Habakkuk 3 Discussion Questions - Westwood Community Church

Habakkuk 3 ¨C Discussion Questions

In Chapter 2 God finds Habakkuk waiting for an answer to his questions concerning the mayhem and sin in Judah in

the world. God answers: Though on occasion, evil appears to have the upper hand, it cannot and will not endure in

God¡¯s moral universe. So, Habakkuk learns that God and good will inevitably triumph. God reminds people then

and today that the just will live by faith = we trust Him no matter what.

Chapter 3 is a song of praise. Habakkuk places his full trust in God and worships with joy. It¡¯s one thing to sing

to God, and trust God when¡­






Your friends are with you

Your marriage is bliss

Your children are compliant

Your job is prosperous

Your future looks bright

Habakkuk teaches us what it means to sing to God and trust God when¡­






Your friends want nothing more to do with you,

Your marriage is on the rocks

Your children are not compliant

Your job is hardly prosperous if you even have a job.

And your future looks bleak.


Question: Can you describe a time in your life when you trusted God in a time of great need or pending

trouble? Why did you trust Him rather than turn away from Him?


What is Habakkuk¡¯s request in chapter 3:1-2? Pastor Joel has asked the church to make this a theme verse

for Westwood and your lives in 2014. Have you memorized this verse? What do you think will/could happen if

you do memorize it?


In Habakkuk 3:3-15, what great event in history is being described here? What is Habakkuk revealing about

who God is and what God has done and why is it relevant to his present and future hope? How does it fuel

hope in your life?


Joel¡¯s question in the sermon was: What do You Do in Times of Great Need and Pending Trouble? He

outlined the chapter calling us:




From verses 1-2, to: Pray and Look for God to work ¨C so what can you do to keep your eyes open to what

God is doing around you all the time

From verses 3-15, to: Remember and Praise God for who He is and what He has done ¨C how can you

keep God¡¯s power past before you in time of need?

From verses 16-19, to: Declare and Affirm your faith and trust in God¡¯s way and will

These last words provide one of the most compelling confessions of faith in scripture. Habakkuk says 3 things:


¡°I will wait patiently for you, Lord¡± (verse 16)

If Habakkuk had depended on his feelings, he would never have made this great confession of faith. When

Habakkuk looked ahead, he saw a nation heading for destruction, and that frightened him. When he looked within,

he saw himself trembling with fear, and when he looked around, he saw everything about to fall apart. But when he

looked up by faith, he saw God, and was relieved and filled with hope. Whenever we find ourselves getting

¡°churned up¡± within, we must to stop, pray, and wait on the Lord.


Question: Can you give an example when in a time of need or pending trouble you stopped, prayed, waited

and God and you experienced His presence bring calm to you?


¡°I will rejoice in you, Lord¡± (verse 17-18)

Read this passage and it seems like a really bad day, not a good day. But Habakkuk¡¯s got it down It¡¯s as though he

is saying, ¡°See you can take my land and my home, you can take my food and my possessions, but you cannot

take my Lord and my Savior, my hope and my help.¡± Habakkuk couldn¡¯t rejoice in his circumstances, but he could

rejoice in his God! God is good and He is enough¡­always.


Question: How can you inculcate this mindset into the depth of what you believe and how you live?



¡°I will rely on you, Lord¡± (verse 19)

Why Habakkuk does say that God makes my feet like that of a deer? Why does this generate strength in

hard times?


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