
Curriculum Vitae

William A. Owings

Department of Educational Leadership and Counseling

Darden College of Education

Old Dominion University

Norfolk, Virginia 23529

757.683.4954 office

757.683.5756 fax


Academic Degrees

Ed.D. Virginia Tech: Educational Administration and Supervision, July, 1987.

M.S. Johns Hopkins University: Educational Administration and Supervision, May, 1978.

B.A. Towson University: English & Education, 1973.

Professional Experience

2009-present Old Dominion University: Professor of Educational Leadership and

Graduate Program Director, Department of Educational Foundations and Leadership.

2007-2009 Old Dominion University: Professor of Educational Leadership,

Department of Educational Leadership and Counseling.

2005-2006 Old Dominion University: Professor (tenured) and Graduate Program Director of Educational Leadership, Department of Educational Leadership and Counseling.

2002-2005 Old Dominion University: Associate Professor and Graduate Program Director of Educational Leadership, Department of Educational Leadership and Counseling.

1999-2002 Longwood College: Associate Professor and Graduate Coordinator for Educational Leadership, School of Education.

1995-1999 Accomack County Public Schools, Accomac, Virginia: Division Superintendent.

1991-1995 Rockbridge County Public Schools, Lexington, Virginia: Assistant Superintendent of Schools.

1988-1991 Franklin County Public Schools, Rocky Mount, Virginia: High School Principal.

1986-1988 Mount Vernon Schools, Stockbridge, Georgia: Superintendent of Schools.

1978-1986 Lynchburg Christian Academy, Lynchburg, Virginia: Elementary Principal

1973-1978 Baltimore County Public Schools, Baltimore, Maryland: English Teacher, Eighth Grade Interdisciplinary Team Leader.


Books and Monographs

Kaplan, L. and Owings, W. (under contract). American Education: Building a Common Foundation, 2nd edition. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Cengage Publishing.

Owings, W. and Kaplan, L. (under contract). American public school finance, 2nd Edition, Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Cengage Publishing. Anticipated publication date February, 2012.

Owings, W. and Kaplan, L. (under contract). Leadership and organizational behavior in education: Theory into practice. Boston, MA: Pearson. Anticipated publication date August, 2011.

Kaplan, L. and Owings, W. (2011). American Education: Building a Common Foundation. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Cengage Publishing.

Kaplan, L. and Owings, W. (2008). The effective schools movement:

History, analysis, and application. Journal for Effective Schools Monograph Series, Pocatello, Idaho.

Owings, W.A. and Kaplan, L.S. (2006). American public school finance, Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Thomson Publishing.

Cunningham, W., Owings, W., and King, W. (2005). Principal/administrator orientation and preparation study guide. Norfolk VA: Virginia Tidewater Consortium for Higher Education.

Owings, W.A. and Kaplan, L.S. (Eds.), (2003). Best practices, best thinking, and emerging issues in school leadership, Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.

Kaplan, L.S. and Owings, W. A. (2003). Teacher quality, teaching quality, and school improvement. Bloomington, IN: Phi Delta Kappa.

Kaplan, L.S. and Owings, W. A. (2002). Enhancing teaching quality, PDK Fastback publication. Bloomington, IN: Phi Delta Kappa.

Owings, W. A. and Kaplan, L. S. (2001). Alternatives to retention and social promotion. PDK Fastback, Bloomington, IN: Phi Delta Kappa.

Owings, W. A. and Shelly, R. (1993). Critical dimensions of educational reform in math and science education. Monograph, National Initiatives Study Group, Virginia Steering Committee, Eisenhower Math and Science Consortium, Appalachian Educational Laboratory Report. Washington, D.C.: National Science Foundation.

Technical Reports

Owings, W. A., Kaplan, L.S., Chappel, S., and Nunnery, J. (2010). Effectiveness of Troops to Teachers who have become school administrators: A national study. Norfolk, VA: The Center for Educational Partnerships.

Nunnery, J., Owings, W., Kaplan, L., and Pribish, S. (2009). The achievement effects of Troops to Teachers. Norfolk, VA: The Center for Educational Partnerships.

Owings, W., Kaplan, L., Nunnery, J., Marzano, R., Myran, S., and Blackburn, D. (2006). Troops to Teachers’ classroom effectiveness. Norfolk, VA: Program for Research and Evaluation in Public Schools.

