
Curriculum Vitae (short version) SIRI GERRARDCentre for Women and Gender Research, UiT The arctic University of Norway, Postboks 6050 Langnes, 9037 Troms?, Norway Phone: +47 77 64 55 59, e-mail; siri.gerrard@uit.noWorking experience: Time: Position: Workplace:2007 – Professor emerita Center for Women and Gender Research (Kvinnforsk)2016-2017 Professor Center for Women and Gender Research (Kvinnforsk)2009- 2014 Professor/ Department of Sociology, Political Science and Planning/Centre Academic leader for Women and Gender Research (Kvinnforsk)2009-2016 Professor Department of planning and community studies. UiT 1990-09 Associate Professor Norwegian Fishery College Department of planning and community Studies, UiT 1982-90 Associate Professor University College of Finnmark, Alta1975-82 Assistant Professor/ Research Fellow Department of Social Sciences, UiT Positions/Board experiences since 20052012-2013 Leader of the National Academic Council for Gender Research 2011- 2013 Member of UiT’s equality committee 2006-2007 Deputy leader of the National Academic Council for Gender Research2006-09 Elected and working leader of the board of Centre of women and gender research 2005-07 Deputy board member of the Study Programme of The Department of Planning and Community Studies2005- 09 Member of the Board of the Coastal Museums in Finnmark until May 20092006- 08 Deputy board member of the Board of the Barents InstitutePositions of the Norwegian Research Council (RCN): NAVF(RCN)/RSFP/NORAS etc2003-2006 Expert and member of panels in gender, environment and development research1996-2002 Member of the committee of Cultural Studies, RCN 1994 Member of NFR (RCN)expert committee on environment and development 1989-90 Member of NAVF committee for gender equality1989-90 Deputy member of NAVFs(RCN) programme for basic women research 1989-90 Member of NAVFs (RCN) committee for strengthen North-Norwegian research 1989-90 Leader of the Expert Group in NAVF/ RSFs (Social Anthropology) and board member of NAVF/RSF1987-91 Board member of NAVF/RSF (RCN) (representative for the University Colleges)1985-89 Member of the NAVF/RSF’s (RCN) expert group (Social Anthropology) 1975 Secretary for the first NAVF/RSF (RCN )expert group in research on women and genderGrants:2014 North2North: Exchange UIT/Memorial University2012-17 Mobile Lifestyles: Perspectives on Work Mobilities and Gender in the High North (leader)2011-12 NOS-HS Explorative Workshops: Final Report 212652: Gendered geographical mobility and quantitative data: A workshop to prepare for a pilot study in Faroe Island, Iceland and North Norway2003-08 Sustainable Fishery Culture: A Gender Perspective on Use of Coastal Territories and Resource Management together with Kirsti Pedersen Gurholt: RCN number1524004/730) 1994-95 RCN: Research Fellowship: Internationalization1992 NFFR: Research fellowship: Women, Identity and Fisheries. 1996 RCN: Gender and Coast. Grant to Senter of Women and Gender Research, UiT1986 NORAS: Women and Fisheries Development: Tanzania, Cameroon, Norway, Canada1988 RCN Grant to Research Group on Women in the Districts and Development, Finnmark University College1984-86 RSPF grant: together with Halldis Valestrand1978 82 NRC grant about women in Fishworkers’ UnionVisits abroad after 2005:2017: Exchange to UBO, Brest2015: Guest visit to Iqualuit, Nunavut, Canada 2007 -2014: Regular visits to The School of Gender Studies, Makerere University, Uganda Supervisions of PHD-candidates:1996 Eva Munk-Madsen: ?Fiskerkj?nnet? (Fishergender), Avhandling til dr. scient- graden Norges fiskerih?gskole/University of Troms?, Norway)1999 Kirsti