
Data – women in Solomons politics

This is the data presented in the following blog post:

If you want to play around with this data in Excel, you should find that when you double-click on the chart or table, it opens up in Excel. I would have just linked to an Excel spreadsheet but Wordpress doesn’t allow it for some reason, so this will have to do.


Harry (10/04/10)

Table 1: female candidates & MPs, national elections 1965-2009


Table 2: female representatives in provincial assemblies or councils

|Name |Province |Ward |Term |

|Victoria Sino Oloravato |Western |Kusaghe |Current, June 2009- |

|Anne Pugeva |Rennell & Bellona |? |Current |

|Nester Marahora |Makira |? |Current |

|Rhoda Sikilabu |Isabel |? |Current |

|Beverly Dick |Isabel |? |Current |

|Miriam Garo |Malaita |Waneagu |1999-2001 |

|Rose Anilabata |Malaita |Buma |2002-2006 |

|Vida Phillips |Guadalcanal |? |Two terms, until 1975 |

|Rose Dettke |Guadalcanal |Saghalu |1997-2000 |

Table 3: female candidates, national elections 1965-2009


Additional Table 1: Number of female candidates by province (1993, 2001 and 2006 elections)


Additional Table 2: female candidates, 1993 election


Additional Table 3: female candidates, 2001 election


Additional Table 4: female candidates, 2006 election



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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