Chapters in Books

Owings, W.A. and Kaplan, L.S. (2010). School finance and productivity. In F. Lunenburg and A. Ornstein, Educational Administration (6th edition). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.

Owings, W.A. and Kaplan, L.S. (2008). School finance and productivity. In F. Lunenburg and A. Ornstein, Educational Administration (5th edition, pp. 325 - 365). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.

Owings, W. and Kaplan, L.S. (2008). Public education: Cost or investment. In W. Cunningham and P. Cordiero. Educational leadership: A problem-based approach. (3rd edition). Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon.

Owings, W.A. and Kaplan, L.S. (2006). School finance and productivity. In F. Lunenburg and A. Ornstein, Educational Administration (4th edition, pp. 392 – 451). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.

Owings, W.A. and Kaplan, L.S. (2004). School finance and productivity. In F. Lunenburg and A. Ornstein. Educational Administration (3rd edition). (pp. 385 – 434). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.

Refereed Journal Articles: National

Owings, W. and Kaplan L. (2010). The Alpha and Omega Syndrome: Is Intra-District Funding Disparity the Next “Ripeness” Factor? Journal of Education Finance, 36 (2), 162-185.

Kaplan, L. and Owings, W. (2010). Troops to teachers: Are they one answer to staffing effective schools? Journal for Effective Schools 9 (2), 29-57.

Kaplan, L.S., and Owings, W.A. (2010). Shaping school culture: Pitfalls, paradoxes, and promises, 2nd Ed.. [Review of the book Shaping school culture: Pitfalls, paradoxes, and promises, 2nd Ed]. Journal for Effective Schools, 9 (2), 59-65.

Nunnery, J., Owings, W., Kaplan, L., and Pribish, S. (2009). “The Achievement Effects of Troops to Teachers” NASSP Bulletin, 93 (4), 249-172.

Kaplan, L., and Owings, W. (2009). “The Effective Schools Movement: Theory and Application in Education.” Journal for Effective Schools, 8 (1), 1-82.

Kaplan, L.S., and Owings, W.A. (2009). Grading education: Getting accountability right. [Review of the book Grading education: Getting accountability right]. Teachers College Record, 111, ID number 15482, January 15, 2009.

Owings, W.A. and Kaplan, L.S. (2008, Spring). Guest editors of The Journal for Effective Schools 7 (1), Pocatello, ID: University of Idaho.

Owings, W. A. and Kaplan, L.S. (2008). Class counts. [Review of the book Class counts]. Journal for Effective Schools, 7 (1), 74-77.

Owings, W.A. and Kaplan L.S. (2008). An introduction to the research behind effective schools in Journal for Effective Schools, 7 (1), 16-35.

Kaplan, L.S., and Owings, W.A. (2008). Class Counts. [Review of the book Class Counts]. Teachers College Record, 110, ID number 14934, January 28, 2008.

Kaplan, L.S. and Owings, W.A. (2007). Making Our Schools Effective.” Journal for Effective Schools , 6 (2), 5-13.

Owings, W.A. and Kaplan, L.S. (2007). Total Instructional Alignment: From Standards to Student Success. [Review of the book Total Instructional Alignment: From Standards to Student Success]. Journal for Effective Schools, 6 (2), 38-39.

Owings, W. and Kaplan, L. (2007). Book Review of From At-Risk to Academic Excellence: What Successful Leaders Do by Franklin P. Schargel, Tony Thacker, and John Bell, Eye on Education, Larchmont, New York. Journal for Effective Schools, 6 (1), 41-42.

Owings, W. and Kaplan, L. (2007). Changing student demographics: Planning and policy implications for effective schools. Journal for Effective Schools, 6 (1), 25-40.

Kaplan, L. and Owings, W. (2006). Spending and student achievement:

Policy & spending implications for school boards” Journal for Effective Schools, 5 (1), 17-34.

Owings, W., Kaplan, L., Nunnery, J., Marzano, R., Myran, S., and Blackburn, D. (2006). Troops to Teachers’ classroom effectiveness: Implications for principals. NASSP Bulletin, 90 (2), 102-131.

Kaplan, L.S., Owings, W.A., and Nunnery, J. (2005). Principal quality: A Virginia study connecting Interstate School Leaders Licensure Consortium standards with student achievement. NASSP Bulletin, 89 (643), 28-44.

