READING AND VIEWING ACTIVITIES WEEK 5 AND 6INTRODUCTION TO THE THEME ON ENTERTAINMENTActivity one: Teacher presents the various picture representations of myths and collaborate ideologies. Activity two: Learners listen to the myth on ‘Fire’. Fire .... A Myth from the Alabama Tribe Jane ArcherIn the beginning of the world, it was Bear who owned Fire. It warmed Bear and his people on cold nights and gave them light when it was dark. Bear and his people carried fire with them wherever they went.One day, Bear and his people came to a great forest, where they found many acorns lying on the forest floor. Bear set Fire at the edge of the forest, and he and his people began eating acorns. The acorns were crunch and crisp and tasted better than any other acorns Bear and his people had ever eaten. They wandered further and further away from Fire, eating the delicious acorns and seeking out more when the acorn supply grew low.Fire blazed up merrily for awhile, until it had burned nearly all of its wood. It started to smoke and flicker, and then dwindled down and down. Fire was alarmed. It was nearly out. ‘Feed me! Feed me!’ Fire shouted to Bear. But Bear and his people had wandered deep into the forest, and then did not hear Fire’s cries.At that moment, Man came walking through the forest and saw the small, flickering Fire. ‘Feed me! Feed me!’ Fire cried in despair.“What should I feed you?’ Man asked. He had never seen Fire before.“I eat sticks and logs and wood of all kinds,” Fire explained.Man picked up a stick and leaned it on the North side of Fire. Fire sent its orange-blue flames flickering up the side of the stick until it started to burn. Man got a second stick and laid it on the West side of the fire. Fire, nourished by the first stick, burned brighter and stretched taller and eagerly claimed the second stick. Man picked up a third stick and laid it on the south side of Fire and laid a fourth stick on the East. By this time, Fire was leaping and dancing in delight, its hunger satisfied.Man warmed himself by the blazing Fire, enjoying the changed colours and the hissing and snapping sound Fire made as it ate the wood. Man and Fire were very happy together, and Man fed Fire sticks whenever it got hungry.A long time later, Bear and his people came back to the edge of the forest, looking for Fire. Fire was angry when it saw Bear. It blazed until it was white –hot and so bright that Bear had to shade his eyes with both paws.“I do not even know you!” Fire shouted at Bear. The terrible heat rolling of Fire drove Bear and his people away, so they could not take it and carry it away with them.And now Fire belongs to Man.GLOSSARYblazingvery hotacornsthe fruit of the oak tree, an oval nut in a rough cup-like basewanderedwalk or move aimlesslydwindleddecrease, become smallerflickeringShine brightly, gleam rapidlyeagerlyfull of keen desire, wanting to do somethingdelightPlease someone greatly, charmActivity three: Learners answer the questions based on the story: Formal Assessment Task.Formal Assessment Task: Reading and Viewing3.1. Circle the correct letter of the options provided. (1) The story takes place....a. On the mountains in Alabamab. The forest situated in Alabamac. The lakeside situated in Alabamad. The desert situated in Alabamae. On the rocky hill in Alabama3.2. List the three most important characters in this story. (3) a. _____________________________________b. _____________________________________c. _____________________________________3.3. Why do you think Bear did not feed Fire? (2) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________3.4. List two adjectives which describe the acorns in the story. (2) a. ____________________________________b. ____________________________________3.5. Why did Fire begin to smoke and flicker? (1) _________________________________________________________________________3.6. Describe the character of ‘Man’ as portrayed in this story. (2) _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________3.7. ‘Feed me! Feed me!’ Fire cried in despair. (2) What do you understand by this statement? Provide a suitable reason to substantiate your answer.__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________3.8. Do you think that Man made a wise choice by feeding Fire? Provide a reason for your answer. (2)__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________3.9. State if the following statement is true or false. If false, provide a reason for your answer. (2)“Fire was not angry when it saw Bear. It blazed until it was white hot and so bright that Bear had to shade his eyes with both paws.”__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________3.10. Describe in your own words what you understand by a myth? (1) _________________________________________________________________________3.11. The sentence below is in the past tense; change the form of the sentence to the present tense. (2) “Man picked up a stick and leaned it on the North side of Fire.”________________________________________________________________________3.12. Provide the antonym of the highlighted word. (1) “Fire, nourished by the first stick, burned brighter and stretched taller....”a. _______________________________________3.13. Make a sentence with the word ‘blazing’ to illustrate your understanding of the word.(2) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________3.14. What do you think is the moral of this story? Explain your answer in detail. (2) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Grand total: 25MEMO3.1. B3.2. a. Fire b. Bear c. Man3.3. Bear was distracted by the tasty acorns / Bear was preoccupied with the tasty acorns.