Teacher: Martin NogaPhone: 410-266-5240 Ext: 308 E-mail: mnoga@Planning periods: A Day: 1A Time: 7:17 – 8:55 B Day: 1B Time: 7:17 – 8:55 Welcome to the IB Middle Years Programme (MYP)! This exciting program provides a framework of academic challenge that is based on MYP’s three fundamental concepts of holistic learning, communication, and intercultural awareness. Throughout your academic career, you will develop the traits of the IB learner profile: inquirer, knowledgeable, thinker, communicator, principled, open-minded, caring, risk-taker, balanced, and reflective.Course OverviewAims:The aims of any MYP subject state in a general way what the teacher may expect to teach or do, and what the student may expect to experience or learn. In addition, they suggest how the student may be changed by the learning experience.The aims of the teaching and study of MYP French 2 are to encourage and enable students to:Develop the student’s communication skills necessary for study, work and leisure in a range of different, authentic contexts and for a range of audiences and purposesEnable the student to develop multiliteracy skills through the use of a range of learning tools, such as multimedia, in the various modes of communicationEnable the student to develop an appreciation of a variety of literary and non-literary texts and to develop critical and creative techniques for comprehension and construction of meaningEnable the student to recognize and use language as a vehicle of thought, reflection and self-expression and learning in other subjects, and as a tool for enhancing literacyEnable the student to understand the nature of language and the process of language learning, which comprises the integration of linguistic, cultural and social componentsOffer insight into the cultural characteristics of the communities where the language is spokenEncourage an awareness and understanding of the perspectives of people from own and other cultures, leading to involvement and action in own and other communitiesFoster curiosity, inquiry and a lifelong interest and enjoyment in language learningAACPS Unit TitleMYP Unit TitleUnit QuestionGlobal ContextQuarter 1: L’identité et la communautéAP Theme(s): Personal and Public Identities (La quête de soi)Families and Communities (La famille et la communauté)Context 1:La quête de soi:L’identité (Identity)Context 2?: La famille et la communauté: La communauté (Community)Quarter 1: L’identité et la communautéAP Theme(s): Personal and Public Identities (La quête de soi)Families and Communities (La famille et la communauté)Context 1:La quête de soi:L’identité (Identity)Context 2?: La famille et la communauté: La communauté (Community)1. Comment est-ce que je peux me décrire??(How can I describe who I am?)2. Comment est-ce que je peux décrire ma communauté??(How can I describe my community?)3. Comment est-ce que la géographie et le climat influent sur notre fa?on de vivre??(How do geography and climate affect our way of life?)Identities and relationshipsQuarter 2: Les loisirs et les artsAP Theme(s): Contemporary Life (La vie contemporaine)Beauty and Aesthetics (L’esthétique)Context 1:La vie contemporaine: Les loisirs (Leisure)Context 2?: L’esthétique:Les arts (The Arts)Quarter 2: Les loisirs et les artsAP Theme(s): Contemporary Life (La vie contemporaine)Beauty and Aesthetics (L’esthétique)Context 1:La vie contemporaine: Les loisirs (Leisure)Context 2?: L’esthétique:Les arts (The Arts)1. Comment est-ce qu’on passe les moments de loisirs dans différentes cultures?et dans différents lieux? (How does choice of leisure activities vary by culture?and place?) 2. Comment les arts et les spectacles peuvent-ils enrichir nos vies quotidiennes??(How can arts and entertainment enrich our daily lives?)Personal and cultural expressionIntercultural UnderstandingA “communicator” is someone who can understand and express ideas and information confidently and creatively in more than one language. Students should be able to use language with clarity, precision and effect to communicate their ideas and understanding. Language is integral to exploring and sustaining:? Personal development? Cultural identity, and? Intercultural understandingRequired materialsStudents are expected to bring the following materials to every class every day.3” Binder (with dividers)Lined PaperPencil and/or Pen Agenda (given out on Day 1, kept in binder)A good-quality French-English (Collins Robert French College Dictionary, 8th Edition)The book 501 French VerbsA recording device of your choiceTextbooks and ResourcesText and Resources: Discovering French Today, Level 2 Textbook or online equivalentDiscovering French Today, Workbook: Level 2 Guided Practice WorkbookDiscovering French Today, Activités pour tous: Level 2 Guided Practice WorkbookDiscovering French Today, Lectures pour tous: Level 2 Guided Practice ReadingOnline Resources: There are many websites that offer support in an engaging way. You have several URLs made available to you. Among them are: , , , . is a site that has the official policies of colleges and universities in North America regarding the IB program, will allow you to listen to diverse francophone radios online, and will give you access to almost all the French speaking web sites, . and and? HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" and and and and and and and and French.htmtranslate.#auto/fr/aseal and french.french- and French.htmexercises/ and will be informally assessed throughout each unit, and formally assessed at the end of each unit. We will utlize subject specific criterion rubrics when assessing. These rubrics will be shared with all students in advance of assessments. Students will be informally assessed throughout each unit, and formally assessed at the end of each unit. In French 2, students are assessed using the following criteria:The following are examples of the 4 types of graded (summative) assignments: PAGE 48 MYP GUIDE? Criterion A-Oral: Interactive oral tasks conducted under supervision in class.These may be recorded digitally? Criterion B-Visual Interpretation: Visual interpretation tasks completed under supervision in class? Criterion C-Reading: Reading comprehension tasks completed under supervision in class? Criterion D-Writing: Writing tasks produced under supervision in classThe following are examples of practice (a.k.a. formative) assignments/activities that will receive feedback so student can accomplish success in above projects:? Criterion