Owings, W.A., Kaplan, L.S., and Nunnery, J. (2005). Principal quality, ISLLC standards, and student achievement.” Journal of School Leadership 15 (1), 99-119.

Owings, W.A. and Kaplan L.S. (2004). Education as an investment in human capital” NASSP Bulletin, 88 (640), 12-28.

Kaplan, L.S. and Owings, W.A. (2004). Guest Editors of the NASSP Bulletin issue on Teacher and Teaching Quality, 88 (638).

Kaplan, L.S. and Owings, W.A. (2004). Introduction to special issue: Teacher effectiveness. NASSP Bulletin, 88 (638) 1-4.

Kaplan, L. S. and Owings, W. A. (2002). The politics of teacher quality: Implications for principals. NASSP Bulletin, 86 (633), 22 – 41.

Owings, W.A. and Kaplan, L. (2001). Standards, retention, and social promotion. NASSP Bulletin, 85 (629), 57-66.

Kaplan, L. and Owings, W.A. ( 2001). Teacher quality and student achievement: Recommendations for principals. NASSP Bulletin 85 (628), 64 – 73.

Kaplan, L.S. and Owings, W.A. (2001). How principals can help teachers with high-stakes testing: One survey’s findings. NASSP Bulletin, 85 (622), 15 – 23.

Kaplan, L. S. and Owings, W. A. (2000). Helping kids feel safe, valued, and competent. Education Digest, 66 (3), 24 - 28.

Kaplan, L.S. and Owings, W. A. (1999). Assistant principals: The case for shared instructional leadership.” NASSP Bulletin, 83 (610), 80-94.

Owings, W. A. (1992). Components of effective leadership. The Virginia Principal (pp. 2-2.1-2). Charlottesville, VA: Wayside Press.

Owings, W. A. (1992). Leadership styles. The Virginia Principal. (pp.2-5.1-2). Charlottesville, VA: Wayside Press.

Owings, W,.A. and Bedwell, M. W. (1992). Unit Plans. The Virginia Principal. (pp. 4-2.1-2). Charlottesville, VA: Wayside Press.

Owings, W.A., Bedwell, M. W., and Berry, C. (1992). Lesson plan designs. The Virginia Principal. (pp. 4-4.1-2). Charlottesville, VA: Wayside Press.

Owings, W. A. and Titus, J. B. (1992). Virginia's plan for dual enrollment. The Virginia Principal. (pp. 4-8.1-2). Charlottesville, VA: Wayside Press.

Hardee, N. T., Owings, W. A., and Wright, W. (1992). Student scheduling. The Virginia Principal. (pp. 6-4.1-2). Charlottesville, VA: Wayside Press.

Johnson, F. and Owings, W. A. (1992). Grievances. The Virginia Principal. (pp. 9-13.1-2). Charlottesville, VA: Wayside Press.

Papers Submitted for Publication

Owings, W.A. and Kaplan, L.S. Troops-to-teachers as school administrators: A national study of principal effectiveness. Submitted to NASSP Bulletin.

Refereed Journal Articles: Regional/State

Owings, W.A. and Kaplan, L. S. (2000, Winter). Learning of Standards. Virginia ASCD, 2 (5), Richmond, Virginia.

Owings, W.A. and Kaplan, L. S. (1999, Fall). Rising Issues: Staffing and Standards. Virginia ASCD, 2 (4), 1-3, Richmond, Virginia.

Non-Peer Reviewed and Invited Journal Articles

Kaplan, L. S. and Owings, W. A. (2003). The politics of teacher quality. Phi Delta Kappan, 84 (9), 687-92.

Kaplan, L.S. and Owings, W.A. (2001). Personalizing learning to prevent failure. Principal Leadership 1 (8), 42 – 47.

Kaplan, L. S. and Owings, W. A. (2001). How principals can help keep middle school students safe: An instructional approach. Inside School Safety.Gaithersburg, MD: Aspen Publishers.

Kaplan, L.S. and Owings, W.A. (2000). Student achievement and teacher/teaching quality: A review of recent evidence.” VASCD Newsletter, 4 (1).

Kaplan, L. S. and Owings, W. A. (2000). Secure schools: An instructional perspective”, Principal Leadership, 1 (1), 54 – 59.

