARKS) Answer all questions in this section: 1.(a) Define Economic Geography(2marks)(b) Give three natural economic factors of production exploited by man(3marks)2.(a) Apart from HIV and AIDs, give three other causes of high mortality in East Africa.(3marks)(b) State two ways in which the spread of HIV and AIDs in Kenya may slow down economic developments.(2marks)3.(a) Name three forest reserves in Kenya.(3marks)(b) State three characteristics of Equatorial rainforests.(3marks)4.(a) What is an environmental hazard?(2marks)(b) Name three environmental hazards.(3marks)5.(a) State two social factors influencing agriculture in Kenya.(2marks)(b) Give two benefits out-growers sugar cane farmers got from large plantation sugar cane in Kenya.(2marks)SECTION B.Answer quesition 6 compulsory and other two questions from this section6.The table below shows crop production from Kenya in millions of kilograms between 2000 and 2003. Use it to answerquestions that follow.Crop2000200120022003Tea15,00030,00025,00020,000Coffee10,0009,5005,0004,000Horticulture20,00025,00030,00035,000Tobacco2,00040005,0009,000Total47,00068,50065,00068,000(a) Comment on the trend of tea and coffee production.(3marks)(b) i) Using a vertical scale of 1cm to rep. 5000 million kilograms, draw cumulative bar graphs to represent the data.(8marks)(ii) Give the two advantages of using the cumulative bar graphs to represent such data.(c) i) State four physical conditions that favour tea growing in Kenya.(3marks)(ii) Outline three problem experienced by small scale tea growers in Kenya.(3marks)(d) Describe the stages involved in the processing of tea from harvesting to export (marketing).(6marks)7.The map below shows some of the major world fishing grounds. Use it to answer questions (a) and (b)(a) Name the countries marked P and Q.(2marks)(b) Explain how the following conditions favour fishing in the shaded grounds.(i) Identified coastline.(2marks)(ii) Wide - shallow continental shelf.(2marks)(c) (i) Differentiate between fishing and fisheries.(2marks)(ii) State three conditions favouring the development of plankton.(3marks)(d) Explain three factors favouring fishing in Japan.(6marks)(e)(i) Give three reasons why the Kenyan government is encouraging fish farming.(4marks)(ii) Explain two problems facing marine fishing in Kenya.(4marks)8.(a) i) Define forestry.(2marks)(ii) Give four reasons why Agro-forestry is encouraged in Kenya.(4marks)Page | 29300Geography 312/1,312/2 (b) Use the Map of Kenya below to answer questions bi & ii. (i) Name the forest reserves marked H, J and K.(3marks)(ii) Explain four factors that favour the growth of natural forest in area marked. L.(5marks)(c) Explain problems facing forestry in Kenya.(8marks)9.Identify two methods of underground mining.(2marks)(i) State three formations in which mineral Ore occur.(3marks)(b) (i) Name the mineral type which was discovered recently in Northern Kenya.(1mark)(ii) State four positive effects that Kenya is likely to benefit from the mineral named in b(i) above.(4marks)(f) (i) Give two reasons why oil refineries are sited along the coasts.(2marks)(ii) Give any two by-products obtained when refining crude oil.(2marks)(g)(i) Explain three negative effects of mining on the environment.(6marks)(ii) State two problems facing mining industry in Kenya.(2marks)10.(a) i) What is a population Island.(2marks)(ii) Name two places in Kenya where a population Island could be identified.(2marks)(b) i) State four reasons for the high population density in Central Kenya.(2marks)(iii) State two factors which have contributed to the decline in infant mortality in Kenya.(2marks)(iv) The pyramid below represents the population structure of a country. Use it to answer question (c)(i) Name a country whose type of population structure is represented by the pyramid above.(1mark)(ii) Describe the characteristics of the population represented by the pyramid.(4marks)(d) Explain three problems which result from the high population growth rate in the third world countries.(6marks)(h) Explain how the following factors have led to the population increase in Kenya.(i) Early marriages.(2marks)(ii) Cultural beliefs(2marks)Page | 294Geography 312/1,312/2 RAISMARADE JOINT EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL GEOGRAPHY PAPER ONE MARKING SCHEME SECTION A (25 MARKS) 1.(a) What is the difference between a meteor and a meteorite.(2marks)Meteor -is a streak of light seen in the sky in a clear night and occurs as a result of meteoroid burning as it enters earth?s atmosphere while a Meteorite is a meteoroid which has not completely burnt up and manages to reach the earth?s surface. (b) State three effects of earth?s revolution(3 marks)? Revolution Causes the four seasons - summer, autumn, winter and spring ? Revolution Causes changes in the position of the midday sun at different times of the year ? Revolution Causes varying lengths of day and night at different times of the year ? Revolution Cause the lunar eclipse 2.(a) Name two features that result from fissure eruption(2 marks)? Lava plateau ? Tuff plateau (b) State three Negative effects of volcanic activity in Kenya.(3 marks)? Some volcanic features form barriers which make construction of roads and railway lines expensive. ? The rugged nature of the volcanic landscapes in some places makes settlement and agriculture difficult. ? The recent lava flows have poorly developed soils which are unsuitable for agriculture. ? Volcanic mountains create a rain - shadow effect which results into aridity on their leeward sides. ? Volcanic eruptions in some places produce gases which pollute the environment and pause a danger to life. 3(a ) Give three processes that lead to formation of lakes( 3 marks)? Crustal warping √ ? Volcanic activity√ ? Erosion by winds√/rivers/glacier ? Deposition√ by water/ice/rivers ? Human activity√/damming of rivers/excavation ? Faulting√ ? Mass wasting √ ? Weathering√ by solution ? Falling of meteorites √ (b) State two reasons why lake Naivasha is fresh.(2marks? It has surface outlets like rivers through which excess salt deposits are carried out. ? It has underground outlets which drain excess salts. ? it experience low rates of evaporation. ? It is located in an area of high rainfall which keeps water fresh. ? It has regular influx of fresh water from rivers which dilute the salts. 4.(a) Identify the two characteristics of ocean water.(2marks)? Ocean water differs in temperature ? Ocean water differs in salinity ? Ocean water differs in density ? Ocean water differs in topography (b) Mention three types of tides(3marks)? Neap tide ? Spring tide ? Apogean tide ? Perigean tide 5.(a) Identify the landscape shown in the diagram.(2 marks)Inland Drainage basin in a desert landscape(b) Name the features marked L, M and N(3 marks)L-BajadaM -PlayaN-Seasonal StreamSECTION BAnswer Question 6 and any other two questions from this section6. Study the map of BUSIA 1:50,000 (sheet 101/1) provided and answer the following questions.(a) i) Identify three physical features at grid square 3247(3 marks)? River? Seasonal swamp? Vegetation (woodland)(ii) What was the magnetic variation as at 1995.(1 mark)Page | 295Geography 312/1,312/22 0 21?i) Measure the distance of the all-weather road loose surface marked B 8/3 from the junction at Bumala southwards. (Give your answer in kilometers.)(2marks)7.2 km =+ or - 0.1 (ii) Calculate the area of the land south of the regional boundary in the area covered by the map. (2marks) Complete squares=27 Incomplete squares =50 x1/2 =25 +27=52 km 2 _or + 1(iii) What is the bearing of the air photo principal marked 63 from air photo principal marked 10(2 marks)096 0 + or - 10 a) (i) Using a vertical scale of 1 cm rep 20m draw a cross section from grid reference 240330 to 320330 (3 mark) On it locate the following ? All weather Road loose surface(1mark)? A River(1mark)? Conical hill(1 mark)A CROSS SECTION FROM GRID 240330 TO 320330 IN BUSIA MAPTitle=Starting point=End point=Trend=Vertical scale=Features=i)Calculate the vertical exaggeration of the cross section .(1 mark)Vertical scale=1cm rep 20m=1/20 x500/1= x25 or Times 25Horizontal scale1cm rep 50,000 cm(d)Describe the drainage in the area covered by the map.(5 marks)? The area has got several rivers eg r.Sio. ? Most rivers are permanent ? Some rivers are disappearing ? Some rivers drain into swamps ? River sio flows from north east to south west ? The main river is river sio ? There is a reservoir at grid 2047. ? Seasonal swamps in north and north western parts . ? Most rivers form dendritic drainage pattern egr.wakhungu. ? Papyrus swamp in SE/W/along R.Sio. (e) Citing evidence from the map ,identify three economic activities carried out in the area covered by the map. (3marks) ? Trading- evidenced by presence of shops nd market? Transport- evidenced by presence of roads? Cotton farming-evidenced by the presence of cotton store7.(a) i) Distinguish between minerals and rocks .(2 marks)A mineral is an inorganic a solid substance occurring naturally with a definite chemical composition at / beneath the surface of the earth While A rock is a substance made up of a mineral / combination of mineral particle cemented together and forms the solid part of the earth?s crust. (ii) List three characteristics of minerals(3 marks)Minerals have different degree of hardness ? Minerals differ in texture. ? They have lustier ? They have different degree of tenacity. ? Some minerals aggregate into distinct crystal shapes ? Minerals differ in streak. (b )Describe the formation of coral rocks.(4 marks)? Formed from tiny marine organisms called coral polyps which live in colonies in the sea. ? Polyps have an external shell / skeleton made of calcium from the sea water ? When polyps die their hard shells accumulate into a solid rock. ? The rock grows in size due to more colonies of polyps accumulating ? The space between the resulting rocks mass is cemented / filled by calcareous algae (c)Explain four Ways in which sedimentary rocks are significant to the Kenyan Economy.( 8 marks)? Sedimentary rocks found in the lowland parts of Kenya have weathered to produce suitable soils for growing cotton,sugarcane (Agriculture hence boosts the economy)Page | 29600Geography 312/1,312/2 ? Sedimentary rocks are associated with valuable minerals, oil and gas, these fuel are used in industries and homes. (Industrial and domestic users) ? Various salts are obtained from rocks e.g sodaash from L. Magadi which is used in various industries homes. ? Sedimentary rocks are used for building purpose for example limestone is a raw material for manufacture of cement.(builders of stones are used in building and construction industries as raw materials. ? Sedimentary rocks offer good sceneric features for tourists who bring in foreign exchange to a country. (d) Students of Tuk Jowi girls were to study the rocks around their school. (i) Identify two methods they would use to classify the rocks around their school.(2 marks)? According to their mode of formation? According to their age? According to their physical properties(ii) Identify three Follow up activities they would engage in .? Discussing the findings? Writing a report? Displaying photographs? Group presentations? Displaying collected samples(iii) Give three advantages of studying rocks through field work. ? Breaks the monotony of classroom lessons.√? Learners apply theoretical knowledge in real life situations.√ ? Learners appreciate and familiarize with their environment.√ ? Learners learn to improve their skills in making visualjudgment (observation) recording and presenting data.√ ? Field work makes teaching and learning of geographyinteresting.√8.(a) (i) What is folding?Folding is the process of crustal distortion which causes thebending of the rocks of the earth?s crust.(ii) Apart from recumbent fold, name two other types of folds. ? Assymetrical fold? Simple symmetrical fold.? Overfold? Isoclinical fold? Recumbent fold? Anticlinorium and synclinorium complex(b) With the aid of labeled diagrams, describe how Fold Mountainsare formed.(10 marks)? Extensive shallow depressions called geosynclines develop onthe earth?s surface.? Prolonged and extensive erosion occurs on the surroundinghigher grounds.? Sediments are deposited in the geosyncline forming thicklayers.? The weight of the sediments causes subsidence of thegeosyncline leading to accumulation of more sediments togreat thickness.? Further subsidence of the geosyncline triggers offcompressional forces which cause the sediments to fold. ? The folded layers of sediments in the geosyncline are thrustupwards to form fold mountains along the edges of thegeosyncline due to closeness of the source of the forces.(c ) The map below shows the location of some mountain ranges. Namethe ranges marked P, Q, R a(4 marks)P-Andes MountainsQ-ApallachiansR -cape rangesS-Himalayas(d) Explain four ways in which Fold Mountains influences climate. ? Slopes of mountains which face the sun receive directsunshine hence warmer than those which face away. ? Mountain slopes cause the development of anabatic windswhich have cooling effect on the slope. The same effectoccurs where katabatic winds descend the mountain slopes. ? The windward slopes of mountains generally receive higherrainfall than the leeward slopes.? In the mountain valleys as well as in the adjacent lowlands,temperatures inversions occur such that the lower slopes &valleys remain cooler than the higher slopes.? Mountains have an effect on reduction of pressure withincreasing altitude.Any four (4x2=8marks)9.(a)i) Define hydrological cycle.(2 marks)Is the endless circulation of water from the water bodies to theatmosphere and back to the land.??(ii) Draw a well labeled diagram of hydrological cycle.(6 marks)? Clouds - 1 mark? Rain - 1 mark? Percolation/surface run-off/infiltration - 1mark ? Land/ocean/sea/water body - 1 mar? Evapotranspiration/evaporation - 1mark? Condensation- 1 mark? Diagram should be correctly drawn to score b)(i) Identify three types of river erosion (3marks)? Head ward erosion? Vertical erosion? Lateral erosion(ii)State three factors that affect the rate of river erosion.Asmall river carries little water and in turn it carries limitedamount of load while a bigger river has larger volume of Page | 297Geography 312/1,312/2water which increases the ability to erode by corrosion andhydraulic action due to large load.? The steeper the gradient, the faster the water moves and thehigher the rate of erosion.? The nature of the bedrock; resistant bedrock is slowly downcut resulting in a shallow channel. Less resistant bedrocks areeroded faster and the channel deepens fast.? Nature and amount of the load; large hard objects cause moreerosion by corrosion than small softer objects.? A large load leads to more effective erosion than a small loaddepending on the rivers volume and velocity.(c) Describe two processes through which a river transports itsload.(4 marks)Traction √ wThe large and heavy loads of the river are rolled√ D/draggedalong the river bedSaltation √wFairly heavy particles/pebbles are lifted and bounce over shortdistances in a series of hops/jumps √DSuspension √wFine particles such as silt are lifted and maintained within theturbulence of the water √D/ float on the surface of the waterSolution √wSoluble materials/minerals are dissolved√D in the river waterand carried awayWay (w) max 2Description (D) max 2(c) i) Explain two causes of river rejuvenation A fall in sea levelwhich increase the velocity of the river thus increasing theerosive power of the river.? Regional uplift which increase the gradient along the riverscourse and makes the river renew its erosive activity.? Vertical erosion by the river may expose resistant rock whichcreates a knick point thus renewing the rivers erosive power. ? Increase in a rivers discharge due to increased precipitation/river capture causes the river to renew its erosive power. ? Unequal regional subsidence of the land along the river courseincreases the gradient and thus the power of the river to erode. ? Presence of a lake along the river course leads to deposition ofalluvial in the lake as the river flows out of the lake, itserosive power increase.(ii) Give three features resulting from river rejuvenation ? knick point/waterfall? river terraces? incised meanders/in grown or entrenched? river gorges/rejuvenation gorges? valley within a valley? Abandoned meanders10.( a)(i)What is soil.(2 marks)? It is a naturally occurring thin layer of loose/unconsolidatedrock particles of minerals, organic matter and air materialswhich overlies the crustal rocks and on which plants grow (ii) Name the three major components of soil. (3 marks)? Soil water√? Soil air√? Soil organic matter/ humus√? Living organisms√? Soil organic/mineral matter√(iii) State three major characteristics of black cotton soil ? Poorly drained? Small soil particles? Poor humus content? Dark in colour? Sticky? High water holding Capacity(c) Explain how the following factors influence the formation ofsoil.Living organism(3 marks)? Assists in breaking down of rocks through burrowing,ploughing and root penetration.? Influence chemical composition of soil by adding or removingorganic acids and minerals.? Decaying plant and animal matter influence soilfertility/micro-organisms cause both plants and animals todecay into humus, Humus is added to the upper layers ofsoils? Burrowing animals improve soil aeration.Nature of parent rock(3 marks? The nature of the rock influences the rate of weathering/hardrock weather slowly while soft rock weathers fast ? Those that weather fast result to deep soils while those whichweather slowly result to immature soils.? The rock determines the soil texture/large grained soils. forexample volcanic rocks form sand soils which are less fertile. ? The type of minerals in the parent rock are transferred to thesoil during formation. /Mineral composition of parent rockdetermines mineral component of resultant soil. ? Some have simple mineral compounds while others havecompound ones.? Determines the texture of resultant ography(3 marks)? Slopes influence the arrangement of soil down the slope? Some slopes are more exposed to the sun / rain whichinfluences weathering of parent rock / soil formation / aspect ? Gentle slopes encourage formation of deep and fertile soilsdue to deposition /Gentle well-drained slopes are likely todevelop mature and balanced soils. On steep slopes erosion isgreater resulting in immature thin soils? Steep slopes encourage erosion on the top layer of soil thushaving thin soils/slowing down soil formation? Flood plains are saturated with water therefore slows downsoil forming processesWindward slopes are wetter than Leeward slopes hencedifferent soil characteristics.(c ) (i) Differentiate between leaching and soil degeneration(2 marks)Leaching is the process by which soluble mineralssubstances are dissolved in surface runoff that percolate intothe soil hence depositing the minerals within the soil layersOR leaching - is the removal by rain water of soluble mineralmatter in solution from the upper horizon of the soil horizonA) to the lower horizons of the soil while Soil degenerationis the decline in the usefulness of soil resulting from eithersoil mismanagement or environment causes.(ii) Explain three ways in which human activities contribute tosoil erosion(6 marks)? Monocultural / farming activities leads to soil exhaustion thusmaking the soil vulnerable to erosion.? Overstocking reduces vegetation cover, exposing soil toagents of erosion. /Overstocking leads to loosening of soilparticles hence soil is carried easily.? Ploughing up and down a slope provides channels for surfacerun off ,These are enlarged to become gullies.? Deforestation / clearing of vegetation cover exposes soil toagent of erosion.? Cultivation on steep slopes increases soil erosion. ? Cultivation in marginal areas looses the soil resulting in winderosion.? Shifting cultivation and bush following may leave the landunprotected against agents of erosion.? Cutting down of trees exposes the soil to agents of erosion. ? Continuous ploughing weakens the soil structure. ? Overgrazing - exposes Page | 29800Geography 312/1,312/2 THARAKA NORTH & SOUTH JOINT EVALUATION Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education 312/1 GEOGRAPHY Paper 1 July/August 2016 Time: 23/4 Hours SECTION A : (25 MARKS) Answer ALL the questions in this section. 1.a) Name three constituents of the troposphere.(3 marks)b) Name the gas that is found in the stratosphere and state its significance.(2 marks)2.a) What is an avalanche ?(2 marks)b) Identify three glacial erosion features that are found in glaciated highland areas(3 marks)3.a) The diagram below shows a coastal landform. Study it and answer the questions that follow.i) Identify the features marked P and K.(2 marks)ii) Briefly describe how the feature labelled K is formed.(3 marks)4.a) The diagram below represents a landslide. Use it to answer the question below.i) Name the features labelled L, M and P(3 marks)ii)S tudents are intending to carry out field study of the area represented by the diagram above. State two problems they arelikely to experience.(2 marks)5.a) Name the major type of earth movements that occur within the earth crust.(2 marks)b) Describe the origin of continents according to the theory of continental drift.(3 marks)SECTION B:Answer question 6 (compulsory) and any other two questions from this section.6.Study the map of Busia 1: 50000 (sheet 101/1) provided and answer the following questions.a) i) Give the longitudinal extent of the area covered by the map.(2 marks)ii) What is the altitude of the highest point in the area covered by the map.(2 marks)iii) Give the six figure grid reference of the trigonometrical station 101T12.(2 marks)ii) Measure the length of the road C523 from the junction at Nangina to the junction at Odiado.Give your answer in Kms.(2 marks)b) i) Enlarge the area enclosed by eastings 29 and 32 and northings 35 and 38 by 2.(2 marks)ii) On your enlargement, mark and label the following:- a hill(1 mark)- riverline vegetation(1 mark)- all weather road (loose surface)(1 mark)c) Students from a school near Funyula market (grid 2431) carried out a field study on the relief of the surrounding areas.i) State two objectives of their study.(2 marks)ii) Give four reasons why it was important for them to carry out a reconnaissance.(4 marks)iii) Give two evidences from the map to show that the area is dry.(2 marks)d) Describe the drainage of the area covered by the map.(4 marks)7.a) i) What is soil catena ?(2 marks)ii) Draw a well labelled diagram to show the structure of a well-developed soil profile.(5 marks)iii) Describe how laterisation occurs.(3 marks)b) Differentiate between mineralisation and humification in soil formation.(2 marks)c) State three factors that determine the colour of soil.(3 marks)d) i) State four factors that influence soil formation.(4 marks)ii) Explain how the following farming practices cause soil degeneration:- burning(2 marks)- continuous application of fertilizer on farmland.(2 marks)Page | 29900Geography 312/1,312/2 - monoculture(2 marks)8.The diagram below shows s river meander. Use it to answer question (a) below.a) Name the processes that take place at points P and Q.(2 marks)b) Describe how an ox-bow lake is formed.(4 marks)c) i) Differentiate between river capture and river rejuvenation.(2 marks)ii) State three conditions necessary for river capture to occur.(3 marks)iii) Identify two features formed as a result of river rejuvenation.(2 marks)d) i) Name two types of coastal deltas.(2 marks)ii) State four factors that facilitate formation of deltas.(4 marks)e) Explain the significance of rivers to human activities.(6 marks)9.a) The diagram below represents a plant succession in an alphine region. Use it to answer the questions that follow.i) Explain why the region marked 5 has poor vegetation.(6 marks)ii) Differentiate between epiphytes and saprophytes.(2 marks)b) Account for the characteristics of tree vegetation found in region marked 2.(8 marks)c) Suppose you were to carry out a field study on the influence of rainfall on vegetation.i) State two hypothesis for your study.(2 marks)ii) What methods will you use to represent your data?(3 marks)i) During a field study students noted that the area received frontal rainfall.Describe its formation.(4 marks)10. a) Distinguish between a vent and a pipe on a composite volcano.(2 marks)b) The diagram below illustrates a composite volcano. Use it to answer questions (i) and (ii)i) Identify the parts marked A, B and C.(3 marks)ii) Name two examples of above features in East Africa.(2 marks)c) i) Explain two natural causes of earthquakes(4 marks)ii) Explain three effects of earthquakes on urban area.(6 marks)d) The diagram below shows a type of fold. Use it to answer question (a) below.i) Identify the type of fold.(1 mark)ii) Apart from the above fold, state any other two types of folds.(2 marks)iii) Apart from Fold Mountains, name three other features resulting from folding.(3 marks)iv) What is oogenesis?(2 marks)Page | 30000Geography 312/1,312/2 THARAKA NORTH & SOUTH JOINT EVALUATION Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education GEOGRAPHY Paper 2 July/August 2016 Time: 23/4 Hours SECTION A: (25 MARKS) Answer all the questions in this section. 1.a) Name two international airports in Kenya.(2 marks)b) What three benefits would there be if more commuters in urban centres in Kenya used public transport.(3 marks)2.a) List two documents that provide information on population data.(2 marks)b) What information is derived from a population pyramid?(3 marks)3.a) List two traditional (subsistence) methods of fishing.(2 marks)b) Name three commercial fish species caught along the coast of East Africa.(3 marks)4.The diagram below represents the functional zone of an urban centre. Use it to answer question a(i).a) i) Name the zones marked X and Y.(2 marks)ii) State three problems facing Nairobi city.(3 marks)5.a) Apart from windstorms, name two other environmental hazards associated with climatic conditions.(2 marks)b) State three problems caused by windstorms in Kenya.(3 marks)SECTION B:Answer question 6 and any other two questions.6.The table below shows total number of livestock in Kenya in 1986.Type of livestock Number (millionsCattle (excluding dairy cattle)7.0 Dairy cattle2.0 Sheep7.0 Goats8.5 Pigs0.1 Chicken20.0 Total44.6 a) Using a radius of 5cm, draw a pie chart to represent the information given in the table above. (Show your calculations)(7 marks)b) Explain why the population of sheep is higher than that of dairy cattle.(4 marks)c) Explain four ways in which the government of Kenya assists nomadic pastoralist to improve the quality of theirlivestock.(8 marks)d) Explain three factors that favour beef farming in Argentina.(6 marks)7.a) Name two types human settlement.(2 marks)Use the sketch map below to answer question (b)b) Name the settlement pattern marked Q and R.(2 marks)c) i) State three factors that contribute to the emergence of slums in urban centres.(3 marks)ii) Explain how the following urban problems can be solved.