




SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94102-3298

February 8, 2008

To: All Local Exchange Carriers:

Article 5 of the Public Utilities Code grants authority to the Public Utilities Commission to require all public utilities doing business in California to file reports on their California operations as specified by the Commission.

Carriers are to file two annual reports, the summary of Selected Financial Data and the Affiliated Transaction Report. For your convenience the formats for each of these reports for the calendar year 2007 filing are attached, and should be completed as shown.

Carriers must also file an annual report on operations to comply with General Order 104-A. While the Commission has historically used the FCC Form M format to meet General Order 104-A requirements, the FCC has replaced the FCC Form M for certain carriers with the FCC ARMIS 43-02 report. For those carriers that are required by the FCC to use the ARMIS 43-02 report, please submit that report to the CPUC. Carriers that are not required by the FCC to use the ARMIS 43-02 report shall use the Form M format. Additionally, beginning with the reporting for the calendar year 2006, we are asking carriers to provide some additional data regarding corporate identity information in a separate Attachment. The additional data that we are asking for includes:

• The name of the utility and the utility number assigned to the company by the Commission,

• The doing business as (dba) name of the utility,

• The California Taxpayer Identification Number assigned to the company by the California Secretary of State,

• The Operating Company Number that is assigned to the company for telephone number administration purposes,

• The FCC’s Form 499-A Filer ID number.

As part of the consumer education effort directed by D.06-03-013, Commission staff is seeking data from carriers about whether they offer residential communications services and where such services are offered. Our goal is to develop a geographically-based carrier list to provide a means for residential customers to effectively and efficiently identify carriers who provide services in their geographical areas and facilitate connections with those carriers. We are asking carriers to fill information in Attachment C, and submit it to the staff in Microsoft Word format in CD ROM. You can download Attachment C from the following link:

Submit the General Order 104-A Report, the Selected Financial Data Report, the new corporate identity information, and geographical area information in hard copy and in machine-readable copy (CD-R) using Microsoft Word no later than April 1, 2008. Submit the Affiliate Transaction Report in hard copy and in machine-readable copy (CD-R) using Microsoft Word or Microsoft Excel no later than May 1, 2008.

Address your report to: California Public Utilities Commission

Communication Division

Financial Report Section, Rm. 3107

505 Van Ness Avenue

San Francisco, CA 94102-3298

The annual reports fall within the Commission General Order (GO) 66-C and Public Utilities Code Section § 583. These statutes address public inspection of reports filed with the Commission. The Commission staff cautions against the indiscriminate use of Public Utilities Code section 583 to classify as “confidential” information submitted in accordance with the Attachments. It has been the long-term practice of this Commission to release annual reports to the public upon request.

Annual reports are public records and, as such, if they fail to fall within the provisions of General Order No. 66-C or the exemptions of the California Public Records Act (Government Code section 6250 et seq.), they are required to be open to public inspection. Even those records exempted from public inspection may be made public upon a case-specific determination of the Commission that the public interest in disclosure outweighs the public interest in maintaining the confidentiality of such records (See section 6255 of the Government Code).

The policy of the California Public Records Act and the practices of this Commission favor making public records readily available to the public. Accordingly, if you plan to claim confidential status for any information submitted in your reports, any such claim should be prominently noted and be supported by a detailed explanation of the reasons and facts that substantiate the necessity for confidential treatment. For example, in relying on G.O. 66C, Section 2.2(b), which exempts from disclosure information which, if revealed, would place the regulated company at an unfair business disadvantage, the mere allegation of being placed in an unfair business disadvantage is not sufficient to establish it as fact. More factual support demonstrating how the disadvantage resulting from disclosure of the information could occur is required. Data publicly exposed in other contexts (e.g. corporation annual reports, Security Exchange Commission disclosure filings) should not be claimed to be confidential information when submitted in accordance with the Attachments.

If you request confidential treatment for annual report submissions, use this procedure: file one copy of the full and complete version of the report and one copy of the report with the claimed confidential information removed and the term REDACTED inserted in the blank area. Requests by the public to review documents, for which confidential treatment has been requested, shall be handled pursuant to General Order 66-C.

Failure to file this report on time may result in a penalty as provided for in sections 2107 and 2108 of the Public Utilities Code.

If you have any questions concerning the Annual Report or the Affiliated Transaction Report, please call Edgardo Samson (415) 703-2253. Questions concerning the survey form can be directed to Ms. Lee-Whei Tan, (415) 703-2901, lwt@cpuc.


/s/ Jack Leutza

Jack Leutza, Director

Communications Division

Attachment A


NAME OF UTILITY ______________________________ PHONE _____________________

PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS REPORT ______________________________________

(Prepared from Information in the ____ Annual Report)

Column 1 Column 2 (Column 1 + Column 2)/2

| |1/1/_________ |12/31/______ |Average |

| | | | |

| | | | |


|Telephone Plant in Service: | | | |

| | | | |

|1. Intangible Plant |_____________ |_____________ |____________ |

|2. Land and Land Rights |_____________ |_____________ |____________ |

|3. Depreciable Telephone Plant |_____________ |_____________ |____________ |

|4. Gross Telephone Plant in Service |_____________ |_____________ |____________ |

|5. Telephone Plant Under Construction |_____________ |_____________ |____________ |

|6. Plant Held for Future Telephone Use |_____________ |_____________ |____________ |

|7. Telephone Plant Adjustment |_____________ |_____________ |____________ |

|8. Less: Reserve for Depreciation |(___________) |(____________) |(___________) |

