War & Terrorism Group Discussion questions / issues:

War & Terrorism Group Discussion questions / issues:

1. How much is military spending each year, globally & in US, & what is US % of global milt. spending? How much is Veterans benefits? How common is waste & fraud in Dept of Defense, what portion of budget cannot be accounted for? Do defense industries create jobs most effectively? What is cost of Iraq & Afghanistan wars? How much waste and fraud is there? What are 3 main sociological theories of war? Functionalism – functions of war, benefits for society (unity, economic, social reform)? Conflict Theory—war roots in struggles over resources or ideologies or ethnic groups, & Benefits of wars for Elites, Military-Industrial Complex, role of private contractors, gender & war (women as soldiers & victims)? Symbolic Interactionism -- symbols to promote support for war & patriotism, “support the troops” vs. “peace is patriotic,” killing not murder, dehumanization? Causes of War—conflict over resources; ideologies, racial/ethnic/religious hostility; defense against hostile attacks (e.g., were US reasons for war in Iraq accurate?); revolutions & civil wars; nationalism. Terrorism defined & 2 main types; where do most terrorism attacks occur? What are roots of terrorism, & what do counter-violent efforts need to focus on? What is US response to terrorism, & what are problems with that? Social problems from war & terrorism: death & disability (how much in recent wars), Sexual violence, psychological costs (PTSD, suicide, etc.), diversion of resources, environmental harm? Solutions (redistribution of resources, UN, Mediation & arbitration, arms control & disarmament). (Mooney et al. Ch. 15, Parenti web rdg.)

2. What has been role of US Air Strikes in recent Middle East conflicts? What have been impacts on civilians? Does US even try to count civilian casualties, and what does that tell us? What did reporters find as civilian death rate compared to Military count? Why might US Drones be recruiter for ISIS? What % killed are unintentional? How many people have been killed by US drones in past 12 years? Where are we using drone air strikes? How are targets selected / what constitutes a target? Do we usually know who we are killing? What is a “signature strike” & what are dangers of such? How many civilians have been killed? How many new enemies do drone attacks create & Why? (Bruce et al web rdg.)

3. What is main motivation for terrorist attacks in the US, according to the FBI? How are US attacks in last year similar or different from each other, and from European attacks? What could US authorities have done better to prevent attackers in Boston, Orlando, and NY-NJ recent case? Were attackers known to FBI, and what could FBI have done better to stop them? How can US attacks be detected beforehand? Any clues in San Bernardino, Orlando, in NY?NJ cases? How was San Bernardino attack different ? Again, why increase police relations with Muslim community to help prevent such attacks? How do these cases fit Mooney’s causes of terrorism? (Hussain et al. web rdg., Mooeny et al. Ch. 15)

4. What did FBI warn Britain about before May 2017 Manchester concert bombing? What was background of Manchester bomber & How is Britain foreign policy in Libya linked to terror threats in Britain? What are social roots of terrorist problem in Belgium? What has happened to Moroccan immigrant community there? Why should authorities reach out to them more? How have police & security officials made mistakes in Britain, Brussels and Paris cases that could have prevented terrorist attacks? How did Muslim woman help catch Paris attacker? (Kentish et al. web rdg.)

5. Why are some young Muslims drawn to Islamic extremism like ISIS – root causes-- how did Danish town address them, & how successful have they been? What was new in their approach compared to that of other countries, and which is more it effective? How does this compare with Mooney et al’s. model of terrorism causes? (Rosin web rdg.; Mooney et al. ch 15)

6. What have been the human and financial costs of the wars in Afghanistan & Iraq? What is injury rate & PTSD for US veterans of Afghanistan & Iraq? What are problem with Veterans Administration? How big is suicide problem for soldiers & vets? (Reno et al. web rdg. Mooney et al. Ch. 15.)

7. What have North & South Korea recently announced? What is the North Korea nuclear missile threat thus far? What does Pentagon say is only way to destroy North Korean nuclear program? What are dangers of that, esp. for South Korea? What threat does No. Korea’s conventional (non-nuclear) forces pose for US and Esp. South Korea? Is there any good military answer to this problem, what is least bad answer…? (Fifield et al. web rdg.)


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