consider v. พิจารณา มองว่า

Syn. regard, examine, reflect, think over

Ex. This novel was consider by the critics a drag.


considerate a. เกรงใจ ที่คิดถึงจิตใจของผู้อื่นว่าเขาจะคิดอย่างไร

Syn. caring, sensitive, sympathetic, thoughtful

Ant. selfish, egoistic, egotistic

Ex. The girl was so considerate that she has no self-confidence.


considerable a. มากมาย

Syn. large amount of, great many of, lots of, a lot of

Ant. little, few, negligible

Ex. A considerable number of workers joining the strikes made the company in a trouble..



consume v. กิน ดื่ม ใช้ บริโภค

Syn. eat, drink, devour, exhaust, spend

Ex. The meeting consumed more hour than we expected.


contaminate v. ทำให้เสีย ทำให้สกปรก

Syn. make dirty, pollute, defile, debase

Ant. make clean, wash, clear up, tidy up

Ex. The rubbish contaminates the river.


contempt n. การดูถูก เหยียดหยาม

Syn. derision, ridicule, disrespect

Ant. admirable, respect, appreciation, veneration

Ex. He had contempt for the bad politician.


contend v. ต่อสู้ แข่งขัน ชิงชัย

Syn. contest, struggle, compete, strive, vie

Ant. give up, yield to, surrender to, concede

Ex. She was so good in math no one wanted to contend with her.


convenient a. สะดวก เหมาะสม

Syn. comfortable, serviceable, handy, appropriate, suitable, proper

Ant. tough, hard, backbreaking, grueling

Ex. John’s house is the most convenient place for us to have a party tonight.


cooperate v. ร่วมมือ ให้ความร่วมมือ

Syn. join, assist, support, collaborate

Ant. dispute, argue, disagree

Ex. If everyone cooperated, This work would ended up successfully.


counterpart n. คูปรับ คู่เปรียบเทียบ

Syn. match, parallel

Ex. Jame was Jack’s counterpart. Both of them were good at Chemistry

เจมและแจ็คเป็นคู่ปรับกัน เขาทั้งสองต่างเก่งวิชาเคมีทั้งคู่

Quiz 16

Match each word in the first column with its definition in the second column.

1. consider a. comfortable

2. considerate b. compete

3. considerable c. large number of

4. consume d. look down

5. contaminate e. match

6. contempt f. collaborate

7. contend g. eat

8. convenient h. thoughtful

9. cooperate i. think over

10. counterpart j. pollute

courtesy n. อ่อนน้อม สุภาพ

Syn. politeness, kindness, generosity, refinement

Ant. impoliteness, vulgarity, unenlightenment

Ex. It would be your courtesy if you excused him before leaving.


courteous a. สุภาพ อ่อนน้อม

Syn. nice, kind, polite, generous, affable, in good manners

Ant. impolite, unkind, unaffable

Ex. The man was so courteous.


courageous a. กล้าหาญ

Syn. brave, gallant, bold, fearless

Ant. cowardly, craven, chicken-hearted, timid, fearful

Ex. Every thought he is courageous because he admitted what

he did.


culture n. วัฒนธรรม

Syn. civilization, refinement, customs, tradition, sophistication

Ant. vulgarity, ignorance, unrefinement

Ex. Most of the human race’s cultures were found in the works of art.


curiosity n. ความอยากรู้อยากเห็น

Syn. interest, interference, nosiness, inquisitiveness

Ant. ignorance, nescience

Ex. The boy has great curiosity to know his exam result.


curious a. อยากรู้อยากเห็น

Syn. inquisitive, nosy, peeping, searching

Ant. indifferent, incurious, uninterested

Ex. She was so curious to know what was happening.


damage n. ความเสียหาย

Syn. harm, injury, destruction, devastation

Ant. creation, establishment, inauguration

Ex. The fire did not make much damage to her house.


deal v., n. จัดการกับ ข้อสัญญา ข้อตกลง

Syn. cope with, treat, arrange, manage

Ex. Nobody could deal with this problem except him.


debate v. โต้วาที ถกปัญหา อภิปราย

Syn. argue about, dispute, discuss, consider

Ex. I debated the idea of the boss.


decade n. ทศวรรษ

ten years

Ex. The business was stagnant during the past decade.