Kaplan, L.S. and Owings, W. A. (2000). An instructional perspective to preventing middle school violence. Schools in the Middle, 9 (5), 24 – 29.

Owings, W. A. and Magliaro, S. (1998). Grade retention: A history of failure. Educational Leadership. 56 (1), 86-88.

Owings, W. A. (1993). To improve or remove: A third option. Virginia Association of School Personnel Administrators Views. Richmond, VA: Virginia Association of Personnel Administrators.

Owings, W. A. (July, 1992). The bell-shaped curve. Richmond, VA:

Virginia ASCD


National Papers Presented and Accepted for Presentation

Owings, W. (2010). Invited featured speaker. The Future of School Finance Litigation: A Discussion of Educational Accountability in the Face of Economic Challenges and Technological Change. American Education Finance Association Conference, Richmond, VA.

Owings, W., Kaplan, L., and Nunnery, J. (2009, November). Troops to Teachers’ effect on student achievement: One state’s findings. Paper presented at the University Council for Educational Administration Conference, Anaheim, CA.

Owings, W., Kaplan, L., and Nunnery, J. (2009, March). The effects of Troops to Teachers on student achievement: A meta-analytic approach. Paper presented at the American Educational Finance Association Conference, Nashville, TN.

Owings, W., Kaplan, L., and Nunnery, J. (2008, April). Troops to Teachers as administrators: A study in behavioral and economic effectiveness. Paper presented at the American Educational Finance Association Conference, Denver, CO.

Crum, K.S. Sherman, W.H., Owings, W., & Brezinski, H. (2007, November). The next generation of leadership preparation programs: Exploring new (and perhaps radical) changes to educational leaders in a just and equitable manner. Paper presented at the University Council for Educational Administration: Annual Conference, Alexandria, VA.

Nunnery, J., Owings, W., and Kaplan, L.S. (2007, March) Troops to Teachers: A value-added examination of student achievement. Paper presented at the American Educational Finance Association Conference, Baltimore, MD.

Owings, W.A. and Kaplan, L.S. (2006, March). Troops to Teachers: A perception-based cost efficiency analysis. Paper presented at the American Educational Finance Association Conference, Denver, CO.

Owings, W.A. and Kaplan, L.S. (2006, February). Troops to Teachers: A national research study of teacher quality. Paper presented at the National Center for Alternative Education Conference, San Diego, CA.

Owings, W.A. and Kaplan, L.S. (2005, April). Principal quality and student achievement: One state’s study. Paper presented at the ASCD International Conference, Orlando, FL.

Parks, D., Twiford, T., Kufel, A., Moles, K., Owings, W. (2003, August). Alternative licensure for principals and supervisors: An exploration of issues and standards. Paper presented at the National Council of Professors of Educational Administration, Sedona, AZ.

Owings, W.A. and Kaplan, L.S. (2001, March). Are standards and accountability improving or inhibiting instruction in Virginia? Paper presented at the ASCD International Conference, Boston, MA.

Owings, W.A. and Kaplan, L.S. (2001, March). Alternatives to retention and social promotion. Paper presented at the ASCD International Conference, Boston, MA.

Owings, W. A. and Kaplan, L. S. (2000, March). Assistant principals: The case for shared leadership. Paper presented at the ASCD International Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana.

Owings, W. A. (1999, March). How to grow an affiliate. Paper presented at the ASCD International Leadership Conference, Chantilly, Virginia.

Moye, J. and Owings, W. A. (1998, March). State regional partnerships that increase student achievement. Paper presented at the ASCD International Conference in San Antonio, Texas.

Krautz, R. and Owings, W. A. (1996, May). Implementing affiliate strategic plans. Paper presented at the ASCD International Leadership Conference, Chantilly, Virginia.

Regional Papers Presented and Accepted for Presentation

Owings, W. A. (2002, October). Enhancing teacher and teaching quality. Keynote paper presented at the Regional Phi Delta Kappa meeting, Memphis, TN.

Magliaro, S. and Owings, W. A. (1995, April). Promoting professional development through school university collaborations. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the 1995 Eastern Educational Research Association, Hilton Head, SC.

State Papers Presented and Accepted for Presentation

Owings, W.A. and Kaplan, L.S. (2007, December). Troops to Teachers: An analysis of teacher quality. Paper presented at the Virginia Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development Conference, Williamsburg, VA.