(any one)3.4. “crunch and crisp”3.5. Fire was dwindling / Fire was dying off.3.6. Man’s character can be described as kind / caring / concerned / unselfish / helpful / or any suitable word describing man’s good characteristics.(any two)3.7. Fire needed more logs to keep himself alight / alive. Just as food is required to sustain the body likewise are the logs required by Fire to sustain his flames.3.8. Yes, man’s actions lead to Fire being kept alight / alive.3.9. False , Fire was indeed angry.3.10. Accept learner’s personal response.3.11. Man picks up a stick and leans it on the North side of Fire.3.12. shorter3.13. Accept learner’s response.3.14. The moral of the story teaches one not to take things for granted because chances are that one may lose them. / Appreciation for what one has in one’s life. GRAND TOTAL: 25Activity 4: Expanded opportunity: HomeworkLearners must construct grammatical correct sentences with the list of words provided. This serves as reinforcement.Make sentences with the following words which were extracted from “Fire, A Myth from the Alabama Tribe.4.1. eagerly:4.2. dwindled:4.3. blazing:4.4. flickering:4.5. wandered:Activity 5: Enrichment: Compulsory: Must be completed by below average learnerTeacher begins the discussion eliciting learner’s reaction to possible perceptions about myths. Learners discuss feelings evoked by the various pictures presented. The outcome of this activity would to ensure that learners demonstrate an understanding the description of a myth.5.1. Briefly discuss how you feel about the pictures below. lefttop Activity 6: Learners complete the questionnaire. Pre-reading activityAnswer the following questionnaire by placing a cross in the appropriate box.6.1. My age group is: 10-12 years 13-15 years 16-18 years6.2. On average, how many hours of television do you watch on a week day: 0-2 hours 3-5 hours 6-8 hours6.3. On average, how many hours of television do you watch during the weekends: 0-2 hours 3-5 hours 6-8 hours6.4. Do you feel that watching too much of television can: Have a mild negative impact on your eyes and brain functioning. Have an average negative impact on your eyes and brain functioning. Have a severe negative impact on your eyes and brain functioning.Activity7 : Reading Comprehension : During reading(skimming/scanning). Children who watch too much TV may have ‘damaged brain structures’The more time a child spends watching television, the more profound the changes.It leads to more grey matter in the regions around the frontopolar cortex area of the brain – towards the front and side of the head. By Robyn YappWatching too much television can change the structure of a child’s brain in a damaging way, according to a new study.Researchers found that the more time a child spent viewing TV; the more profound the brain alterations appeared to be.The Japanese study looked at 276 children aged between five and eighteen, who watched zero and four hours per day, with the average being about two hours,.MRI brain scans showed children who spent the most hours in front of the box had greater amounts of grey matter in regions around the frontoplolar cortex – the area at the front of the frontal lobe.But this increased volume was a negative thing as it linked with lower verbal intelligence, said the authors, from Tohoku University in the city of Sendai.They suggested grey matter could be compared to body weight and said these brain areas need to be pruned during childhood in order to operate efficiently.“These areas show developmental cortical thinning during development, and children with superior IQs show the most vigorous cortical thinning in this area,” the team wrote.They highlighted the fact that unlike learning a musical instrument, for example, programmes we watch on TV ‘do not necessarily advance to a higher, speed up or vary.’‘When this type of increase in level of experience does not occur with increasing experience, there is less of an effect on cognitive functioning,’ they wrote.‘At least some of the observed associations are not beneficial and guardians of children should consider these effects when children view TV for long periods of time.’The children in the study were an almost even split between girls and boys. The findings, published in the journal Cerebral Cortex, highlighted an association between TV viewing and changes in the brain but do not prove that TV definitely caused the changes.Scientists also cannot be sure whether missing out on activities such as reading; playing sport or interacting with friends and family as a result of watching television could be behind the findings, rather than television being directly to blame. But they did say that the frontopolar cortex area of the brain has previously been associated with ‘intellectual abilities.. GLOSSARYfrontopolar cortexThe part of the brain that is situated in the frontal regionresearchersPerson who conducts tests and investigationsefficientlyFunctioning in the best possible mannercognitivethinking processintellectual intelligenceassociationa connection or link between two thingsTeacher illustrates the skimming and scanning processSKIMMINGLearners to run their eyes quickly over the passage to get a general idea of the reading extract.Focused attention on heading, the first paragraph and skim the rest of the article to pick up names, dates and main events.SCANNINGLearners focused attention is on reading for the main ideas, looking carefully for specific ideas.READING FOR MEANINGPrompt learners to get an overview of the passage.Encourage learners to visualise what they are reading.Learners focussed attention should be on the title, author, introduction and conclusion (which is linked to the intention of the author)Activity 8: Learners complete the questions below.The purpose of this activity is to ensure knowledge acquisition during the actual practicality of the skimming and scanning processes.8.1. List the words that you have skimmed in the article.