Collective Nouns Worksheet - Free Printable School Worksheets

Collective Nouns Worksheet - Grade 4

Below is a list of words that when paired with the proper noun makes it a collective noun.

Match the word with proper noun by writing the letter.

a. cluster b. litter c. crowd d. flight e. culture

f. flock g. bed h. lock i. bundle j. herd

k. army l. bunch m. tribe n. swarm o. chain

1. ________ of ants 2. ________ of mountains 3. ________ of hair 4. ________ of bees 5. ________ of onlookers 6. ________ of Indians 7. ________ of grapes 8. ________ of newspapers

9. ________ of puppies 10. ________ of oysters 11. ________ of stairs 12. ________ of bananas 13. ________ of bacteria 14. ________ of birds 15. ________ of elephants

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Answer Key:

1, k 2. o 3. h 4. n 5. c

Collective Nouns Worksheet - Grade 4

6. m 7. a 8. i 9. b 10. g

11. d 12. l 13. e 14. f 15. j

Worksheet made by . All rights reserved.


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