5029200-1289050-128905Lake Shore High SchoolIntroduction to Literature & Rhetoric A/B/CMs. Dombrow(586) 285-8878cdombrow@ Supplies: 3-Ring binder with tabs (2”), one college-ruled spiral notebook for journal (1 subject), pens and pencils Course Description:English 9 offers an introduction to literature and academic writing. Students will read novels, short stories, poetry, nonfiction articles, and plays. The course also stresses the development of writing skills and emphasizes the use of the writing process in essay writing. Units in literary terms, spelling, and grammar coordinate with assigned readings.Course Texts:Textbook- EMC Masterpiece Series: Literature and the Language Arts: Experiencing Literature (Birch Level). St. Paul, MN: EMC/Paradigm Publishing, 2005. Selected short storiesSelected non-fiction textsTo Kill a Mockingbird, Harper LeeSelected poemsRomeo and Juliet, William ShakespeareAssessments/Grading:In this class, assessment is ongoing, both formative and summative, and is done with the goal of helping you succeed. ?By constantly assessing your understanding of a current topic, I can better understand where extra attention needs to be paid, or, where I need to evaluate my own teaching. Assessments could include, but are not limited to:Quizzes Projects (with multiple choices for ways to complete them)Essays (of various lengths)JournalsHomework Group WorkDiscussions It is your responsibility to keep track of your grade using PowerSchool at least once a week. I do my best to update your grades every few days. If you did not receive your log-in information, please contact the main office. If you have a question or concern about your grade, you may see me before or after class or school.Grading Scale:A = 93-100A-= 90-92 B+ = 87-89B = 83-86B-= 80-82C+ = 77-79 C = 73-76C-= 70-72D+ = 67-69 D = 63-66D-= 60-62F = 0-59Making up work due to absences:Excused- School policy will be followed regarding work that has to be made up due to an excused absence. For every day that a student is absent, they will have 2 days to make up the work for full credit. Daily agendas can be found at cdombrow.Unexcused- For unexcused absences, the student will not be allowed to make up work and will receive no points for the day’s assignment. If extenuating circumstances apply, please see me before or after class.Late assignments: Late assignments will be accepted up to a week late, regardless of the student’s attendance in class, for a reduction of 50% of the total points earned. Late assignments should be turned into the late work bin. Before turning in the late assignment, write “Late” and the date you are turning it in at the top of the page. Major assignments that are turned in late will receive a deduction of 1/3 off the grade each day it is turned in late. Major assignments will be accepted up to three days past the due date.Plagiarism:Any assignment that has been copied or plagiarized in any form will be given an automatic zero. A second incident of plagiarism will result in a meeting with administration (per departmental policy).Class Website:Cdombrow. is your go to place to find out exactly what is going on in class. There you will find the syllabus, daily agenda, PowerPoint presentations, assignment sheets, worksheets, articles, YouTube clips, more about your teacher, and class pictures. The website will be updated daily.Base Rules:This classroom will be composed of respectful and tolerant students. It is our goal to create an inclusive and safe community, therefore ideas may be challenged, but not individuals and you should feel comfortable expressing yourself free of judgment. Electronic devices are only allowed when the sign permits. If they are seen when the sign is turned to “no electronic devices at this time,” you will receive one verbal warning before the device is confiscated and returned at the end of class. If the problem persists, parents and/or administration will be contacted. Be to class on time. I will not tolerate excessive tardiness as it interrupts the learning of others. Punctuality, however difficult, is an imperative life skill that will increase success in whatever endeavors you choose.? We will add and refine to these rules as the year progresses. Extra Help:I am available before or after school. Students should let me know in advance when they plan to come in. I am more than happy to offer extra help to students who want it.Conference Time: Please contact me through voicemail or e-mail. Every attempt will be made to return calls and respond to e-mail messages from parents within two school days (48 hours).Discipline:If a situation arises-Warning by the instructor to change the inappropriate behavior and a reminder of the classroom policies.A second violation will result in a short student/teacher conference to discuss the situation and/or the student will be moved to a different part of the classroom. (These short conferences will most likely take place out in the hallway).A third infraction will result in a discipline referral being written and the parent or guardian being notified.Any further problems or incidences will result in additional referrals and/or a parent/student/teacher conference.This process will not be followed for any major discipline issues. ?Activities such as fighting, violation of the school drug, alcohol, or weapons policy will be handled per school policy and will immediately involve administration----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I have read, understood, and agree to abide by Ms. Dombrow’s Syllabus and classroom policies________________________________________________________________________________________________Student’s SignatureParent’s/Guardian’s Signature____________________________________________________________________________________DateDate ................

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