- Unemployment(2 marks)- Pollution(2 marks)d) Compare the port of Mombasa and Rotterdam under the following subheadings:- Transport links to the interior(2 marks)- Mechanization of the ports.(2 marks)- Climate experienced at the ports.(2 marks)e) Explain two similarities and two differences between the city of Nairobi and New York City.(8 marks)8.a) i) Apart from uranium, give two other non-renewable sources of energy.(2 marks)Page | 30100Geography 312/1,312/2 ii) State two advantages of using uranium as a source of energy.(2 marks)b) i) What is energy crisis.(2 marks)ii) Highlight two causes of energy crisis.(2 marks)c) Use the map of Africa below to answer the questions c(i)i) Name the dams marked L, M and N.(3 marks)ii) State four ways in which Kenya has benefited from the development of geothermal power.(4 marks)d) i) Explain two benefits that would result from the on-going rural electrification in Kenya.(4 marks)ii) Explain three efforts made by the Kenyan government to reduce the cost of importation of petroleum.(6 marks)9.a) State four physical factors that favour coffee growing in Kenya and Brazil.(4 marks)b) Compare coffee farming in Kenya and Brazil.(6 marks)c) Compare the marketing of coffee in Kenya and Brazil.(6 marks)d) Name three counties where coffee is grown in Kenya.(3 marks)e) Compare the significance of coffee farming to the economies of Kenya and Brazil.(6 marks)10. a) i) Categorise industries into two according to size.(2 marks)ii) Name the following-Two towns in Kenya where milk is processed.(2 marks)-Two towns in Kenya where fruits are canned(2 marks)-One town in Kenya where cement is manufactured(1 mark)b) Explain how the following factors influence the establishment of industries:i) Raw materials(2 marks)ii) Political stability(2 marks)c) Explain five benefits that Kenya will enjoy if it becomes industrialized by the year 2030.(10markd) Explain the role played by middlemen in the cottage industry in India.(4 marks)Page | 30200Geography 312/1,312/2 THARAKA NORTH & SOUTH JOINT EVALUATION GEOGRAPHY Paper 1 July/August 2016 MARKING SCHEME1.a) Name three constituents of the troposphere- elements of weather / weather making constituents - oxygen / life supporting layer- most of the atmospheric water vapour- clouds- dust- pollutantsMark the first three max. 3marksb) Name the gas that is found in the stratosphere and state its significance-- absorbs the ultraviolet radiation fromthe sunmax.2marks2.a) Avalanche - sudden and rapid falling of a mass ofice, sow and detached rock materials downslope under the influence of gravity 2 x 1 = 2marksb)- cirques / corries / croms-aretes-pyramidal peaks-rock basins-U-shaped valleys-hanging valleys-fiords3.a) P -K -2 x 1 = 2marksb) - Tombolo is a low, narrow projection of sand and shingles growing from the land-formed when materials are deposited at the point wherethe long shore drift is broken by a bend in the alignment of-this forms a spit which grows and joins an island to4.a) L -M -P - Talusb) - falling rocks may cause accidents which may result to injuries / death-rocks may accumulate at the road blocking theirpassages-it is difficult to climb and descend the steep scarpduring the stud5.a) - horizontal / l-max. 2marksb)\ - the theory suggest that there was initially one super continent known as Pangaea surrounded by one big ocean known as-later Pangaea broke into two :Laurasia (notherncontinent) and Gondwanaland (southern continent). The two were separated by a narrow ocean known as Tethys -Laurasia split to form North America, Europe and Asiawhile Gondwanaland split to form Africa, South America, India, Australia, New Zealand and AntarcticaSECTION B :6.a i) 34o05?E to 34o15?Eii)1568 metres a.s.liii) 350464iv)5.7 + 0.1kmb)i) On the graph paperii) On the graph paperc)i)- to find out the relief features found in the surrounding-to establish the economic importance of the relieffeatures around the areaii) - to familiarise themselves with the study area -to identify possible problems during the study andsearch for solutions-estimate the cost of study-to help design a work schedule-to determine the most suitable methods of datacollection and recordingiii)- presence of scrub vegetation in the southern partof the area covered by the map-Disappearing rivers in the southern part is a likelyindication that the area receives little rainfall d) - presence of permanent rivers in the area e.g. river Sio -Presence of disappearing rivers particularly in thesouthern part e.g. river wakhungu-Presence of seasonal swamps in the northern part of thearea covered by the map-Rivers around Odiando hill (2833) have a radialdrainage pattern-Presence of a papyrus swamp around grid 2339-River Sio which is the main river in the area flows fromthe north Eastern part of the area covered towards the western part-Main drainage features is river Sio-River Sio and its tributaries form dendritic drainagepatternany 4 x 1= 4marks7.a) i) Soil catena - arrangement of soil along a slopefrom the top to the bottom.ii)@ layeriii) --occurs as a result of rapid chemical-involves the leaching of silica from horizon A tohorizon B. this leaves behind a reddish brown soil rich in iron and aluminiumb) Mineralization - is the biological and chemical breakdown of dead plant tissues by soilmicroorganisms to produce simple organic substances whileHumification - is the process through which organic matter is changed into humusc) - humus content : black / dark brown colour indicates a soil rich in humus Page | 30300Geography 312/1,312/2-drainage : grey colour denotes a poorly drained andwater logged soil-acidity / salinity / soil PH: white colour denotes a soilwith high salts concentrationd)i)- nature of the parent rock material-climatic factors-influence of living organisms-topography-time factorii)- burning - kills soil micro-organisms and robs the soil of organic matter / humus-kills nitrogen fixing bacteria resulting to lack of-continuous application of fertilizer-leads to increased acidity in the soil-this interferes with soil formation micro-organisms likebacteria and fungi thus lowering the level of humus contentMonoculture - results in the crops using alltheminerals that it requires-this creates a deficiency of the mineral in the soil8.a) P - depositionQ - erosionb)- formed as a result of river deposition-its a horse shoe shaped lake formed on the flood pain ofa river-when a river begins to meander, intense lateral erosiontakes place on the outer bank-deposition takes place on the inner bank leading tosealing off of the meander-this forms an ox-box lakemax. 4marksc)i) River capture - is the diversion of the head waters of a less powerful river into the system of a more powerful river in an adjacent valley while / whereas Rejuvenation is renewal / revival of a rivers erosive powermark as a whole. max. 2 marksmustmention while /whereasii) - the two rivers must flow in adjacent valleys- pirate river must be flowing in a wider valley than the misfit- pirate river must have more active headward erosion than the weaker river- pirate river should be flowing at a lower level or lower slope first 3@ 1markiii) - Knick points- river terraces / rejuvenation terraces- incised meanders- rejuvenation gorges mark the first 2max.2marksd) i) - arcuate delta- birds foot delta / digitate- estuarine delta- cuspate deltafirst 2 x 1 = 2marksii)- river must have a large load of sediments- there should be no obstacles like lakes /swamps along the course of a river- river should be flowing slowly upon entering the sea to ensure deposition takes place- rate of removal of sediments by tides and currents should be lower than the rate of deposition of materials by the river9.a)i) Explain why the region marked 5 has poorvegetation- lack of adequate moisture which is important forvegetation growth- there is snow cover which inhibit vegetation growth - the region has bare rock which do not support vegetation- there are strong winds / snow / storm / brizzards which do not favour vegetation growth- the soils are permanently frozen / permafrost which limits the amount of warmth required for vegetation growthii) Differentiate between epiphytes and saprophytes - epiphytes are climbing plant which grow on other trees while saprophytes are plants that grow in dense forests and are devoid of chlorophyllmark as a wholemax. 2marksb) Account for the characteristics of tree vegetation found in region marked 2- trees are evergreen because it is hot and wet throughout the year / production of leaves nd falling take place simultaneously- trees occur in layers due to competition of sunshine / different rates of growth- trees occur in layers due to abundance of rainfall - trees have long straight trunks due to faster growth as they compete for sunshine- trees have broad leaves to allow faster loss of moisture due to high humidity- trees have buttress roots so that they can be able to anchor / support themselves as they are huge c) Suppose you were to carry out a field study on theinfluence of rainfall on vegetationi) State two hypothesis for your study- vegetation type found in an area is determined by amount of rainfall- there is no relationship between rainfall and the vegetation type in the area 2marksii) What methods will you use to represent your data - drawing graphs- drawing charts- drawing sketch maps- drawing diagrams- displaying samples- playing the tape / watching videos- giving a lecture- displaying photographsAny 3 x 1 = 3marksiii) During the field study students noted that the area received frontal rainfall. Describe its formation - cold and warm air masses meet at a frontal zone - warm air is lighter is forced to rise over cold air - the warm air is cooled as it ascends- the moisture in it condensed to form cloud (when clouds are heavy they fall as cyclonic rainfall) 10. a) Distinguish between a vent and a pipe on a composite volcanoA vent is an opening / line of weakness in the earth?s crust through which magma rises towards the earth surface while a pipe is an opening on a volcanic hillor mountain through which lava reach the earth surface b) i) Identify the parts marked A, B and CA - craterB - parasitic cone / coneletC - layers of pyroclast / ash3marksii) Name two examples of above feature in East Page | 304Geography 312/1,312/2Africa- Mt. Kilimanjaro- Mt. Kenya- Mt. Elgon- Mt. Meru in Tanzania- Oldonyo Lengai in Tanzania- Mt. Muhavura in Uganda- Mt. Mgahinga in Ugandac) i) Explain two natural causes of earthquakes- gravitative force which make crustal rocks to fall in voids left by escaping magma and as such shakes as they fall- magma moving forcefully within crustal rocks to shake as they move to give way for the moving magma - collission of tectonic plates moving as a result of convection currents of magma in the earth?s mantle make crustal rocks to shake- isostatic adjustments within crystal rocks as a result of excessive deposition of erosion of materials make crustal rock to shake as they undergo such adjustments ii) Explain four effects of earthquakes on urban area - may lead to collapsing of buildings (E1 )leavingpeople homeless (E2)- crumbling buildings fall on people (E1) leading to lossof lives (E2)- falling of building and other structures (E1) may fall on vehicles hence lead to loss of property (E2) - the land may get fractured hence disjointing transport and communication lines rendering the urban area remote- destruction of scenery such as vegetation recreation parks hence destroying the beauty of environment NB: Candidates to show effect (E1) andexplanation (E2)4 x 2 = 8marksd) i) - nappe / overthrust foldii)- simple symmetrical fold- asymmetrical / monoclinal fold- over fold- isoclinas fold- recumbent / overturned fold- anticlinorium and synoclinorium complex iii)- escarpments- intermontane plateaus and basins- synclinal valleys and anticlinal valleys - rugged terrain 3 x 1 = 3marksiv) Orogenesis : fold mountain building process Page | 30500Geography 312/1,312/2 THARAKA NORTH & SOUTH JOINT EVALUATION GEOGRAPHY Paper 2 July/August 2016 MARKING SCHEME1.a) Two international airports in Kenya- Jomo Kenyatta intenational airport- Moi international airport- Eldoret international airport2 x 1 = 2marksb) Benefits if more commuters in urban centre in Kenya use public transport- it would save fuel- less parking space would be required- it would help to ease traffic congestion- it would reduce the rate of pollution- there would be financial saving by the commuters2.a) Documents that provide information on population data- statistical abstracts- text books- national census reports- magazines- periodicals- journals2 x 1 = 2marksb) Information derived from a population pyramid- size of the population- proportion of males to females- different age cohorts / groups- proportion of the youth / working / ageing people- proportion of the dependents and the dependency ratioany 3 x 1 = 3marks3.a) - harpooning- use of baskets- use of herbs- gill nets- use of barriers- hook and line2 x 1 = 2marksb) - kingfish- tuna- mullet- sardines- borito3 x 1 = 3marks4.a) i) X - transitional zoneY - industrial zone2 x 1 = 2marksii) - inadequate housing- traffic congestion- shortage of public utilities and amenities- crimes and hooliganism- sound and air pollutionany 3 x 1 = 3marks5.a) - lighting- floods2 x 1 = 2marksb) - destruction of structures- destruction of crops- dust storms as a result of windstorms cause eye diseases especially in pastoral communitiesSECTION B :6.CalculationsCattlei) 7.0 x 360 = 56.5o44.6ii) Dairy2.0 x 360 = 16.1o44.6iii) Sheep7.0 x 360 = 56.5o44.6iv) Goats8.5 x 360 = 68.6o44.6v) Pigs0.1 x 360 = 0.8o44.6vi) Chicken20.0 x 360 = 161.4o44.6a) A pie chart showing total number of livestock in Kenya in 1986b) Explain why the population of sheep is higher than that of dairy cattle-sheep survive in a variety of climatic conditions while- the farm inputs required for dairy cattle are more - some breeds of sheep are more resistant to diseases than- the management of dairy cattle is more demanding thanmax 4marksc) Explain four ways in which the government of Kenya assists nomadic pastoralist to improve the quality of their livestock- the government has set up demonstration ranches to educate the pastoralists on better ways of keeping livestock cattle dips have been constructed to control pests - extension services are provided to give advice to the pastoralists- boreholes and dams have been constructed to provide water for their livestock- roads have been constructed to enable the pastoralists to transport their produce to markets- through formal education the pastoralists have learnt the advantage of keeping manageable size of herds - the government encourages group ranching to enable the pastoralists to view livestock keeping as a commercial undertakingany 4 x 2 = 8marksd) Explain three factors that favour beef farming in Argentina- replacement of coarse grass with alfalfa and corn has- crossbreeding of the traditional breeds with higher quality breeds / Herefold / Aberdeen angus short horn has improved the quality of yields- the maritime climate of the area makes grazing of cattle - availability of water supplied using wind pumps ensures Page | 30600Geography 312/1,312/2- availability of vast lands suitable for cattle grazing- availability of market both local and external encourages the farmers to expand the beef industry / sustains the- availability of refrigeration facilities enables beef to reach far off markets in good condit any 3x 2 = 6marks7.a) rural settlements - urban settlementb) Q - clustered / nucleatedR-linearc) i) -- shortage of houses which makes landlords to increase their house rent- unemployment in urban centres3 x 1 = 3marks ii) Unemployment - creation of employment opportunities in the rural areas. This reduces cases of rural urban migration thus reducing cases of unemployment in urban areas 2 x 1 = 2marksPollution - enactment of laws for proper disposal of garbage from institutions, factories, hospitals and even households through the relevant government agencies2 x 1 = 2marksd) Transport links to the interior-both ports have a rich and extensive hinterland -Rotterdam is well linked to the interior throughnavigable rivers e.g. river Rhine, rhone, denude, Oder etc.2 x 1 = 2marksMechanisation of the ports - both ports have modern cargo handling facilities although Rotterdam has more advanced technology in cargo handling than Mombasa. This makesthe process of handling cargo quite faster in Rotterdam2 x 1 = 2marksClimate experienced at the ports - Mombasa has a hot and humid climate throughout the year while Rotterdam experiences cool winters and hot and humid summers2 x 1 = 2marksb)Similarities- both experience similar problems like congestion, inadequate housing, high crime rates etc.- they have similar functions i.e. are industrial centres, are headquarters of international organisations, are educational centres- Nairobi is the largest city in Kenya while New York is the largest in the United States- both are headquarters of international organizations - both are well linked internationally through airports - both have rivers passing through themany 2 x 2 = 4marksDifferences- Nairobi is the capital city in Kenya while New York is not the capital city in the United StatesKenya- temperatures ranging between 14oC and 26oC - rainfall of between 1000mm and 2030mm well distributed throughout the year- altitude of between 910m and 2100m above sea Level- deep, well drained red volcanic soils. the soils- Nairobi is an inland port while New York is a sea port- Nairobi has adequate space for expansion while NewYork is on an island and therefore lacks space forexpansion- New York has a variety of transport modes e.g. roads,railway lines, canals, underground passages etc. in Nairobitransport modes are mainly roads and limited railwayservices2 x 2 = 4marks8.a) i) - petroleum / crude oil- natural gas- coalany 2 x 1 = 2marksii) - clean to use- produces a great amount of energy- can be used in a variety of waysany 2 x 1 = 2marksb) i) Energy crisis - situation where demand for petroleumis higher than the supply leading to an increase in the priceof petroleum 2marksii) - sharp rise in demand for petroleum- control of oil resources by a few petroleum producingcountries which have formed cartels e.g. OPEC- rapid depletion of oil resources- uncertainities in the supply of petroleum to consumersany 2 x 1 = 2marksc) i) L -M - owen falls dam1N - kariba dam13 x 1 = 3marksii) - it has increased the country?s power production by10%, this ensures that the country has enough powersupply- it has led to a decrease in the cost of electricity thusmaking it affordable to most of Kenyans- it has led to rise in standards of living because individualscan be able to afford electrical appliances like televisionsets- it has led to rural electrification thus promoting growth inthe rural areas- it has led to increased industrialization, this createsemployment opportunities4 x 1 = 4marksd) i) - mechanization of farming practices like milkingmachines thus leading to agricultural development- establishment of industries in the rural areas;- this hashelped to reverse the problem of rural-urban migration2 x 2 = 4marksii) - more exploration of oil reserves in the country. This ismeant to increase the oil output in the industry- importation of refined petroleum products which arecheaper to import rather than refining in the country- price regulations in the import sector3 x 2 = 6armks9.a) State four physical factors that favour coffee growing inKenya and BrazilBrazil- temperatures ranging between 14o and 26oC- undulating landscape- altitude of between 300m and 915m above sea - soils of terra type which are very deep, porous are acidic with a PH of 5.3 and 6.0and of volcanic origin. The soils are rich in potash and humus4marksb) Compare coffee farming in Kenya and BrazilKenyaBrazil- coffee is grown both small scale basis on a large- coffee is grown on small scale basis on large-scale in estates or plantations scale estates called fazendas- both arabica and robusta varieties are grown- both arabica and robusta are grown but arabicaPage | 30700Geography 312/1,312/2 but the main variety is Arabica is the main variety - coffee is mainly grown in the highlands- coffee is mainly grown on the plateaus- clearing of land, planting, weeding, pruning and- clearing of land, planting, weeding, pruning andharvesting are done manually harvesting are done manually- work is done by family members of casuallabourers- coffee produced for local and export markets - prices are affected by the fluctuation of prices in the world market in the world market- Kenya faces competition from other coffee producing countries producing countriesc) Compare the marketing of coffee in Kenya and BrazilKenya- marketing of smallholders? coffee is done by cooperatives. Large scale producers sell through agents- the cooperatives sell coffee to the Kenya Planters Cooperatives Union (KPCU) who pass it on to the Coffee board of Kenya (CBK)- the Coffee Board of Kenya sells coffee through- work in the coffee fazendas is done by tenants- coffee is produced for local and export markets - prices are affected by the fluctuation of prices- Brazil faces competition from other coffeeany 6 x 1 = 6marksBrazil- marketing is done by companies- the companies sell coffee to the world market directly- Brazilian Speciality Coffee Association (BSCA) organized auction sale system. The auctions are in conjunction with Speciality Coffeeheld on a weekly basis in Nairobi. The buyers whoAssociation of America auction coffee on theare licensed by Coffee Board of Kenya bid againstinterneteach other. The buyers later export the coffee - coffee is sold to Great Britain, Germany, Finland, -coffee is sold to Great Britain, Germany, Finland Norway, Japan and North America. Some of the Norway, Japan and North America. Some coffee coffee is sold locally is sold within Brazilany 3 x 2 = 6marksd) Name three counties where coffee is grown in Kenya - Kiambu- Machakos- Nyeri- Trans Nzoia - Meru- Kisii- Murang?a- Kakamega - Kirinyaga- Vihiga - Embu e) Compare the significance of coffee farming to the economies of Kenya and Brazil KenyaBrazil- it earns the country- coffee accounts for foreign exchange about 5% of the country?s total export- coffee is grown as a- farmers earn incomecash crop, so farmers especially the smallearn income scale producers- has led to- has led to developmentindustrialisationof the related industries10.a) i) - Heavy industries-ii) Milk- Naivasha- Kiganjo- Nakuru- Nyahururu- Sotik- Nairobi- Eldoret- KitaleFruits- Thika- Machakos- NairobiCement - Athi river - Bamburi Raw materials - raw materials must be in steady supply before industries are established. Secondly industries that use perishable raw materials must be established near the source of such raw materials2marksPolitical stability - this creates a conducive environment for both foreign and local investors2 x 1 = 2marksc) - Development of transport infrastructure - industrialization promotes establishment of roads and rails linking the source of raw materials to the industries and to the market - It will promote easy provision of social amenities such as water and electricity even in the rural set ups - Creation of employment opportunities thus improving the living standards of her citizens - Industrial goods can be exported to earn the country foreign exchange - this can be used to develop other sectors of the economy - The food related industries will provide a ready market for agricultural raw materials, this may result to agricultural development5 x 2 =10marksd) - they supply the industries with the required raw materials- they market the industrial goods on behalf of the individual producers2 x 2 = 4marksWESTLANDS SUB-COUNTY JOINT EVALUATIONPage | 30800Geography 312/1,312/2 Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education 312/1 GEOGRAPHY Paper 1 July/August 2016 Time: 23/4 Hours SECTION A : Answer all questions. 1.a) State three effects of the revolution of the earth.(3 marks)b) The local time of town Y at 37o is 10.00a.m. What will be the time at town X longitude 10oW.(2 marks)2.a) What is desertification ?(2 marks)b) State three negative effects of desertification in Kenya.(3 marks)3.a) Give three reasons why some lakes in Rift Valley are saline.(3 marks)b) Identify two natural ways in which lakes are formed.(2 marks)4.a) State three natural causes of earthquakes.(3 marks)b) Give two effects of earthquakes in built up areas.(2 marks)5.a) State two reasons why wind action is more effective in the hot desert.(2 marks)b) Name three features resulting from wind erosion in desert areas.(3 marks)SECTION B :Answer question 6 and any other two questions.6.Study the map of Busia 1 : 50,000 (sheet 101/1) provided and answer the following questions.i) Give the height of Odiado hill.(1 mark)ii) Give the bearing of Ndanyi hill at grid square 3030 from Kanzala hill at grid square 2837.(2 marks)i)Measure the length of provincial boundary from grid reference 263280 to grid reference 340289.Give your answer in kms and meters.(2 marks)b) i) Using a vertical scale of 1cm to represent 20 metres, draw a cross section from grid reference 244368 to grid reference318338.(3 marks)On it mark and label the following features:(3 marks)- All weather road loose surface- Nanginigini hill- A riverii) Determine the intervisibility of the cross section.(1 mark)c) Describe the drainage of the area covered by the map.(4 marks)d) Citing evidence from the map, give three social services offered in the area covered by the map.(3 marks)f) Explain three factors that have influenced trading activities in the area covered by the map.(6 marks)7.a) i) What is folding.(2 marks)ii) Differentiate between an overfold and a recumbent fold.(2 marks)b) i) Apart from fold mountain, name three other features resulting from folding.(3 marks)ii) With aid of well labelled diagrams, describe the formation of fold mountains.(8 marks)c) The map below show the location of some fold mountains.Name the mountain ranges marked P, Q, R and S.(4 marks)d) Explain the significance of Fold Mountains to human activities.(6 marks)8.a) i) Differentiate between plutonic and volcanic rocks.(2 marks)ii) Describe the process of the formation of mechanically formed sedimentary rocks.(5 marks)iii) Give two types of mechanically formed sedimentary rocks.(2 marks)b) i) State three ways in which metamorphic are formed.(3 marks)ii) Fill in the table below.(3marks)Original rockMetamorphic rockSandstoneGneissCoalPage | 309Geography 312/1,312/2 WESTLANDS SUB-COUNTY JOINT EXAMINATION Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education 312/2 GEOGRAPHY Paper 2 July/August 2016 Time: 23/4 Hours SECTION A: Answer all questions. 1.a) State two ways through which minerals occur on the earth crust.(2 marks)b) Give three effects of mining on the environment.(3 marks)2.a) Differentiate between fishing and fisheries.(2 marks)b) Give three reasons why fresh water fishing is more developed in East Africa than marine fishing.(3 marks)3.a) Give two examples of non-agricultural processing industries in Kenya.(2 marks)b) State three ways in which raw materials influence location of industries.