Pedersen: ”Det har bare v?rt naturlig!” Friluftsliv, kj?nn og kulturelle Brytninger ( It has always been natural: About outdoorlife, gender and cultaral challenges. Doktoravhandling, Institutt for samfunnsvitenskap. Oslo, Norway: Norges idrettsh?gskole (Norwegian School of Sport Sciences).2009 Mai Camilla Munkejord: ?Hjemme i nord. En analyse av stedsopplevelser med utgangspunkt i kvinnelige og mannlige innflytteres fortellinger om hverdagsliv i Hav?ysund og Vads?, Finnmark?. (At home in the North: place, everyday life and gender). Troms?: Universitetet i Troms?, Troms?, Norway.2012 Percy Oware: Economic Restructuring, Matriliny and Intrahousehold Resource Allocation: Cases from the Suhum/Kraboa-Coaltar District of Ghana. University of roms?, Troms?, Norway2015 Marianne Brekke (: Samtidig, men midlertidig. En etnografisk studie av unge med flyktningbakgrunn i Troms? (Simulateously, but temporary. (An ethnographic study of young people with refugee background in the city of Troms?). University of Troms?, Troms?, Norway.Refereed Articles in Peer Review Journals since 20052017 Gerrard, Siri. Mobility Practices and Gender Contracts: Changes in Gender Relations in Coastal Areas of Norway's High North. Nordic Journal of Law and Society, Special Issue: Gender Equality in the Arctic and the North. Vol 1 No 01-02 (pp 91-113).2013 Neis, B., S. Gerrard, and N. G. Power. Women and children first: the gendered and generational social-ecology of smaller-scale fisheries in Newfoundland and Labrador and northern Norway. Ecology and Society 18(4): 64. : Masculinties mobilities, materialities and masculinities. Interconnected mobility practices In Norwegian Coastal Fisheries. In Norwegian Geographical Journal 67, no 5 (pp. 312-319).2013. Valestrand, S., Walsh, D., Gerrard S. & Aure, M. Gendered mobilities in the North. In Norwegian Geographical Journal 67, no 5 (p. 259).2013. Valestrand, S., Walsh, D., Gerrard S. & Aure, M. Gendered mobilities in the North: Advancing an international Comparative perspective. In Norwegian Geographical Journal 67, no 5 (pp. 260-265).2011 Gerrard, S. Mobile Practices and Gender Contracts in Fisheries Societies. Tidsskrift for Kj?nnsforskning. No 1 (pp. 41-56).2011 Samspillet mellom nature, kultur og kj?nn – et bidrag til ? forst? dekonstruksjonens utfordringer i kj?nnsforskningen. Tidsskrift for Kj?nnsforskning 2011(1) (pp. 57-63). (not refereed)2008 Quota policy and local fishing: Gendered practices and perplexities. Maritime Studies, 6.2), pp. 53-75.2005 Living with the fish quotas: Changing gendered practices. Tidsskrift for kj?nnsforskning 2005 (4) pp. 34-49. Books and Refereed Chapters in Books since 20052016 Fiskev?ret – Et ?pent og foranderlig lokalsamfunn. Mariann Villa og Marit S. Haugen (eds.): Lokalsamfunn (Local community). Oslo: Cappelen Damm Akademisk. 2016 Kvinner i kystfiske – gjester ved menns bord? (Women in coastal fishery – guests at men’s table?) Sigtona Halrynjo and Mari Teigen (eds.) Ulik likestilling I arbeidslivet. Oslo: Gyldendal Akademisk 2015: Mobile Practices and Gender Contracts in Fishery-Related Areas. In Subhadra Channa and Marilyn Porter: Gender, Livelihood and Environment: How women manage resources, Telangana, India: Orient Blackswan. (ISBN978-81-250-5983-7)2015 Halldis Valestrand og Siri Gerrard: Mobile steder- forflytninger og forankringer: Kirkenes og Skarsv?g. I Marit Aure, Nina Gunnerud Berg, J?rn Cruickshank, Britt Dale: ‘Med sans for sted – nyere teorier’ (working title), Bergen: Akademika2014: Grace Bantebya Kyomuhendo, Florence Kyoheirwe Muhanguzi, Siri Gerrard and Josephine Ahikire (eds). Gender, Poverty and Social