
Unit 8 – Vietnam & The 1970s

Essential Vocabulary

|Terms |People |

|domino theory |War Powers Act |Ho Chi Minh |

|Vietcong |feminism |Robert McNamara |

|Ho Chi Minh Trail |National Organization for Women (NOW) |William Westmoreland |

|Tonkin Gulf Resolution |Roe v. Wade |Robert Kennedy |

|guerrilla warfare |Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) |Richard Nixon |

|credibility gap |Counterculture |Henry Kissinger |

|draft |Woodstock |Betty Friedan |

|New Left |New Federalism |Bob Woodward |

|doves and hawks |revenue sharing |Carl Bernstien |

|Tet Offensive |Southern Strategy |Gerald Ford |

|Vietnamization |realpolitik | |

|My Lai Massacre |détente | |

|Kent State shooting |Watergate Scandal | |

|Pentagon Papers | | |

Review Questions

Conflict in Vietnam

• What was the domino theory?

• Who were the Vietcong and what fighting styles did they use?

• What did the Tonkin Resolution allow Johnson to do?

Vietnam at Home

• Why was the Vietnam War referred to as a “working class war?”

• What was the New Left?

• Who were the doves and what were their beliefs?

• Who were the hawks and what were their beliefs?


• How did the Tet Offensive affect public opinion on the war?

• Which 2 people were assassinated in 1968?

• What effect did the violence at the 1968 DNC have on the Democratic Party?

• Why did Nixon win the presidential election of 1968?

The End of the War and Its Legacy

• What were the 2 components of the Vietnamization plan?

• What 3 incidents during Nixon’s administration weakened support for the war?

• What agreement marked the end of the war for America? What marked the end of the war for the Vietnamese?

• Provide 2 ways the Vietnam War affected America.

Women’s Lib and 1960s Counterculture

• Identify 3 characteristics of the 1960s Counterculture.

• Identify 2 reasons why Conservatives criticized 1960s Counterculture.

• What does the phrase “the personal is political” mean?

• Identify 1 success and 1 failure of Women’s Lib.

Nixon’s Administration

• How did Nixon approach social welfare and LBJ’s Great Society programs?

• What was Nixon’s foreign policy and what was its result?

• What was the Watergate Scandal?

• What effect did the Watergate Scandal have on the American public?

Ford Takes Office

• How did Ford become president?

• How did Ford’s pardoning of Nixon affect public opinion?


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