|9. Less Amortization Reserves |(___________) |(____________) |(___________) |

|10. Less: Accum. Def. Income Taxes & Credits |(___________) |(____________) |(___________) |

|11. Net Telephone Plant |_____________ |_____________ |____________ |

|12. Materials & Supplies |_____________ |_____________ |____________ |

|13. Net Telephone Plant |_____________ |_____________ |____________ |

| | | | |

1) Includes Common Plant Allocations


|14. Common Stock |_____________ |_____________ |____________ |

|15. Proprietary Capital (Ind. Or Partner) |_____________ |_____________ |____________ |

|16. Capital Stock (Premium, Discount and Expense) – Net |_____________ |_____________ |____________ |

|17. Other Paid-in Capital |_____________ |_____________ |____________ |

|18. Retained Earnings |_____________ |_____________ |____________ |

|19. Common Equity (lines 14 thru 18) |_____________ |_____________ |____________ |

|20. Preferred Stock |_____________ |_____________ |____________ |

|21. Long- Term Debt & Notes Payable |_____________ |_____________ |____________ |

|22. Total Capitalization (Lines 19 through 21) |_____________ |_____________ |____________ |

| | | | |

(Revised 6/95)


|NAME OF UTILITY _____________________________________________ |PHONE: ____________________ |


| | |

|23. Local Service Revenue (California Telephone Only) |_________________ |

|24. Toll Service Revenue (California Telephone Only) |_________________ |

|25. Miscellaneous Revenue (California Telephone Only) |_________________ |

|26. Subtotal (California Telephone Only) |_________________ |

|27. Less: Uncollectible Revenue (California Telephone Only) |_________________ |

|28. Total Operating Revenue (California Telephone Only) |_________________ |

|29. Total Operating Expense (Less: Dep. & Amortiz.) (California Telephone Only) |_________________ |

|30. Depreciation Expense |_________________ |

|31. Amortization Expense |_________________ |

|32. Rent- Lease of Operating Property – Net |_________________ |

|33. Property Taxes (Ad Valorem) |_________________ |

|34. Other Operating Taxes – Excluding Taxes or Income |_________________ |

|35. Total Operating Revenue Deductions (Before income Tax) |_________________ |

|36. Federal and State Income Taxes |_________________ |

|37. Deferred Income Tax and Investment Credits |_________________ |

|38. Total Operating Revenue Deductions |_________________ |

|39. Operating Income (Loss) |_________________ |

| | |


| | |

|40. Net Operating Income from Other Utility Operations (Total) |_________________ |

|41. Net Other Non-Utility Income and Expense Deductions |_________________ |

|42. Income Available for Fixed Charges Before Interest Charges |_________________ |

|43. Fixed Charges |_________________ |

|44. Income before Extraordinary and Delayed Items |_________________ |

|45. Extraordinary and Delayed Items – Net of Income Tax |_________________ |

|46. Net Income (Loss) |_________________ |

|47. Preferred Stock Dividends |_________________ |

|48. Income Available for Common Stock |_________________ |

|49. Common Stock Dividends |_________________ |

| | |


| | |

|50. Amount of Compensation Charged to Operations Expense |_________________ |

|51. Payroll Capitalization to Utility Plant Telephone |_________________ |

|52. Total Compensation of Employees by Month |_________________ |

|53. Interest Charged to Construction |_________________ |

|54. Average Number of Company Telephone (Stations) |_________________ |

| | |

Attachment B


1. Each utility shall list and provide the following information for each affiliated entity and regulated subsidiary that the utility had during the period covered by the annual Affiliate Transaction report.

• Name:

• U#

• Form of organization (e.g. corporation, partnership, joint venture, strategic alliance, etc.);

• Brief description of business activities engaged in;

• Relationship to the utility (e.g. controlling corporation, subsidiary, regulated subsidiary, affiliate)

• Ownership of the utility (including type and percent ownership),

• Voting rights held by the utility and percent;

• Corporate officers;

2. The utility shall prepare and submit a corporate organization chart showing any and all corporate relationships between the utility and its affiliated entities and regulated subsidiaries listed in #1 above. The chart should have the controlling corporation (if any) at the top of the chart; the utility and any subsidiaries and/or affiliates of the controlling corporation in the middle levels of the chart and all secondary subsidiaries and affiliates (e.g. a subsidiary that in turn is owned by another subsidiary or and/or affiliate) in the lower levels. Any regulated subsidiary should be clearly noted.

3. For a utility that has individuals who are classified as "controlling corporations" of the competitive utility, the utility must only report under the requirements of #1 and #2 above any affiliated entity that either a) is a public utility or b) transacts any business with the utility filing the annual report excluding the provision of tariffed services.

4. Each annual report must be signed by a corporate officer of the utility stating under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California (CCP 2015.5) that the annual report is complete and accurate with no material omissions.

5. Any required material that a utility is unable to provide must be reasonably described and the reasons the data cannot be obtained, as well as the efforts expended to obtain the information, must be set forth in the utility's annual Affiliate Transaction Report and verified in accordance with Section I-F of Decision 93-02-019.

6. Utilities that do not have affiliated entities must file, in lieu of the annual transaction report, an annual statement to the commission stating that the utility had no affiliated entities during the report period. This statement must be signed by a corporate officer of the utility stating under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California (CCP 2015.5) that the annual report is complete and accurate with no material omissions.

