
2340610-40894000Send this letter by e-mail, bulletin blurb, or newsletterDear Kate, Over the past four weeks at Grace Episcopal Church we have shared ‘One Together’ stories of the many and diverse ways our church family is together in ministry and relationship. As you have witnessed and heard, the ministries at Grace transform lives. Together we are indeed ‘One Together’ in ministry and service to God’s Kingdom! Next Sunday, November 3rd, is our Celebration Sunday and Festive brunch. During worship everyone in the congregation will be invited to bring pledge cards forward. As a member of the vestry, my family and I pledged early. We chose to increase our pledge proportionally in response to God’s call and in response to the important impact the ministries at Grace make in Winchester. Join us on Sunday, October 26th in all the ways we are ‘One’ in Christ, ‘One’ with all people, and ‘One’ with God’s earth as we offer our commitments to God through our home at Grace Episcopal Church. Then join us after the service in the Parish Hall. I’ll look forward to sharing a meal with you there. On behalf of the Vestry and our clergy, thank you for your commitment and faithful generosity to Grace Episcopal Church. We are grateful.Faithfully yours,Hannah Bishop,Senior Warden ................

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