Owings, W. A., Kaplan, L.S., and Nunnery, J. (2004, December). Principal quality and student achievement. Paper presented at the Virginia Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development Conference, Williamsburg, VA.

Owings, W. A., Kaplan, L.S., and Nunnery, J. (2003, December). Principal quality: A Virginia study connecting Interstate School Leaders Licensure Consortium (ISLLC) standards with student achievement. Paper presented at the Virginia Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development Conference, Williamsburg, VA.

Owings, W. A. (2003, June). Using brain-based learning techniques in the teacher observation and evaluation process. Paper presented at the Hampton Roads Principals’ Center at ODU Assistant Principals’ Summer Conference, Virginia Beach, VA.

Owings, W.A. and Kaplan, L. S. (2001m July). Using data in the school improvement planning process. Paper presented at the Longwood College Center for School Improvement Farmville, Virginia.

Owings, W.A. and Kaplan, L.S. (2001, July) Developing assistant principals as instructional leaders. Paper presented at the Virginia Association of Secondary School Principals’ Conference, Williamsburg, VA.

Owings, W. A. (2001, January). Virginia Department of Education facilitator for High Schools that Work (federal) program. Richmond, Virginia.

Owings, W.A. and Kaplan, L.S. (2000, December). Alternatives to retention and social promotion. Paper presented at the Virginia Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development Conference, Williamsburg, VA.

Owings, W.A. and Kaplan, L.S. (2000, December). Are standards and accountability improving or inhibiting instruction in Virginia? Paper presented at the Virginia Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development Conference, Williamsburg, VA.

Owings, W. A. and Kaplan, L.S. (2000, June). Virginia Association of Secondary School Principals Conference. Assistant principals: The case for shared instructional leadership. Keynote paper presented at the Virginia Association of Secondary School Principals Conference, Williamsburg, VA. ”

Owings, W. A. (2000, January). Observation techniques for school administrators. Paper presented at the Region 8 Principals' Institute, Virginia Department of Education, South Hill, VA.

Owings, W.A. (2000, January). Observation and evaluation techniques for school Leaders. Paper presented at the Region 8 Principals' Institute, Virginia Department of Education, Farmville, VA..

Owings, W. A. and Kaplan, L.S. (1999, December). Assistant principals: The case for shared leadership. Paper presented at the Virginia Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development Conference, Williamsburg, VA.

Owings, W. A. and Kaplan, L. S. (1999, December). Grade retention and successful alternatives for students. Paper presented at the Virginia Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development Conference, Williamsburg, Virginia.

Owings, W.A. (1999, November). Alternatives to retention and social promotion. Paper presented at the University of Virginia Institute for School Leaders on Intervention, Prevention, and Remediation, Charlottesville, VA.

Owings, W.A. and Salmon, R. (1999, October). Updates on Virginia school finance for school division superintendents and finance directors. Paper presented at the Longwood College Principals’ Institute on School Finance. Farmville, VA..

Owings, W. A. (1999, October). Teacher observation and evaluation techniques. Paper presented at the Region 8 Principals. Virginia Department of Education, Twin Lakes State Park, Farmville, VA.

Owings, W.A. (1999, July). The school improvement planning process. Paper presented at the Longwood College Principals’ Institute, Farmville, VA.

Owings, W. (1998, December). Grade retention: A history of failure. Paper presented at the Virginia Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development Annual Conference, Williamsburg, VA.

Owings, W. A. (1997, December). Retention: Professional practice, professional knowledge in conflict. Paper presented at the Virginia Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development Conference, Williamsburg, VA.

Owings, W. A. (1993, July). Curriculum integration. Paper presented at the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Conference. Radford University, Radford, VA.

Owings, W. A. (1993, December). Developing integrated, thematic curriculum units: How one school division is addressing the issue. Paper presented at the annual Virginia Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development Conference, Williamsburg, VA.

Owings, W. A. (1990, April). Teacher observation and evaluation: To improve or remove. Paper presented at the annual Governor's Conference on Education, Richmond, VA.

Owings, W. A. (1990, June). Improving the observation and evaluation of teachers - A collaborative process. Paper presented at the annual Virginia Association of Secondary School Principals Conference, Richmond, VA.