Attachment C

Residential Service Provided at Geographical Area Information Requested of the California Communications Service Carriers

Q.1. Please fill in the following information:

|Company Name as Shown on Customer Bills | |

|Dba (if more than 1, expand fields to allow one Dba | |

|per Microsoft Word Cell) | |

|Utility ID (if more than 1, expand fields to allow one ID per Microsoft Word Cell) | |

|Address line 1: Street | |

|Address line 2: City, State, ZIP | |

|Company Customer Service Phone Number | |

|Company Web Address | |

|Company Web Link to Tariffs or Service Price Sites | |

|Date Completed | |

Q.2. Does your company offer local residential voice services?

Yes (Go to Q.3)

No (Go to Q.5)

Q.3. Please check all the counties that your company provides local residential voice services:

|County | Check (() |County | Check (() |County | Check (() |County | Check (() |

|Alameda | |Kings | |Placer | |Sierra | |

|Alpine | |Lake | |Plumas | |Siskiyou | |

|Amador | |Lassen | |Riverside | |Solano | |

|Butte | |Los Angeles | |Sacramento | |Sonoma | |

|Calaveras | |Madera | |San Benito | |Stanislaus | |

|Colusa | |Marin | |San Bernardino | |Sutter | |

|Contra Costa | |Mariposa | |San Diego | |Tehama | |

|Del Norte | |Mendocino | |San Francisco | |Trinity | |

|El Dorado | |Merced | |San Joaquin | |Tulare | |

|Fresno | |Modoc | |San Luis Obispo | |Tuolumne | |

|Glenn | |Mono | |San Mateo | |Ventura | |

|Humboldt | |Monterey | |Santa Barbara | |Yolo | |

|Imperial | |Napa | |Santa Clara | |Yuba | |

|Inyo | |Nevada | |Santa Cruz | | | |

|Kern | |Orange | |Shasta | | | |

Q.4. Please check all the area code areas that your company provides local residential voice services:

|Area Code | Check |Area Code | Check |Area Code | Check |

| |(() | |(() | |(() |

|209 | |559 | |805 | |

|213 | |562 | |818 | |

|310 | |619 | |831 | |

|323 | |626 | |858 | |

|408 | |650 | |909 | |

|415 | |661 | |916 | |

|424 | |707 | |925 | |

|510 | |714 | |949 | |

|530 | |760 | |951 | |

Q.5. Does your company offer residential DSL broadband connection services?

Yes (Go to Q.6)

No (Go to Q.8)

Q.6. Please check all the counties that your company provides residential DSL broadband connection services:

|County | Check |County | Check |County | Check |County | Check |

| |(() | |(() | |(() | |(() |

|Alameda | |Kings | |Placer | |Sierra | |

|Alpine | |Lake | |Plumas | |Siskiyou | |

|Amador | |Lassen | |Riverside | |Solano | |

|Butte | |Los Angeles | |Sacramento | |Sonoma | |

|Calaveras | |Madera | |San Benito | |Stanislaus | |

|Colusa | |Marin | |San Bernardino | |Sutter | |

|Contra Costa | |Mariposa | |San Diego | |Tehama | |

|Del Norte | |Mendocino | |San Francisco | |Trinity | |

|El Dorado | |Merced | |San Joaquin | |Tulare | |

|Fresno | |Modoc | |San Luis Obispo | |Tuolumne | |

|Glenn | |Mono | |San Mateo | |Ventura | |

|Humboldt | |Monterey | |Santa Barbara | |Yolo | |

|Imperial | |Napa | |Santa Clara | |Yuba | |

|Inyo | |Nevada | |Santa Cruz | | | |

|Kern | |Orange | |Shasta | | | |

Q.7. Please check all the area code areas that your company provides residential DSL broadband connection services:

|Area Code | Check |Area Code | Check |Area Code | Check |

| |(() | |(() | |(() |

|209 | |559 | |805 | |

|213 | |562 | |818 | |

|310 | |619 | |831 | |

|323 | |626 | |858 | |

|408 | |650 | |909 | |

|415 | |661 | |916 | |

|424 | |707 | |925 | |

|510 | |714 | |949 | |

|530 | |760 | |951 | |

Q.8. Does your company offer residential cable broadband connection services?

Yes (Go to Q.9)

No (Go to Q.11)

Q.9. Please check all the counties that your company provides residential cable broadband connection services:

|County | Check |County | Check |County | Check |County | Check |

| |(() | |(() | |(() | |(() |

|Alameda | |Kings | |Placer | |Sierra | |

|Alpine | |Lake | |Plumas | |Siskiyou | |

|Amador | |Lassen | |Riverside | |Solano | |

|Butte | |Los Angeles | |Sacramento | |Sonoma | |

|Calaveras | |Madera | |San Benito | |Stanislaus | |

|Colusa | |Marin | |San Bernardino | |Sutter | |

|Contra Costa | |Mariposa | |San Diego | |Tehama | |

|Del Norte | |Mendocino | |San Francisco | |Trinity | |

|El Dorado | |Merced | |San Joaquin | |Tulare | |

|Fresno | |Modoc | |San Luis Obispo | |Tuolumne | |

|Glenn | |Mono | |San Mateo | |Ventura | |

|Humboldt | |Monterey | |Santa Barbara | |Yolo | |

|Imperial | |Napa | |Santa Clara | |Yuba | |

|Inyo | |Nevada | |Santa Cruz | | | |

|Kern | |Orange | |Shasta | | | |

Q.10. Please check all the area code areas that your company provides residential cable broadband connection services:

|Area Code | Check |Area Code | Check |Area Code | Check |

| |(() | |(() | |(() |

|209 | |559 | |805 | |

|213 | |562 | |818 | |

|310 | |619 | |831 | |

|323 | |626 | |858 | |

|408 | |650 | |909 | |

|415 | |661 | |916 | |

|424 | |707 | |925 | |

|510 | |714 | |949 | |

|530 | |760 | |951 | |

Q.11. Does your company offer broadband connection services to residential customers via technologies other than DSL and/or cable?

