2021-2022 Year-Round Calendar

[Pages:1]2021-2022 Year-Round Calendar

Calendario de Ciclo Continuo

July / julio

August / agosto

September / septiembre

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October / octubre

November / noviembre

December / diciembre

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January / enero

February / febrero

March / marzo

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April / abril

May / mayo

June / junio

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Track 1 0

Track 4 0

Track 2 0

School-wide Teacher workday

Track 3 0

Vacation Day / D?a de Vacaciones

In accordance with the NC Calendar Law, if the school district must close schools, the superintendent will update this calendar to provide additional days/time by using early release days as full days, scheduled teacher workdays, banked instructional hours*, scheduled vacation days, or on Saturdays to meet legal requirements. If students attend school on Thursday or Friday of a week when school has been closed, there may be a make-up day the Saturday of the same week if possible. Students will attend no more than two Saturdays in a row. In extreme cases, holidays may be used for weather make up.

* Hours accrued by schools over the required 1025 instructional hours

De acuerdo a lo establecido por la Ley de Calendarios de Carolina del Norte, si el distrito escolar tiene que cerrar las escu elas, el Superintendente actualizar? este calendario deber? ser actualizado para proporcionar d?as/horas adicionales, utilizando los d?as de salida temprana como d?as completos, d?as laborables de los maestros, s?bados, horas acumuladas de instrucci?n*, o d?as programados de vacaciones para cumplir con los requerimientos de ley. Si se utilizan los s?bados, estos ser?n d?as completos de instrucc i?n. Si se terminan todas las dem?s opciones, se puede utilizar los d?as festivos como d?as de recuperaci?n de clases debido al mal tiempo.

* On a year-by-year basis, the Board may determine that for fiscal/feasibility reasons, including under-enrollment, certain schools will have the student groups assigned to fewer than four

staggered quarters.

* For the 2021-2022 school year, the following schools will have all four student groups assigned to Track 4: Barwell Road ES, Durant Road ES, Hodge Road ES, Lake Myra ES, Lockhart ES, Rand Road ES, Timber Drive ES, Vance ES, Walnut Creek ES, Wilburn ES, Durant Road MS, and North Garner MS.



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