Transformation: Reflections on Fractures and Continuities in Contemporary Uganda. Kampala: Fountain Publishers.2014: Florence Kyoheirwe Muhanguzi, Josephine Ahikire, Siri Gerrad and Lise Nordbroend. An Introduction: Partnerships and Social Justice: Research and Academic Collaboration between North and South on Gender, Poverty and Social Transformation, in Grace Bantebya Kyomuhendo, Josephine Ahikire and Consolata Kabonesa (eds), Gender, Poverty and Social Transformation: Reflections on Fractures and Continuities in Contemporary Uganda. Kampala: Fountain Publishers. ?2014. Kj?nn og utkant I en ny tid. I GESTUR HOVGAARD , BEINTA ? J?KUPSSTOVU og HANS ANDRIAS S?LVAR?: Vestnorden - nye roller i det internasjonale samfund, Fródskapur - Faroe University Press2013 Halldis Valestrand og Siri Gerrard: N?tidige stedskonstruksjoner, fortid og kollektive minner. I F?rde Anniken, Britt Kramvik, Nina Gunnerud Berg: ? finne sted- metodologiske perspektiver i stedsanalyser. Bergen: Akademika forlag2009 Fra fiskev?r til feriev?r? Om kystsamfunn i endring ( From fishing community to holiday place? About changing coastal communities.) Det hjemlige og det globale. Festskrift til Randi R?nning Balsvik. Akademisk Publisering. ISBN 978-82-8152-025-7. s.386-399. 2009 "I have always wanted to go fishing". Challenging gender and gender perceptions in the quota-oriented small-scale fishery of Finnmark, Norway. Gender, Culture and Northern Fisheries. Edmonton, Canada: Canadian Circumpolar Institute (CCI) Press pp131-152. ISBN 978-1-896445-46-52008 A travelling fishing village: The specific conjunction of place. I: Mobility and Place. Enacting Northern European Peripheries. Ashgate. pp.75-86. ISBN 978-0-7546-7141-1.2007 Den n?dvendige tverrfagligheten - diskurser om hushold og modernitet (The necessity of interdisciplinary perspectives- discourses about housholds and modernity). I: I disiplinenes grenseland. Tverrfaglighet i teori og praksis. Fagbokforlaget. pp 246-258. ISBN 978-82-450-0640-7 2005 Neis, Barbara; Binkley, Marian; Maneschy, Christina. Maneschy and Siri Gerrard(eds).Changing tides: Gender, fisheries and globalization. Halifax: Fernwood Publishing. ISBN 1-55266-159-8. 307 p. 2005 Research Relations as Globalization: Feminist Reflections on the Informant- Researcher Relationship. In Neis, Barbara; Binkley, Marian; Maneschy, Christina. Maneschy and Siri Gerrard(eds).Changing tides: Gender, fisheries and globalization. Halifax: Fernwood Publishing pp. 215-228. ISBN 1-55266-159-8. Non Refereed Books and Chapters since 20052008 Festivaler og bygdedager p? Mager?ya og andre steder i Nord-Norge (Festivals and home-coming days at Mager?ya and other places in the North of Norway). I Kjersti Skavhaug: ?rboka for Nordkapp. Honningsv?g. Nordkappmuseet/Museene for kystkultur og gjenreisning i Finnmark, IKS (ISBN 978-82-90700-15-2) 8 p.2007 Marginalisering av n?ring – mangfold av maskuliniteter: refleksjoner omkring endringer i fiskerliv.(Marginalization of Fishery Industries- varied masculinities: reflections about changes in fishers ways of living). In Hauan, Marit Anne (ed): Maskuliniteter i Nord. Troms?: Kvinnforsk skriftserie, no 6. 2005 Ericka Engelstad and Siri Gerrard (co-authored). Challenging situatedness. In: Engelstad, Erica and Siri Gerrard: Challenging Situatedness: Gender, Culture and the Production of Knowledge. Delft: Eburon Academic Publishers pp. 1-262005 Ericka Engelstad and Siri Gerrard (co-edited.). Challenging Situatedness: Gender, Culture and the Production of Knowledge. Delft: Eburon Academic Publishers 267 p. ................

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