In 2017, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved more new drugs than any other year in history. Many of the drugs that received approval this year treat diseases that plague millions including diabetes, hypertension, and asthma. There were also several cancer drugs approved as well as new treatments for numerous pediatric conditions. Doctors cannot prescribe medications until the compounds are tested in clinical trials and gain FDA approval. This record-setting year of novel drug approvals means that millions of people will now have access to these potentially life-changing and life-saving medications.We are in an unprecedented period of growth in the clinical research industry due to advances in our understanding of disease processes and mechanisms as well as advances in biotechnology, stem cell therapy, pharmacogenomics, and precision medicine. The innovations in medical science combined with new technologies to analyze data and process information faster is leading to an explosion of activity in clinical research. This growth in the industry has created demand for a larger workforce of trained and qualified individuals who can run these clinical trials. The professionals who run these trials have non-medical and medical backgrounds alike. Anyone with a passion for helping people and making a difference in the future of medicine can contribute meaningfully in this industry. While most people outside the industry think these trials are only performed by PhDs and physicians, to the contrary, the vast majority of Clinical Research Coordinators and Study Monitors do not fit this stereotype. Most of the Clinical Research professionals working on trials have various backgrounds ranging from psychology to biology to nursing and even folks with education, marketing, and other educational back grounds. The problem remains that we don’t have enough trained professionals to work in this field. A recent survey on LinkedIn revealed 56,044 open positions in clinical research across the United States. These open positions cause delays in the completion of clinical trials which ultimately results in delayed approval of new therapies that could help change and save lives.In 2018, if we are to set another record of novel therapy approvals, then we need to fill these vacant positions with bright, caring individuals who want to make a difference and contribute to the future of medicine. ................

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