Quiz 17

Match each word in the first column with its definition in the second column.

1. courtesy a. harm

2. courteous b. customs

3. courageous c. ten years

4. culture d. cope

5. curiosity e. dispute

6. curious f. politeness

7. damage g. polite

8. deal h. brave

9. debate i. inquisitive

10. decade j. inquisitiveness

deceive v. หลอกลวง

Syn. cheat, betray, beguile, defraud

Ant. be honest, be frank

Ex. Bad child always deceives his mother that he is sick so that he will not have to go to school.


decline v. ปฏิเสธ

Syn. refuse, deny, reject, spurn, repudiate

Ant. accept, admit, abide by, concede to, yield to

Ex. Because of his unfavorable behavior, The teacher declined to write the letter

of recommendation for him.


decorate v. ตกแต่ง ประดับประดา

Syn. adorn, array, beautify, make more beautiful

Ant. spoil, damage, botch, bungle, injure

Ex. This room was decorated with artificial flowers.


decrease v. ลดน้อยลง ทำให้ลดลง

Syn. lessen, reduce, lower, abate, slim down, turn down

Ant. increase, extend, expand, add to, augment

Ex. His strong desire to be a singer was decreased by his teacher’s suggestion.


defect n. ข้อบกพร่อง

Syn. flaw, fault, disadvantage, drawback, imperfection

Ant. advantage, benefit, profit, usefulness

Ex. His impolite manner was the defect in his personality.


defend v. ปกป้อง ป้องกัน

Syn. protect, secure, safeguard, uphold, keep safe

Ex. The suspect tried to defend himself from guilt by speaking not to the point.


deficiency n. การขาด ความบกพร่อง

Syn. shortage, lacking, being inadequate

Ant. perfection, sufficiency, excess

Ex. The deficiency in good nutrition make the student growth stunted.


define v. ให้คำนิยาม

Syn. describe, delineate, depict, portray

Ex. A language is much too complicated to be simply defined.


delete v. ขีดฆ่า ลบออก ตัดออก

Syn. erase, cancel, remove, rub out, take out

Ant. add, insert, annex, attach, append

Ex. The incorrect spelling of the student was deleted and changed into a correct

one by the teacher.


delicate n. บอบบาง ละเอียดอ่อน

Syn. fine, easily broken, fragile, flimsy, frail, intricate

Ant. rough, rugged, harsh

Ex. That sculpture was a delicate work of art.


Quiz 18

Match each word in the first column with its definition in the second column.

1. deceive a. shortage

2. decline b. neat

3. decorate c. erase

4. decrease d. refuse

5. defect e be dishonest.

6. defend f. give meaning

7. deficiency g. adorn

8. define h. drawback

9. delete i. reduce

10. delicate j. protect

deliver v. ส่ง

Syn. send, pass, convey, hand over

Ex. This letter was delivered by the postman.


demonstrate v. สาธิต แสดงให้เห็น เดินขบวนประท้วง

Syn. show, perform, exhibit

Ex. -The salesman demonstrated the use of microwave oven.


-The workers demonstrated for a better rate of salary.


dense a. หนาแน่น ทึบ

Syn. closely packed, packed, compact, impenetrable

Ant. light, small amount

Ex. Some tree cannot live in a dense forest.


depress v. ทำให้เศร้าใจ

Syn. sadden, discourage, dishearten, dispirit

Ant. encourage, cheer, animate, abet

Ex. The girl was depressed by the accident.


describe v. อธิบาย บรรยายให้เห็นภาพ

Syn. depict, explain, express, portray

Ex. Brian describes his reasons for working so hard.