(names, dates, main events)___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________8.2. What is the main idea of the article? (scanning process). Write at least four sentences describing the main ideas._____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________8.3. Who is the author of this article?_________________________________________________________________________8.4. What do you think is the intention of writing this article?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________MEMO8.1. Accept learner response in accordance to relevance.8.2. a. The main idea of the article is to inform readers of the harmful effects of watching too much television. b. It educates readers on the various parts of the brain and how watching too much television can affect the brain.c. The article informs readers that brain structures could become damaged due to watching television in access.d. The article educates the reader on the association between watching too much television and the impact on the brain.8.3.Robin Yapp8.4. The intention of the article is to inform readers of the scientific research conducted by researchers to make an association between watching too much television and damaged brain structures.Activity 9 :Pre-reading activity on PoetryTeacher request learners to provide oral descriptions about entertainment.Activity 10: During reading: Teacher and learners read and understand the poem by oral discussion. Read the following poem. The Entertainer By Patrick MaitlandI am the Entertainer, I’m known Almost everywhereAnd every place I go, the people stop and stareFor I have talent great, and I have talent rareAnd my life’s only mission, is my songs I share.My voice is strong and powerful, has great qualityI know that all my audience can’t sing as well as me.I think I’ll get the left side, to sing against the right,I know they all sound silly, against my talent’s might.Once when cheering rugby, upon the Final’s DayThey pulled me out my seat, to show them how to playWhen tackled on my left side, and thrown onto the rightMy cries and screams of pain, caused howls of great delight.Once with a famous tenor, he made me sing a songHe made my voice sound feeble, I wish I’d never goneThese lessons made me hurt, these lessons made me strongI don’t know why I never ask, why they should sing along.I am the Entertainer, you’ve paid to hear me singI’ll show you all my talent, and you need not do a thingI’ll sing unto my right side and to those that’s on my left.And though I’m tired and sweating,I’ll give you all my best.I am the Entertainer, I’ll sing until you let me rest!GlossaryTalent: skill or abilityEntertainer: a person who sings or dances to entertain othersTackled: to have dealt withSomethingTenor: the highest range of male singing voiceFeeble: weakThe teacher recaps and revises concepts discussed in previous week’s poetry lesson on the elements of poetry.The teacher then elicits oral discussion on what the theme of the poem is about:Discussion focuses on the following:The art of entertainment in one’s life.The joys and laughter of entertainment.Life without any entertainment....Activity 11: Post reading: Learners complete the written task.Now the learners will complete the written activity on the poem.11.1. What is the name of the poet? (1)__________________________________________________________________________________11.2. How do people respond to the Entertainer when he visits places? (2)__________________________________________________________________________________11.3. What do you think is the life mission of the Entertainer in this poem? (1)_________________________________________________________________________11.4. The poet uses two adjectives to describe the quality of his voice. List these two adjectives.a. ______________________________ (1)b. ______________________________ (1)11.5. In stanza four, the Entertainer’s tone changes to one of sadness. Explain the reason for the change in tone. (2)__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________11.6. List two reasons on the importance of entertainment in one’s life. (2)__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________MEMO11.1. Patrick Maitland11.2. ‘Stop and stare’11.3. His life mission is to make people laugh and entertain them.11.4. strong and powerful11.5. When he was in the presence of the tenor, the entertainer’s voice was weak and he had wished that he had never gone.11.6. Accept learner response.Activity 11: Expanded opportunity for the whole class: Optional extra“More people are using the Internet as a source of entertainment instead of watching television or movies, according to new research, with social media considered a form of entertainment by many.”Read the statement above and answer the question.List the pros and cons of the internet in one’s life.ProsCons ................

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