Welcome 6th grade Dragons and Dragon Parents! Course Description: For the 2019-2020 academic year, your son/daughter will be using the innovative and challenging Springboard program created by the College Board. This rigorous curriculum follows the Florida State Standards and arms students with the knowledge and skills needed to tackle Advanced Placement courses and succeed in college and career. Students will develop higher-order critical thinking skills through Analysis and Close Reading of a variety of Fiction and Informational texts and Multi-Media sources. They will expand their vocabulary to enhance and elevate their verbal and written communication. Collaborative assignments will teach students to work in teams, develop problem-solving skills, improve communication, and handle themselves in social settings. Writing will focus on structure and organization as students learn to consider an author’s task, audience, and purpose. My primary goal is to continually challenge each student to ensure they remain interested and actively involved in their learning process. With the success of your child in mind, together we will make this year an unforgettable one!Required Texts:Springboard English Language Arts-Grade 6 (Will be distributed the first day of school)Required Novels: The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle by Matt BermanWalk Two Moons by Sharon CreechFlipped by Wendelin Van DraanenTuck Everlasting by Natalie BabbittNonfiction: TBA (fourth nine weeks)Independent Reading:Students will be required to read and annotate ONE Independent Required Novel each quarter. Every week, students will be asked to submit a Reader’s Response Assignment which will serve to ensure that they are keeping up with their reading and are able to provide feedback on what they’ve read. Each Reader’s Response will count as a Home Learning grade. Both parent and student will be required to sign an Independent Reading Agreement. Classroom Procedures:Classroom conduct is necessary in order to maintain an orderly and cohesive learning environment. Each student will receive a conduct grade on their report card and this will also determine their eligibility for special events. Each student will be provided with a student code of conduct for my class which needs to be read, signed and returned to me by Friday, 8/30/2019. Classroom Procedures- Be in your seat when the bell rings.- Follow directions the first time they are given.- Raise your hand and wait for permission to speak.- Come prepared to class will all required materials. - Turn in completed assignments on time.- Be Kind and RespectfulAll policies stated in the Pinecrest Glades Academy handbook will be enforced.After one violation, a teacher-student conference will be scheduled. After two violations, a parent/guardian will be contacted.After three violations, the student will be directed to the Principal’s Office.Depending on the severity of the infraction, steps 1 & 2 may be bypassed at the discretion of the teacher who will send the student directly to the Principal.Assignments:All assignments must be handwritten in black or blue ink and be neat and legible. Typing is acceptable at any time. All assignments must be labeled with the student’s name, period, date, and the title of the assignment being submitted in the top left hand corner.All essays and special projects must be typed in 12 pt. Times New Roman Font, double spaced, and properly indented. A sample will be available on my webpage for guidance.Papers that are not typed will have 10 points deducted from the final grade.MLA documentation format must be used when citing all sources.Any form of Cheating, Plagiarism and/or Misrepresentation as defined in the MDCPS Student Code of Conduct will not be tolerated and will result in a zero for the specific assignment.Late homework will not be accepted.A student is expected to bring his/her materials to every class. Materials may be checked at any time by the teacher. Students who do not have their materials will earn a zero.Supplemental reading books are to be brought every day for the duration of that lesson. Random daily book checks will be conducted and students without the proper book will earn a zero per day that the book is missing.Assessment/GradingSummative Assessments: 35% (i.e.: unit/chapter tests, final project grade)Formative Assessments: 25% (i.e.: quizzes, project components, labs)Classwork: 20%Home Learning: 20%GRADING SCALEGradeNumerical ValueGrade Point ValueVerbal InterpretationA90-100%4Outstanding ProgressB80-89%3Above-Average ProgressC70-79%2Average ProgressD60-69%1Lowest acceptable progressF0-59%0FailureI00Incomplete (Secondary Only)Z-0Not turned in, No Credit, Missing AssignmentX--Excuse assignment, does not affect overall gradeMake-up Work Policy:Excused Absences: Students will have the same number of days to make up the work as the number of days that they were absent. For example, If a student is absent two days, they will have two days to make up the homework and submit it for full credit. (Excused absences are: a hospitalization, doctor’s appointment, illness, funeral…) In order for the student to receive full credit for the assignment, proper documentation (doctor’s note, hospital discharge, etc.) must be provided. A note from a parent is NOT an acceptable excuse.Unexcused Absences: If a student is absent on a day that a homework assignment is due, he/she will earn a maximum of 50% for the work once it is turned in. It is the student’s responsibility to email the assignment to the teacher or send it in with a classmate or relative. If a student is absent on a scheduled Quiz/Test day, he/she will have to make up Quiz/Test after school immediately on the next school day. If a student is scheduled to give an oral presentation or submit a written project and fails to come to class, 20 points will be deducted from the final grade for the assignment.Academic Dishonesty:Students are expected to be honest and ethical in their academic work. Academic dishonesty is an infraction of the MDCPS Code of Student Conduct and disciplinary action will ensue. Academic dishonesty is defined as an intentional act of deception in one of the following areas: 1. Cheating – the use or attempted use of unauthorized materials, information or study aids2. Fabrication – falsification or invention of any information 3. Assisting – helping another commit an act of academic dishonesty 4. Tampering – altering or interfering with evaluation instruments and documents 5. Plagiarism – representing the words or ideas of another person as one’s own.Parent – Teacher CommunicationCommunication is very important, therefore, it is imperative that you, as the parent, stay up to date on homework, quizzes, tests and special projects. The student’s will be asked to write all assignments in their school agenda. Please take the time to review their folders/agenda/website/gradebook often. Home Learning assignments will be posted weekly on my class website page to keep the students and parents informed. Also, feel free to email me with any questions at christygonzalez@ or you can leave a phone message for me with the main office 305-229-6949 and I will return your phone call within 48 hours.First Nine Weeks (August 19 – October 24)Unit 1: Stories of ChangeHow can change be significant?What makes a good story?Unit Goals:To understand how change can be significantTo analyze key ideas and details in addition to craft and structure in print and non-print texts To use narrative techniques such as sequencing, dialogue, and descriptive language To write narratives to develop real or imagined eventsTo understand pronouns and the conventions of punctuating dialogue. Assignments/Resources: ELA Notebook Novel: Walk Two Moons by Sharon CreechIndependent Reading: The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle by Matt BermanLesson Quizzes Embedded Assessments Unit TestsInteractive JournalsIndependent Reading ProjectSecond Nine Weeks (October 25 – January 16)Unit 2: The Power of ChangeHow can talking and working with others help one analyze a novel?How do internal and external forces help people grow?Unit Goals: To analyze literary elements To apply a variety of reading strategies to fiction and nonfiction texts To collaborate and communicate effectivelyTo write an expository essay To practice using verb tenses and creating sentence varietyAssignments/Resources: Novel Study: Walk Two Moons by Sharon Creech ELA Notebook Lesson QuizzesEmbedded AssessmentsUnit TestsIndependent Reading: Flipped by Wendelin Van DraanenInteractive JournalsIndependent Reading ProjectThird Nine Weeks (January 17 – March 29)Unit 3: Changing PerspectivesWhy do we have controversy in society?How do we communicate in order to convince others? Unit Goals:To analyze informational textsTo practice nonfiction reading strategies To support a claim with reasons and evidence To engage effectively in a variety of collaborative discussions To write an argumentative letter To understand and use simple, compound, and complex sentence structuresAssignments/Resources: ELA Notebook Lesson Quizzes Embedded Assessments Unit Tests Independent Reading: Tuck Everlasting by Natalie BabbittInteractive Journals Independent Reading ProjectFourth Nine Weeks (March 30 – June 3)Unit 4: The Final ActHow can research shape one’s understanding of a literary text? How is reading a text similar to, and different from, viewing and performing a text?Unit Goals:To analyze and understand the relationship among setting, characterization, conflict, and plot.To research a drama from a different time period To rehearse and present an engaging performance of a dramaTo revise for effective sentence varietyAssignments/Resources: ELA NotebookLesson QuizzesEmbedded AssessmentsUnit TestsIndependent Reading: TBAInteractive JournalIndependent Reading ProjectCOURSE OUTLINERequired Materials: SpringBoard workbook (provided) Plastic Duo-tang Folder with prongs (any color) Loose-leaf College-Ruled paper 2 Composition Books Pencils Black/Blue Pens 2 colored pens for peer editing (PURPLE/GREEN) *no red pens* 4-5 Highlighters (assorted colors) Crayons, Color pencils & Markers Two packs 4” x 4” Post-It Notes Required novels, when necessary Earbuds (To be kept in book bag) Home access to a computer and printerDonations are always welcome in order to help the students feel comfortable and have all necessary tools to help them succeed. I am kindly asking for the following items for my classroom. Please attach a receipt, if you would like hours for your donations!Period 1 - Boys – Pens (Blue/Black) / Girls – loose-leaf Graph paper Period 2 - Boys- Pencils / Girls – HighlightersPeriod 3 - Boys – Hand Sanitizer / Girls – roll of Paper TowelsPeriod 4 – Rulers, Protractors, Compass (any of the three)Period 5 – Expo Markers Period 6 -Tissue BoxesPeriod 7 – boys - ream of Copy Paper / Girls – pack of construction paper ***PRINT AND BRING TO CLASS SIGNED BY FRIDAY, AUGUST 23, 2019***6th English Language ArtsMrs. Gonzalez’s Code of ConductBe in your seat ready to work when the bell rings.Follow directions the first time they are e prepared with all your supplies every day.When the bell rings for dismissal, I will dismiss you.Raise your hand and wait for permission to talk.RESPECT everything and everyone in the classroom at all times.Eating and drinking in the classroom is not allowed. (You may have a water bottle)All assignments must be turned in on the due dates. No late assignments will be accepted. No use of electronic devices (cells, iPods, etc..) unless instructed by the teacher. If you have your device out without the consent of the teacher your phone will be confiscated. If you have an excused absence you have two days to make up the work. It is your responsibility to find out what you have missed from the teacher or a student.Leave your area of work clean and organized.Actively participate in group discussions and activities.Follow the Pinecrest Glades Academy School Code of ConductHave a positive attitude and come eager to learn.I have read and understand the policies of Mrs. Gonzalez’s 6th Grade Language Arts classroom for the 2019-2020 school year and agree to abide by them.Parent’s signature: __________________________________________________Date: ___________________Parent’s Email: ___________________________________________________ Phone #__________________Student’s signature: ___________________________________________________________ Period:_________ Student’s name (print): ________________________________________________________ ................

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