desire v., n. ต้องการ ปราถนา

Syn. want, aspire to, ask for, dream for, long for

Ant. hate, abhor, detest, disgust

Ex. The girl desired to be a star.


destiny n. ชะตากรรม ชะตาชีวิต

Syn. fate, luck, fortune

Ex. No one can escape from his destiny.


deteriorate v. ทำให้แย่ลง

Syn. make worse, worsen, weaken, decay, degenerate

Ant. make better, ameliorate, improve, develop

Ex. Our good relationship was deteriorated by our foe.


destination n. จุดมุ่งหมาย จุดหมายปลายทาง

Syn. target, goal, objective, purpose

Ex. -Thailand is the destination refugees.


-The destination in his life is success.


deviate v. เบี่ยงเบน (ประเด็น)

Syn. turn aside, digress, diverge, deflect

Ex. The lecturer never deviated from his topic.


Quiz 19

Match each word in the first column with its definition in the second column.

1. deliver a. worsen

2. demonstrate b. depict

3. dense c. discourage

4. depress d. send

5. describe e. objective

6. desire f. show

7. destiny g. packed

8. deteriorate h. digress

9. destination i. aspire

10. deviate j. fate

devour v. กินอย่างตะกละ

Syn. eat greedily, consume, gorge, swallow

Ex. The tiger devoured the rabbit.


digest v. ย่อย ย่อยสลาย

Syn. dissolve, assimilate, absorb, decompose

Ex. Oil does not digest easily.


disaster n. ความหายนะ

Syn. harm, danger, calamity, catastrophe

Ex. His house was destroyed by the natural disaster.


disclose v. เปิดเผย(จากข้อเท็จจริง)

Syn. reveal, discover, expose, divulge

Ant. conceal, disguise, cover up, camouflage

Ex. Market research disclosed that many who can barely afford minimum shelter

and nutrition insist on having cable TV even if this means doing without some

basic necessities.



display v. แสดง

Syn. show, exhibit, demonstrate

Ant. hide, enclose, conceal, cover

Ex. He displayed great interest in this story.


dispute v. โต้แย้ง เถียง

Syn. argue, quarrel, controvert, contradict, gainsay, oppose, disagree with

Ant. agree, accept, admit, concede

Ex. This issue was hotly disputed during the meeting.


discourage v. ทำให้หมดกำลังใจ

Syn. dishearten, dispirit, depress, dismay

Ant. encourage, cheer up, advocate, animate

Ex. His bad exam result discouraged him


disperse v. กระจัดกระจาย

Syn. scatter, dissipate, disseminate

Ant. converge, aggregate, join together

Ex. The students dispersed after their classes were over.


distinguish v. แยกแยะข้อแตกต่าง

Syn. see the difference in, discern, tell apart, differentiate

Ex. It is difficult to disinguish this boy form the others because of their similar uniforms.


distract v. หันเหความสนใจ ทำให้ไขว้เขว

Syn. deviate, digress, diverge

Ant. concentrate, focus, converge, centralize

Ex. The children were distracted by the noise outside.


Quiz 20

Match each word in the first column with its definition in the second column.

1. devour a. discern

2. digest b. deviate

3. disaster c. eat

4. disclose d. depress

5. display e. scatter

6. dispute f. shorten

7. discourage g. reveal

8. disperse h. show

9. distinguish i. calamity

10. distract j. argue

Exercise 4

Choose the best word that has the same meaning as the word given.