(3 marks)4.a) Name two primary sources of population data.(2 marks)b) State three measures that have been taken by government to reduce infant mortality in Kenya.(3 marks)5.a) Apart from pollution, name two other man-made environmental hazards.(2 marks)b) State three reasons why land pollution is common in urban centres.(3 marks)SECTION C:Answer question 6 and any other two from this section.6.Study the table below and answer the questions that follow.Cattle breeds1990199119921993Galloway20151819Aberdeen angus1510119Jersey95912Ayrshire14201517Boran bulls35202530Friesian25201517a) i) Using a vertical scale of 1cm represent 10,000 cattle draw a cumulative bar graph to represent the above data.(8 marks)ii) State two advantages of using the above method to present data.(2 marks)b) i) Apart from Mwea Tebere irrigation scheme, name two other irrigation schemes in Kenya.(2 marks)ii) State three physical factors that influenced the location of Mwea Tebere irrigation scheme.(3 marks)c) i) Give four human problems facing the irrigation schemes in Kenya.(4 marks)ii) Explain three ways in which irrigation farming is of significance in Kenya.(6 marks)7.a) i) Name two areas where coffee is grown on large scale in Kenya.(2 marks)ii) State five physical factors that favour coffee growing in the Kenyan highlands.(5 marks)b) Describe the stages involved in coffee production from harvesting to marketing.(6 marks)c) Explain three ways through which the government of Kenya assists small scale coffee farmers.(6 marks)d) Compare coffee growing in Kenya and Brazil under the following subheadings:i) Processing(2 marks)ii) Labour(2 marksiii) State two problems facing coffee farming in Brazil.(2 marks)8.a) i) Distinguish between internal and international trade.(2 marks)ii) Name two commodities that Kenya import from Europe.(2 marks)b) i) State four ways through which the Kenyan government is promoting export trade.(4 marks)ii) State four factors that inhibit trade between Kenya and her neighbours.(4 marks)c) Give four challenges Kenya face in the international trade.(4 marks)d) i) State three objectives of common market for Eastern and South Africa.(3 marks)ii) Explain three benefits Kenya enjoys as a trading partner in COMESA.(6 marks)9.a) i) Differentiate between indigenous and exotic forest.(2 marks)ii) Explain how the following factors influence the distribution of natural forest- climate(2 marks)- topography(2 marks)b) i) State four characteristics of tropical hardwood forest.(4 marks)ii) Give two examples of indigenous hardwood trees in Kenya.(2 marks)iii) State three factors that have led to the depletion of forests in Kenya.(3 marks)c) Compare forestry in Kenya and Canada under the following sub-headings:i) Distribution of forest.(2 marks)ii) Transport(2 marks)iii) Mode of exploitation(2 marks)Page | 310Geography 312/1,312/2 d) Give four measures that the government have taken to conserve forest in Kenya.(4marks)10.a) i) Differentiate between renewable and non-renewable sources of energy.(2 marks)ii) State two disadvantages of natural gas as a source of energy.(2 marks)b) i) State four physical factors that influence the location of hydro-electric power station.(4 marks)ii) Apart from generating hydro-electric power, give four other benefits that have resulted from construction of Masingadam.(4 marks)c) i) What is energy crisis.(2 marks)ii) State three factors that may lead to energy crisis.(3 marks)iii) Explain four problems that Kenya face due to overdependence on petroleum.(8 marks)c) Explain three ways in which rocks contribute to the Kenyan economy.(6 marks)d) You are planning to carry out a field study on types of rocks around your school.i) Name two methods you would use to collect data.(2 marks)ii) State two problems you are likely to encounter during your field study.(2 marks)9.a) i) What is soil catena ?(2 marks)ii) Draw a well labelled diagram to show a well developed soil profile.(4 marks)iii) State three characteristics of soil found in the arid regions of Kenya.(3 marks)b) i) Differentiate between soil structure and soil texture.(2 marks)ii) Explain how the following factors influence soil formation- topography(2 marks)- parent material(2 marks)- time(1 mark)c) Explain how the following farming practices causes soil erosion.i) Topography(2 marks)ii) Continuous application of fertilizer on farm lands.(2 marks)iii) Monoculture(2 marks)d) State three significance of soils.(3 marks)10.a) i) Define the term river divide.(2 marks)ii) State three processes through which river erode its channel.(3 marks)b) i) Give four ways in which river transport its loads.(4 marks)ii) With aid of well labelled diagrams describe how a river meander is formed.(6 marks)c) i) What is a river capture.(1 mark)ii) Describe how a river capture occurs.(3 marks)d) You are intending to carry out a field study along the lower course of a river.i) Give two reasons why you would require a route map.(2 marks)ii) State two characteristics of a river at the old stage that you are likely to observe during the field study.(2 marks)iii) Give two follow up activities you would be involved in after the field study.(2 marks)Page | 311Geography 312/1,312/2 WESTLANDS SUB-COUNTY JOINT EXAMINATION Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (K.C.S.E) MARKING SCHEME Geography (312/1) Paper1JULY/AUGUST 2016SECTION AANSWER ALL QUESTIONS1a) - Causes four seasons - spring, summer ,autumn and winter.-Causes varying lengths of day and night at different times of the year.-Causes changes in the position of the midday sun at different times of the year.(3marks)b)Difference in longitude10o + 37oE = 47o15o - 1 hr = 47 x 4 =47 = 3 hrs 2 mins47o - ?601510.00 am3.026.58 am(2marks)2.a)What is desertification(2 marks)-It's slow but steady encroachment of desert like - conditions onto potentially productive agricultural land.b)State three negative effects of desertification in Kenya(3 marks)-Led to the development of infertile soils.-Population pressure due to migration of people from arid areas during drought.-Desertification has encroached on productive land making it useless.-Under development of arid areas since they are not economically productive.-Exposed land to severe soil erosion hence water catchment areas have been destroyed causing shortage of water.3.a)Give three reasons why some lakes in Rift valley are saline(3 marks)-Some lakes lack outlets in the form of rivers.-High rate of evaporation-Surface run-off and rivers dissolve a lot of salt from the rocks on which they flow.-Some lakes do not have enough fresh waters emptying into them.-The rocks over which the lake water is in contact with may contain a lot of mineral salts.b)Identify two natural ways in which lakes are formed(2 marks)-Earth movement-Volcanicity-Erosion-Deposition.4.a)State three natural causes of earth quakes(3 marks)-Tectonic causes-Magma movement within the earth crust-Gratitative pressure-Isostatic adjustments-Energy release in the mantle.b)Give two effects of earth quakes in built up areas(2 marks)-Earth quakes causes sea waves called Tsunamis which causes flood which drown buildings neighbouring the coast.-Causes landslides which bury people alive-Causes big cracks in buildings.-When earthquakes occur in densely populated areas they cause alot of damage to property.5.a)State two reasons why wind action is more effective in the hot desert.(2 marks)-The presence of loose unconsolidated dry masses of soil.-The occurrence of strong, tropical storms.-The absence of vegetation coverb)Name three features resulting from wind erosion in the desert areas.(3 marks)-Rock pedestals-Mushroom blocks-Zeugen-Yardangs-Deflation hollows and oasisSECTION B:Answer questions 6 and any other two questions6.a) i) The height of Odiado hill is(1 mark)1568 meters above sea level.ii) The bearing of Ndanyi hill at grid square 3030 from Kanzala hill at grid square is 2837150o(2 marks)iii) The length of the provincial boundary from 263280 to 340289(2 marks)13 km 700m Page | 31200Geography 312/1,312/2 b) ii) The two points are not intervisible1markc) Describe the drainage of the area covered by the map(4 marks)-The area covered by the map has permanent rivers e.g. river nasewa, kirondo-There are seasonal swamps on the northern side of the area covered by map and papyrus swamp on the western side.-The main river is Sio in the area covered by map.-River Nasewa and its tributaries from dendritic drainage pattern-There are vanishing rivers in the area covered by map-River Sio flows toward South-Westd)Citing evidence from the map, give three social services offered in the area covered by the map(3 marks)-Health services - dispensary (2230) hospital (2431)-Educational services - school (3535)Religious centre - mission (2231)-Recreational service - rest house (2331)e) Explain three factors that have influenced trading activities in the area covered by the map(6 marks)-There is ready market from dense settlement in the area covered by map hence many trading centres-Well developed transport network e.g. all weather roads loose surface in the area covered by map to transport goods tothe market-Availability of security e.g. police post, chief camp e.t.c. which ensure that traders are secure.7.a) Folding - a process of crustal distortion which causes the rocks to bend upwards or downwards.1 x 2 = 2 marksii) Overfolds are asymmetrical folds caused by a very Strong force pushing against a very resistant rock resulting in theanticline being pushed over the limb at the next fold whereas recumbent folds are over folds which are completelypushed over on one side such that they lie in a horizontal manner.1 x 2 = 2 marksb) Three other features resulting from folding other than fold mountains-Rolling plains-Ridges and valleys-Intermontane basin-Intermontane plateau1x1(3 marks)ii) Extensive shallow depressions called geosynclines develop on the earth's surface-Prolonged and extensive erosion occurs on the surrounding high grounds.-Sediments are deposited in the geosyncline forming thick layers-The weight of the sediments causes subsidence of the geosyncline leading to the accumulation of more sediments togreat thickness.-Further subsidence of the geosycline triggers of commpressional forces which cause the sediments to fold.-The folded layers of sediments in the geosycline are thrust upwards to form fold mountains along the edges of thegeosycline due to the closeness of the source of the forces.Texts - 5 marksDiagrams - 3 marksc) Mountains ranges marked P - Andes Q - Appalachian R - Atlas S - Himalayas(4 marks)d) Significance of fold mountains to human activities-Fold mountains are sources of rivers that provide water for the generation of H.E.P/domestic use/irrigation/industrial use.-Fold mountains are often forested and provide timber which is used in the building & construction industry/medicine/aesketic/wildlife habitat.-Some fold mountains have exposed valuable mineral deposits which are mined thus boasting mining industryPage | 31300Geography 312/1,312/2-Fold mountains are tourist attractions / snow coveredslopes thus earning countries foreign exchange-Windward slopes of fold mountains receive heavyrainfall that enhances agricultural activities.-Lee ward sides of fold mountains create rain shadoweffect which results into aridity/discourage cropfarming.-Some fold mountains may act as barrier to transportand communication makeconstruction of transport& communication lines difficult/ expensiveany 3 x 2 = 6 marks8.a) Plutonic rocks are formed when magma cools andsolidifies below the earth's surface whereas volcanicrocks are formedon the surface of the earth when lavahas solidified.1 x 2 = 2 marksii)-These are rocks which have been formed bycompaction and cementation of the sediments whichhave been laid down or land or water.-When pre-existing rocks are broken down intosediments. These sediments transported by water, windof glacier.-Sediments are then deposited in layers/strata-The layers are then compacted by pressure of overlyingmaterials and become sedimentary rocks with time -These rocks are also called clastic rocksii) Type of mechanically formed sedimentary rocks -Sandstone, claystone, mudstone, loessb) i) Three ways in which metamorphic rocks are formed -When existing rocks are subjected to great heat(thermal)-When existing rocks are subjected to great pressure(dynamic)-When existing rocks are subjected to both great heatand pressure (thermal dynamic) making them changeboth in appearance and character1 x 3 (3 marks)ii) Fill in the table belowOriginal RockMetamorphic rockSand stoneQuartzite, slateGraniteGneissCoalGraphite1 x 1(3 marks)c) Ways in which rocks contribute to the economy ofKenya-Some rocks form tourist attractions Kit Mikai & henceearn foreign exchange-Provide employment hence raising living standards ofpeople-Rocks contain minerals which when mined earn incometo the people-Some rocks are used in building and constructionindustries-Some stones such as Kisii soapstone, marble are sold tomake carvings that are sold to earn income.d) i) Methods of data collection-Direct observation-Administering questionnaire-Text books-Interviewing-Experimentation2 x 1 = 2 marksii) Problems you are likely to face during the fieldstudy.-Slipping & falling.-Bad weather e.g. heavy rain-Attacks of wild animals e.g. snakes-Poor transport due to impassable roads-Tiredness/ fatigue due to steepness of the area.9.a) i) The soil catena is the sequence of different soilsdown a slope2marksii)iii)-There is no moisture in the soil.-Soils are light coloured-Soils are sandy-They are saline in some places3marksb)i) - The soil structure refers to the way soil particlesare grouped together into different particles while soiltexture refers to the composition of a particular soil interms of the size of particles2marksii) Topography(2marks)-Steep slopes have thins soils due to high rate at whichweathered materials are carried downslope -Valley bottoms have deep soils due to slow rate atwhich weathered materials are carried away -Water logged areas have poor soils since water loggingslow down soil formationParent rock (2marks)-The nature of parent rock influence the rate of soilformation by weathering e.g. hard rocks weather slowlythus giving rise to thin immature soils while soft rocksweather fast giving rise to deep soils-The mineral composition of the rock determines themineral composition of parent rock and finally the soil -large grained rocks produce large grained soils whilefine grained rocks produce fine grained soilsTime(2marks)-Soils which has taken longer time is deeply formed(deep soils) while soils that take short time to matureare thinc) i) Burning(2 marks)-Bush fires expose the soil to agents of erosion-Burning kills the micro-organisms that contribute tosoil formation.2marksii) Continuous application of fertilizers-Some minerals are not soluble in water through theprocess of leaching some minerals remain on thesurface as a deposit.2marksiii) MonocultureGrowing of a single crop over along period of time inthe same land removes specific mineral nutrients fromthe soil making it infertile2marks Page | 31400Geography 312/1,312/2d)State three significance of soils-give physical support for the rooting systems ofplants-habitats for bacteria which are necessary for breakdownof organic matter into humus-medium through which plants absorb water-provide mineral elements of nitrogen-used for building and construction-used in ceramics e.g. pot making3marks10.a) i) A river divide is a boundary that separatetwoneighbouring basins.2marksii) The processes of river erosion are-Solution-Hydraulic action-Attrition-Corrosion3marksb) i) Processes of river transport are-Suspension-Saltation-Traction-Solution4marksii) Formation of a meanders-In mature stages river flows sluggishly due toreduced gradient.-it meets obstacles and flows around it-Erosion on the outer bank and deposition on the innerbank causing the river to form loop like bends. -Erosion continues on the outer bank narrowing the landbetween the two outer banks forming a pronouncedmeander.c) i)This is the diversion of head waters into the system ofan adjacent powerful river due erosion.1markii) At first there is a powerful river and weaken riverflowing adjacent to eaches earthen.-The powerful river erodes vertically and literally thanthe weak river making it to flow as a lower level. -At the same time, it extends its valley backwards byheadwards erosion.-The stronger river eventually joins the valley of theweak river.-The headwaters of the weaker river start flowing intothe valley of the stronger river.d) i) - Avoid time wastage-To show the direction-To show where the features areii)- Very gentle/almost level gradient-Vey slow flow of river-The main work of the river is deposition-Some lateral erosion occurs-Seasonal floods are common.iii) Group discussion-Report writing-Group leaders/ read reports to class-Displaying pictures Page | 31500Geography 312/1,312/2 WESTLANDS SUB-COUNTY JOINT EXAMINATION Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (K.C.S.E) MARKING SCHEME Geography (312/2) Paper2JULY/AUGUST 2016SECTION A - Answer all questions1.a) State two ways through which minerals occur onthe earth crust(2 marks)-Veins and lodes-Beds and seams-Alluvial deposits-Weathering productsb) Give three effects of mining on the environment(3 marks)-Causes land dereliction-Causes air, noise and water pollution-Underground mining is a health hazard due tocollapsing of mines.-Lower water table.2.a) Differentiate between fishing and fisheries(2 marks)-Fishing is the catching of fish and other aquatic animalsin seas and other waterbodies while fisheriesare areas where fish are caught or rearedb) Give three reasons why fresh water fishing is more developed in east Africa than marine fishing(3 marks) -Fresh water fishing is more popular-There are numerous fishing grounds-Inadequate equipment to carry out sea fishing.-Some countries are landlocked e.g. Uganda.-Inadequate capital to invest in sea fishing.3.a) Give two examples of non-agricultural processingindustries in Kenya(2 marks)-Motor vehicle assembly.-Cement manufacture-Oil refinery-Glass making-Tobacco processingb) State three ways in which raw materials influence location of industries (3 marks)-Industries whose raw materials are bulky arelocated near the source of raw materials.-Industries whose raw materials are perishable arelocated near the source of raw materials.-Industries that depend on other industries for rawmaterials.4.a) Name two primary sources of population data(2 marks)-National census- Sample survey-Vital statistics on registration of births and deathsb) Sate three measures that have been taken to reduce infant mortality in Kenya (3 marks)-Improving medical facilities e.g. immunization ofchildren to control diseases.-Intensifying education to parents to better care for theirchildren to keep children healthy.-Family planning programmes which led to smallerfamily sizes.-Carrying out research on infant related disease tocontrol them.5.a) Apart from pollution name two other manmadeenvironmental hazards(2 marks)-Soil erosion-Bush/forest fires-Desertification-Nuclear explosionsb) State three reasons why land pollution is common in urban centres (3 marks)-High population-Inadequate of social amenities e.g. water, toilets.-Inadequate dustbins.-Ignorance / don't care attitude by people.-Concentration of many industries.-Failure by government of effect laws on environmentalconservation. 6.a) i)Cattle breeds1990CT1991CT1992CT1993CTBoran bulls3535202025253030Friesians2560204015401747Galloway2080155518581966Aberdeengus1595106511690975Ayrshire14109208515841792Jersey091180590099312104Page | 316Geography 312/1,312/2ii)State two advantages of using the above method topresent data(2 marks)-The bar graph provides a clear visual impression of thetotal values.-It's easy to read the highest and the lowest totals at aglance.-The increase or decrease in the grand total values iseasy to see since the length of each bar corresponds to the final cumulative total.iii)Apart from Mwea Tebere irrigation scheme, name twoother irrigation schemes in Kenya(2 marks)-Ahero-Hola-Perkera-Bunyala-West Kanoiii)State three physical factors that influenced the locationof Mwea Tebere irrigation scheme(3 marks)-The presence of balck cotton clay soil which retainwater for a long period.-The land is gently sloping hence allow water to flow bygravity.-Presence of two permanent rivers i.e. Nyamindi andThiba which provide waterthroughout the year.-Availability of extensive land which provided room forexpansion in future.-The area experiences warm weather which is suitablefor growing rice.c)i) Give four human problems facing the irrigationscheme in Kenya(4 marks)-Outbreak of waterborne diseases e.g. Malaria andBilharzia which weaken the farmers.-Soil exhaustion due to continuous use of the soil thusreducing production-Mismanagement of the irrigation bodies leading tolosses for the farmers.-Price fluctuation in the world market kill the moral ofthe farmers since they arepaid very low prices.ii)Explain three ways in which irrigation farming is ofsignificance in Kenya(6 marks)-Creation of employment to many Kenyans.-The farmers earn an income thus improving theirstandards of living.-Irrigation schemes have created settlement for manypeople.-Some crops are exported hence earning the countryforeign exchange.-Irrigation has led to the development of industries processing factories-Has led to the improvement of transport network e.g.roads7.a) i) Two areas in Kenya where coffee is grown on alarge scale in Kenya-Central province- Nyeri, Muranga, Kiambu, Thika-Eastern province - Meru Central, Embu, Machakos,Tharaka, Makueni1 x 1 = 2 marksii) Five physical factors that favour coffee growing in the Kenyan highlands-Moderate to high temperature 14o - 25oC-High rainfall 1000 - 2030 mm welldistributedthroughout the year.-High altitude from 1000 - 2000 m above the sea level.-Deep, well drained volcanic soils.-Undulating landscape-Two months of dry period to allowflowering andripening and picking of the crop.1 x 55 marksb) Stages involved in coffee production from harvesting to marketing-The ripe, deep red berries are picked by hand.-The harvested berries are carried in sacks to the factory.-Berries are sorted out to remove the unripe & diseasedberries.-Berries are graded into A & B.-The different grades are weighed.-The berries go through a machine that remove the outercover/pulp.-Beans are fermented in tanks for sometime-The beans are washed and sun dried for about a week.-the husks are removed and beans winnowed.-The beans are sorted out and graded according to size &quality-The beans are roasted at temperature of about 100oC.-The beans are grounded into powder/package ready forsale.1 x 1 = 6 marksc) Three ways through which the government of Kenya assists small scale coffee farmers-The government conducts research to establish the kindof coffee strains that is best suited for different areas, coffee diseases & control.-Government arranges for marketing of coffee throughmarketing board of Kenya.-Conduct regular education for coffee farmers on cropproduction through field days/ agricultural shows/ demonstrations-Provision of extension officers who educate thefarmers.-Coffee cooperatives have been set up to enable farmerspull their resources together.-Improvement on transport means e.g. roads, railways tofacilitate coffee transport and its products3 x 2 = 6marksc) Comparison between coffee growing in Kenya and Brazil underi)Processing-In Kenya coffee berries are processed using wet andwash method while in Brazil uses both the natural dry method and pulped natural process.ii) Labour-In Kenya work is done by family members or casuallabourers while in Brazil work in the farms as is done by the tenants1 x 2 = 2 marksiii) Two problems facing coffee farming in Brazil -Soil exhaustion-Over production-Climate changes-Fluctuation of world markets2marks8.a) i) Distinguish between internal and internationaltrade(2 marks)-Internal trade involves buying and selling of goodswithin a country while international trade involves buying and selling of goods between two ormore countries. Page | 317Geography 312/1,312/2ii)Name two commodities that Kenya import from Europe-Machinery-Pharmaceuticals-Electronics-Vehiclesb) i) State four ways through which the Kenyan government is promoting export trade-Promote her trade through exhibitions in other countriese.g. Gremany, Britain-Establishment of Export processing zones.-Processing her agricultural products before export toadd value to them.-Conducts international shows-Explores new markets-The government eased trade barriers by issuing ofexport licenses promptly.-The signing of international/trade agreements.ii)State four factors that inhibit trade between Kenya andher neighbours-Production of similar goods.-Poorly developed transport and communicationnetworks.-Lack of a common currency.-Civil wars in some countries e..g Sudan, Rwanda-Imposition of unreasonable quotas and tariffs.-Developed countries provide manufactured goodswhich are preferred in Kenya and her neighbours compared to locally produced goods.c)i) Give four challenges Kenya face in the internationaltrade(4 marks)-The Kenya's export earns little foreign currency whileimports earn a lot of foreign currency hence creating a trade deficit.-Fluctuation of prices in the world market.-Competition from cheap sources e.g. Comesa-Poor transport and communicationnetwork.-Trade restrictions imposed on Kenya's export.-Smuggling and corruption.d) i) State three objectives of common market for Eastern and Southern Africa (3 marks)-Foster good relations, peace and political stability andhigh standards of living for member states.-To promote social and economic integration.-To establish free trade areas.-To create a common custom union for memberscountries.-To attain rapid and sustainable economic growth.ii) Explain three benefits Kenya enjoys as a trading partner in Comesa (6 marks)-Created a wider market for her goods.-Has stimulated development of transport andcommunication-Has led to better political understanding among memberstates.-Has created employment opportunities.-Has increased volume of trade.-Has lead to socio-cultural co-operation-Ensures availability of goods to member states.-It has led to specialization hence economies of scale.9.a) i) Indigenous forests which one native to a regionor which have grown in a region or which have grown in a region from the beginning whereasexotic forests have trees which have been introduced to a place from other countries. 2marksii) Temperature-High temperature causes fast growth of trees while lowtemperature causes slow growth.-Rain forests are found at low altitude which are warmerand coniferous forests are found at high altitudes which are cooler.-There dense forest where there is heavy precipitationwhile there is less forest cover consisting of stunted trees in areas with little precipitation.-Coniferous forest have cone-shaped crowns to allowsnow to which off so as not to accumulate on the branches and cause them to break off.1 x 2 =2marksTopography-Aspect: dense forests are found onwindwardslopes of mountains because they are wetter than leeward slopes and they start at a lowerlevel than on the leeward slopes.