Yes (Go to Q.12)


Q.12. Please specify what technology your company use to provide broadband connection services to residential customers, and provide answers to Q.13 & Q.14.

Q.13. Please check all the counties that your company provides residential broadband connection services:

|County | Check |County | Check |County | Check |County | Check |

| |(() | |(() | |(() | |(() |

|Alameda | |Kings | |Placer | |Sierra | |

|Alpine | |Lake | |Plumas | |Siskiyou | |

|Amador | |Lassen | |Riverside | |Solano | |

|Butte | |Los Angeles | |Sacramento | |Sonoma | |

|Calaveras | |Madera | |San Benito | |Stanislaus | |

|Colusa | |Marin | |San Bernardino | |Sutter | |

|Contra Costa | |Mariposa | |San Diego | |Tehama | |

|Del Norte | |Mendocino | |San Francisco | |Trinity | |

|El Dorado | |Merced | |San Joaquin | |Tulare | |

|Fresno | |Modoc | |San Luis Obispo | |Tuolumne | |

|Glenn | |Mono | |San Mateo | |Ventura | |

|Humboldt | |Monterey | |Santa Barbara | |Yolo | |

|Imperial | |Napa | |Santa Clara | |Yuba | |

|Inyo | |Nevada | |Santa Cruz | | | |

|Kern | |Orange | |Shasta | | | |

Q.14. Please check all the area code areas that your company provides residential broadband connection services:

|Area Code | Check |Area Code | Check |Area Code | Check |

| |(() | |(() | |(() |

|209 | |559 | |805 | |

|213 | |562 | |818 | |

|310 | |619 | |831 | |

|323 | |626 | |858 | |

|408 | |650 | |909 | |

|415 | |661 | |916 | |

|424 | |707 | |925 | |

|510 | |714 | |949 | |

|530 | |760 | |951 | |

Q.15. Does your company offer video services to residential customers?

Yes (Go to Q.17)


Q.16. Please specify what technology your company use to provide video services to residential customers, and provide answers to Q.17 & Q.18.

Q.17. Please check all the counties that your company provides video services to residential customers:

|County | Check |County | Check |County | Check |County | Check |

| |(() | |(() | |(() | |(() |

|Alameda | |Kings | |Placer | |Sierra | |

|Alpine | |Lake | |Plumas | |Siskiyou | |

|Amador | |Lassen | |Riverside | |Solano | |

|Butte | |Los Angeles | |Sacramento | |Sonoma | |

|Calaveras | |Madera | |San Benito | |Stanislaus | |

|Colusa | |Marin | |San Bernardino | |Sutter | |

|Contra Costa | |Mariposa | |San Diego | |Tehama | |

|Del Norte | |Mendocino | |San Francisco | |Trinity | |

|El Dorado | |Merced | |San Joaquin | |Tulare | |

|Fresno | |Modoc | |San Luis Obispo | |Tuolumne | |

|Glenn | |Mono | |San Mateo | |Ventura | |

|Humboldt | |Monterey | |Santa Barbara | |Yolo | |

|Imperial | |Napa | |Santa Clara | |Yuba | |

|Inyo | |Nevada | |Santa Cruz | | | |

|Kern | |Orange | |Shasta | | | |

Q.18. Please check all the area code areas that your company provides video services to residential customers:

|Area Code | Check |Area Code | Check |Area Code | Check |

| |(() | |(() | |(() |

|209 | |559 | |805 | |

|213 | |562 | |818 | |

|310 | |619 | |831 | |

|323 | |626 | |858 | |

|408 | |650 | |909 | |

|415 | |661 | |916 | |

|424 | |707 | |925 | |

|510 | |714 | |949 | |

|530 | |760 | |951 | |

If your company would like to show the public in which cities you provide the following services, please respond to the following question:

Q.19. Please check (() all the cities that your company provides local residential voice services; residential DSL broadband connection services; residential cable broadband connection services; residential broadband connection (other than DSL or cable) services; and residential video services:

|County |Cities |Residential local|Residential DSL |Residential Cable|Residential other|Residential Video|

| | |voice |broadband |broadband |broadband | |

|Alameda |Alameda | | | | | |

|Alameda |Albany | | | | | |

|Alameda |Berkeley | | | | | |

|Alameda |Dublin | | | | | |

|Alameda |Emeryville | | | | | |

|Alameda |Fremont | | | | | |

|Alameda |Hayward | | | | | |

|Alameda |Livermore | | | | | |

|Alameda |Newark | | | | | |

|Alameda |Oakland | | | | | |

|Alameda |Piedmont | | | | | |

|Alameda |Pleasanton | | | | | |

|Alameda |San Leandro | | | | | |

|Alameda |Union City | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|Alpine |Markleeville | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|Amador |Amador | | | | | |

|Amador |Ione | | | | | |

|Amador |Jackson | | | | | |

|Amador |Plymouth | | | | | |

|Amador |Sutter Creek | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|Butte |Biggs | | | | | |

|Butte |Chico | | | | | |

|Butte |Gridley | | | | | |

|Butte |Oroville | | | | | |

|Butte |Paradise | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|Calaveras |Angels Camp | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|Colusa |Arbuckle | | | | | |