A-Oral: partner dialogs, vocabulary/grammar games? Criterion B-Visual Interpretation: creating thinking maps? Criterion C-Reading: warm ups and reading assignments? Criterion D-Writing: practice sheetsCriterion Rubrics (top marks are shown but each is on an 8 point scale)Oral? interacts in rehearsed and unrehearsed exchanges on a limited variety of aspects within familiar and some unfamiliar situations? communicates substantial information containing relevant ideas and some details in familiar and some unfamiliar situations? makes excellent use of a range of vocabulary and grammatical structures, generally accuratelyVisual interpretation? shows understanding of information, main ideas and supporting details, and draws conclusions in visual texts dealing with familiar and some unfamiliar situationsReading? engages with the text by identifying ideas, opinions and attitudes in the text and making substantial connections with own experiences, attitudes and points of viewWriting? makes excellent use of a range of vocabulary, grammatical structures and conventions, accurately; occasional errors do not interfere with communicationGrading/Assessment:503301063500A (89.5-100%) - Outstanding level of achievementB (80-89%) - High level of achievementC (70-79%) - Satisfactory level of achievementD (60-69%) - Low level of achievementE (59% -50) - Failure0 – If student does not attempt the workGrades will be assessed in the following weighted categories-Q180%--Summative Assessments 30% Tests 30% Projects 20% Quizzes10%--Homework/Classwork 10%--Q1 BenchmarkQ285%--Summative Assessments 30% Tests 30% Projects 25% Quizzes15%--Homework/ClassworkMinimum:A minimum grade of 50% will be given for all assignments or assessments for which the student made a good faith effort, as determined by the teacher. If a student does no work on an assignment or assessment, the teacher shall assign a grade of zero.Approximate expectations for assignments and assessments:Homework- dailyClasswork- every other dayMajor Projects- once per unit (every two-three weeks)Major Unit Tests- once per unit (every two-three weeks) Parent Notification:Parents will be notified at least three weeks prior to the end of a marking period if a student is currently earning a failing grade. At any time, parents may check parentconnect. to see their student’s grade. Please contact the guidance office if you do not already have a login. Late Work: Please endeavor to turn all work in when due. If you have a reason that the work must be late please meet with me. Redo’s:Students shall have ONE additional chance to improve their score on a major test or assessment/assignment (as designated by the teacher). In order for this to happen the student MUST have submitted the original assignment ON TIME and set up a time with the teacher for re-teaching within 5 days of getting the graded assignment back. Within ten school days of receiving the returned original graded work, students must participate in the re-teaching and then complete and submit the new assessment, activity, or assignment. The higher grade will be the grade of record. Work that will be reassessed includes: tests and quizzes (& homework at teacher’s discretion)Work that will not be reassessed includes: projects or benchmarksStudent re-teaching will take place after school Tuesdays during Help Day. Please endeavor to schedule this meeting in advance so that we both are prepared.Attendance/Tardiness:IF YOU ARE ABSENT, PLEASE check the corresponding class page on the Annapolis High School website: or contact Monsieur Noga at mnoga@ All effort will be made to facilitate students when absent. Please make prior arrangements, if possible, to collect work from the instructor for days that are to be missed.It is the Annapolis High School expectation that all students will be on time. The policies for the tardy table will be followed. Academic IntegrityIn order to promote the pursuit of academic excellence and learning, Anne Arundel County Public Schools expects its students to conform to specific standards of academic integrity. Academic integrity is an integral part of promoting self-respect, trust, student achievement, and positive relationships among all stakeholders in our school community. Academic integrity means exhibiting honesty in all academic exercises and assignments. Academic dishonesty refers to any form of misconduct that occurs in relation to all formal academic exercises. Cell Phone ExpectationsGreen sign: cell phone use permittedRed sign: cell phone use not permittedBehavioral Expectations:Annapolis High School students, staff, and visitors will make a pledge and commitment to their school and its mission. In doing so, students show respect for themselves, learning, others, and property.SelfBe preparedUse appropriate school languageHave respect for yourselfTry your best!Have a “Can Do” Attitude!OthersListen when others are talkingParticipate in class activitiesUse language appropriate for schoolAvoid conflict in classOffer and accept constructive criticismLearningCome to class daily and on timeBring all required materialsParticipate in classStudy for tests and quizzes by doing practice problemsAsk for help when neededFollow instructions and stay on taskComplete all assignments on timePropertyKeep an organized notebook complete with quality notesKeep your space cleanStay in your seat and keep the desk cleanPlease sign below to indicate that you have read and understood the course syllabus for French 3Student (print name): __________________________________________________________Student signature: __________________________________________________________Parent/guardian (print name): __________________________________________________________Parent/guardian signature: __________________________________________________________Parent/guardian daytime phone number: ________________________________________________Parent/guardian e-mail: ________________________________________________Questions / Concerns: E Free! Failure is not an option! Student ______________________ Teacher ____________________________ Course _____________________ I understand that I am receiving this form as a contract to improve my grade in this course. This form is a running log of monitoring and communicating academic progress.DateConferencePhone CallGrade SheetInterimTutoringOtherGuidance ReferralAssignments/Teacher CommentsStudent Initial. ................

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