-In temperate region slopes facing the equator havedense forests because they are warmer while facing the poles have coniferous forests which are adapted to low temperature. 1 x 2 = 2marksb)i)- Closely set trees with three district canopies-There is less undergrowth on the forest floor due tolight being obstructed by canopies-Trees have long trunks with buttress roots (radiatingwall like roots)-Trees have broad leaves to increase the surface area toefficient transpiration due to high precipitation. -Trees are tall, have smooth stems and straight trunks-Trees take long time to mature between 70to 100years-The forest contain many tree species about 15001 x 4 = 4marksii) - Mangrove-Elgon teak-Meru oak-Camphor1 x 2 = 2marksiii)- Fire: large areas of forests are destroyed by fire andtake long to recover.-Diseases and pest attack, mainly the planted forests-Human activities/ settlement /charcoal burning/ logginghave destroyed many forest areas.-Overexploitation leads to depletion of certain treespecies such as Meru oak-Government policy of degazetttement of some forestsmade people free to clear many forested areas. -Prolonged drought leads to degeneration.3marks KenyaCanadai) DistributionForests are grown mainly in the highlandsForests are grown mainly in the mountainous areas(2marks)ii) TransportLorries and trucks are used (road)Lorries, trucks and trains- Water (rivers)Electric cables(2marks)iii) Mode of exploitationPage | 318Geography 312/1,312/2 Workers are transported daily to the logging sitesLogging involves setting up a settlement for the workersPower - saws are usedPower saws are used(2marks)d) - Legislation aimed at encouraging public to participate in tree planting-Legislation aimed at curbing encroachment in forested areas.-Encouragement of agro-forestry-Setting up presidential commission with the mandate of rehabilitation of destroyed forested areas4marks10.a)i) Differentiate between renewable and non-renewable sources of energy(2 marks)-Renewable sources of energy are those energies that cannot get exhausted while non-renewable energy sources are thosethat get exhausted.ii)State two disadvantages of natural gas as a source of energy(2 marks)-It's an exhaustible source of energy-It is expensive-It's highly flammable.b)i) State four physical factors that influence the location of hydro-electric power station(4 marks)-Regular constant supply of water to ensure continuous generation of power.-Hard basement rock to provide a firm foundation for the construction of dam.-Presence of large volume of water from lake/ large catchment area to provide water to drive the turbines.-Presence of a deep valley to reduce the cost of constructing dam.-Presence of water fall to provide a massive hydraulic force to run turbines-Presence of non-porous rocksii)Apart from generating hydro-electric power, give four other benefits that have resulted from construction of Masingadam.(4 marks)-It provides a fishing ground for the local communities.-It provides water for domestic use.-It filter silt to safe the other dams which are downstream.-It?s a tourist attraction-It provide water for irrigation-Provides employmentc)i) What is energy crisis(2 marks)-This is a situation where the demand of oil is higher than supply leading to high oil prices.ii)State three factors that may lead to energy crisis(3 marks)-Withholding of oil by oil producing countries.-Rapid depletion of oil reserves-Increase in the price of oil due to increase in demand.-Unequal crude oil distribution by the petroleum producing countries.-Political differencesiii)Explain four problems that Kenya face due to overdependence on petroleum(8 marks)-When there is a sharp increase in oil prices Kenya spends large amounts of revenue in importing oil hence affecting thebalance of payment.-When oil prices are high the cost of manufactured goods and services increase causing inflation in the country.-The high prices make the people resort to other forms of energy e.g. wood hence leading to destruction of forests.-When prices of oil go high the Kenyan government increase taxes to create revenue for importing oil.Page | 31900Geography 312/1,312/2 MERU SOUTH FORM 4 JOINT EVALUATION Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education 312/1 GEOGRAPHY Paper 1 July/August 2016 Time: 23/4 Hours SECTION A : Answer all the questions in this section. 1. a) The diagram below represents the flow of the air current. i) Name the current marked M(1 mark)ii) Describe how the above air current develops.(3 marks)b) List two factors which influence humidity.(2 marks)2.a) Give two examples of organically formed sedimentary rocks.(2 marks)b) Describe how intrusive igneous rocks are formed.(3 marks)3.a) Define the following terms :i) Seismic focus(1 mark)ii) Epicentre(1 mark)b) Give two characteristics of primary seismic waves.(2 marks)4.a) Name the temperate grasslands found in the following countries- Australia(1 mark)- Russia(1 mark)b) State three ways in which vegetation of the Nyika region of Kenya has adapted to the climatic conditions in the area.(3 marks)5.a) Name one hot desert found in Kenya.(1 mark)b) Describe two ways in which wind erodes desert surfaces.(4 marks)SECTION B:Answer question 6 and any other two questions from the section.6.Study the map of Busia 1: 50,000 (sheet 101/1) provided and answer the following questions.a) i) Give the latitudinal extent of the area covered by the map.(2 marks)ii) Give the physical features found in grid square 2731(2 marks)iii) What is the approximate height of Burende hill ?(2 marks)b) i) Measure the distance of the all-weather road loose surface C 513/2 from the junction in grid square 2713 to thesouthern end ? Give your answer in kilometres.(2 marks)ii) Calculate the area to the West of the international boundary. Give your answer in square kilometres.(2 marks)i)What is the bearing of the air photo principal point in grid square 3148 from the trigonometrical station 101 T12 ?(2 marks)c) i) Using a vertical scale of 1cm to represent 50 metres, draw a cross section from grid reference 280370 to grid reference350370.(4 marks)ii) On the cross section mark and name the following:-Riverine trees(1 mark)-All weather road loose surface(1 mark)-A hill(1 mark)d) Explain three factors which have influenced the distribution of settlements in the area covered by the map. (6 marks)7.a) i) State two fold mountain building periods.(2 marks)ii) State three theories explaining the formation of Fold Mountains.(3 marks)Page | 32000Geography 312/1,312/2 b) The map below shows the location of various fold mountains of the world. Name the fold mountains marked A, B, C and D.(4 marks)c) With the aid of well labelled diagram describe how Fold Mountains are formed.(10 marks)d) Explain three negative effects of folding.(6 marks)8.a) i) Define the following terms :-River divide(1 mark)-River regime(1 mark)ii) State four ways in which a waterfall is formed.(4 marks)b) i) Describe the following river transportation processes-solution(2 marks)-traction(2 marks)ii) State four ways in which people are affected by river floods.(4 marks)c) By use of diagrams describe the following drainage patternsi) Centripetal pattern(2 marks)ii) Trellis pattern(3 marks)d) Your class is planning to carry out a field study of a river in its old stage.i) State two objectives of your study.(2 marks)ii) State two advantages of observation as a method of collecting data during field study.(2 marks)iii) State two characteristics of a river at the old stage that you are likely to observe during the study.(2 marks)9.a) i) What is a lake ?(2 marks)ii) State three sources of water found in a lake.(3 marks)b) Describe how the following lakes are formedi) Tarn lakes(4 marks)ii) Crater lakes(3 marks)c) The map below shows some lakes formed by faulting.Name the lakes marked X, Y and Z.(3 marks)d) i) Give four reasons why some Rift Valley lakes have fresh water.(4 marks)ii) Explain three negative effects of human activities on lakes.(6 marks)10. a) i) State two soil forming processes.(2 marks)ii) State three characteristics of zonal order soils.(3 marks)b) i) Give three importance of water in the soil.(3 marks)ii) Explain how the following factors influence soil formation-climate(4 marks)-time(2 marks)Page | 32100Geography 312/1,312/2 c) The diagram below shows a soil arrangement. Name : i) The soil arrangement in the diagram.(1 mark)ii) Describe the nature of soils found in parts A, B, C and D.(4 marks)d) Explain how the following causes soil degenerationi) Heavy rainfall(2 marks)ii) Deforestation(2 marks)iii) Burning of vegetation(2 marks)Page | 322Geography 312/1,312/2 MERU SOUTH FORM 4 JOINT EVALUATION Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education 312/2 GEOGRAPHY Paper 2 July/August 2016 Time: 23/4 Hours SECTION A : Answer all questions in this section. 1.a) Name two minerals that are extracted through placer mining method.(2 marks)b) State two problems facing soda ash production in Kenya.(2 marks)2.a) Name three towns in Kenya that started as agricultural collection centres.(3 marks)b) Give three social functions of Kisumu town.(3 marks)3.a) Identify three pelagic fish species found in East Africa.(3 marks)b) State three problems experienced in the marketing of fish in Kenya.(3 marks)4.State four conditions that favour irrigation farming in Kenya.(4 marks)5.a) Apart from water pollution, name two other forms of pollution.(2 marks)b) Give three effects of water pollution on the environment.(3 marks)SECTION B :Answer question 6 and any other two questions6.The data below shows dairy product sales of Denmark by value in million US dollars.Dairy product19901996Canned milk404437Cheese8941005Butter220218Fresh milk350229Yoghurt500440Use it to answer questions a(i) and (ii)a)i) Calculate the percentage increase of cheese between 1990-1996.(2 marks)ii)Draw a divided rectangle of 15cm to represent the sales of 1990.(10 marks)b)State three advantages of using divided rectangle to represent geographical data.(3 marks)c)Outline four characteristics of commercial beef farming in Kenya.(4 marks)d)i) Give three uses of beef products.(3 marks)ii)Outline three major areas where beef farming is done in Kenya.(3 marks)7.a)i) Define the term ?forest?(2 marks)ii)Give two examples of softwood trees grown in Kenya.(2 marks)b)Explain how the following factors influence the distribution of natural forestsi)Temperature(2 marks)ii)Altitude(2 marks)iii)Human activities(2 marks)c)Explain four problems facing forestry in Kenya.(8 marks)d)i) State three characteristics of coniferous forest in Canada.(3 marks)ii)Explain two problems that affect forestry in Canada.(4 marks)8.a)i) Differentiate between renewable and non-renewable source of energy.(2 marks)ii)Name three renewable sources of energy apart from geothermal steam.(3 marks)b)i) State four advantages of using geothermal energy as a source of power in Kenya.(4 marks)ii)State four main causes of energy crisis in the world.(4 marks)c)Explain three ways in which Kenya has benefited from the development of hydroelectric power scheme.(6 marks)d)Explain three measures taken by the Kenyan government to conserve energy.(6 marks)9.a)Distinguish between manufacturing and tertiary industries.(2 marks)b)i) Name four agricultural food processing industries in Kenya.(4 marks)ii)Explain four factors that influenced the location of iron and steel industries in the Ruhr region of Germany. (8 marks)c)Give five reasons why the government of Kenya encourages the establishment of Jua Kali industries.(5 marks)d)You intend to carry out a field study in a coffee factory near your school.i)State three reasons why you would visit the area of study in advance.(3 marks)ii)You have prepared a work schedule for your study. State three items you would include in your schedule.(3 marks)10. a)Differentiate between internal and regional trade.(2 marks)b)i) What is balance of trade ?(2 marks)ii) Explain four measures that Kenya can take to reduce her unfavourable balance of trade.(8 marks)c) Name three major exports from Kenya.(3 marks)d) i) Explain three ways in which trade is of significance to Kenya.(6 marks)ii) Outline four objectives of establishing the common market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA)(4 marks)Page | 323any 3 x 1 = 3marksany 2 x 1 = 2marksany 3 x 1 = 3marks1mark1markGeography 312/1,312/2 MERU SOUTH FORM 4 JOINT EVALUATION GEOGRAPHY Paper 1 July/August 2016 MARKING SCHEME SECTION A:1.a) i) Air current marked MSea breeze1markii) How the above air current develops-During the day the land heats faster than the sea- The air above the land rises- Cooler air from the sea blows towards the land (toreplace the rising air)- The cool air from the sea is called the sea breeze iii) Two factors which influence humidity- Distance from large water bodies / sea- Altitude- Natural vegetation / forests- Latitude- Temperature2. a) Two examples of organically formed sedimentary rocks- Limestone- chalk- Iron stone- Diatomite- Coal- Coral reefb) How intrusive igneous rocks are formed- Magma from the interior of the earth escapes / is intruded through lines of weakness such as faults in the crustal rocks- Magma cools and solidifies inside the crust to form intrusive igneous rocks- When magma cools and solidifies deep below the surface it forms plutonic rocks- When magma cools and solidifies near the earth surface it forms hybabyssal rock3. a) i) Seismic focusA point inside the earth which is the origin of earthquake shocksii) EpicentreA point on the earth surface which is vertically above the seismic focusb) Two characteristics of primary seismic waves -They travel fast and their vibrations reach theseismograph faster-They move back and forth in the direction of wavemovement-They can pass through liquids, gases and solids4. a) Temperate grasslands found in the following countries -Australia - Downs-Russia - Steppesb) Three adaptations of vegetation- The trees in the region have long roots to tap water from the water table below- Many trees are umbrella-shaped to provide shade that reduces the rate of evaporation around the stem- Some plant shed their leaves during the onset of the dry season to reduce loss of water through transpiration - Some plants have thick leaves and barks for storing water- Some plants have waxy or needle like small leaves to reduce loss of water through transpiration- Some plants produces seeds which lie dormant for longtime and germinate when the rainfalls5. a) One hot desert in Kenya-Chalbi-Kaisut-Karolib) Two ways in which wind erodes desert surfaces - Abrasion - this is frictional erosion caused the materials carried by the wind-It involves scraping, grinding and polishing of the rocksurface-Deflation - in this process the wind blows away theloose rock waste like dust and fine sand particles. In doing so the desert surface isnylowxered 2prodku cingdepressions. It is active where the desert surface has been loosened by weathering6. a) i) Latitudinal extent of the area covered by the map 0o15?N to 0o27?Nii) Two physical features in grid square 2731 -Hill- scrubiii) Approximate height of Burende hill1460m - 1480m above sea levelb) i) Distance of all-weather road loose surface 4.9km + 0.1km (4.8km - 5km)ii) Area to the West of international boundary in km2 30.5km2 + 0.5km2 (30km2 - 31km2iii) Bearing306o + 1o (305o - 307o)d)Explain three factors which have influenced distributionof settlements in the area covered by the map -there are many settlements in the Eastern / South Eastern/ Western / South Western part of the area because the land is gently sloping which makes construction easy -The hilly areas in the southern part have no or fewsettlements because the land is steep / rugged which makes construction costly / difficult-There are no settlements in the swampy areas in theNorthern / North Eastern / North Western / western part which discourages human activities-There are clusters of settlements where there aremarkets / urban centres such as Funyula because there are social amenities and economic activities that attract settlements any 2 x 1 = 2marksNB: To score, distribution and explained factor must be mentioned 1mark7.a) i) Two fold mountain building periods1mark-Charnian orogeny-Calendonian orogeny-Hercenian orogeny-Alpine orogenyii)Three theories explaining the formation of foldmountains-Contraction theory-Convection theory-Plate tectonic theory-Continental drift theoryb)Name the fold mountains marked Page | 324004marksany 3 x 2 = 6marksGeography 312/1,312/2A - AndesB - AppalachianC - UralD - Himalayasc) Using diagram describe how Fold Mountains are formed - A geosyncline was formed on the earth surface, sea or ocean- Prolonged and extensive erosion occurred in the surrounding higher grounds of continents; moresediments come from dead plants and animals in the sea -Sediments are deposited in the geosyncline farmingtwo plates)DiagramText 6 marksTotal 10marksthick layers- The weight of the sediments causes subsidence of the geosyncline leading to accumulation of more sediment -Further subsidence of the geosyncline triggers offcompressional forces which draw the higher grounds closer- As a result the sediments are compressed and form folds which are also thrust upwards to form Fold Mountains - The main fold mountains are formed at the edge of the geosyncline due to the closeness of the source of the forces(edgeof4marksd) Explain three negative effects of folding-The rugged nature of some fold mountain landscapeshinder human settlement / agricultural activities-The leeward slope of some Fold Mountains create rainshadow effect which result into aridity discouraging crop farming / encouraging livestock farming-Some fold mountains may act as barriers to transportand communication making the construction of transport and communication lines difficult / expensive 8. a) i) Define the following termsRiver divide - it is a ridge / boundary / line separating river systems or basinsRiver regime - it is the seasonal fluctuation or variation of water in the river valley according to changes in season1markii) State four ways in which a waterfall is formed -Where a river rejuvenate-Where a river fall / descend over the edge of a plateauinto a coastal plain-Where a lava barrier forms across a river valley-Where a tributary flows from a hanging valley and enterinto a glacial trough / valley-When a river enters the sea through a cliff-Where a vertical faulting has taken place across a riverbed-When there is a rock outcrop in the river bedb)i) Describe the following river transport processesSolution - soluble materials are dissolved in water and carried in form of solutionTraction - the large and heavy particles are rolled / slide along the river bedii)State four ways in which people are affected by floods-When rivers flood they destroy a lot of property / crops-When rivers flood they can displace people-When rivers flood they may lead to loss of lives-Flood waters may be medium of spreading water bornediseases1mark-Flood rivers can destroy transport and communicationlines / bridges-Flooding rivers can also cause soil erosionc)Using diagrams describe the following drainagepatternsi)Centripetal-Rivers flow from all directions and discharge theirwaters into an inland basin such as a lake or swamp Page | 32500akagram 1markGeography 312/1,312/2-The drainage is influenced by the slopeCentripetaldrainage patternii) Trellis pattern- the pattern develops where soft and hard rock alternate vertically- the tributaries join the main river at right angles - the consequent streams are parallel to the main river - some obsequent streams flow to the opposite direction of the main river- the main river and its tributaries form a rectilinear patternOSSOSOSCc - consequent rivers - subsequent rivero - obsequent riverd)i)Two objectives of the study-to identify the features found in the old state of the river-to find out the significance of the features in the oldstage of the river-to find out the problems caused by the river in the oldstage of the river2mksii)Two advantages of observation as a method ofcollecting data-it provide first hand observation-one is able to observe the most current information-it saves time as data is obtained instantly-the information remain in the memory for a long timeiii)State two characteristics of a river you are likely toobserve-the river flowing at a low speed-the river carry silt in suspension / water is brown-river has braids-the river meandering in the flood plain-distributaries-different tributaries / differed junctions-floods9.a)i)What is a lake ?-It is an extensive body of water in a depression on theearth surface2mksii)Three sources of water found in lakes-rain water-rivers-underground water-glacial melt water any 2 x 1 = 2mksb)Describe formation of the following l esi)Tarn lake-snow accumulate in a pre-existing depression on themountain side-snow get compacted into ice forming a cirque glacier-frost action / freeze thaw action enlarges the hollow-abrasion by ice deepens the hollow-plucking process steepens the backwall-eventually a deep arm chair shaped depression knownas corrie is formed-when the corrie fills up with melt water is forms acorrie / tarn lakeii)Crater lake-vent eruption emit acid lava to form a volcanic cone-subsequent eruption may blow the top of the cone toform a crater at the top-the top of the cone can also subside to form a crater atthe top-if the crater is occupied by rain water / melt water /underground water it forms a crater lakec) Name the lakes markedX - BaringoY - RukwaZ - Mobutud)i)Four reasons why some Rift valley lakes have freshwater-some have surface outlets through which excess saltsdeposits are carried away-some have subterranean outlets which drain the saltsthat accumulate in the lake bed-the lakes have regular inflow of fresh water from riverswhich dilutes the salts keeping the water fresh -some are situated in areas of low temperature thus lowrate of evaporation-some are situated in areas of high rainfall which keepsthe water fresh any 4 x 1 = 4mksii)Three negative effects of human activities on lakes-defforestation exposes soil which is eroded and carriedout into the lake causing siltation-defforestation destroys catchment areas which reduceswater fed into the lakes by rivers-industrialization - establishment of industries has led todisposal of waste / pollution / contamination of lakes -establishment of industries has led to increased wateruse which has lowered water levels in lakes -emergence of water weeds has chocked the lakeshindering effective exploitation of lake resources -emergence of water weeds has hindered transport inlakes-when the weeds rot they affect the habitat of aquatic life10.a)i)Two soil forming processes-weathering processes-decomposition of organic matter-leachingii)State three characteristics of zonal order soils- it has well developed soil profile A - D- found on gently sloping areas- have good drainage / are well drained- has taken a long time to form- they have deep soils / mature soil- the parent rock is well weatheredany 3 x 1 = 3mks Page | 32600Geography 312/1,312/2b)i)Give three importance of water in the soil-soil water dissolves minerals in the soil to formsolutions which are easily absorbed by plants-water facilitate transfer of mineral salts from horizon Ato lower horizons / leaching-plants absorb soil water through roots keeping the stemsstrong-soil water supplies water for the living organisms in thesoil-soil water regulate temperature of the soil-water in the soil accelerate chemical weathering-excess water causes water logging in the soil inhibitingsurvival of micro-organisms which causesdecomposition any 3 x 1 = 3mksii)Explain how the following factors influence soilformationClimate-climate influences the rate of weathering,decomposition and leaching-the rate of physical and chemical weathering is faster inhot and wet climate-formation of soil through decomposition of organicmatter is faster in hot and humid climates than in cool and dry climate-high rainfall and warm temperature encourage growthof vegetation which provide plant remains needed for formation of humus-cold climate lowers the action of bacteria hence slowingsoil development-high temperature lead to high evaporation(salinization) leading to the formatio of a hard pan of salt-rainfall lead to formation of alluvial soils througherosion and deposition-wind erosion exposes parent rock to weathering / leadto development of thin soils / wind transport anddeposit soil particles to other areas forming new soils (loess)-rainfall affect the rate at which leaching take place in asoil profileTime-where soil formation processes takes a short durationthe soil are generally immature / where the soils formation processes has taken a long period of time soils are generally well developed / mature c) The diagram below shows a soil arrangementABCDi)The soil arrangement in the diagram is- soil catena1mkii) Describe the nature of the soil found in parts A - soils are highly leached- the soils are thick and well drainedB - soils are very thin because of high rates oferosion 1mkC - well drained mature soils- thick soilsD - thick alluvial soils- poorly drained soilsd) Explain how the following causes soil degenerationi)Heavy rainfallHeavy rainfall lead to high rate of leaching of soluble minerals to the sub soil leaving the top soil with low mineral contentii) Deforestation- clearing the forests leaves soils loose and exposed to wind, water, erosion leaving them unproductive 2mksiii) Burning of vegetationBurning of vegetation lead to the destruction of humus lowering the mineral content of the soilIt also lead to killing or destroying of important micro-organisms in the soil 2mks Page | 327Geography 312/1,312/2 MERU SOUTH FORM 4 JOINT EVALUATION GEOGRAPHY Paper 2 July/August 2016 MARKING SCHEME SECTION A : 1. a)Name two minerals that are extracted through placer mining method- gold- diamond- platnum2 x 1 =2mksb) State two problems facing soda ash production in Kenya- high labour cost / hostile environment- stiff competition from countries with large deposits like USA and Israel- the low value of salts in the marke2 x 1 = 2mks2. a)Name three towns in Kenya that started as agricultural collection centres- Nakuru - Eldoret - Nanyuki - Kitale - Nyeri - Nyahururu b) Give three social functions of Kisumu town -Kisumu is an educational centre-Kisumu is a religious centre-Kisumu is a residential centre-Kisumu is a cultural centre-Kisumu is a recreational centre-Kisumu is a medical centre3 x 1 = 3mks3.a)Identify three pelagic fish species found in East Africa-Bonito-Tuna-mullet-king fish-sardines-queen fish-Barracuda3 x 1 = 3mksb)State three problems experienced in the marketing of fish in Kenya-some fishing areas are far from the market-roads are in poor conditions thus fish goes bad on route-fisherman lack appropriate storage / preservation facilities-there is limited local market due to cultural beliefs-the limited number of fish species limits the market-Kenya faces stiff competition from other producers4.State