|Colusa |Colusa | | | | | |

|Colusa |Maxwell | | | | | |

|Colusa |Williams | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|Contra Costa |Antioch | | | | | |

|Contra Costa |Brentwood | | | | | |

|Contra Costa |Clayton | | | | | |

|Contra Costa |Concord | | | | | |

|Contra Costa |Danville | | | | | |

|Contra Costa |El Cerrito | | | | | |

|Contra Costa |Hercules | | | | | |

|Contra Costa |Lafayette | | | | | |

|Contra Costa |Martinez | | | | | |

|Contra Costa |Moraga | | | | | |

|Contra Costa |Oakley | | | | | |

|Contra Costa |Orinda | | | | | |

|Contra Costa |Pinole | | | | | |

|Contra Costa |Pittsburg | | | | | |

|Contra Costa |Pleasant Hill | | | | | |

|Contra Costa |Richmond | | | | | |

|Contra Costa |San Pablo | | | | | |

|Contra Costa |San Ramon | | | | | |

|Contra Costa |Walnut Creek | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|Del Norte |Crescent City | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|El Dorado |Placerville | | | | | |

|El Dorado |South Lake Tahoe | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|Fresno |Clovis | | | | | |

|Fresno |Coalinga | | | | | |

|Fresno |Firebaugh | | | | | |

|Fresno |Fowler | | | | | |

|Fresno |Fresno | | | | | |

|Fresno |Huron | | | | | |

|Fresno |Kerman | | | | | |

|Fresno |Kingsburg | | | | | |

|Fresno |Mendota | | | | | |

|Fresno |Orange Cove | | | | | |

|Fresno |Parlier | | | | | |

|Fresno |Reedley | | | | | |

|Fresno |Sanger | | | | | |

|Fresno |San Joaquin | | | | | |

|Fresno |Selma | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|Glenn |Orland | | | | | |

|Glenn |Willows | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|Humboldt |Arcata | | | | | |

|Humboldt |Blue Lake | | | | | |

|Humboldt |Eureka | | | | | |

|Humboldt |Ferndale | | | | | |

|Humboldt |Fortuna | | | | | |

|Humboldt |Petrolia | | | | | |

|Humboldt |Rio Dell | | | | | |

|Humboldt |Trinidad | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|Imperial |Brawley | | | | | |

|Imperial |Calexico | | | | | |

|Imperial |Calipatria | | | | | |

|Imperial |El Centro | | | | | |

|Imperial |Holtville | | | | | |

|Imperial |Imperial | | | | | |

|Imperial |Westmorland | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|Inyo |Bishop | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|Kern |Arvin | | | | | |

|Kern |Bakersfield | | | | | |

|Kern |California City | | | | | |

|Kern |Delano | | | | | |

|Kern |Maricopa | | | | | |

|Kern |Mcfarland | | | | | |

|Kern |Ridgecrest | | | | | |

|Kern |Shafter | | | | | |

|Kern |Taft | | | | | |

|Kern |Tehachapi | | | | | |

|Kern |Wasco | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|Kings |Avenal | | | | | |

|Kings |Corcoran | | | | | |

|Kings |Hanford | | | | | |

|Kings |Lemoore | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|Lake |Clearlake | | | | | |

|Lake |Lakeport | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|Lassen |Adin | | | | | |

|Lassen |Bieber | | | | | |

|Lassen |Susanville | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|Los Angeles |Agoura Hills | | | | | |