1. The spectator considered his buying of this concert ticket a mistake

a. regarded b. thought c. reminded d. warned

2. The girl was very considerate.

a. pretty b. caring c. boring d. beautiful

3. The fire caused considerable damage.

a. few b. little c. unfavorable d. great

4. The students consumed too much candy.

a. gave b. eat c. emitted d. received

5. The trash contaminated the river.

a. alleviate b. placate c. polluted d. allay

6. John had contempt for his friend’s ability.

a. respect b. eulogy c. disrespect d. honesty

7. The student had to contend with the different question.

a. surrender b. compete c. defeat d. yield

8. Her house was very convenient.

a. pretty b. awful c. comfortable d. nice

9. If we cooperated, we might be able to finish it in time.

a. set apart b. aggregated c. integrated d. work jointly

10. Both Thai company and its Chinese counterpart were in the red.

a. match b. companion c. foe d. friend

11. He treated us with promptness and courtesy.

a. vulgarity b. politeness c. honesty d. impoliteness

12. The courteous man is always charming.

a. impolite b. handsome c. cute d. polite

13. This boy scout who saved his friend’s life was very courageous.

a. shy b. brave c. cunning d. tidy

14. Jane was shocked once she learned about some odd Indian culture.

a. conduction b. production c. customs d. behavior

15. She showed great curiosity for his private story.

a. happiness b. honesty c. interest d. boredom

16. The boy was curious to know his exam result.

a. acquisitive b. caring c. inquisitive d. thoughtful

17. The earthquake caused considerable damage.

a. harm b. poverty c. wealth d. happiness

18. No one could deal with this problem.

a. rearrange b. repair c. impair d. cope

19. There was a great deal of debate on the great inflation.

a. enthusiasm b. discussion c. sadness d. correspondance

20. By the end of the decade, our company had been taken over.

a. bicentennial b. century c. ten years d. one hundred years

21. It is not easy to deceive him.

a. love b. loath c. cheat d. warn

22. The crime has declined since 1990.

a. lessened b. assisted c. amassed d. increased

23. This room has been decorated nicely.

a. irritated b. mitigated c. adorned d. worsened

24. The number of thieves has decreased lately.

a. increased b. lessened c. amassed d. accumulated

25. She couldn’t see the defect in his appearance.

a. drawback b. talent c. aptitude d. good point

26. She learned karate in order to defend herself.

a. protect b. defect c. serve d. love

27. Calcium deficiency caused acid soil.

a. excess b. plenitude c. surfeit d. shortage

28. No one could define this difficult word.

a. explain b. give meaning to c. emphasize d. impose

29. The misspelled words have been deleted by her.

a. erased b. replaced c. produced d. reduced

30. Those delicate chinas were priceless.

a. ancient b. modern c. fine d. old

31. The boy delivered newspaper as a pastime.

a. received b. got c. sent d. borrowed

32. The teacher demonstrated how to answer the question.

a. showed b. spoke c. listened d. explained

33. He hated to be in a dense crowd.

a. packed b. hard c. light d. heavy

34. The girl was depressed because of her cat’s death.

a. cruel b. serious c. sad d. happy

35. The witness described the shape of the murderer.

a. depicted b. prescribed c. wrote d. thought

36. Her daughter desired to be a superstar.

a. hated b. tried c. pretend d. aspired

37. No one can escape from his destiny.

a. fate b. dream c. world d. life

38. Cigarette will deteriorate your health.

a. increase b. upgrade c. destroy d. ameliorate

39. She has no destination in her life.

a. reputation b. objective c. happiness d. end

40. The preacher didn’t deviate from his main theme.

a. digress b. focus c. escape d. avoid

41. He made a detour in order to avoid the traffic jam

a. ring b. junction c. indirect route d. shortcut

42. When you digest food, your stomach absorbs substances that your body needs.

a. receive b. consume c. decompose d. improve

43. These people died in that terrible disaster.

a. feast b. calamity c. accident d. celebration

44. The detective disclosed all the facts.

a. revealed b. hid c. covered d. concealed

45. His works have been displayed at the museum.

a. played b. performed c. put d. shown

46. No one wanted to dispute his silly idea.

a. accept b. agree with c. argue d. yield to

47. The death of her grandma discouraged her.

a. degraded b. enlightened c. depressed d. cheered

48. The mob dispersed after police used tear gas.

a. scattered b. congregated c. integrated d. combined

49. He cannot distinguish his friend form his enemy.

a. show b. tell c. prove d. differentiate

50. The toy distracted the children’s attention from their book.

a. drew b. deviated c. brought d. converged


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