four conditions that favour irrigation farming in Kenya-presence of gently sloping land to allow easy flow of water-presence of clay soil / black cotton soil for water retention-presence of permanent rivers / reservoirs lakes for provision of water-high temperature throughout the year which allows multiple cropping-availability of large tracts of land to make the project viable-presence of sparsely populated areas reducing the cost of resettlement5.a)Apart from water pollution, name two other forms of pollution-land pollution / soil pollution / ground-noise pollution / sound-thermal pollution-radiation 2 x 1 = 2mksb) Give three effects of water pollution on the environment - pollution cause death of aquatic life - pollution destroys the aesthetic value / beauty of beaches / water bodies - it leads to spread of water borne diseases - pollution causes foul smell - pollution results to eutrofication Page | 328Geography 312/1,312/2 SECTION B 6.a) Calculate the percentage increase of cheese between 1990-19961005 - 894 = 111111 x 100 = 12.461%894ii)Draw a divided rectangle of 15cm to represent the sales of 1990CalculationsCanned milk404 x 15 = 2.559cm2368 Cheese894 x 15 = 5.663cm2368 Butter220 x 15 = 1.393cm2368 Fresh milk350 x 15 = 2.217cm2368 Yoghurt500 x 15 = 3.1672368b)State three advantages of using divided rectangles torepresent geographical data-divided rectangle gives a clear visual impression ofindividual component-they allow easy comparison of components-they can represent a wide range of data-they are easy to draw-they are easy to read / interpretc)Outline four characteristics of commercial beef farmingin Kenya-it is mainly practised on extensive gently sloping land-involves rearing of cattle mainly for production of meat-the animals are kept for commercial purposes-modern methods of livestock farming are applied-the ranches have all basic requirements like cattle dipsand water holes-the ranches are scientifically managed and the movementof livestock is restricted within the ranchesd)i)Give three uses of beef products-there is the provision of food / meat-hides are used for the making of leather-fat is used for making margarine / cooking fat-bones are used for making fertilizers / ornaments / cups-horns and hooves are used for making glue3 x 1 = 3mksii) Outline three major counties where beef farming is done in KenyaKajiadoLaikipiaMachakosNakuruNyeriTrans-nzoia7. a)i)Define the term forestA forest is a continuous growth of trees and undergrowth covering a large tract of landii) Give two examples of softwood trees grown in Kenya - Juniper / Kenya cedar- podo- pine- cypress- bamboob) Explain how the following factors influence the distribution of natural forests in Kenyai) Temperature- colder climate have lower number of tree species that are capable of surviving- in areas with temperatures above 21oC together with along rainy season tropical rain forest dominate - where temperatures are low with short rainy seasons, coniferous trees are dominant- many trees thrive temperatures between 10oC and 35oC ii) How altitude influence forest distribution- tree growth is limited to altitudes below 3500m because above this temperatures are very low- the types of trees growing at different heights vary / at lower levels of tropical mountains there are tropical rain forests which give way to coniferous forests and then bamboo forests- the forest zone is fond at the mid altitude because it is wetter 2 x 1 = 2mksiii) Influence of human activities on forest distribution -people clear forests for fuel to farm, mine, settle,construct roads and for recreation activities -chemicals used in farming eliminate certain trees that arealready established-use of fossil fuels and nuclear energy have polluted theenvironment to levels that are dangerous to the already established forests 2 x 1 = 2mksNB: the points must refer to the distribution of natural forests not planted forestsc)Explain four problem facing forestry in Kenya-forest fires caused by volcanic eruptions / lightning /charcoal burners / honey collectors / poachers / lumberjacks / cigarettesmokers burn tree seeds making it hard to regenerate-forest fires are common in dry period and roadconnection are poor for fire fighters making the forest vulnerable to fires 3 x 1 = 3mks-pests such as aphids / caterpillars destroy trees and theirshoots / tree diseases destroy valuable trees -overgrazing by wild animals like elephants / buffaloesdestroy trees by eating their shoots / trodding on the seedlings / knocking the trees down / livestock overgrazeon the forests destroying young trees and shoots-trees are debarked for various purposes such asmedicine / covering beehive / corking materials / basketry and weaving, debarking destroys trees -overexploitation of forest products for firewood,charcoal and furniture has encouraged wanton destruction of forests-excision of forests to create room for public utilities Page | 329Geography 312/1,312/2such as showgrounds / industrial expansion / Nyayo teazone-conflict in land use between forestry and othercompeting land uses which have contributed towards destruction of forest / increasing population among communities living around the forest has made peopleto encroach the forestd)i)State three characteristics of coniferous forests inCanada-trees are conical in shape-tree species occur in pure stands-the trees grow tall and have straight trunks-the trees have narrow needle like leaves-the trees bear cones-the trees have wide shallow roots-the forests are evergreen-the forests have no undergrowthsii)Explain two problems that affect forestry in Canada-severe winters especially in the North make treeseedlings take long to mature leading to delay inharvesting-the rugged landscape in the northern part of Canadamake the area in accessible as the winter is also severe -outbreak of fire caused by lighting and lumberjecksdestroy large tracts of forest / pests such as aphids / diseases destroy large tracks of forests reducing the area under forest cover-overexploitation in some areas have created shortage ofsome of the tree species which take long time to mature 8. a) Differentiate between renewable and non-renewable sources of energy-renewable sources of energy area those sources that canbe regenerated and used over a long period of time whereas non-renewable sources are those sources that are exhaustible if they are not well managed and wellextracted 2mksii) Name three renewable sources of energy apart from geothermal steam-wind-wood-tides-biomass-waves-draught animal-charcoal-sun / solar-water3 x 1 = 3mksb)i)State four advantages of using geothermal energy as asource of power in Kenya-generation of electricity is continuous as steam isproduced naturally-the cost of operating a geothermal plant is relatively low/ cheap to produce-geothermal steam is a renewable source of energy-its a clean source of energy-it helps reduce over dependence on exhaustible source ofenergy / fossil fuels4 x 1 = 4mksii)State four main causes of energy crisis in the world-withholding of oil by the oil producing countries /artificial shortages-increase in the prices of oil triggered by a sharp rise indemand-rapid depletion of oil reserves-unequal crude oil distribution by the petroleumproducing countries-economic / political sanctions that result to decline inthe supply of oil in the world market-over-reliance on petroleum and its products inindustrial, agriculture and transport sectorc)Explain three ways in which Kenya has benefited fromthe development of hydroelectric power scheme -there is provision of electricity for both industrial anddomestic use-the HEP has helped Kenya save foreign exchangewhich would have been used to import power -the HEP reservoirs / dams provide fishing grounds forthe local communities-the reservoirs have modified the local climate and morevegetation is growing around them-the construction of dams has lead to control of floodsespecially in the lower parts of Tana river enabling people to make use of the river valley-there has been improvement of infrastructure in theareas where HEP projects are found thus the areas have opened up for development-the schemes have created employment opportunitiesraising the standards of living of the people -some of the reservoirs provide water for irrigating thenearby farms-the government earns revenue from the sale ofelectricity locally-the projects acts as tourist attractions thus the countryearns foreign exchange through tourism-the reservoirs provides water for domestic use bypeople near the scheme3 x 2 = 6mksd)Explain three measures taken by the government ofKenya to conserve energy-people are being encouraged to use energy savingdevices such as energy saving stoves / jikos -the government is encouraging the use of alternativesource of energy like sun / biomass and wind -the government is using consumer prices to discourageunnecessary use of oil as fuel-people are being encouraged to use public transportinstead of private cars to save on fuel-people are being encouraged to walk for short distances/ use bicycles to save on oil-people are being encouraged to have propermaintenance on motor vehicles to reduce the amount of fuel consumed-people are being encouraged to switch off electricgadgets when they are not being used3 x 2 = 6mks9.a) Distinguish between manufacturing and tertiaryindustriesManufacturing industries change raw materials into semi- processed / finished products while tertiary industries provide servicesb) i)Name four agricultural food processing industriesin Kenya- milk processing- fruit processing- coffee processing- tea processing- sugar processing- cooking oil- grain milling- meat processing / canningii) Explain four factors that influenced the location of the Page | 330Geography 312/1,312/2iron and steel industries in the Ruhr region of Germany-availability of iron ore / coal / limestone from the Rhinevalley provided raw materials needed in the industries -availability of water from rivers Rhine / Ruhr / Lippe /Wupper / Emscher for cooling machines / industrial use -navigable rivers e.g. Rhine / Ruhr / canals e.g.Dortmund - Ems / Rhein - Herne provided cheaptransport for bulky raw materials and finished products-coal from the Ruhr region / imported provided power required in the industry-rich merchants / familiese.g. Krupp family and Ruhr Kohle provided capital for the industry- availability of local skilled labour formed foundation of iron and steel industry- densepopulation of central Europe / Germany provided ready market for iron and steel any 4 x 2 = 8mksc)Give five reasons why the government of Kenyaencourages the development of Jua Kali industries-create employment opportunities-to use locally available raw material / scrap metal-facilities decentralization of industries-use locally available simple skills-they require little capital-produce relatively cheap products that are affordable tomany people-they require simple machinery to start-some of the products are exported thus earning foreignexchange-they save the country foreign exchangeany 5 x 1 = 5mksd)You intend to carry out a field study in a coffee factorynear your schooli)State three reasons why you would visit the area ofstudy in advance-to be able to formulate appropriate objectives for thestudy-to help in identifying methods of data collection-to help estimate the cost of the study-to seek permission-to determine appropriate routes-to help in preparing a work schedule-to identify problems likely to be encountered-to estimate the time required for the study-to determine the suitability of the area-to determine appropriate tools for the studyii)You have prepared a work schedule for the study. Statethree items you would include in your schedule-time for departure-time to spend in the study-time for lunch-time to end the study any 3 x 1 = 3mks10. a) Internal trade is the exchange of goods and services within a country?s borders while regional trade as the exchange of goods and services between countries in the same geographical region / between neighbouring countriesb) i)balance of trade is the difference in value btween a country?s visible exports and visible importsii) Explain four measures that Kenya can take to reduce her unfavourable balance of trade-establish import substitution industries to reduceimportation of some goods-production of high quality manufactured / agriculturalgoods for export so as to fetch higher hence higherexport earnings-diversifying agriculture exports to enable the country tohave a variety of exports-restricting importation of luxury goods through hightaxation to reduce expenditure on imports-developing alternative sources of fuel to reduceimportation of oil-encouraging local assembling of machinery asimportation of parts is cheaper-opening new markets to reduce overreliance on a fewtrading partners-processing primary products to increase their value andearn more foreign exchange any 4 x 2 = 8mks c) Name three major exports from Kenya-tea-horticultural products-coffee-soda ash-petroleum products-cement-fish-pyrethrum extracts-hides and skinsd)i)Explain three ways in which trade is of significanceto Kenya-industrial growth through increased demand for goods-trade leads to development of transport which enablesgoods to be transported to the market-Kenya earns foreign exchange from exported goodswhich is used for development-domestic trade creates employment opportunitiesraising the standards of living-trade stimulates the exploitation of natural resourcesdue to demand for certain goods-trade is a source of government revenue throughtaxation-trade leads to production of high quality goods due tocompetition among producers both local and international-trade makes available a variety of goods from differentcountries / regions so consumers have a wide choice -trade stimulates development of other services e.g.banking, insurance-it leads to development of settlements / urbanisationnecessitating provision of social amenities-it enhances cooperation among countries which fosterspeace / harmonyany 3 x 2 = 6mksii)Outline four objectives of establishing the commonmarket for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) -to eliminate taxes on goods produced within membercountries-to enable member states to increase use of their rawmaterials-to promote transport and communication betweenmember countries-to reduce unnecessary competition amongst memberstates-to establish a common bank-to foster good relations / peace / political stability andhigh standards of living for member states1 x4= 4mks Page | 33100Geography 312/1,312/2 GEM SUB- COUNTY FORM 4 JOINT EVALUATION Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (K.C.S.E) 312/1 GEOGRAPHY Paper 1 July/August 2016 Time: 23/4 Hours SECTION A : 1.a) Name two layers of discontinuity that make up the internal structure of the earth(2 mks)b) State three natural forces that give the Earth its shape(3 mks)2.a) Apart from water vapour, name three other substances that are suspended in the atmosphere(3 mks)b) State two factors that are considered when classifying clouds(2 mks)3.a) Differentiate between regolith and talus scree(2 mks)b) Explain how topography influences weathering of rocks(3 mks)4.Draw a well-labelled diagram of a hydrological cycle(5 mks)5.The diagram below represents the action of waves on the coastline. Use it to answer thequestions (a) and (b)a) i.Name the waves marked X and Y(3 mks)ii.Name the current marked Zb) Describe two ways in which waves erode by hydraulic action(2 mks)6.a) i.Name two natural features in grid square 3142(2 mks)ii.Calculate the area bounded by the international boundary to the West.(3 mks)iii. What is the lowest altitude in the area covered by the map(1 mk)b) i. Calculate the gradient along Iwanda-Matayo all weather loose surface road between grid references 202330 to250366(2 mks)ii.What is the implication of the gradient you have found in question b(i) above?(1 mk)iii. Determine the intervisibility between the two points grid references 202330 and 250366.(1 mk)iv. Describe the long profile of River Sio.(5 mks)c) Explain how transport systems influence the settlement in the area covered by the map.(6 mks)d) Students from Budokoni school intend to carry out a field study on settlement in the area covered by the map extracti.State two reasons why they would sample the area(2 mks)ii.State two problems they are likely to face while studying settlements aroundBUKANGALA “B”(2 mks)7.a) i.Name the two types of compressional plate boundaries at which fold mountains are formed(2 mks)ii.List two fold mountains of the Alphine orogeny( 2 mks)iii. State three types of folds(3 mks)b) With the aid of a well-labelled diagram, describe how a fold mountain is formed(8 mks)c) Explain five positive effects of folding on the physical environment(10 mks)8.a) i.Define the term river(2 mks)ii.Give two ways in which water flows in a river(2 mks)iii. Differentiate between watershed and catchment area(2 mks)The diagram below shows features of river rejuvenation. Use it to answer question (a)below:Page | 33200Geography 312/1,312/2 b) i. Name the features labelled A and B(2 mks)ii.Explain two causes of river rejuvenation(4 mks)c) i.State two factors that influence the development of river drainage patterns(2 mks)ii.Describe the following drainage pattern and systemSuperimposed system(3 mks)Centripetal pattern(3 mks)d) Suppose you were to carry out a filed study on the cross profile of R. Yala in Gem sub-countyi.State two ways in which a map of Gem sub-county would be useful to your study(2 mks)ii.State THREE ways you would prepare for the study(3 mks)9.The diagram below shows mountain vegetation zones, use it to answer the questions that follow.a) i.Name the vegetation zones marked XYZ(3 mks)ii.State two reasons why the mountain top has no vegetation(2mks)iii. Explain three factors that have led to the decline of natural grasslands in Kenya(6 mks)b) i. State five characteristics of tropical rainforest(5 mks)ii.In what ways are desert plants adapted to the desert climatic conditions(5 mks)c) Students of your class carried out a field study on the influence of soil on the vegetationi.State two hypotheses they used for their study(2 mks)ii.Give two methods of data collection10. a) i. Differentiate between a soil profile and soil catena(2 mks)ii.State three processes of soil formation(3 mks)b) Explain how the following factors influence the formation of soili.Parent rock(3 mks)ii.Living organisms(3 mks)iii. Topography(3 mks)c) i.Draw a well labelled diagram of a mature soil Profile(4 mks)ii.State two economic uses of soils(2 mks)iii. You intend to carry out a field study on soils within the school environment(i) State two methods of data collection you would use(2 mks)(ii) Name three properties of soil you are likely to identify(3 mks)Page | 33300Geography 312/1,312/2 GEM SUB-COUNTY FORM 4 JOINT EVALUATION Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (K.C.S.E) 312/2 GEOGRAPHY Paper 2 July/August 2016 Time: 23/4 Hours SECTION A Answer all the questions from this section 1. The diagram below represent some commercial fishing methods a) Name the fishing method marked K and L.(2 mks)b) Highlight three reasons why marine fishing is not well developed in the Kenyan coast.(3 mks)2.a) Name three marine national parks in Kenya.(3 mks)b) Outline three ways game reserves are of benefit to the communities living near them.(3 mks)3.a) Give three features of horticultural farming.(3 mks)b) State two reasons why horticultural produce are exported by air.(2 mks)4.a) Apart from air pollution list three other types of pollution.(3 mks)b) State two factors which favoured growth of Kisumu as an urban centre.(2 mks)5.Highlight four problems that arise from population decline.(4 mks)SECTION BAnswer question 6 and any other two questions in this section.6. Below is one of the methods of statistical data presentation. Use it to answer the questions which follow.a) i.Name the method of statistical data presentation shown above.(1 mk)ii.Describe the trend of tea production in Kenya between the years 1999 and 2004.(3 mks)iii. State two advantages of using this method to present statistical data.(2 mks)b) i. Give three physical factors that favour coffee growing in the Kenyan highlands.(3 mks)ii.State three causes of the high decline of coffee production in Kenya today.(3 mks)c) Explain four benefits of coffee cultivation to brazil.(8 mks)d) i. List three problems experienced in cocoa framing in Ghana.(3 mks)ii.Give three uses of cocoa.(3 mks)iii. Name three crops grown in Kenya that are processed to produce vegetable oil.(3 mks)7. a)i.Name two softwood exotic tree species planted in Kenya.(2 mks)ii.State three reasons why it is necessary to carry out afforestation programmesin Kenya.(3 mks)b) Explain three environmental challenges facing the exploitation of tropical rain forests in Africa.(6 mks)Page | 33400Geography 312/1,312/2 c) Compare the species of softwood trees in Kenya and Canada under the following sub-headings: - The diversity of the softwood tree species(2 mks)- The gestation period of tree species(2 mks)- The acreage of the softwood tree species(2 mks)d) Explain four human problems facing forests in Kenya.(8 mks)8. a)i.What is international trade.(2 mks)ii.State five factors which influence the development of international trade.(5 mks)b) Explain three reasons why there is an imbalance of trade between Kenya and other countries.(6 mks)c) i. Give two reasons why Kenya imports some of the items it produces.(2 mks)ii.State three benefits of Kenya's trade with other countries.(3 mks)d) i.List three ways in which Kenya is negatively affected by international trade.(3 mks)ii.Suggest two ways by which Kenya can reduce her unfavourable balance of trade.iii. State two economic roles played by the European union as a trade block.(2 mks9. a)i.Use the map of the Ruhr industrial region in Germany to answer question (i)Name;-The river marked X(1 mk)-The canal marked W(1 mk)-The town marked Y(1 mk)b) i.Other than iron and steel, name three industries located in the Ruhr region ofGermany(3 mks)ii.Explain four factors which influenced the location of iron and steel industryin the Ruhr region of Germany(8 mks)c) i. Give four reasons why the development of the Jua Kali industry is encouraged in Kenya.(4 mks)ii.State four reasons why most of Kenya's scrap metal Jua Kali industries are located in the urban centres(4 mks)d) List three problems hindering decentralization of industries in Kenya(3 mks)10. a) i. Other than water name two renewable sources of energy which are exploited in Kenya(2 mks)ii.Explain four physical factors that influence the location of a hydro-electric power station(8 mks)b) Explain four benefits that would result from rural electrification(8 mks)c) State four problems that Kenya experiences as a result of overdependence on petroleum(4 mks)d) i. Give three factors that hinder expansion of geothermal power production in Kenya(3 mks)Page | 33500Geography 312/1,312/2 GEM SUB-COUNTY FORM 4 JOINT EVALUATION Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (K.C.S.E) MARKING SCHEME Geography (312/1) Paper 1 JULY/AUGUST 2016 SECTION A 1.(a) Name two layers of discontinuity that make up theclouds,interior structure of the earth2 marks-The altitude /height-Mohorovic/moho discontuimity-Appearance /colour-Gutenburg discountuinity- Structure /form(b) States two natural forces that gives the earth its3 . (a) Differentiate between regolith and talus scree.shape- Regolith is a layer of loose mixture of broken rocks-Force of gravity - pulls the materials that make theon a rock surface WHEREAS talus scree is a mass ofearth crust towards the centre, causing a rounded shape.broken rock particles accumulated at the base of cliffs/-Centripetal force - pulls poles towards each otherscarp slopes.causing flattening of the poles.b) Explain how topography influences weathering of-Centrifugal forces - fling materials of the earths crustrocks.causing crust outwards, causing bulging along the-Weathering in faster in highlands areas/ steep slopesequator.than lowland /gentle slopes2.(a) Apart from water vapour , name any three other-Weather materials are washed away quickly on steepsubstances that are suspended in the atmosphere .slopes exposing underlying rocks to agents of-Gases/carbondioxide/oxygen.weathering.-Pollen grains.-On gentle slopes / flats areas /weathering in slow-Smoke particlesbecause rocks are covered by thick layers of-Dust particlesweathered.-Evaporated salt particles4. Draw a well-labelled diagram of a hydrological cycle(ii) States two factors that are considered when classifyingScoring-Evaporation-Condensation-Clouds-Precipitation/rain/snow/sleet-Inffiltration/perclation5. The diagram below represents the action of waves on the coastline . Use it to answer questions (a) and (b)Page | 336Geography 312/1,312/2a) (i) Name the waves X and Yii) The current Zx- Swash Y- Black wash Z- Underblow(b) Describe two ways in which waves erode by hydraulic action.-The swash /breaking waves hit directly against the cliffsshattering the rocks-The force of breaking waves compress air into the crackin the cliff face. The compressed air bubbles explode, causingvibrations which shatter the rocks.-waves send water into cracks ,expelling into cair. As thewater rushes out ,it sucks out loose rocks, breaking it. 6 (a) (ii) Seasonal swanpR.. SioPapyrus vegetation / Bog / MarshGentle SlopeRiver valley(ii) Complete Squares = 21Incomplete squares =1821+18/2 =30 km(iii) The lowest attitude 1160m above seas levelb)i) Gradient =1240-1180= 60 = 16000600100Or Tan = 1 = Tan-1 (0.01)100ii) Implication - for every 100m of horizontalmovement there is 1m of vertical rise2mksiii) They are not intervisible1mkc)ii)Long Profile of R. Sio-River Sio originates from North East part of the mapextract.-River Sio flows towards South West.-There are many meanders along River Sio channel.-A few tributaries join River Sio,-There is a deffered tributary joining RiverSionear Luimo.-Most tributaries form a dendritic pattern with River Sio.-Some tributaries form rectilinear / Irelis as Hrelis patterfor example Saka and tributary joining at grid square 3846 and3847.-River Sio has swampy river banks.-Most parts have a gentle gradient.-Along the whole profile, the valley is wide.-River Sio is permanent.Any 5x1 = 5mks-Linear settlement - Along footpaths andtrucks.-Dispersed settlement - where there are few transportlines for example BukangalaB.-Clustered settlement - At the road junction FunyulaMarket.-No settlement in areas without transport lines forexample Samia Ridge.-Less dense settlement in North West due to fewertransport lines.-More settlements in the South due to more transportlines.-Few settlements in the North West due to few transportlines.Any 3x2 = 6mksd) i) The area is quite expansive to study in a day. -The area is too wide to study in a day.-To minimize costs.-To study in great details.-To study areas we cannot access.Any 2x1 = 2mks.ii). Problems faced during study of Bukangala B. -Inaccessibility of some areas due to swamps.-Difficulty in climbing steep slopes.-Attack from wild animals.-Unfavorable weather conditions (example given).Any 2x1 = 2mks7.