|Los Angeles |Alhambra | | | | | |

|Los Angeles |Arcadia | | | | | |

|Los Angeles |Artesia | | | | | |

|Los Angeles |Avalon | | | | | |

|Los Angeles |Azusa | | | | | |

|Los Angeles |Baldwin Park | | | | | |

|Los Angeles |Bell | | | | | |

|Los Angeles |Bellflower | | | | | |

|Los Angeles |Bell Gardens | | | | | |

|Los Angeles |Beverly Hills | | | | | |

|Los Angeles |Bradbury | | | | | |

|Los Angeles |Burbank | | | | | |

|Los Angeles |Calabasas | | | | | |

|Los Angeles |Carson | | | | | |

|Los Angeles |Cerritos | | | | | |

|Los Angeles |Claremont | | | | | |

|Los Angeles |Commerce | | | | | |

|Los Angeles |Compton | | | | | |

|Los Angeles |Covina | | | | | |

|Los Angeles |Cudahy | | | | | |

|Los Angeles |Culver City | | | | | |

|Los Angeles |Diamond Bar | | | | | |

|Los Angeles |Downey | | | | | |

|Los Angeles |Duarte | | | | | |

|Los Angeles |El Monte | | | | | |

|Los Angeles |El Segundo | | | | | |

|Los Angeles |Gardena | | | | | |

|Los Angeles |Glendale | | | | | |

|Los Angeles |Glendora | | | | | |

|Los Angeles |Hawaiian Gardens | | | | | |

|Los Angeles |Hawthorne | | | | | |

|Los Angeles |Hermosa Beach | | | | | |

|Los Angeles |Hidden Hills | | | | | |

|Los Angeles |Huntington Park | | | | | |

|Los Angeles |Industry | | | | | |

|Los Angeles |Inglewood | | | | | |

|Los Angeles |Irwindale | | | | | |

|Los Angeles |La Canada Flintridge | | | | | |

|Los Angeles |La Habra Heights | | | | | |

|Los Angeles |Lakewood | | | | | |

|Los Angeles |La Mirada | | | | | |

|Los Angeles |Lancaster | | | | | |

|Los Angeles |La Puente | | | | | |

|Los Angeles |La Verne | | | | | |

|Los Angeles |Lawndale | | | | | |

|Los Angeles |Lomita | | | | | |

|Los Angeles |Long Beach | | | | | |

|Los Angeles |Los Angeles | | | | | |

|Los Angeles |Lynwood | | | | | |

|Los Angeles |Malibu | | | | | |

|Los Angeles |Manhattan Beach | | | | | |

|Los Angeles |Maywood | | | | | |

|Los Angeles |Monrovia | | | | | |

|Los Angeles |Montebello | | | | | |

|Los Angeles |Monterey Park | | | | | |

|Los Angeles |Norwalk | | | | | |

|Los Angeles |Palmdale | | | | | |

|Los Angeles |Palos Verdes Estates | | | | | |

|Los Angeles |Paramount | | | | | |

|Los Angeles |Pasadena | | | | | |

|Los Angeles |Pico Rivera | | | | | |

|Los Angeles |Pomona | | | | | |

|Los Angeles |Rancho Palos Verdes | | | | | |

|Los Angeles |Redondo Beach | | | | | |

|Los Angeles |Rolling Hills | | | | | |

|Los Angeles |Rolling Hills Estates | | | | | |

|Los Angeles |Rosemead | | | | | |

|Los Angeles |San Dimas | | | | | |

|Los Angeles |San Fernando | | | | | |

|Los Angeles |San Gabriel | | | | | |

|Los Angeles |San Marino | | | | | |

|Los Angeles |Santa Clarita | | | | | |

|Los Angeles |Santa Fe Springs | | | | | |

|Los Angeles |Santa Monica | | | | | |

|Los Angeles |Sierra Madre | | | | | |

|Los Angeles |Signal Hill | | | | | |

|Los Angeles |South El Monte | | | | | |

|Los Angeles |South Gate | | | | | |

|Los Angeles |South Pasadena | | | | | |

|Los Angeles |Temple City | | | | | |

|Los Angeles |Torrance | | | | | |

|Los Angeles |Vernon | | | | | |

|Los Angeles |Walnut | | | | | |

|Los Angeles |West Covina | | | | | |

|Los Angeles |West Hollywood | | | | | |

|Los Angeles |Westlake Village | | | | | |

|Los Angeles |Whittier | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|Madera |Chowchilla | | | | | |

|Madera |Madera | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|Marin |Belvedere | | | | | |

|Marin |Corte Madera | | | | | |

|Marin |Fairfax | | | | | |

|Marin |Larkspur | | | | | |

|Marin |Mill Valley | | | | | |

|Marin |Novato | | | | | |

|Marin |Ross | | | | | |

|Marin |San Anselmo | | | | | |

|Marin |San Rafael | | | | | |

|Marin |Sausalito | | | | | |

|Marin |Tiburon | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|Mariposa |Mariposa | | | | | |

|Mariposa |Coulterville | | | | | |

|Mariposa |Yosemite | | | | | |

|Mariposa |Midpines | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|Mendocino |Fort Bragg | | | | | |

|Mendocino |Point Arena | | | | | |

|Mendocino |Ukiah | | | | | |

|Mendocino |Willits | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|Merced |Atwater | | | | | |

|Merced |Dos Palos | | | | | |

|Merced |Gustine | | | | | |

|Merced |Livingston | | | | | |

|Merced |Los Banos | | | | | |

|Merced |Merced | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|Modoc |Alturas | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|Mono |Mammoth Lakes | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|Monterey |Carmel-By-The-Sea | | | | | |

|Monterey |Del Rey Oaks | | | | | |

|Monterey |Gonzales | | | | | |

|Monterey |Greenfield | | | | | |

|Monterey |King City | | | | | |

|Monterey |Marina | | | | | |

|Monterey |Monterey | | | | | |

|Monterey |Pacific Grove | | | | | |

|Monterey |Salinas | | | | | |

|Monterey |Sand City | | | | | |

|Monterey |Seaside | | | | | |

|Monterey |Soledad | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|Napa |American Canyon | | | | | |

|Napa |Calistoga | | | | | |

|Napa |Napa | | | | | |

|Napa |St Helena | | | | | |

|Napa |Yountville | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|Nevada |Nevada City | | | | | |

|Nevada |Grass Valley | | | | | |

|Nevada |Truckee | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|Orange |Aliso Viejo | | | | | |

|Orange |Anaheim | | | | | |

|Orange |Brea | | | | | |

|Orange |Buena Park | | | | | |

|Orange |Costa Mesa | | | | | |

|Orange |Cypress | | | | | |

|Orange |Dana Point | | | | | |

|Orange |Fountain Valley | | | | | |

|Orange |Fullerton | | | | | |

|Orange |Garden Grove | | | | | |

|Orange |Huntington Beach | | | | | |

|Orange |Irvine | | | | | |

|Orange |Laguna Beach | | | | | |

|Orange |Laguna Hills | | | | | |

|Orange |Laguna Niguel | | | | | |

|Orange |Laguna Woods | | | | | |

|Orange |La Habra | | | | | |

|Orange |Lake Forest | | | | | |

|Orange |La Palma | | | | | |

|Orange |Los Alamitos | | | | | |

|Orange |Mission Viejo | | | | | |

|Orange |Newport Beach | | | | | |

|Orange |Orange | | | | | |

|Orange |Placentia | | | | | |

|Orange |Rancho Santa Margarita | | | | | |

|Orange |San Clemente | | | | | |

|Orange |San Juan Capistrano | | | | | |

|Orange |Santa Ana | | | | | |

|Orange |Seal Beach | | | | | |

|Orange |Stanton | | | | | |

|Orange |Tustin | | | | | |

|Orange |Villa Park | | | | | |

|Orange |Westminster | | | | | |

|Orange |Yorba Linda | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|Placer |Auburn | | | | | |