Owings, W. A. (1989, March). Effective teacher observation and evaluation practices. Paper presented at the Annual Virginia State Research and Testing Conference, Richmond, VA.

Owings, W. A. (1989, March). A synthesis of the research on effective schools. Paper presented at the Annual Virginia State Research and Testing Conference, Richmond, VA.

Owings, W. A. (1989, April). Dropout prevention: Moving the middle school model to the high school. Paper presented at the Annual Governor's Conference on Education in Richmond, VA.

Owings, W. A. (1989, June). Effective teacher evaluation practices. Paper presented at the Annual Virginia Association of Secondary School Principals Conference, Richmond, VA.

Owings, W. A. (1989, June). An overview of the effective schools research. Paper presented at the Annual Virginia Association of Secondary School Principals Conference, Richmond, VA.

Owings, W. A. (1985, April). An examination of leadership styles and effectiveness. Annual Virginia State Reading Conference, Roanoke, VA.

Invited Speaking

Owings, W. (2010). Invited featured speaker. The Future of School Finance Litigation: A Discussion of Educational Accountability in the Face of Economic Challenges and Technological Change. American Education Finance Association Conference, Richmond, VA.

Owings, W. (2009, August). Teaching behaviors to enhance student learning: A cognitive approach. Norfolk State University Faculty Workshop, Norfolk, VA.

Owings, W. (2007, November). School law issues for teachers. Cox High School Faculty Workshop, Virginia Beach, VA..

Owings, W. (2006, August). Instructional leadership: Attaining the illusive. Virginia Region 8 Emerging Administrators Conference, South Boston, VA.

Owings, W. (2005, November). Teacher quality, economic sense, and Troops to Teachers. Virginia Department of Education Conference on Teacher Quality. Richmond, VA.

Owings, W. (2003, October). Principals as cathedral builders. Norfolk Area Secondary Principals Association, Norfolk, Virginia.

Owings, W.A. (April, 2003). “Principals as Vision Makers.” Hampton Roads Principals’ Center at ODU, Norfolk, VA..

Owings, W.A. (2001, March). Alternatives to retention and social promotion. Piedmont Chapter of Phi Delta Kappa, Farmville, VA..

Owings, W.A. (2001, January). A history and current status of high-stakes testing in America. Piedmont Chapter of Phi Delta Kappa, Farmville, VA.

Grants and Contracts

Received a $12,000 U.S. Department of Education grant through Troops to Teachers to study administrator effectiveness of Troops to Teachers who have become educational leaders, July, 2010.

Applied for a $560,000 IES grant to study the impact of state educational fiscal effort on various student outcome measures (student achievement, graduation rates, and SAT/ACT scores, employment rates, unemployment rates, incarceration rates, mean income levels), 2009.

Applied for a $600,000 IES grant to study the impact of state educational fiscal effort on various outcome measures (student achievement, graduation rates, and SAT/ACT scores), 2008. Unfunded.

Received a $100,000 Virginia Department of Education grant, Advancing Virginia’s Leadership Agenda, to review, strengthen, and align standards for school leaders in Virginia, October, 2007. Served on the leadership team writing the grant. Grant awarded to Dr. Pam Tucker, University of Virginia.

Received a $100,000 Virginia Department of Education Leadership Development and Preparation grant for Newport News City Public Schools to provide a cohort-based Master’s degree program in Educational Leadership, October, 2006.

Received a $240,000 Department of Education grant to study the value-added effects of Troops to Teachers on student achievement, February, 2006.

Received a $215,000 Department of Defense grant to study the teacher quality of Troops to Teachers graduates compared to traditionally-trained graduates, September, 2004.

Received a $10,000 Department of Defense grant to study a proposal examining teacher quality of Troops to Teachers graduates compared to traditionally-trained graduates, May, 2004.

Received a Virginia ASCD grant for $2,000 to study the effect of principal quality on student achievement in Virginia, October, 2002.

Received a Virginia ASCD grant for $1,000 and $1,000 from Longwood College to study high-stakes testing’s impact on Virginia classroom practices, November, 2001.

Other Scholarly Activity

Reader for the SLLA licensure examination, Princeton, New Jersey, Spring, 2009.

Reviewer of Alexander and Alexander’s American Public School Law, 7th ed., Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, 2009.

Editor, Journal for Effective Schools, November, 2008 - present.

Editorial Advisory Board, Journal for Education Finance, June, 2008 – present.