(a)(1) Name the two types of compressional plateboundaries at which fold mountains are formed.-Continental to continental-Continental to oceanic(ii) List two fold mountains of the Alpine Orogeny-Apls of Europe-Himalayas-Rockies-Andes(iii). State three of folds-Simple symmetrical fold-Asymmetrical fold-Overfold-Recumbent fold-Isoclinals-Syncliclinorium-anticlinorium(b). With the aid of a well labelled diagram, describe how a fold mountain is formed.(8 marks)-An extensive depression called geosyncline filled withwater to form asea.-Sediments eroded from the surrounding landmasseswere deposited in the geosynclines.-Te sediments accumulated, adding weight.-Subsequent accumulation formed very thick layers,causing the geosyncline to subside.-Convectional currents triggered compression forcesacting on the sediments causing further subsidence. -The sediments then bent upwards and downwards to forfold mountains.(c) Explain five positive effects of folding on the physical environment. (10 marks)-Resultant features e.g. fold mountains form sceniclandscape attractive to tourists.-Folding creates steep slope that form rugged mountaintopography.-Fold mountains receive heavy rainfall on windward sidethat support dense forests.-Fold mountains receive heavy rainfall on windward sidethat is a source for rivers.-Folding may weaken the crustal rocks creating faultlines through which magma may escape, thus triggering off volcanic activity.-Depression formed through folding turn into wet landswhich support a rich biodiversity.-Folding can result in rock metamorphism.-Folding can also expose deeply seated minerals/burying of come valuable minerals.8. (a) (i) Define the term river(2 marks)-A natural flow of water in a definite channel.(ii). Give two ways in which water flows in a river -Quiet lamiar/lamellar flow-Turbulent flow-Heliocoidal / cork-scew flow-Plunge flow(iii) Differentiate between watershed and catchment area -Watershed is a ridge / boundary line separating drainage/ river basins of two adjacent rivers, WHILE catchment Page | 33700Geography 312/1,312/2area is the area from where a river draws its waters /source of a river.(b) The diagram below shows features of river rejuvenation. Use it to answer question (a) below:(i) Name the features labelled A and B.(2 marks)A - Knick-point/waterfallB - River terraces(ii) Explain two causes of river rejuvenation. (4 marks) -Change in the resistance of river bed-rock form resistantto less resistant.-Increased river discharge / increased precipitation incatchment area.-Change in base level of the river/fall in sea level/localsubsidence.(c) (i) State two factors that influence the development of river drainage patterns. (2 marks)-Slope/ gradient of the land-direction of flow guided bydirection of slope.-Rock structure/ difference in rockresistance orhardness along the river profile determines how deep the channel is dug.-Rock structure along the river?s profile - thearrangement of rock layers influence direction.(iii) Describe the following river drainage pattern and system:Superimposed system(3 marks)-Develops vertically alternating rock layers-The river cuts through the surface rock layer graduallyremoving it.-The underlying rock layer is exposed.-The river develops a new drainage pattern in linewithout the structure of the exposed rock.Centripetal pattern(3 marks)-Develop on areas with a central basin/ depression/common inland basin.-Rivers flow from different directions towards a centraldepression.-Pattern is mainly guided by slope.-Drainage often lacks an outlet.(d) Supposing you were to carry out a field study of the cross profile of River Yala in Gem Sub-County.(i) State two ways in which a map of Gem Sub-County would be useful to your study. (2 marks)-In identifying / locating the features to study.-Finding direction / routes to the study area.-In calculating distances/ area.-In identifying problems likely to be encountered duringthe field study-In estimating the cost of transport to the study area.-In identifying the most suitable terms of transport tothe study area.-In estimating the amount of time needed to study thearea.-In preparing a work schedule.(iii). State three ways you would prepare for the study.(3 marks)-Obtain permission from the relevant authorities.-Conduct a reconnaissance-Hold discussions to adjust the hypothesis and objectives-State objective/ hypothesis-Reading relevant material-Dividing themselves into groups-Drawing a route map-Collecting relevant materials/tools-Preparing the work schedule-Preparing the questionnaire / observationschedule9(a) (i) Name the vegetation zones marked X, Y, Z(3 marks)X-Tropical rainforest / equatorial forest / rainforest / temperate forestY-BambooZ-Heath and moorland(ii) State two reasons why the mountain top has no vegetation (2 marks)-High altitudes cause very low temperatures-Strong winds uproot vegetation.-This soil support little vegetation-Snow cover prevents vegetation development.(iii) Explain three factors that have led to the decline of natural grassland in Kenya (6 marks)-The frequent outbreak of bush fires destroys the grassretarding its regeneration-The increasing human population is encroaching intothe grasslands replacing them with settlement / cultivated land-Pests such as army worms / locusts destroy the grassand the vegetation degenerates into a Semi -desert type. -Wild/ domestic animal overgraze and cause stuntedgrowth of grass.-Prolonged drought retard growth/ destroy grass.(b) Describe five characteristics of tropical rainforests.(5 marks)-The trees are tall, straight trunks with few branches.-The trees form canopies.-Most tress have buttress roots.-The trees have broad leaves.-The trees take long to mature.-The trees are mostly hard woods.-The vegetation has little undergrowth.-There are climbers i.e. Lianas.10 (i) Differentiate between a soil profile and soil catena(2 marks)-Soil profile is the vertical arrangmenet of soil particlesin layers or horizons while catena is the horizintal arrangement ofsoil on a mountain slope.(ii) State three processes of soil formation (3 marks) -Leaching/ (ii)Eluviation (iii)Illuviation-Organic accumulation-Cheluviation-Preposition-Organic sorting(b) Explain how the following factors influence the formation of soil(i) Parent rock3marks(ii) Living organisms3 marks(iii) Topography(iv)3 marks Page | 33800Geography 312/1,312/2(i) Parent rock-Some rocks weather faster than others for examplelimestone.-Some rocks have simple mineral compounds whileothers have compound ones.-Those that weather fast result to deep soils while thosewhich weather slowly result to immature soils.-Parent rock determines the texture of resultant soil.-Mineral composition of parent rock determines mineralcomponent of resultant soil.(ii) Living organism-Assist in breaking down rocks through burrowing,ploughing and root penetration.-Influence chemical composition of the soil by holdingor removing organic acids and minerals.-Decaying plant and animal influence soil fertility.(iii) Topography-Relief has an influence on drainage surface - run-offand erosion.-Relief determines the exposure of slopes to the sunresulting to different soils.-Windward slopes are wetter than leeward slopes hencehave different soil characteristics.-Gentle well drained slopes are likely to develop matureand balanced soils.-On steep slopes, erosion is greater resulting in immaturethin soils.C (i) Draw a well labelled diagram of a mature soil profile. (4 marks)HumusTop soilSub-soilweathered parentmaterialBed rock(ii) State two economic uses of soils.-Literite soils are used in road construction and layingfoundation of various structures.-Clay soils are commonly used in pottery and other clayworks.-In humid warm climates, clay material accumulate inHorizon A forming bauxite from which aluminium is extracted.(iii) You intend to carry out a field study on soils within the school vicinity.(i) State two methods of data collection you would use.-Observation - identify soul colour and type-Interviewing - uses and types-Collecting soil samples-Content analysis(ii) Name three properties of soil you are likely to identify-Soil texture-Soil colour-Soil air-Soil water-Organic matter-Soil structure-Soil pit Page | 339Geography 312/1,312/2 GEM SUB-COUNTY FORM 4 JOINT EVALUATION Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (K.C.S.E) MARKING SCHEME Geography (312/2) Paper 2 JULY/AUGUST 20161.a) Fishing methods markedK. Purse SeiningL. Trawlingb. Three reasons why marine fishing is not well developed in the Kenyan Coast.-Inadequate capital /high competition by well establishedforeign fishing companies-Insecurity / fear of attack by Somali insurgents / pirates-Straight coastline does not encourage good fishbreeding .-Pollution by transport ships.-Limitations of international boundaries.-Low level of technology / inadequate research.(3 x 1 =3 marks)2 a) Three marine national parks in Kenya.WatamuKisiteMpunguti(3 x 1= 3 marks)DianiMalindib) Three ways game reserves are of benefits to the communities living near-Construction of road networks enable them transporttheir goods to markets.-Tourists attracted expand their market for their goods /services earning them incomes.-Employment is created earning people incomes-Social amenities created provided services such ashealth care and help the local communities.-Wildlife also give aesthetic value to the environmente.g. elephant(3x1=Marks)3 a) Three features of horticultural farming-Land is intensively cultivated-There is scientific management of crops eg greenhouses, fertilizer application , pest management. -Farming is mainly for the market / done near market /urban centres.-It is labour intensive-Near transport routes. (3 X 1 = 3 Marks)b) Reason why horticultural produce is transported by air. -Horticulture products are highly perishable thus requirefaster transport .-Some are light in weight which make it easy/ suitable toexport by air.-There is high demand for the produce thus the need tosupply urgently.-High market prices are able to pay/to compensate forthe air freight charges(3 x 1=3 marks)4.a) Three types of pollution apart from air pollution . - Water pollution- Land / soil pollution- Noise pollution- Radiation pollutionb) State factors that favoured the growth of Kisumu town. - Location at the shores of Lake Victoria made if grow as a port .- Building of Uganda railway made it a terminus thusinflux of settlers and traders .- Kisumu was a regional administrative centre in the colonial period.- The rich hinterland with mineral / agriculture resources provided raw materials.- The nearby rivers and Lake Victoria provide fresh water for the industrial / domestic needs- Well developed means of transport / roads/ airport makes the town easily accessible. (2 x1= 2 mks)5. Four problems that arise from population decline. -Labour shortages.-High cost of maintaining ageing population.-Low market / demand for goods and services.-Rural depopulation.-Inadequate use of natural resources.-Environmental degradation in the neglected regions.(4 x 1 = 4 marks)6 a (i) Name method of statistical data, comparative/ multiple/ Group line Graph.(ii)Trend of tea production in Kenya between theyears 1999 and 2004.-At Kshs 15 Million . Tea production between 1999 and2000 was the same in value..-Between the year 2000 and 2003 the value of Teaproduced increased by Kshs 3000 Million / gradually by Kshs 3000 Million.-Between the year 2003 and 2004 the value of teadropped gradually by Kshs 1000 Million.-Through out the six year period the value of Teaproduced in Kenya surpassed / beat all other crops / was the highest ranging between Kshs 15,000 Million and Kshs 18000 Million. (3 x 1 = 3 mks)(iii) Advantage of using comparative line graphs : -The trend of each variable can be traced easily throughthe period.-Different variables can be compared easily.-The graph is easy to read / interpret.-It gives a clear visual impression.(2 x 1 = 2 marks)b. (i) 3 Physical factors favouring coffee growing highlands.-Volcanic soils-Deep soils-Well drained soils6. b) (i) - Gently sloping landscape- High rainfall / 1000m -2030 mm per year -Well distributed rainfall throughout the year-Cool to warm temperatures / 14-26 0cb (ii) Causes of high decline of coffee production in Kenya. -The development of erratic weather conditions / theoccurrence of drought conditions.-The attack of coffee bushes by frost.-The high incidence of disease such as Coffee BerryDisease CBD-The high level of pests attack such as Leaf Miner andThrips.-The high cost of other coffee farming inputs-The declining of soil fertility / The high cost of fertilizer Page | 340Geography 312/1,312/2application to replenish the lost soil fertility.(Any 3 x 1 = 3 Marks)c. Benefits of coffee cultivation to Brazil-From coffee exports foreign exchange is earned whichis used in the economic and social sectors of Brazil. -The development of social amenities from the earningsof coffee has led to high standards of living .-Many Brazillian have secured employment in coffeecultivation which improves on their standards of living/ provides income for good livelihood.-Small holders earn income from coffee sales which isused to upscale their standards of life.-Roads and railways have been constructed facilitatingthe movement of people , Industrial inputs / output within the country.Any 4 x 2 = 8 marksd. Problems experienced in cocoa farming in Ghana -Pests such as capsid Insect attack cocoa leaves.-Diseases such as the swollen shoot and the black poddestroy the crop.-Bush fires are a threat to cocoa farming.-Fluctuation of cocoa prices in the world market makesit difficult for farmers to plan their crop production. -Low cocoa prices lower farmers morale.-Flooded feeder roads / poor means of transport delaytransportation of the crop to the buying centres.ii. Uses of cocoa- Beverage6.d (iii) Name crops grown in Kenya that are processed to produce vegetative oil;-Sunflower-Maize/Corn-Cashew nuts-Coconut-Cotton-Soya Beans-Sim sim7.a. (i) Softwood exotic tree species planted in Kenya. -Pine-Cypress-Gravillea Robusta(ii) Reasons why Afforestation Programmes are necessary in Kenya.-Control soil erosion in arid areas.-Increase the habitat for wildlife / conservation wildlife.-To create employment opportunities-To create scenic beauty-To protect water catchment areas-To reduce importation of forest products / save foreignexchange.b. Environmental challenges facing the exploitation of tropical rainforests in Africa (6 marks.)-Very high rainfall which delays tree felling ,discomforts the lumber jakes and destroys roads.-High temperatures conditions which cause discomfortto lumber jakes.-The high degree of humidity which reduces visibility inthe area.-The scattered species of trees whose location andextraction is difficult.-Attacked by wild animals which kill lumber jakes .-The huge buttress roots which obstruct fellingoperations7. c.( i) The diversity of the softwood trees 2mksThe various types of softwood tree species inKenya are low while in Canada , a wide variety of suchtrees prevail(ii) The gestation period of the softwood tree species -Softwood tree species mature in a short period of timewhile in Canada they take a long period of time. (iii) The acreage of the softwood tree species -A small percent of land in Kenya is covered bysoftwood trees while in Canada a large percent of the land is coveredd. Human problems facing forests in Kenya. -The degazettement of state forests which reduces thetotal acreage under forests in the country.-Outbreak of forest fires by hunters and honey harvesterswhich destroy the forests.-Over exploitation to meet the high demand for forestproducts particularly timber which reduces the area under forest cover greatly.-High population growth which leads to encroachmentof forests for purpose of farming and settlement causing cutting down of forests .-Illegal logging which destroys large forest lands.-Corruption by forest officers which results into massivecutting down of trees hence reducing the area under forest cover.d. Remoteness inaccessibility of forest areas which hampers regular forest patrols for security purposes. 8 a. (i Definition of trade-This is trade which is carried out between two or morecountries / exchange of goods and services between individuals and government of different countries.(1 x 2 =2 marks)a. (ii) Five factors which influence development of international trade-The large and ready supply of goods-The high and reliable demand for goods and services-The prevailing efficient transport services/roads/railways-The efficient communication systems in place-The presence of of common /convertible currencies-The peaceful political understanding among andbetween nations of the world-Absence of trade restrictions /limited trade restrictions-Extensive of aids to trade/banks/insurance/warehouses(5 marks)Three reasons for an imbalance of trade between Kenya and other countries-Kenya exports mainly agricultural raw materials whichare of low value-Kenya imports manufactured goods which are of highvalue agricultural goods exported face stiff competitions in the world market which reduce sales and earnings-Semi processed goods earn less when exported-Some goods exported are of low value hence generatelittle earningsc) (i)Reasons why Kenya imports some goods it produce-To cater for inadequate supply of similar items.-For its citizens to have a variety of same items.-Some of the items it produces are expensive to produce.-to maintain bilateral relationship with other countriesc. (ii)State three benefits of Kenya? s trade with othercountries-Imported industrial inputs/raw materials have led to Page | 341Geography 312/1,312/2growth of industries-Demand for Kenya exports have led to expansion ofindustries that produce those goods.-Transport and communication network hasbeenimproved to facilitate the movementof trade goods.-Employment opportunities have been created in themanufacturing/service industries that handleimports/exports.-Trade has enhanced co-operation between Kenya andtrading partners.-Kenya is able to satisfy local demand-Kenya gets a ready market for its surplus goods.(3 x 2 = 6 Marks)d. (i)Three ways Kenya?s negatively affected byinternational trade-Overdependence on agricultural produce whose pricesfluctuate get Kenya demoralized.-Imported goods become a great threat to local -infantindustries leading to theirclosure e.g.. textileindustries.-Importation of outdated/expired/substandard goodscause adverse effects /harm its citizens.-To satisfy the demand of the external market cause it tooverexploit her natural resources rapidly leading to depletion.-By depending largely on the developed Europeancountries for her exports and imports Kenya is made to accept some undesirable gestures.(3 x 1 = 3 Marks ) d. (ii) Two ways of reducing unfavourable balance -By value addition to the locally produced goods.-Broadening the search for external market.-Diversifying exports.-To establish more industries.( 2 x 1 = 2Marks)d. (iii) State two economic roles of EuropeanUnion as a trading block.-Elimination of tariffs and duties among member states-Promotion of co-operation with AfricaCaribbean &Pacific countries to widen\markets.-Development of transport modes amongmember states.-Providing funds for investments in industry and energysectors.-Providing loans & grants to reduce poverty.-Introduction of common currency to harmonizeeconomic activities.-Stabilization of prices of goods among member states.(2 x 1 = 2 Marks)9 a. (i) Name;-The river marked XRiver Rhine (1 Mark)-The Canal marked NRheine - Herne( 1 Mark)-The town marked YDortmund ( 1 Mark)b. (i)-Engineering-Food industry-Chemical Industry-Textile industry (3 Marks)b. (ii) Explain four factors that led to the growth of iron and steel industry in the Ruhr.-Availability of coal/iron/limestone from Rhine Valleywhich formed the main raw materials.-River Rhine /Ruhr/Wupper/Emscher provided waterrequired for industrial use.-Coal from the Ruhr region/imported petroleumprovided power required in the industry.-The dense/affluent population in Germany and centraland western Europe provided ready market for iron and steel.9. b)The region is served by navigable rivers such asRiver Rhine/Ruhr/Canal provided cheap water transport -The local population had acquired skills of ironworking.-Presence of rich company e.g. Ruhr- Kahil/ families e.g.Krupp family which provided capital for the development of the industry(4 x 2 = 8 Marks) 9. c) Four reasons why the development of Jua Kaliindustry is encouraged in Kenya.-Less capital is required to establish it.-It creates employment opportunities / raises standardsof living/ earns income-Requires less expensive machinery as it is manual.-Uses locally available raw materials/scrapmetals/recycled materials which reduce costs of imports, conserves theenvironment.-Uses locally available ski;;s/innovation throughimitating products already in the market.-It enhances decentralization of industries-Produces mainly for the local market hence the countrysaves foreign exchange / earns foreign exchange. -It produces relatively cheap products/ affordable bymany.c.ii)Why most Jua Kali industries are located in urbancentres.-The large and readily available scrap metal in the urbanareas.-The high chances of technology transfer from theformal industries located in urbanareas.-The high chances to credit facilities fromfinancialinstitutions.-The high entrepreneurial skills by the urban population.-The willingness of the urban residents to be self-employed to earn a modest livelihood.-The large population of cheap labourers and idle aswell.-The great access to hydro-electric power to runmachines.-The large market for the finished products among thelarge urban population.-The large and readily available scrap metalin the urbanareas.d)3 problems hindering decentralization of industries inKenya.-Some industries depend on each other for raw materials/market/services hence it is difficult to separate /relocate them.-Inadequate market in the rural areas discourageinvestors from relocating industries away from urban centres.-Insecurity in some areas discourage investment in suchareas.9. d)Collapse of some industries formerly located in the rural areas discouraged fresh investments in similar industries in suchareas-Some private investors are discouraged by poor Page | 342Geography 312/1,312/2transport facilities/ remoteness ofsome areas10.a) i) Renewable sources of energy-Water-Wind-Solar/sun-Steam/geothermal steam/geysers/hot springs-Wood/biamass/charcoal/briquettes-Animal/draughtii) Four factors influencing the location of H.E.P. -Presence of large volume of water from ariver/lake/large catchment area to provide water to drive the turbines-Regular/ constant supply of water to enable continuossupply of electricity.-Hard basement rock to provide a firm foundation for theconstruction of a dam.-Presence of a deep valley/river gorge to save on the costof the construction of the dam/to provide space for the reservoir.-Non-porous/impervious rock to prevent seepage(4 x 2 = 8 Marks)b) Four benefits of rural electrification-It would encourage setting up of industriesinrural areas thus stimulating decentralization ofindustries.-It would reduce the cutting down of treesas theelectricity will be available for domestic use.-It would attract/improve social amenities \in rural areasreducing the need for people to move to urban centre.-More people would invest in rural areas which wouldlead to higher standards of living-it would lead encourage development of horticulturalfarming have ideal storage of perishable products. c) Four problems of overdependence on petroleum in Kenya-The country does not produce crude oil hence relies onimportation ignoring other sectors of the economy. -When there is a sharp increase in oil pricesKenyaspends large amount of her revenue importing oil/affects balance of payments.-When oil prices are high, the cost of manufacturedgoods and services increases causing inflation in the country.-When oil producing and exporting countries dictate theprices without consulting the consumer countries such as Kenya. This necessitates higher taxation to create revenue for importing oil.-Frequent shortages of petroleum productsgas/destruction of forests occur.ii) Two factors that hinder expansion of geothermal power production in Kenya-Limited number of suitable sites-Inadequate capital for investment.-Scarcity of skilled labour-poor technology Page | 34300Geography 312/1,312/2 MAARA SUB-COUNTY FORM 4 JOINT EXAMINATIONS KENYA CERTIFICATE OF SECONDARY EDUCATION (K.C.S.E) GEOGRAPHY Paper 1 July/August 2016 Time: 23/4 Hours SECTION A Answer ALL questions in this section. 1.a) What is the time at a point B 30°W when the time at point A 20°E is 4.00pm(2marks)b) State three proofs that explain the spherical shape of the earth.(3 marks)2.a) State three conditions that lead to a river capture.(3 marks)b) State two conditions that lead to formation of gorges along the River valley.(2 marks)3.a) What is derived vegetation?(2 marks)b) State three ways in which desert vegetation adapts to the harsh climatic conditions.(3 marks)4.a) List two mechanism of ice movement.(2 marks)b) Identify three factors that influence the speed of ice movement.(3 marks)5.a) Outline three factors that contribute to the development of deserts.(3 marks)b) Name two ways of how wind erodes in Arid areas.(2 marks)Answer question 6 and any other two questions from the section.6.Study the map of Busia, 1:50,000 (sheet 101/1) provided and answer the following questions.a) i) What type of map is Busia map.(1 mark)ii) Give the magnetic variation at the time the map was drawn.(1 mark)b) i) Identify the human made features at grid square 2122 and 4950.(2 marks)ii) Calculate the area of place West of international boundary. Give your answers in km2.(2 marks)c) i) Apart from Thicket name any other two types of vegetation found in the map.(2 marks)ii) Name any other two methods that have been used in the map to show relief.(2 marks)d) Draw a rectangle 16 x 12cm to represent the area West off Eastings 26 and North of northing 38.i)On the rectangle mark and name;1) Boundary2) Swamp (seasonal)3) River S10(3 marks)ii) State any four factors that have influenced settlement in the area North of Northing 45.(4 marks)e) Describe the drainage of the area covered by the map.(7 marks)7.a) How does a sea breeze occur?(2 marks)b) Use the map of Africa below to answer question (b) (i) L JKName the ocean currents marked J, K and L (3 marks)c) Describe a suitable site where you would locate a weather station in your school. (3 marks)d) Identify and explain the formation of the type of rainfall found in the lake region of Kenya.(4 marks)e) Explain the characteristics of the climatic conditions experienced in the Kenyan highlands.(8 marks)f) Describe the characteristics of natural vegetation associated with equatorial climate.(5 marks)8.a) Name one fold mountain found in- South America- Asia- North America- Africa(4 marks)Page | 344Geography 312/1,312/2 b) i) Apart from fold mountains, name three other features resulting from folding.(3 marks)ii) With the aid of a well -labelled diagrams, describe the formation of fold mountains.