|Placer |Colfax | | | | | |

|Placer |Granite Bay | | | | | |

|Placer |Lincoln | | | | | |

|Placer |Loomis | | | | | |

|Placer |Rocklin | | | | | |

|Placer |Roseville | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|Plumas |Chester | | | | | |

|Plumas |Keddie | | | | | |

|Plumas |Portola | | | | | |

|Plumas |Quincy | | | | | |

|Plumas |Westwood | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|Riverside |Banning | | | | | |

|Riverside |Beaumont | | | | | |

|Riverside |Blythe | | | | | |

|Riverside |Calimesa | | | | | |

|Riverside |Canyon Lake | | | | | |

|Riverside |Cathedral City | | | | | |

|Riverside |Coachella | | | | | |

|Riverside |Corona | | | | | |

|Riverside |Desert Hot Springs | | | | | |

|Riverside |Hemet | | | | | |

|Riverside |Indian Wells | | | | | |

|Riverside |Indio | | | | | |

|Riverside |Lake Elsinore | | | | | |

|Riverside |La Quinta | | | | | |

|Riverside |Moreno Valley | | | | | |

|Riverside |Murrieta | | | | | |

|Riverside |Norco | | | | | |

|Riverside |Palm Desert | | | | | |

|Riverside |Palm Springs | | | | | |

|Riverside |Perris | | | | | |

|Riverside |Rancho Mirage | | | | | |

|Riverside |Riverside | | | | | |

|Riverside |San Jacinto | | | | | |

|Riverside |Temecula | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|Sacramento |Antelope | | | | | |

|Sacramento |Citrus Heights | | | | | |

|Sacramento |Elk Grove | | | | | |

|Sacramento |Fair Oaks | | | | | |

|Sacramento |Folsom | | | | | |

|Sacramento |Folsom | | | | | |

|Sacramento |Galt | | | | | |

|Sacramento |Isleton | | | | | |

|Sacramento |North Highlands | | | | | |

|Sacramento |Orangevale | | | | | |

|Sacramento |Rancho Cordova | | | | | |

|Sacramento |Sacramento | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|San Benito |Hollister | | | | | |

|San Benito |San Juan Bautista | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|San Bernardino |Adelanto | | | | | |

|San Bernardino |Apple Valley | | | | | |

|San Bernardino |Barstow | | | | | |

|San Bernardino |Big Bear Lake | | | | | |

|San Bernardino |Chino | | | | | |

|San Bernardino |Chino Hills | | | | | |

|San Bernardino |Colton | | | | | |

|San Bernardino |Fontana | | | | | |

|San Bernardino |Grand Terrace | | | | | |

|San Bernardino |Hesperia | | | | | |

|San Bernardino |Highland | | | | | |

|San Bernardino |Loma Linda | | | | | |

|San Bernardino |Montclair | | | | | |

|San Bernardino |Needles | | | | | |

|San Bernardino |Ontario | | | | | |

|San Bernardino |Rancho Cucamonga | | | | | |

|San Bernardino |Redlands | | | | | |

|San Bernardino |Rialto | | | | | |

|San Bernardino |San Bernardino | | | | | |

|San Bernardino |Twentynine Palms | | | | | |

|San Bernardino |Upland | | | | | |

|San Bernardino |Victorville | | | | | |

|San Bernardino |Yucaipa | | | | | |

|San Bernardino |Yucca Valley | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|San Diego |Carlsbad | | | | | |

|San Diego |Chula Vista | | | | | |

|San Diego |Coronado | | | | | |

|San Diego |Del Mar | | | | | |

|San Diego |El Cajon | | | | | |

|San Diego |Encinitas | | | | | |

|San Diego |Escondido | | | | | |

|San Diego |Imperial Beach | | | | | |

|San Diego |La Mesa | | | | | |

|San Diego |Lemon Grove | | | | | |

|San Diego |National City | | | | | |

|San Diego |Oceanside | | | | | |

|San Diego |Poway | | | | | |

|San Diego |San Diego | | | | | |

|San Diego |San Marcos | | | | | |

|San Diego |Santee | | | | | |

|San Diego |Solana Beach | | | | | |

|San Diego |Vista | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|San Francisco |San Francisco | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|San Joaquin |Escalon | | | | | |

|San Joaquin |Lathrop | | | | | |

|San Joaquin |Lodi | | | | | |

|San Joaquin |Manteca | | | | | |

|San Joaquin |Ripon | | | | | |

|San Joaquin |Stockton | | | | | |

|San Joaquin |Tracy | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|San Luis Obispo |Arroyo Grande | | | | | |

|San Luis Obispo |Atascadero | | | | | |

|San Luis Obispo |El Paso De Robles | | | | | |

|San Luis Obispo |Grover Beach | | | | | |

|San Luis Obispo |Morro Bay | | | | | |

|San Luis Obispo |Pismo Beach | | | | | |

|San Luis Obispo |San Luis Obispo | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|San Mateo |Atherton | | | | | |