Chaired Advancing Virginia’s Leadership Agenda subcommittee, for Level 2 principal quality indicators, October, 2007 – November, 2008.

Board of Editors, Journal for Effective Schools, July, 2006 – 2008.

Reader for the SLLA licensure examination, Princeton, New Jersey, Fall, 2009.

Reader for the SLLA licensure examination, Princeton, New Jersey, Winter, 2009.

Reader for the SLLA licensure examination, Princeton, New Jersey, Fall, 2008.

Reader for the SLLA licensure examination, Princeton, New Jersey, Summer, 2008.

Reader for the SLLA licensure examination, Princeton, New Jersey, Fall, 2007.

Reader for the SLLA licensure examination, Princeton, New Jersey, Summer, 2007.

Reader for the SLLA licensure examination, Princeton, New Jersey, Summer, 2006.

Reviewer of Alexander and Alexander’s American Public School Law, 6th ed., Belmont, CA: Wadsworth. Created chapter by chapter PowerPoints for the text.

Reader for the SLLA licensure examination, Princeton, New Jersey, Summer, 2005.

Consultant to Roanoke County, Virginia Public Schools on how administrators can enhance teacher quality within current financial constraints, July, 2004.

Reader for the SLLA licensure examination, Princeton, New Jersey, Summer, 2004.

Reader for the SLLA licensure examination, Princeton, New Jersey, Spring, 2003.

Reader for Educational Leadership Specialty Profession Association with NCATE, as of November, 2002.

Review team member, (2002, November). Virginia Department of Education, reviewing standards for the High Schools that Work federal program, Tallwood High School, Virginia Beach, VA.

Reader for the SLLA licensure examination, Princeton, New Jersey, Fall, 2002.

Reader for the SLLA licensure examination, Princeton, New Jersey, Summer, 2002.

Member of ASCD’s Issues Committee, Alexandria, Virginia, October, 2002.

Reviewer of Alexander and Alexander’s American Public School Law, 5th ed., Belmont, CA: Wadsworth. Created chapter by chapter PowerPoints for the text.

Reader for the SLLA licensure examination, Princeton, New Jersey, Fall, 2001.

Member of ASCD’s Issues Committee, Alexandria, Virginia, October, 2001.

Member of ASCD’s Issues Committee, Alexandria, Virginia, October, 2001.

Member of Board of Editors, Virginia ASCD Policy Positions, December, 2001.

Review team member. (2000, December). Virginia Department of Education, reviewing standards for the High Schools that Work federal program, Hugenot High School, Richmond, VA.

Reader for the SLLA licensure examination, Princeton, New Jersey, Fall, 2000.

Consultant, Richmond County Public Schools, Warsaw, Virginia, August, 2000, for training in teacher observation and evaluation techniques.

Virginia ASCD-sponsored state-wide research study on the impact of SOL testing and classroom instructional best practices, Commissioned, October, 1999. Results released to the Virginia Department of Education, July, 2000.

Virginia ASCD Conference Co-chair, December, 2000.

Consultant, East Islip School District, Long Island, New York, for training in teacher observation and evaluation techniques, Summer, 1999 with follow-up training in February, 2000.

Committee member appointed to the Alternative Licensure Study Committee, Virginia Department of Education, 1999.

Virginia Department of Education SOL Standard Setting Advisory Committee; Chair, History/Social Studies Committee, 1997-99.

Consultant, Pulaski County Public Schools, Somerset, Kentucky, for middle school curriculum integration, May, 1994 - June, 1995.

Consultant, Martinsville City Public Schools, Martinsville, Virginia, for training in Discipline With Dignity, July, 1994.

Contributing Editor, Virginia School Boards Association's Policy Services, November, 1993 through December, 1995.

Member, Virginia Department of Education Planning Committee for Staff Development, 1992 - 1994.

Consultant to the Southeast Regional Center for Education and the Virginia Department of Education on curriculum development and program evaluation; Pulaski County Public Schools, Kentucky, on interdisciplinary curriculum development and assessment, 1988-1993.

Board of Editors, Virginia Association of Secondary School Principals publication, The Virginia Principal, 1990 - 1995.

Committee Member, Ferrum College Education Planning Committee to develop the teacher education program, 1988-90.

