
5th 6 weeks1. headwayNoun-forward movementsynonym-advance, progressantonym-blockAt times, you feel like you’re struggling to run forward, going through the motions but making no?headway, frozen in place.?—?Washington Post2. illuminateVerb-make free from confusion or ambiguity, to shed light onSynonym-BrightenAntonym-DarkenThe problem is that for?illuminating?answers, you need to ask the right questions.?—?New York Times (Dec 6, 2014)3. imperiousAdj-overbearing, having or showing arrogant superiority toSynonym-bossyAntonym-humble, meek It was a little scary how quickly he flipped from friendly to?imperious.?—?New York Times (Sep 4, 2013)4. jabberVerb-talk in a noisy, excited, or senseless manner, talk incessantlysynonym-babbleantonym-silenceA parrot?jabbered?atop its cage and a monkey squealed and battered at its bronze ring, until its owner brought bananas.?—?Bartlett, Paul Alexander5. jutVerb-extend out, stick outSynonym-protrudeAntonym-recedeFrom its long beak?juts?a fearsome tooth.?—?New York Times (Nov 10, 2014)6. knollNoun-a small natural hillSynonym-hilltop, dune, rise, bluffAntonym-decline, depression, basinThe home, set on a quarter-acre?knoll, has views of the city, the Hollywood Reservoir and the Hollywood sign.?—?Los Angeles Times (Aug 9, 2014)7. materializeVerb-come into being; become realitySynonym-appearAntonym-disappearBy the time people reach their 70s, they’re beginning to look back at the plans they made and dreams they had that never?materialized.?—?Time (Nov 25, 2014)8. misgivingNoun-uneasiness about the fitness of an action, doubtssynonym-uncertaintyantonym-certaintyQuite a few said they had come despite the?misgivings?of parents who wanted them to focus on studying.?—?New York Times (Sep 26, 2014)9. ominousAdjective-threatening or foreshadowing evil or tragic developmentsSynonym-menacing, forbodingAntonym-bright, cheerful, encouraging“Evil forces around the world want to harm Americans every day,” an ominous?voiceover states.?—?Time (Oct 7, 2014)10. plenteousAdjective-abundant supply, more than enoughSynonym-generous, plentyAntonym-scarcity, lacking"The harvest truly is?plenteous, but the labourers are few."?—?Wilson, J. M. (James Maurice)11. replenishVerb-fill something that had previously been emptiedSynonym-restock, fillAntonym-emptyThey bring in dredged sand to?replenish?the beach.?—?Washington Post12. scarcityNoun-a small and inadequate amount, not enoughSynonym-lackingAntonym-plenteousWater—its?scarcity, quality and the regulations affecting it—is becoming a new corporate headache.?—?Economist (Nov 6, 2014)13. subsideVerb-wear off or die downSynonym-decreaseAntonym-enlarge, expand, developThe virus has a history of?subsiding, then flaring up again.?—?Washington Post14. tacticNoun-a plan for attaining a particular goal, a schemeSynonym-planAntonym-unorganized, impracticalTechnology has been used as a crime-fighting?tactic, but not as a tool to determine what happens during a police action.?—?New York Times (Dec 4, 2014)15. uncannyAdjective-surpassing the ordinary or normalSynonym-remarkableAntonym-commonThe Dark Sky App tells you the weather where you are with anuncanny?accuracy.??—?Forbes (Jun 26, 2014)16. vigilantAdjective-carefully observant or attentiveSynonym-watchfulAntonym-thoughtless, unobservantBecause there are so many scammers out there, banks are?vigilant about verifying that you are who you say you are.?—?Washington Post17. zealNoun-a feeling of strong eagernessSynonym-enthusiasm, determinationAntonym-disinterest, indifferentThe enthusiasm has caught on among his regulars, who come often, linger and talk about pumpkins with the?zeal?of converts.?—?Washington Post18. furtiveAdjective-secret and sly or sordidSynonym-sneaky, secretiveAntonym-open, honest, truthfulWhat muffled whispers do they share, what?furtive?games are they playing??—?The Guardian (Dec 18, 2012)19. foresightNoun-seeing ahead; knowing in advance; foreseeing, mental preparednesssynonym-insight, discernment, clairvoyant, fortune tellerantonym-hindsight, ignorantBut nobody had the wherewithal or?foresight?to think that day would actually happen.?—?MSNBC (Jul 3, 2014) ................

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