|San Mateo |Belmont | | | | | |

|San Mateo |Brisbane | | | | | |

|San Mateo |Burlingame | | | | | |

|San Mateo |Colma | | | | | |

|San Mateo |Daly City | | | | | |

|San Mateo |East Palo Alto | | | | | |

|San Mateo |Foster City | | | | | |

|San Mateo |Half Moon Bay | | | | | |

|San Mateo |Hillsborough | | | | | |

|San Mateo |Menlo Park | | | | | |

|San Mateo |Millbrae | | | | | |

|San Mateo |Pacifica | | | | | |

|San Mateo |Portola Valley | | | | | |

|San Mateo |Redwood City | | | | | |

|San Mateo |San Bruno | | | | | |

|San Mateo |San Carlos | | | | | |

|San Mateo |San Mateo | | | | | |

|San Mateo |South San Francisco | | | | | |

|San Mateo |Woodside | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|Santa Barbara |Buellton | | | | | |

|Santa Barbara |Carpinteria | | | | | |

|Santa Barbara |Goleta | | | | | |

|Santa Barbara |Guadalupe | | | | | |

|Santa Barbara |Lompoc | | | | | |

|Santa Barbara |Santa Barbara | | | | | |

|Santa Barbara |Santa Maria | | | | | |

|Santa Barbara |Solvang | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|Santa Clara |Campbell | | | | | |

|Santa Clara |Cupertino | | | | | |

|Santa Clara |Gilroy | | | | | |

|Santa Clara |Los Altos | | | | | |

|Santa Clara |Los Altos Hills | | | | | |

|Santa Clara |Los Gatos | | | | | |

|Santa Clara |Milpitas | | | | | |

|Santa Clara |Monte Sereno | | | | | |

|Santa Clara |Morgan Hill | | | | | |

|Santa Clara |Mountain View | | | | | |

|Santa Clara |Palo Alto | | | | | |

|Santa Clara |San Jose | | | | | |

|Santa Clara |Santa Clara | | | | | |

|Santa Clara |Saratoga | | | | | |

|Santa Clara |Sunnyvale | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|Santa Cruz |Capitola | | | | | |

|Santa Cruz |Santa Cruz | | | | | |

|Santa Cruz |Scotts Valley | | | | | |

|Santa Cruz |Watsonville | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|Shasta |Burney | | | | | |

|Shasta |Burney | | | | | |

|Shasta |Castella | | | | | |

|Shasta |Fall River Mills | | | | | |

|Shasta |Millville | | | | | |

|Shasta |Palo Cedro | | | | | |

|Shasta |Redding | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|Sierra |Downieville | | | | | |

|Sierra |Loyalton | | | | | |

|Sierra |Sierra City | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|Siskiyou |Dorris | | | | | |

|Siskiyou |Dunsmuir | | | | | |

|Siskiyou |Etna | | | | | |

|Siskiyou |Fort Jones | | | | | |

|Siskiyou |McCloud | | | | | |

|Siskiyou |Montague | | | | | |

|Siskiyou |Mount Shasta | | | | | |

|Siskiyou |Tulelake | | | | | |

|Siskiyou |Weed | | | | | |

|Siskiyou |Yreka | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|Solano |Benicia | | | | | |

|Solano |Dixon | | | | | |

|Solano |Fairfield | | | | | |

|Solano |Rio Vista | | | | | |

|Solano |Suisun City | | | | | |

|Solano |Vacaville | | | | | |

|Solano |Vallejo | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|Sonoma |Cloverdale | | | | | |

|Sonoma |Cotati | | | | | |

|Sonoma |Healdsburg | | | | | |

|Sonoma |Petaluma | | | | | |

|Sonoma |Rohnert Park | | | | | |

|Sonoma |Santa Rosa | | | | | |

|Sonoma |Sebastopol | | | | | |

|Sonoma |Sonoma | | | | | |

|Sonoma |Windsor | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|Stanislaus |Ceres | | | | | |

|Stanislaus |Hughson | | | | | |

|Stanislaus |Modesto | | | | | |

|Stanislaus |Newman | | | | | |

|Stanislaus |Oakdale | | | | | |

|Stanislaus |Patterson | | | | | |

|Stanislaus |Riverbank | | | | | |

|Stanislaus |Turlock | | | | | |

|Stanislaus |Waterford | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|Sutter |Live Oak | | | | | |

|Sutter |Yuba City | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|Tehama |Corning | | | | | |

|Tehama |Mineral | | | | | |

|Tehama |Paynes Creek | | | | | |

|Tehama |Red Bluff | | | | | |

|Tehama |Tehama | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|Trinity |Weaverville | | | | | |

|Trinity |Hayfork | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|Tulare |Dinuba | | | | | |

|Tulare |Exeter | | | | | |

|Tulare |Farmersville | | | | | |

|Tulare |Lindsay | | | | | |

|Tulare |Porterville | | | | | |

|Tulare |Tulare | | | | | |

|Tulare |Visalia | | | | | |

|Tulare |Woodlake | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|Tuolumne |Sonora | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|Ventura |Camarillo | | | | | |

|Ventura |Fillmore | | | | | |

|Ventura |Moorpark | | | | | |

|Ventura |Ojai | | | | | |

|Ventura |Oxnard | | | | | |

|Ventura |Port Hueneme | | | | | |

|Ventura |San Buenaventura | | | | | |

|Ventura |Santa Paula | | | | | |

|Ventura |Simi Valley | | | | | |

|Ventura |Thousand Oaks | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|Yolo |Capay | | | | | |

|Yolo |Davis | | | | | |

|Yolo |West Sacramento | | | | | |

|Yolo |Winters | | | | | |

|Yolo |Woodland | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|Yuba |Marysville | | | | | |

|Yuba |Wheatland | | | | | |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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