Awards and Honors

Received the Charles Edgar Clear Research Award for significant and sustained research and scholarship benefiting the Commonwealth of Virginia, September, 2008.

Received the Chi Award at Longwood College for teaching and outstanding support and encouragement to students, 2002.

Courses Taught

Old Dominion University

ELS 753/853 Public School Finance

ELS 876 Advanced Seminar In Educational Administration

ELS 600 Principal Orientation and Instructional Leadership

ELS 657 Public School Law

ELS 811 Leadership Theories for Educational Improvement

ELS 880 Seminar in Curriculum Leadership

ELS 835 Organizational Behavior in Education

Longwood University

EDUC 502 Research Design

EDUC 572 Public School Administration

EDUC 620 School Law

EDUC 621 Technology for Administrators

EDUC 625 Public School Finance

EDUC 628 School Personnel Administration

Current Professional Memberships

• Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development ASCD), 1973 through present. Elected to the International ASCD Board of Directors (1986-2005) and served as co-chair of ASCD’s Finance Committee (2002-2005).

• Virginia Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, 1988 through present. Served on the Board of Directors 1989-2005. Served as President, 1996-97. Chaired or co-chaired the annual conference three times.

• Phi Delta Kappa, 1979 through present. Elected President of the Virginia Piedmont Chapter, April, 2002, and the National Advisory Board.

• National Association of Secondary School Principals and the Virginia affiliate, 1988 through present.

• Virginia Professors of Educational Leadership (VPEL), 1999 through present.

• Phi Kappa Phi, 2003 through present.

• American Education Finance Association, 2003 through present.

University Service

Member, ODU Salary Compression Committee, 2010.

Chair, Darden College of Education Faculty Governance Committee, 2009- present.

Chair, EFL Faculty Search Committee (three vacancies), 2009-2010.

Chair EFL Promotion and Tenure Committee, 2006-present.

Member Old Dominion University Strategic Plan Executive Steering Committee, 2009.

Member Old Dominion University Strategic Plan, Committee, B and E, 2009.

Member Old Dominion University Graduate College Committee, Fall, 2007 – 2010.

Vice President, Old Dominion University Chapter of AAUP, 2007- present.

Chaired the Curriculum Revision Task Force for Research and Statistics Course Revision for the College of Education, Fall, 2007.

Chair, Faculty Senate Committee for Faculty Opinion Survey, 2006 – 2007.

Chair, Department of Educational Leadership and Counseling Promotion and Tenure Committee, Fall, 2006 – 2009.

Member of Old Dominion University’s Executive Committee of the Faculty Senate, elected Spring, 2005 – Summer, 2008.

Member of Old Dominion University’s Faculty Senate, elected Spring, 2004 – Fall, 2008.

Member of Old Dominion University’s Faculty Senate Committee C (Graduate Curriculum), 2004 - 2008.

Dissertations Chaired or Co-chaired

Robinson, Tina (2010). Examining the impact of leadership style and school climate on student achievement. Tina is currently a school administrator in the Chesapeake City Public School Division.

Goodale, Tim (2009). Exploratory study of the relationship between state fiscal effort and academic achievement. Tim is currently an assistant professor of education at the Coastal College of Georgia.

Clayton, Jennifer (2009). Changing diversity in U.S. schools: The impact on elementary student performance and achievement. The dissertation was awarded the AERA Dissertation of the Year Award for the Educational Leadership SIG. Jennifer is currently a lecturer in the Educational Foundations and Leadership department at Old Dominion University

Pollock, Wayne (2009). The impact of on-line training on college faculty attitudes and knowledge of students with disabilities. Wayne is an assistant professor at Virginia Wesleyan College.

Burchbuckler, Scott (2008). School district budgeting in the era of increased accountability and no child left behind. Scott is the assistant superintendent of schools for the Williamsburg/James City County School Division in Virginia.

Donlan. John (2008). The relationship between rural middle school student mathematics achievement and classroom sense of community. John is principal of First Flight Middle School in Nags Head, North Carolina.

Smith, Aaron (2008). The relationship of teacher route to certification to student outcomes on statewide social studies assessment. Aaron is principal of Gildersleve Middle School Newport News, Virginia.

Richmond, Paulette (2007). Wealth and achievement gaps: An examination of Virginia middle schools. Paulette is a central office administrator in Virginia Beach Public Schools.


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