(10 marks)c) Explain four ways in which fold mountains influence human activities.(8 marks)9. a) i) What is the difference between weathering and mass-wasting.(2 marks)ii) Explain two ways in which plants cause weathering.(4 marks)b) Explain five ways in which soil creep occurs.(10 marks)c) Some students are planning to carry out a field study on rock weathering around their school.i)List four secondary sources of information they are likely to use as they prepare for the study.(4 marks)ii) State five activities they would carry out during the study.(5 marks)10. a) i) What is soil catena?(2 marks)ii) Name the main components of soil.(3 marks)b) Explain how the following factors influence soil formation:-Time(2 marks)-Topography(2 marks)-Aspect(2 marks)c) Draw a well labelled profile of a mature soil.(6 marks)d) Explain four ways in which human activities contribute to soil erosion.(8 marks)Page | 345Geography 312/1,312/2 MAARA SUB-COUNTY FORM 4 JOINT EXAMINATIONS KENYA CERTIFICATE OF SECONDARY EDUCATION (K.C.S.E) GEOGRAPHY Paper 2 July/August 2016 Time: 23/4 Hours SECTION A Answer ALL questions in this section. 1.a) Give two indigenous softwoods in Kenya.(2 marks)b) Apart from coniferous forests, name three other types of natural forests.(3 marks)2.a) Define “green house effect”.(2 marks)b) Give three examples of greenhouse gases.(3 marks)3.a) State three ways in which drought affects agricultural sector in Kenya,(3 marks)b) Give three reasons why it is important for the Kenyan Government to come up with a food security policy.(3 marks)4.a) What is derelication ?(2 marks)b) Name two by-products of crude oil.(2 marks)5.a) What is biomass?(2 marks)b) Name three sources of biomass.(3 marks)SECTION BAnswer question 6 and any other two questions in this section.6.The table below shows contribution of various energy sources to the exchequer in Kenya in thousand dollars. Use it to answer questionsthat follow.Type of power1986198719881989Hydropower130100100110Geothermal120140160170Thermal30304030a)Using a vertical scale of 1cm represents 50,000 dollars draw a compound bar graph to represent the information given.(7 marks)b)i)Apart from power generation state three benefits which has resulted from construction of Masinga Dam.(3 marks)ii)Explain the benefits of rural electrification in Kenya,(6 marks)c)i)Explain three ways in which energy crisis negatively affects the economy of Kenya.(6 marks)ii)State three benefits Kenya will achieve after drilling oil in Turkana county.(3 marks)7.a) i) Give three examples of demersal fish.(3 marks)ii) Explain three physical factors that favour fishing in North West pacific fishing ground.(6 marks)b) Describe the following methods of fishing;i) Drifting(4 marks)ii) Purse seine(4 marks)c) State five problems experienced in the marketing of fish in Kenya.(5 marks)d) Give three problems facing fishing in Japan.(3 marks)8.a) Differentiate between manufacturing and tertiary industries.(2 marks)b) Outline four reasons why Kenya has a high potential of industrial development.(4 marks)c) i) State four factors that influenced the location of industries in Eldoret town.(4 marks)ii) Explain three factors that have led to the growth of industries in Thika town.(6 marks)d) i) What is industrial inertia.(2 marks)ii) Outline three factors that lead to industrial inertia.(3 marks)e) Explain two factors that have favoured the development of electronics industry in Japan.(4 marks)9.a) i) What are environmental hazards.(2 mark)ii) Name four natural hazards associated with climatic conditions.(4 marks)b) i) Name two types of pollution.(2 marks)ii) Identify three ways through which water is polluted.(3 marks)c) i) Explain four ways how water pollution can be controlled.(8 marks)ii) Explain three effects of garbage dumping in urban centres.(6 marks)10.a) Define the following terms;i) Hinterland(2marks)ii) Entreport(2 marks)ii) Give four factors considered when citing a sea port.(4 marks)b) i) What is urban zoning.(2 marks)ii) State four factors that influence the emergence of slums in urban areas in Kenya.(4 marks)c) Name three countries which make the hinterland of Rotterdam port.(3 marks)d) Compare between the ports of Mombasa and Rotterdam under the following headings:i) Mechanization of the port(2marks)ii) Port facilities(2 marks)iii) Site of the port(2 marks)iv) Transport links to the interior(2 marks)Page | 346Geography 312/1,312/2 MAARA SUB-COUNTY FORM 4 JOINT EXAMINATIONS KENYA CERTIFICATE OF SECONDARY EDUCATION (K.C.S.E) GEOGRAPHY Paper 1 July/August 2016 Time: 23/4 Hours SECTION A Answer ALL questions in this section. 1.a) What is the time at a point B 30°W when the time at point A 20°E is 4.00pm(2 marks)Difference in latitude 30° + 20° = 50°Difference in time is 1° = 4min50 = ?50 x 4 = 200min1200= 31/3 = 3 hours 20min6016.00 - 3.20 = 12.40pm2 x 1 = 2mksb) State three proofs that explain the spherical shape of the earth.(3 marks)-Circumnavigation - One moves straight in one direction will come back to starting point again - Satellite photograph taken by the sky show the earth is spherical. - Ship approaching a port - smoke is first seen then the mast, then the whole body, if the earth was flat all the ship will be seen the same time. - Eclipse of the moon -during this eclipse the shadow cast by the earth is spherical and only spherical bodies have spherical shape. - Sun rises 1st in the east if the earth was flat the whole earth will received sunlight at once. - Earth horizon appear curved when standing from a high point.1 x 3 = 3mks2.a) State three conditions that lead to a river capture.(3 marks)-Two rivers flowing parallel to each other down the shape- Powerful river/pirate flow at a lower level- Powerful river flow on softer rock.3 x 1 = 3mksb) State two conditions that lead to formation of gorges along the River valley.(2 marks)-Where a river flows on less resistant rock- Where a river flows along a fault line- Where a river valley undergoes a slow uplift of land- Where a waterfalls retreat upstream2 x 1= 2mks3.a) What is derived vegetation? (2 marks)-Vegetation that grows naturally where original vegetation has been cleared.2 x 1 = 2mksb) State three ways in which desert vegetation adapts to the harsh climatic conditions.(3 marks)-Some trees are umbrella shaped - Some have deep roots - Some have fleshy barks/leaves - Some have thorns - Some have seeds that lie dormant during the dry season and sprout - Some have sunken stomata - Some are deciduous - Some are halophytic /sault torellant3 x 1= 3mks4.a) List two mechanism of ice movement.(2 marks)-Basal slip- Extrusion flow- Freeze -thaw action2 x 1 = 2mksb) Identify three factors that influence the speed of ice movement.(3 marks)-Thickness of ice- Gradient of slope- Weight of the glacier3 x 1 = 3mks5.a) Outline three factors that contribute to the development of deserts.(3 marks)-Increased temperatures and excessive evaporation - Prolonged drought/low rainfall - Rain shadow effect on high mts -Continentality /distance from the sea - Human activities /deforestation/overstocking 3 x 1 = 3mks Page | 347Geography 312/1,312/2 b) Name two ways of how wind erodes in Arid areas.(2 marks)- deflation- abrasion2 x 1 = 2mksAnswer question 6 and any other two questions from this section.6.a) i) What type of map is Busia map.(1 mk)- Topographical1 x 1 = 1mkii) Give the magnetic variation at the time the map was drawn. (1 mark)2°21`1 x 1= 1mkb) i) Identify the human made features at grid square 2122 and 4950.(2 marks)-Boundary - Settlement - Foot path/other tracks2 x 1 = 2mksii) Calculate the area of place West of international boundary. Give your answers in km2. (2 marks)= 30km2 + 12 x 1= 2mksc) i) Apart from Thicket name any other two types of vegetation found in the map. (2 marks)- Scattered trees- Papyrus vegetation- Scrub2 x 1 = 2mksii) Name any other two methods that have been mused in the map to show relief.(2 marks)-Contours- Trigonometrical stations2 x 1 = 2mksd)i) On the graphii) State any four factors that have influenced settlement in the area North of Northing 45. (4 marks) -Swamps have Nill settlements - More settlement along lines of communication / roads - Nill settlement along the rivers Sio - Flat /low gradient areas avoided -High settlement on gently swampy areas4 x 1 = 4mkse) Describe the drainage of the area covered by the map.(7 marks)-The area has many ?1 rivers ?1 eg River Soi - Many rivers are permanent ?1 - There are many disappearing?1 rivers - The main?1 river is River Sio which flows from N.E to SE -The area has seasonal / papyrus swamps?1 -River form Trellis patterns ?1 on the landscape while other form dendritic eg River Wakhungu7 x 1 = 7mks7.a) How does a sea breeze occur?(2 mks)-During the day the land heats faster than the sea-The air over the land rises-The cooler air from sea blows towards the land to replace the rising air.- The cool air from the sea is sea breeze.2mksb) Name the ocean currents marked J, K and L(3 marks)J - MozambiqueK - BengueraL - Guinea3mksc) Describe a suitable site where you would locate a weather station in your school.(3 marks)-Open area free of shade by trees and buildings - Gentle land free from of flooding - Area with wide view of surrounding - Away from concrete surface.Any 3 x 1 = 3mksd) Identify and explain the formation of the type of rainfall found in the lake region of Kenya. (4 marks) -Convectional rainfall Its formation -The intense heating from the sun results into warm air rising in form of convectional currents - The rising air reaches the high atmosphere and moisture in it condenses -Condensing air forms clouds and falls as rain -It falls in the late afternoon accompanied by lighting and thunderstorms.Any 4 x 1 = 4mkse) Explain the characteristics of the climatic conditions experienced in the Kenyan highlands. (8 marks) -Region receives rainfall throughout the year - Total rainfall ranges from 1000mm to 1500mm - The region has double maxima in east and single maxima in West Page | 34800Geography 312/1,312/2 - Rainfall is higher on the windward slopes than on leeward slopes - Rainfall is higher on the windward slopes - Rainfall is caused mainly by S.E trade winds - Average temperature ranges between 17° to 20°C - Area receives mainly relief rainfallAny 4 x 2 = 8mksf) Describe the characteristics of natural vegetation associated with equatorial climate.(5 marks)-The natural vegetation is equatorial rain forest vegetation- Growth of this vegetation is due to high rainfall well distributed throughout the year.- Forest consists of tall trees with straight and smooth stems. The trees reach great height of 40metresbecause ofcompetition for sunlight.-The trees form canopy - Forest is characterised by close growth of trees of different species - Trees have broad leaves drip-tip in shape, - Forest is evergreen -Many trees have buttress root system mainly for support.Any 5 x 1 = 5mks8.a) Name one fold mountain found in- South America - the Andes mountains - Asia -the Himalayas - North America -rocky mountains and the Appalachians - Africa -Atlas mountain/Cape ranges(4 marks)b) i) Apart from fold mountains, name three other features resulting from folding. (3 marks) -Rolling plains - Ridge and valley landscape - Intermontane plateau - EscarpmentAny 3 x 1 = 3mksii) With the aid of a well -labelled diagrams, describe the formation of fold mountains.(10 marks)-Geosynclines are formed on the earth’s surface - Prolonged and extensive erosion occurs on the surrounding higher grounds - Sediments are deposited in the geosynclines forming thick layers - The weight of the sediments causes subsidence of the geosyncline leading to accumulation of more sediments. -As a result, the sediments are compressed and form folds which are also thrust upwards to form fold mountain. - The mountain features are formed at the edge of the geosynclines due to closeness of the source of the force. River s fromGeosyncline/BasinLayers of sendimentshigher groundsdeposited by rivers/ Geosyncline Basin Folded sendiments/fold mountainsFolded sendiments(mts)Compressional force on the geosyncline Diagrams - max 4mks Text - max 6mks 10mks c) Explain four ways in which fold mountains influence human activities.(8 marks)Page | 349Geography 312/1,312/2 -Fold mountains are water catchment areas- They trap rainfall which feed rivers that provide water for domestic ?1use/for irrigation /industrial use/HEP generation/Rainfall for agriculture. -Fold mountains are often forested and provide valuable time used in construction and building industry ???-Some fold mountains have valuable minerals deposits such as coal and petroleum; which is mining by man/exploited. - Fold mountains attract tourists, thus earning the countries foreign exchange???- Fold mountains influence transport system either as barriers or as passes making man to incur extra expense. -Topographic nature of the landscape may encourage /discourage agriculture /settlement 9. a) i) What is the difference between weathering and mass-wasting. (2 marks) Weathering is disintegration /breaking down and decomposition of rocks in situ due to exposure on the surface while mass wasting is down slope movement of weathered material under influence of gravity?? (2mks) ii) Explain two ways in which plants cause weathering.(4 marks)-Pressure of expanding roots in cracks causes rocks to disintegrate - Plants like algae release organic acids on rocks causing its delay - Linchens, mosses maintains rocks moisture which facilitates chemical weathering. b) Explain five ways in which soil creep occurs. (10 marks) -Due to temperature changes, soil particles expand and contract hence shift position down slope - Moisture /rain water cause soil to become wet and compact. On drying the particles loosen and shift position down slope. -Moisture acts as lubricant to soil particles causing their movement down slope - Removal of soil on the downhill side makes the rest of soil to shift down slope - Human activities/Action of borrowing animals may cause the removal of soil on lower part of slope. This triggers soil particles on the upper part of the slope to shift down slope. - Freezing of soil water expands the space between soil particles. Once water thaws, particles fall by gravity shifting down slope. - External forces eg moving trigger effect which causes downwards movement of soil particles. c) i) List four secondary sources of information they are likely to use as they prepare for the study. (4 marks) -Textbooks /pamphlets -Maps /Geological maps - Journals -Periodicals/magazines /Newspapers - Handouts from teachersAny 4 pts x 1 = 4mksii) State five activities they would carry out during the study.(5 marks)-Drawing of sketch maps - Observation - Collecting rock samples - Making notes - Taking photographs - Asking/answering questions - Studying geological mapsAny 5pts x 1 = 5mks10.a) i) What is soil catena?(2 marks)It is the arrangement of soil layers along a mountain slope from top to bottom??2 x 1 = 2mksii) Name the main components of soil. (3 mks) - Humus - Air/soil air - Water/soil water - Rock particles/weathered materials /mineral particles - Living organismsAny 3 pts x 1 = 3mksb) Explain how the following factors influence soil formation:-Time(2 marks)-Where soil formation processes takes a short duration the soil are generally immature/where the process has taken a long time, soils are generally well developed/mature???- Topography(2 marks)-Valleys bottoms encourage formation of deep fertile soils due to deposition/accumulation of weathered materials/encouraged formation of heavily leached soils ??1 -Steep slopes encourage rapid removal of the top soil thus slowing down formation of soil/they have thin soil/have poorly developed soil???-Flat areas may be saturated with water /water logged and this slows down formation of soil/gentle sloping areas have well developed soils because they are well drained ???-Some rocks are more exposed to the sun/rain which enhances the rate of weathering of the parent rock/soil formation???Page | 35000Geography 312/1,312/2 c) Draw a well labelled profile of a mature soil. (6 marks) Humus Horizon A /Top soil Horizon B/ Sub-soil Horizon C/ Weathered parent rocks/ patly weathered Soil with large rock particles Horizon D/Parent rock/ Bed rock d) Explain four ways in which human activities contribute to soil erosion. (8 mks) -Cutting down of trees/deforestation exposes the soil to agents of erosion -Continuous ploughing weakens the soil structure making it easy for agents of erosion to carry it away. - Ploughing across the contours/up and down the slope creates channels which encourages easy removal of soil by running water agent. - Overstocking leads to trampling on the top soil by animals making them easy to carry away. - Overgrazing leads to removal of vegetation cover thus exposing soil to agents of erosion. - Continuous burning/cultivation without replenishing soil nutrients deprives the soil of the fertility which binds the particles together. This makes soil susceptible to erosion. -Road construction/quarrying/mining loosens the soil making them easily eroded. - Monoculture/over cropping leads to soil exhaustion thus making the soil vulnerable. Shifting cultivation/bush furrowing may leave land unprotected against agents of erosion. -Cultivation of crops in marginal areas loosens the soil especially during dry seasons resulting to wind erosion. Page | 351Geography 312/1,312/2 MAARA SUB-COUNTY FORM 4 JOINT EXAMINATIONS KENYA CERTIFICATE OF SECONDARY EDUCATION (K.C.S.E) GEOGRAPHY Paper 2 July/August 2016 Time: 23/4 Hours SECTION A Answer ALL questions in this section. 1.a) Give two indigenous softwoods in Kenya.(2 marks)-Podo?1 - African pencil cedar ?2mksb) Apart from coniferous forests, name three other types of natural forests. (3 mks) -Tropical hardwoods / equatorial forest ?1 - Temperate hardwoods?1/Temperate deciduous forests - Tropical monsoon forests?1 - Mangroove forests?1 - Mediterranean forests?1 - Warm temperate evergreen forests/warm temperate forests - Mixed forests ?1 - Montane forests ?1/bamboo forestsAny 3 x 1 = 3mks2.a) Define “green house effect”. (2 marks)-A process whereby gases such as carbon dioxide and methane in the atmosphere absorb and remit infra -red radiation emitted by the earth’s surface hence trapping the warmth and hence raising temperatures on the earth surface. ?2 b) Give three examples of greenhouse gases. (3 marks) -Carbon dioxide?1 - Nitrous oxide ?1 - Methane?1 - Water vapour ?1 - Chlorofluorocarbons?13mks3.a) State three ways in which drought affects agricultural sector in Kenya(3 marks)-Leads to shortage/lack of pasture for livestock and death of animals. -Shortage /lack of water for livestock and irrigation?1 - Leads to crop failure and famine?1 - Leads to shortage of agricultural production/reduction in farmer’s income.3 x 1 = 3mksb) Give three reasons why it is important for the Kenyan Government to come up with a food security policy. -To ensure self sufficiency in food stuffs?1 - To ensure there is sufficient food reserves /storage?1 - To ensure every citizen has access to sufficient food stuffs. ?1 - To ensure that the available food is of balanced nutritional value?1 - To give the government control over exports/imports of food. - To allow free?movement of foodstuffs within the country for easy distribution.3 x 1 = 3mks4.a) What is derelication ?(2 marks)This is the ruthless exploitation of minerals leading to their exhaustion /land degradation and abandoning?? of the land.-The degraded and abandoned land with deep pits and soils /rock heaps is called derelicts land.2 mksb) Name two by-products of crude oil.(2 marks)-Wax - Bitumen/tar/asphat?1 - Sulphur for making chemical?1 - Lubricants /grease?1 - Resin/Petro chemicals?2mks5.a) What is biomass?(2 marks)This is the energy produced from organic matter/plant and animal waste.?2mksb) Name three sources of biomass.(3 mks)-Wood ?1- Animals waste ?1- Agricultural waste?1- Molasses produce gasohol?13 x 1 = 3mksPage | 352Geography 312/1,312/2 SECTION B Answer question 6 and any other two questions in this section. 6.a) On the graph paperb) i) Apart from power generation state three benefits which has resulted from construction of Masinga Dam. (3 marks) -The reservoirs provide water for irrigation thus improving agricultural production. - The reservoirs provide water for domestic and industrial use. - The reservoirs fresh water for fishing grounds which supply fish to the local people. - The dams and the reservoirs has led to the control of floods in the lower parts of River Tana. -The dams / reservoirs are tourist attraction which generates foreign exchange for the county. - The reservoirs modify climate making the surrounding areas suitable for settlement. - The dams/reservoirs provide suitable sites for education purposes.any 3 x 1 = 3mksii) Explain the benefits of rural electrification in Kenya. -Encourage setting up of industries in rural areas stimulating decentralisation of industries. - Reduce cutting down of trees for wood fuel as electricity is available for domestic purposes. - Attract development of social amenities in rural areas reducing rural-urban migration - Encourage more people to invest in the rural areas leading to higher living standards eg developing Jua Kali industries - Encourage the development of horticultural crops as they have ideal storage of perishable products. c) i) Explain three ways in which energy crisis negatively affects the economy of Kenya. (6 marks) -Increase in the prices of crude oil makes Kenya spend a lot of foreign exchange currency reserve. .- Increase in oil prices leads to increase in prices of farm inputs which this causes food crisis. - Increase in oil prices causes increase in prices of commodities leading to inflation /high cost of living. - Oil crisis causes scarcity of oil by-products leading to shortage raw materials of certain industries. -Increase in fuel prices leads to increased transport costs which cause price increase in almost all sectors of the economy. ii) State three benefits Kenya will achieve after drilling oil in Turkana county. (3 marks) -It will save the country a lot of foreign exchange used to pay for importing oil from middle East. - It will lower and control the high prices of petroleum products. - It will encourage increased industrialisation as oil products will offer raw materials. - Kenya will increase oil exportation which will give more foreign exchange. - Reduced oil prices will lower the cost of transportation and production of goods. - The petroleum related industries will improve agricultural activities hence increase production. -Petroleum mining and related industries will create more employment opportunities raising the living standards of many people. - Oil mining activities will lead to the development of transport and communication network in the region. 7.a) i) Give three examples of demersal fish.(3 marks)a) Black skin??b) Cod ??c) Streker??d) Goat fish??e) Rock fish ??f) Pad ??g) Snapper ?any 3 x 1 = 3mksii) Explain three physical factors that favour fishing in North West pacific fishing ground.(6 marks)a) Numerous islands provide good breeding ground for fishing hence fishing. ???b) Extensive continental shelf are shallow providing light for the growth of plankton which food for fish???c) Cool temperature arising from the meeting of cold Oxasiwo and the warm Kurosiwo providing conditions for planktons survival???d) Japan is generally mountainous which does not favour Agricultural making fishing?? the only economic activity. b) Methods of fishing; i) Drifting(4 marks)-The net is vertically hanging in water??- They are fitted with floats on the upper edge and weights below and placed a few metres below the water and pulled by powerful boats called drifters??- When fish into the net are entangled by their gills and cannot get out of the net.??- Once enough fish are caught the net is hauled onto the boat and fish is removed?4mksii) Purse seine(4 marks)-The purse seine net is laid in a circle to enclose a school of fish??- At the bottom of the net are rings through which passes a rope??- One end of the rope is attached to a boat and the other part? is pulled by another boat around a school of fish. - When the circle is completed the rope is pulled to close the net forming a bow-like shape hence trapping fish??- The net is then hauled to the shore and fish is removed ?4mksPage | 353Geography 312/1,312/2 c) State five problems experienced in the marketing of fish in Kenya.(5 marks)-Some fishing areas are far from the markets?- Roads from some fisheries are in poor conditions thus fish goes bad before reaching markets. ??-Fishermen lack appropriate storage/preservation facilities??- Export markets are limited due to tight restriction/competition for market by other producers ?/external suppliers - There are limited local markets?/poor fish eating culture.any 5 x 1 = 5mksd) Give three problems facing fishing in Japan.(3 marks)-Overfishing and depletion of some fish species ?- Industrial pollution kills many fish species?- Restriction of fishing into territorial ?waters /Japanese are forced to venture into deep sea fishing.3mks8.a) Differentiate between manufacturing and tertiary industries.(2 marks)Manufacturing industries change raw materials into semi-pressed /finished products while tertiary industries provide services to consumers??2mksb) Outline four reasons why Kenya has a high potential of industrial development. (4 marks) i) Has a variety of agricultural raw materials??ii) It is developing power sources /H.E.P and geothermal power/discovery of petroleum. iii) Construction of better roads/railways/expansion of Kilindini harbour and proposed Lamu port/lapset projects for easy transport of gods. iv) Promotion of good international relation that attracts investors/for goods.??v) Joining training block like EAC and COMESA which opens wider markets??vi) Access to credit facilities from financial institutions/banks to start small scale industries??vii) Kenya’s govt policy of import substitution and increasing export??viii) The high population that offers a ready market and labour ?any 4 x 1 = 4mksc) i) State four factors that influenced the location of industries in Eldoret town.(4 marks)i) Availability of labour from the high pop in a surrounding regions??ii) Availability of agricultural raw materials in region??iii) Well developed transport links with other parts of the country by roads and railway line??iv) Availability of ready local markets for finished products??v) Availability of flat land for expansion of industries??vi) Government policy to develop the area/decentralise industriesany 4 x 1 = 4mksii) Explain three factors that have led to the growth of industries in Thika town.(6 marks)i) Proximity to Nairobi hence interdependence as some industries in Thika which gets input from Nairobi industries. ???ii) The railway and road connection between Nairobi and Thika provided easy and cheaper movements of good and services for industries in Thika??1 iii) A large ready market from Nairobi and large population around Thika who have a high purchasing power for industrial products ???iv) Abundant of fresh water from rivers Chania for industrial purposes ???v) A rich agricultural hinterland that provide raw materials for industries???vi) The dense pop in the areas provide cheap labour for industries. ???vii) Extensive floods land for setting up and expanding industries attracted many investors???viii) Availability of power from the seven forks power projects that supply electricity for industries. ???ix) The govt policy of decentralisation of industries has encouraged growth of industries in Thika. ???3 x 2 = 6mks d) i) What is industrial inertia. (2 marks) Is the tendancy of an industry to remain in particular place even when the original locational advantages are no longer important. ??2mksii) Outline three factors that lead to industrial inertia.(3 marks)i) An industry may remain in a place due to availability of experienced workers /employment?ii) Availability of market in an area may encourage the industry to remain?iii) Fear of the cost of building other industries elsewhere/new machinery equipment?iv) Well developed transport network which facilities easy movement of people and goods ?3 x 1 = 3mkse) Explain two factors that have favoured the development of electronics industry in Japan.(4 marks)i) Availability of capital to invest in the industries which is got from other industries such as fishing and tourism???ii) The rugged terrain of Japan hinders agricultural development making industrialisation an alternate source of income???iii) Availability of market due to high pop in Japan creates high demand locally and internationally. ???iv) Japan has high developed HEP which provides power for the industries ???v) Strategic position of Japan in relation to other countries encourage trade thus promoting production of electronics/accessibility???vi) Japan has highly skilled industrious workforce which enhances efficient in production???vii) Japan has many sea ports which make importation of raw materials and exportation of goods easy???viii) Government policy/peace and stability has led to rapid development of industries??any 2 x 2 = 4mksPage | 354Geography 312/1,312/2 9. a) i) What are environmental hazards.(2 mark)These are disasters caused by natural processes or human factors and have negative effects on the environment.???ii) Name four natural hazards associated with climatic conditions. (4 marks) -Floods - Lightning and thunderstorms - Dust storms and windstorms - Desertification - Land slides - Hailstorms - Heat waves b) i) Name two types of pollution.(2 mks)- Water pollution ??- Land/soil pollution??- Air pollution??- Noise /sound pollution??- Thermal pollution??- Radiation pollution??three ways through which water is polluted.(3 marks)Discharge of industrial waste into water bodies??- Oil spillage/leaks from ship and tracks??- Disposal of domestic waste into water bodies??- Bathing /washing clothes/cars and watering animals in lakes and irons??- Discharging of agricultural chemicals?/fertilisers into rivers/lakes by rain water - Discharge of raw sewage into water bodies??-Deposition of eroded soil by run off into water bodies??-Damping of sand waste or metals and plashes/nuclear waste into water bodies??any 3 x 1 = 3mks c) i) Explain four ways how water pollution can be controlled. (8 marks) -Enact and enforce laws on the use of improved technology for industrial efficiency to reduce harmful discharge into water bodies. ???- Enforce laws on environmental management and charging these who break the laws???- Educating people on the appropriate ways of refuse waste disposal to avoid polluting water resources/ avoid bathing and washing clothes/utensils/cars in water bodies. ???- Treating industrial waste to reduce its negative effects when discharged into water bodies. ???- Recycle industrial waste in order to reduce volume /turn -over that can be discharged into water bodies.???- paper disposal of domestic waste/new sewerage /dirty water be treated and pumped for re-use in washing clothes and irrigation to avoid water contamination???- Farmers to be advised to use more of organic manure to reduce use of agro chemical fertilisers ???- Research to be done to developed biological methods of weeds pests and diseases control to reduce use of pesticides /herbicides???-Control soil erosion into lakes using proper turning methods avoid cultivation along river banks /ploughing along contours and planting trees in the catchment areas and steep slopes???- Clean up campaigns to be done clean beaches and dumps along river valleys and lakes ???ii) Explain three effects of garbage dumping in urban centres.(6 marks)-Garbage dumps may cause full smell/air pollution which is a hazard to human health??- Dumped waste/garbage are washed into rivers by rain water causing water pollution.???- Garbage heaps can be breeding grounds for rodents /flies - Accumulated garbage heaps can block rivers???- Garbage helps are eyesore as they make the environment ugly. - Decomposing garbage in urban areas may cause inflammable gases that can light a fire???-Oil spillage and industrial waste leads to destruction of flora / fauna life???- Solid waste like rushed metals, broken bottles etc may cause injuries to people???- rocks and soil heaps produced by open cast mining make derelict land that destroy agricultural land and beauty of the land.???- Too much chemicals used in the soil may cause diseases to plants and people??10.a) Define the following terms;i) Hinterland(2 marks)An area from which a port draws its exports and distributes its imports?? 2mksii) Entreport(2 marks)Page | 355Geography 312/1,312/2 A port where goods on transit are stored while awaiting exploitation/distribution to the hinterland.??2mksii) Give four factors considered when citing a sea port.(4 marks)-Deep water to provide wide berths for holding large vessels at the port??- Sheltered sites from strong winds and high tides/low tidal range for ships to enter the port at any time??- Large extensive flat land for expansion of port facilities ??- An extensive and developed hinterland to provide goods to the poor??- Availability of capital invested to construct modern port facilities /container depot/cranes etc ??- Availability of modern skills and technology in maintaining port facilities/ship building etc?any 4 x 1 = 4mksb) i) What is urban zoning.(2 marks)This is the division of a town into concrete rings or zones with specific functions. ?? 2mks ii) State four factors that influence the emergence of slums in urban areas in Kenya. (4 marks) -Low income/unemployment??- Shortage /lack of proper houses??- High cost of land /house/high rental value in other parts of the town??- Poor urban planning/corrupt officials??- High rate of migrations into urban centres/rural urban migration?4mksc) Name three countries which make the hinterland of Rotterdam port. (3 marks) -Belgium??- Luxemburg ??-Germany??-Switzerland??- Austria??-France? any 3 x 1 = 3mks d) Compare between the ports of Mombasa and Rotterdam under the following headings: i) Mechanization of the port(2 marks) Mombasa port has less mechanisation/limited expansion in technology while Rotterdan uses advanced technologyinproviding services /highly mechanised??2mksii) Port facilities(2 marks)Both ports have containers terminals -but Mombasa has smaller warehouses/less modernised containers systems while Rotterdam has large warehouse /Modern container and sophisticated port facilties?? 2mks iii) Site of the port(2 marks)Mombasa is located on the drowned mouths of River Mwachi and Kombeni/Ria cost while Rotterdam is at the riverRhine??iv) Transport links to the interior(2 marks)Mombasa relies on road /air/railway/pipeline to the interior while Rotterdam has canals and navigable rivers in addition??Page | 356Geography 312/1,312/2 VIHIGA SUB-COUNTY FORM FOUR EVALUATION TEST- 2016 Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education 312/2 GEOGRAPHY PAPER 2 JULY /AUGUST-2016 TIME: 23/4 HOURS SECTION A: ANSWER ALL THE QUESTIONS IN THIS SECTION 1.(a) Name two weather related environmental hazards that are common in Kenya.(2marks)(b) State three consequences of improper management and conservation of the environment.(3marks)2.The sketch map below shows the Zuyder zee project in the Netherlands.(a) Name the polders marked J, K and L.(3marks)(b) What are the benefits of Zuyder Zee project in the Netherlands?(2marks)3.(a) State three ways in which softwood forests in Kenya differ from those in Canada.(3marks)(b) Give two problems that affect forestry in Canada.(2marks)4.(a) Describe how trona is extracted from Lake Magadi.(3marks)(b) State two uses of Soda ash.(2marks)5.(a) State two advantages of pipelines as a means of transport.(2marks)(b) List three measures that should be taken to improve road transport in Kenya.(3maks)SECTION B: ANSWER QUESTION 6 AND ANY OTHER TWO QUESTIONS FROM THIS SECTION.6.The table below shows Kenya?s export crops in ?000? tonnes between 2002 and 2006. Use it to answer questions (6a)crop20022003200420052006TEA420510580420490WHEAT270360480500420HORTICULTURE300410520600580(a) i) Using a vertical scale of 1cm to represent 75,000 tonnes draw a compound bar graph for the data above.(8marks)(ii) State two advantages of using compound bar graphs to represent statistical data.(2marks)(b) State three physical conditions that favour oil palm growing in Nigeria.(3marks)(c) Describe commercial production of oil palm in Nigeria from harvesting till it is ready for use.(7marks)(d) A part from production of palm oil, give five other uses of oil palm.(5marks)7.(a) i) Name two commercial methods of fishing other than trawling.(2marks)(ii) Describe how fish is caught using trawling method.(5marks)(b) Explain four problems facing inland fishing in Kenya.(8marks)(c) The sketch below shows a fishing ground.(i) Identify the above fishing ground.(1mark)(ii) Name the ocean current marked P.(1mark)(iii) List two types of fish caught in the above fishing ground.(2marks)(iv) A part from the ocean current, explain three physical factors that have contributed to large scale fishing in the region.(6marks)8.The sketch map of Africa below shows distribution of Hydro Electric power dams(a) (i) Name the power dams marked S, T and V.(3marks)(b) Explain how the following factors influence the location of Hydro Electric Power Dams.(i) Basement rocks.(4marks)(ii) Gradient of land.(2marks)(iii) Volume of water.(2marks)(c) i) A part from petroleum, name two other non-renewable sources of energy.(2marks)(ii) Explain four ways in which an increase in oil prices, negatively affect Kenya.(8marks)(d) Outline four ways in which Kenya can reduce on the use of petroleum as a source of energy.(4marks)9.(a) I) What is meant by the term hinterland?(2marks)(ii) Name three towns in Kenya that grew as agricultural collecting centres.(3marks)(b) Explain four factors that led to the growth of Kisumu town.(8marks)(c) Compare the ports of Mombasa and Rotterdam under the following sub headings:(i) Technology of the port.(2marks)(ii) The climate experienced at the ports.(2marks)(iii) Linkage to hinterland.(2marks)(d) Explain three negative effects of influx of immigrants to Kenya.(6marks)10.(a) i) Name three commodities imported to Kenya from Japan.(3marks)(ii) Give four reasons why industries are located near sources of water.(4marks)(b) Give four benefits of assembling motor vehicles locally in Kenya.(4marks)(c) Explain four factors that led to the growth of iron and steel industry in the Ruhr region of Germany.(8marks)(d) Your class carried out a field study on an industry.(i) Give three reasons for dividing the class into groups.(3marks)(ii) List three types of data you collected.(3marks)Page | 357Geography 312/1,312/2 VIHIGA SUB-COUNTY 312/2 GEOGRAPHY Paper 2 MARKING SCHEME SECTION A1.a) Name two weather related environmental hazards that arecommon in Kenya? Lightning? Floods? Landslides? Drought? Wind storms? Hailstones? Soil erosionb) State three consequences of improper management andconservation of the environment(3 marks)? Food shortages/famine? Lose of water catchment areas / water shortage? Extinction of some species of organisms? Lose of lives? Low standards of living? Global warming? Outbreak of diseases? Loss of productivity of the soil/land2.a) From the sketch map, the polders marked-J -North Eastern polder-K - Eastern Flevol and-L - South Flevolandb) What are the benefits of Zuider Zee project in the Netherlands Itshortened the coastline-The distance by road between the Friesland and NorthernHolland was shortened-Created fresh water lake Yessel which provides fresh waterfor domestic and industrial use-Created land for settlement-The polders are used for horticultural production-Employment opportunities were created-Floods and high tides that threatened lifes have beencontrolled-Attracts tourists which earns the country foreign exchange-Polders are used for dairy farming3.a) State three ways in which softwood forests in Kenya differfrom those in Canada(3 marks)-Softwood forests in Kenya are mainly planted while those inCanada are mainly natural-Softwood forests in Kenya are less extensive while those inCanada are more extensive-Softwood tree species in Kenya are mainly exotic while thosein Canada are mainly indigenous-Kenya has less variety of tree species while Canada has awider variety of tree speciesb) Give two problems that affect forestry in Canada-Forest fires which destroy huge tracts of forests-Cold climate which make trees take a long time to mature /delay harvesting-The rugged landscape in the north hinders smooth exploitationof forests-Pests such as aphids destroy trees-Over exploitation in some areas4.a) Describe how trona is extracted from lake Magadi-The dredger floats on the lake digging up the mineral-Inside the dredger trona is crushed into small pieces-It then mixed with lake liquor and pumped to factory forprocessingb) State two uses of soda ash.-Manufacture of glasses and bottles-In paper making-In oil refining-In textile industry-Manufacture of soap and detergents-Used in softening water-Making caustic soda5.a) State two advantages of pipelines as a mean oftransportation-Low cost of operating / maintenance-Free from pollution-Free from interference caused by weather changes-Ensure s continuous supply of the commodity-Pipes can laid over varied terrain-They are free from traffic jams-Are convenient for transporting inflammable products likepetroleumb) List three measures that should be taken to improve roadtransport in Kenya.(3marks)-Construction of by- passes/ flyovers to reduce congestion-Construction of highways / dual carriage/ road expansion toaccommodate more vehicles-Repair / maintain roads in good state to reduce accidents-Provide paths for cyclists and pedestrians-Enforce traffic rules to regulate traffic flow-Educate road users on road safety-Provide road signs to control traffic-Install traffic lights to control the flow of vehicles-Construction of bumps to reduce on accidents.SECTION B6.a)(i) Compound bar graph - on the graph paper - 8 marks(ii) State two advantages of using compound bar graphs torepresent statistical data(2 marks)-They are easy to construct-They are easy comparison of totals-They are easy to read / interpret-They are used to represent a wide range of data-They give clear/ good visual impression of datab) State three physical conditions that favour oil palm growing inNigeria(3 marks)-High temperatures throughout the year/ 20°C - 26°C-High rainfall which is evenly distributed throughout theyear/1500mm - 2100mm-Deep porous well drained soils-Plenty of sunshine-High relative humidity- 80%-Undulating land / gently sloping land-Low altitude / 0 - 100 m above sea levelc) Describe commercial production of oil palm in Nigeriafrom harvesting till it is ready for use.(7 marks-The ripe fruits are harvested by being cut from the tree usinglong curved knives-They are transported to the factory for processing-At the factory the fruits are weighed-They are then loaded into tube like cages-The fruits are passed through hot steam to arrest aciddevelopment and sterilize them-The fruits are stripped off stalks and other un wantedmaterials-They are cooked in digesters to soften to bulb-The pulp is separated from the kernel-The pulp is passed through oil extracting machines to extractoil-The kernel is crushed to remove shells and oil is extracted-The oil is then refined and packed ready for use.d) Apart from production of palm oil, give five other uses of oilpalm.(5marks)-The leaves are used for roofing houses Page | 358Geography 312/1,312/2-The leaves are also used for making mats ,baskets ,hats andbrooms-The fibre and shells are as fuel-The stems are used as building poles-The sap from the stems are used for making wine and otheralcoholic drinks-Crushed nuts are used as animal feed and for makingfertilizer7.a) i) Name two commercial methods of fishing other thantrawling.(2 marks)-Purse seining-Haul seining-Long line / trolling-Driftingii) Describe how caught using trawling method is (5 marks)-A bag shaped net/ a trawl net is attached to a trawler/ship-The mouth of the trawl net is kept open using otterboards/head beams-The upper part of the net is kept afloat by corks/floats-Weights are used to keep the lower part of the net at the seabed-The trawl net is dragged along the sea bed as fish is beingtrapped-After sufficient fish is caught the net is hauled to the ship andfish is emptiedb) Explain four problems facing inland fishing in Kenya.(8 marks)-Growth of certain weeds like water hyacinth in some fishinggrounds affect fish habitats/lower the fish population/hinderthe movement of fishing vessels.-In adequate technology affecting fish preservation whichlowers the quality of fish reaching the market-In adequate market due to sparse population and remotenessof major inland fishing areas.-In adequate capital by most fishermen for the acquisition ofmodern fishing equipment-Pollution of the fishing grounds by industrial waste andagricultural chemicals which kill fish thus lowering the catch.-Over fishing in some fishing grounds which has led to drasticreduction in fish population of some fish species.-Seasonal variation in rainfall amount which reduce levels ofwater thus reducing the population fishFour well explained x 2 = 8 marksc) (i) From the map the fishing ground is - North East Atlantic1 mark(ii) The ocean current marked P - North Atlantic Drift current (iii) List two types of fish caught in the above fishing ground-Tuna, cod, pilchard, skate, mackerel,-halibut, hake, herring, sardine,(iv) Apart from the ocean current, explain three physical factorsthat have contributed to large scale fishing in the region.(6marks)-Broad and shallow continental shelf which provide favourableconditions for the growth of planktons.-Indented coastline with a lot of fiords which provide sites forthe breeding of fish and sheltered waters for pot development-Cool climate which favours the growth of planktons andnatural preservation of fish.-The ruggedness of the landscape in the interior and coldclimate limit agricultural activities forcing people to resort tofishing as alternative economic activity3 well explained x 2= 6 marks8.a) From the sketch map the power dams markedS - Aswan high dam1 markT - Kainji dam1 markV - Cabbora bassa1markb) Explain how the following factors influence location of ahydroelectric power dam(i) Basement rocks(4 marks)The basement rock should be hard to provide a firm foundation forthe damThe basement rocks should be impervious or non-porous to preventseepage of water from the dam(ii) Gradient of land(2 marks)Steep gradient is required to provide fast flowing water withmassive hydraulic force to drive the turbines. This is providedby waterfalls or rapids.(iii) Volume of water(2 marks )hydroelectric power dams are located on major rivers that provideconstant supply of a large volume of water to ensurecontinuous generation of power.c) (i) Apart from petroleum name two other nonrenewable sourcesof energy.( 2 marks )-Coal-Natural gas-uranium(ii) Explain four ways that an increase in oil prices negativelyaffect Kenya.(8 marks )-When there is an increase in oil prices Kenya spends a lot ofher revenue / foreign exchange which creates unfavourablebalance of trade.-The cost of manufactured goods and services increases whichleads to inflation in the country.-The prices of commodities rise with increase in oil pricesmaking them unaffordable thus lowering the standards ofliving.-Leads to high cost of farm inputs thus lowering agriculturalproduction and food shortages-Retards economic development as a lot of money is spend onimportation of oil and little is invested.-Transport cost rises as a result of increased oil priceshampering movement of people and goods.-It increases cost of production in industries making them incurlosses/ collapse/ lay off workers.Four well explained X 2 = 8 marksd) Outline four ways in which Kenya can reduce on the use ofpetroleum as a source of energy.(4 marks)-Develop and use alternative sources of energy such as solarand biogas-Control importation of vehicles with high engine capacity.-Encourage most people to use public transport.-Improve on traffic flow in urban areas to reduce on trafficjams.-Improve on road surfaces-Encourage people to walk or use bicycles over short distances-Limiting oil use to only essential services.-Proper maintenance of vehicles-Creating public awareness on alternative sources of energy-Encouraging package tours for people working and residing inthe same placeFour X 1 = 4 marks9.(a) I) what is meant by the term hinterland?(2marks)? An area served by a part port/sphere of influence of a port/area from which a port draws its imports and where itdistributes its exports.(ii) Name three towns in Kenya that grew as agricultural collectingcentres.(3marks)? Kitale, Eldoret, Nakuru(b) Explain four factors that led to the growth of Kisumu town.(8marks)? Being a terminus of the Kenya- Uganda railway, it handles alot of goods to and from Uganda and the surrounding area. ? Location on the shores of lake Victoria which ensuresplentiful supply of fresh water for domestic and industrial use. ? High population in the surrounding areas provides therequired labour force for various industries in the town. ? The fishing activities and processing of fish has contributed tothe growth of the town.? Accessibility - it has a well-developed road linkage tosurrounding areas and railway connection.? Establishment of industries in the town led to the expansion oftown and attracted many people to it. Page | 359Geography 312/1,312/2? Early settlement of the Asians after the completion of therailway who started commercial activities in the town.? It served as the administrative headquarters of Nyanza andWestern provinces which led to the establishment of manyfacilities.(c) Compare the ports of Mombasa and Rotterdam under thefollowing sub headings:i.Technology of the port.(2marks)? Rotterdam uses advanced technology to carry out operationwhile operations at Mombasa are less advanced intechnological use.ii.The climate experienced at the ports.(2marks)Mombasa experiences tropical climate/modified equatorialclimate while Rotterdam experience temperate climate/ cooltemperate climate.iii.Linkage to hinterland.(2marks)? Mombasa is linked to the hinterland by road, railway, air andpipeline while Rotterdam in addition has rivers and canals. (d) Explain three negative effects of influx of immigration toKenya.(6marks)? The county uses a lot of funds in taking care of immigrantslike refugees which drains the country?s resources.? Some of the immigrants smuggle in fire arms causinginsecurity in the country.? Some immigrants have contributed in spreading diseases suchas HIV/AIDS .? Erosion of local culture which is replaced by the culture of theimmigrants.? They compete with the locals for the few job opportunitieswhich increase unemployment.? Congestion on social questions such as hospitals and school. 10. (a) i) Name three commodities imported to Kenya from Japan.(3marks)? Motor vehicles? Pharmaceuticals/ drugs? Fertilizer/chemicals? Electronics- computer, TV?s, Radios and cameras? Watches? Machinery, mobile phones.Any 3x1= 3marks(ii) Give four reasons why industries are located near sources ofwater.(4marks)? Water is used to cool machines in some industries to avoiddamage by heat.? Some industries use water as a medium through which theydispose off their waste materials.? Water is used for grading in some industries such as coffeeprocessing? Water is used for cleaning raw materials finished products andmachines in industries.? Some industries such as brewing, soft drinks e.t.c. use wateras a raw material in the production.? Water also provides cheap means of transporting rawmaterials to the industries and finished goods to the market. ? Water in rivers is used to generate power to run machines inthe industries.Any 4x 1= 4marks(b) Give four benefits of assembling motor vehicles locally inKenya.(4marks)? Foreign exchange is earned through exportation of locallyassembled vehicles.? The industry has created employment opportunities to manyKenyans.? It has enabled Kenya establish trade links with herneighbours.? It has led to investment of capital in the country by richcompanies.? It has stimulated the growth of related industries such as tyreand paint manufacture.? The government earns revenue from the sale of assembledvehiclesAny 4 x 1= 4marks(c) Explain four factors that led to the growth of iron and steelindustry in the Ruhr region of Germany.(8marks)? Presence of rich companies/ merchants/ families whichprovided capital for the development of industries. ? The dense and affluent population in central and WesternEurope provided ready market for iron and steel products. ? Existence of traditional industries which led to developmentof necessary skills.? Availability of coal from within the region, iron ore from theRhine valley and later imported limestone provided rawmaterials needed n the industry.? Presence of navigable river Rhine which provided cheaptransport for the bulky raw materials and finished products. ? Presence of other industries in the region such as food andtextile provided industrial inertia.? Coal/ HEP/ and later imported petroleum provided powerrequired in the industries.? River Rhine and its tributaries provided water for running theindustry.? Availability of an extensive relatively flat land forestablishment of blast furnaces for still work.? The region is centrally located n Europe hence easy to getmarket and raw materials.Factors max- 4 x1= 4marksExplanation- 4x1= 4marks8marks(d) Your class carried out a field study on an industry. i. Give three reasons for dividing the class into groups.(3marks)? To gather a lot of data? To reduce on fatigue? To save on time? To ensure that all students participateAny 3 x 1= 3marksii.List three types of data you collected.(3marks)? Type of goods produced? Processing stages? Type of raw material and source? The number and qualification of employment ? Significance of the industry? Problems facing the industries? Marketing of the productsAny 3 x 1= 3marks Page | 360 ................

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